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1、Module 3 外外研研版版 20202020年九年级英语上册优质课件年九年级英语上册优质课件 Unit1 Unit3 Unit1 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳 转到相应章节内容,方便使用。转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Unit 2 Unit 3 Who are the heroes you admire in your mind? soldier scientist teacher doctor nurse police firefighter sports star film star gentle brave honest What characters

2、 do you think heroes should have? intelligent independent generous powerful helpful romantic Unit 1 She trained hard, so she became a great player later. Module 3 Heroes 外研外研九年级上册九年级上册 New words and wrote books so that they could learn about how he treat the sick. 目的状语目的状语 从句从句 Dr Bethune often work

3、ed very hard without resting or taking care of himself. Once, he even worked for sixty-nine hours without stopping and managed to save over a hundred lives. One day in 1939, he cut his finger during an operation, but he continued his work without treating it. In the end, he died of his wound. 死于死于 设

4、法完成设法完成 Dr Bethunes work for the Chinese people made him a hero in China. There are many books and films about him, and he is still remembered in both China and Canada today. Read the article and match the main idea of with each paragraph. Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 a. His work for the Chine

5、se soldiers made him a hero. b. He worked hard without stopping to rest until he died. c. He was a Canadian, but a famous hero in China. d. He helped soldiers in the First World War. e. He came to China to treat the Chinese soldiers. Read the article carefully and answer the questions. 1. What did h

6、e give his life to? 2. Why did he invent new ways to treat soldiers? 3. What did Norman Bethune do during his stay in China? He gave his life to helping the Chinese people. Because he saw many soldiers die in the war. He helped treat the wounded, developed training courses for local doctors and nurs

7、es and wrote books. 4. Why did Bethune die in the end? 5. What was wrong with his hand? 6. What made Dr Bethune a hero? Because he did not stop to treat his hand. He cut his finger during an operation. Dr Bethunes work for the Chinese people made him a hero in China. Language points Dr Bethune devel

8、oped new ways of taking care of the sick. 白求恩医生研究出了新方法照料病人。白求恩医生研究出了新方法照料病人。 例:盲人在特殊学校学习手艺。例:盲人在特殊学校学习手艺。 The blind learn skills in special school. the sick 结构是定冠词后面加上形容词,表示复结构是定冠词后面加上形容词,表示复 数的概念,泛指某一类人。这类结构作助语时谓语动数的概念,泛指某一类人。这类结构作助语时谓语动 词要用词要用复数形式复数形式。 (1) manage 作“管理;经营;处理”讲时,结构为:作“管理;经营;处理”讲时,结构

9、为: manage sb./sth. 例:她把旅馆管理得井井有条。例:她把旅馆管理得井井有条。 She manages the hotel well. (2) manage 作“设法做成某事”讲时,结构为:作“设法做成某事”讲时,结构为: manage to do sth. 例:她设法爬上那座山。例:她设法爬上那座山。 She managed to climb the hill. manage a few 表表肯定肯定,有几个;,有几个;few表表否定否定,很少,很少, 几乎没有。都修饰可数几乎没有。都修饰可数名词复数名词复数。 few / a few 例:例: 我有几个朋友。我有几个朋友。

10、我几乎没有朋友。我几乎没有朋友。 I have a few friends. I have few friends. 意为“独自的;独立的;主动的”。意为“独自的;独立的;主动的”。 on ones own 例:我能独立把工作完成。例:我能独立把工作完成。 I am able to finish the work on my own. (1) continue 作动词作动词,“继续”。“继续”。 常用短语:常用短语:continue to do/doing sth. continue 例:她有孩子后,继续工作。例:她有孩子后,继续工作。 相当于相当于go on doing sth 继续从事某事

11、继续从事某事 After she had a baby, she continued to work/working. = After she had a baby, she went on working. 例:雨一直下到昨天深夜。例:雨一直下到昨天深夜。 The rain continued till last night. (2) continue + 副词副词/名词;名词; 继续;持续。继续;持续。 我将再继续学习一年。我将再继续学习一年。 Ill continue my study for another year. 例:你最好大声说话,以便我们能听到。例:你最好大声说话,以便我们能

12、听到。 Youd better speak aloud so that we can hear you. so that与与so that (1)so that 主要引导主要引导目的状语从句目的状语从句,“目的“目的 是是”。 从句中的谓语动词常和从句中的谓语动词常和can, may, should等连用等连用 (2) so that中,中,so 后面跟一个形容词或副词,意为后面跟一个形容词或副词,意为 “如此“如此 以致以致 ”,引导表,引导表结果的状语从句结果的状语从句。 例:他跑得那么快,以致于我赶不上他。例:他跑得那么快,以致于我赶不上他。 He ran so fast that I

13、couldnt catch up with him. Summary 为为而死而死 照顾,护理照顾,护理 那时候那时候 独自一人独自一人 设法完成设法完成 死于死于 died for take care of at that time on ones own managed to do sth. died of 1890 He was born. He became a doctor. He went to Spain to treat the wounded soldiers. He came to China and help treat the wounded. He cut his f

