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1、A classical movieThe Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption is an American drama film written and directed by Frank Drabonte and starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman.1 The film is adapted from Stephen Edwin Kings 1982 novella The Shawshank Redemption,which mainly tells the story of ba

2、nker Andy who,after being wrongly convicted of shooting his wife and her lover to prison,quietly