14、inger during an operation, and then he died of his wound. 1916 1936 1938 1939 4 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. Canadian continue himself invention manage sick tool war wound Norman Bethune was (1)_, but he is one of the most famous heroes in China. During the (2)

15、_ in Spain, he treated the wounded soldiers there. He invented special (3)_ to use outside hospitals. Canadian war tools His (4)_saved many lives. In China, he (5)_to treat (6)_ and wounded soldiers. He often worked without taking a rest and did not look after (7)_. At one point, he (8)_to save over

16、 one hundred lives in sixty- nine hours. During an operation, he cut his finger, and finally died of his (9)_. He is still remembered in both China and Canada. inventions continued sick himself managed wound Number the events about Norman Bethune in the order they happened. a) came to China b) wrote

17、 books about ways of treating the sick in China c) was born in 1890 d) invented medical tools to use outside hospitals e) died f) went to treat the wounded soldiers in Spain 4 1 3 6 2 5 3 Free Talk Do you know who he is? Writing Look at the facts about Yuan Longping and write a passage about him. Us

18、e the passage in Activity 2 to help you. Fact box: Yuan Longping Is helping many countries of the world grow more rice than before. Won World Food Prize Now 2004 1980s 1974 1964 1950-1953 1930 Travelled around the world and gave advice about growing rice Made a special study of rice Studied in South

19、west Agricultural College Developed a new kind of rice Was born in Beijing Write when and where he was born. Write about his studies. Write about the result of the work. Write about the things he did and the prize he won. Write about what he is doing now. “世界杂交水稻之父”世界杂交水稻之父” the Father of Hybrid Ric

20、e Possible answer Yuan Longping was born in Beijing in 1930. When he was twenty years old, he studied in Southwest Agricultural College. He finished his studies after three years and became a teacher. In 1964, Yuan Longping made a special study of rice after natural disasters which caused great dama

21、ge to Chinas rice harvest. He wanted to find a new, stronger kind of rice. He developed his new kind of rice in 1974. In the 1980s, he travelled around the world and gave advice about growing rice to many people. In 2004, he won World Food Prize for his work. Yuan Longpings new rice has helped many

22、countries of the world grow more rice than before. So he is called “the Father of Hybrid(杂交的杂交的) Rice”. He has saved many people from hunger, and that is why he is a hero. Exercise 一、单项选择。 1. What do you think is the greatest _? The Internet. It is quite important in our daily life. A. information B

23、. invention C. interest D. interview 2. The cat is so weak that it is _ now. What a pity! A. lovely B. dying C. useful D. hard 3. After she cleaned the room, she continued _ her clothes. A. to washing B. washing C. with wash D. to wash 4. Several people _ the accident yesterday. A. died of B. died f

24、rom C. died for D. died out 5. Dr Bethune worked hard _ he could save more peoples lives. A. so B. that C. so that D. such that 2. 汤姆,不要独自在河里游泳。汤姆,不要独自在河里游泳。 Dont swim in the river _, Tom. 二、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。 1. 当时我很生气,但是过后我冷静下来了。当时我很生气,但是过后我冷静下来了。 _ I was very angry, but later I calmed down. At that t

25、ime on your own 3. 王先生的女儿上个月死于高烧。王先生的女儿上个月死于高烧。 Mr Wang s daughter _ a high fever last month. died of 4. 最后最后,他挽救了那个即将死亡的男孩的生命。他挽救了那个即将死亡的男孩的生命。 _, he saved the dying boys life. In the end 5. 当你外出时,他可以照顾好这些孩子们。当你外出时,他可以照顾好这些孩子们。 He can _ these kids when you are away. take good care of Module 3 Heroe

26、s 外研外研九年级上册九年级上册 Unit 3 Language in use Language practice Many people were dying because they did not get to hospital quickly enough. There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own. He wrote books so that they could learn how he treated the sick. Grammar状语从句状语从句 原因状语从句原因状语从句 如果从句表示的是

27、主句行为的原因,就构成原因如果从句表示的是主句行为的原因,就构成原因 状语从句,常由状语从句,常由because引导。引导。 例:例:He failed the exam because he was too careless. since也可以用来引导原因状语从句,表示显然也可以用来引导原因状语从句,表示显然 的或已为人所知的理由,常译为的或已为人所知的理由,常译为“因为,既然”“因为,既然”。 例例: Since everybody is here, lets begin our meeting. 如果从句表示的是主句行为的目的,该从句就是如果从句表示的是主句行为的目的,该从句就是 目的状

28、语从句,常由目的状语从句,常由so that 引导。引导。 目的状语从句有一个特点,从句中一般都含有目的状语从句有一个特点,从句中一般都含有 表示表示可能性的词语可能性的词语,比如,比如can, could , will, would等。等。 目的状语从句目的状语从句 例:例:I got up early so that I can catch the bus. 本模块中的结果状语从句是由本模块中的结果状语从句是由so, so that 引导的,引导的, 表示“表示“ 由于某个行为而由于某个行为而导致的结果导致的结果”。 结果状语从句结果状语从句 例例: He worked too hard,

29、 so he fell ill again. Practice 1. I wont be able to understand what you say, _ you speak too quickly. A. if B. though C. because 原因状语从句原因状语从句 2. They develop their skills _ they can do things better and better. A. however B. because C. since D. so that 目的状语从句目的状语从句 3. Mr. Green speaks very loudly _

30、 all the people can hear him clearly. A. when B. so that C. because 结果状语从句结果状语从句 1 Complete the passage with because, so or so that. Yury Gagarin( 1934-1968) was an astronaut of the Soviet Union who became the first human in space. At school, the teachers liked Gagarin (1)_ he was clever and worked

31、hard. In 1960, Gagarin became one of the twenty astronauts in a space programme. Gagarin trained hard (2)_ he could travel into space. so that because Gagarin was not tall, (3)_ he got the chance to fly the small spaceship, the vostok I . On 12th April 1961, Gagarin took off for space. After almost

32、two hours, he landed safely back on earth. He became famous around the world and travelled a lot to tell people of his experience in space. so 2 Join the sentences with because, so or so that. There may be more than one answer. 1 Norman Bethune wanted to help people. He became a doctor. Norman Bethu

33、ne wanted to help people, so he became a doctor. 2 Norman Bethune invented new tools for operations. He could help the wounded soldiers. Norman Bethune invented new tools for operations, so that he could help the wounded soldiers. 3 We know what life was like in the capital city of the Northern Song

34、 Dynasty. Zhang Zeduan painted a picture about it. We know what life was like in the capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty, because Zhang Zeduan painted a picture about it. Work in pairs. Ask and answer. 3 Facts Reasons Norman Bethune went to Spain. He wanted to help the wounded soldiers. Many p

35、eople think Shakespeare is Britains greatest writer. People still love reading his works. Facts Reasons Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. They wanted to learn more about the moon and space. Florence Nightingale made hospitals clean. A lot of people died in dirty hospitals. Why did N

36、orman Bethune go to Spain? He went to Spain because he wanted to help the wounded soldiers. Why do many people think Shakespeare is Britains greatest writer? Because people still love reading his works. Why did Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the moon? Because they wanted to learn more about

37、the moon and space. Why did Florence Nightingale make hospitals clean? Because a lot of people died in dirty hospitals. 4 Complete the sentence with the correct form of the words in the box. attend care continue realise sick tool treat 1 He stayed at home to look after his daughter. 2 The doctor _ h

38、is illness with some special medicine. 3 He developed medical _ to use outside hospitals. sick treated tools attend care continue realise sick tool treat 4 Though he was very tired, he _ his work. 5 When she won the last game, she _ she was the best in the world. 6 Many wounded soldiers are in need

39、of medical _. 7 Deng Yaping _ university after she stopped playing table tennis. continued realised care attended Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions in the box. 5 die of give up in the end on ones own take care of 1. He did not ever _ his dream of winning the game. 2. In

40、 1938, Norman Bethune came to China to _ the wounded soldiers in the war. give up take care of died of give up in the end on ones own take care of 3. They travelled for several days and _ they arrived home. 4. Thousands of people _ illness in dirty hospitals in the nineteenth century. 5. Although sh

41、e is very young, she can live _. in the end died of on her own 6 Listen and choose the correct answer. 1 What did Stan Lee write about? a) Actors in films. b) Brave heroes c) His own life. 2 Who did Stan Lee think were heroes? a) His parents b) His teachers c) His favourite actors in films. 3 Why di

42、d Stan Lee want to write? a) Because his mother was proud of him. b) Because his teacher told great stories. c) Because of the books he read by famous writers. 4 What is Stan Lees advice for children about writing? a) They should read a lot before they write. b) They should only read their favourite

43、 books. c) They should write like famous writers. Stan Lee is a writer. He created many of our favourite heroes. Spiderman, the Incredible Hulk and the Silver Surfer are just three of them. In his stories, the heroes always win in the end. When he was young, he loved to watch his favourite actors in

44、 films. He wanted to create cartoon people just like them. He thought they were heroes because they were brave and did not worry about danger. Real people in his life also helped Stan. Tapescript (2 2) (1 1) His teacher told great stories and made him love reading. The books he read, especially book

45、s by famous writers like Charles Dickens and Mark Twain, made him want to write. His mother was always proud of him, and told him his work was good. Children often ask Stan how they can become writers. He tells them to read. (3 3) (4 4) He says they should read everything, not just their favourite k

46、inds of books, or books by famous writers. He says that reading is the best way to learn to write. Stan hopes that teachers can make children want to learn. They can make history, geography, languages and science exciting. He says teachers should be more like actors and make learning interesting. (4 4) 7 Read the passage and choose the best title.


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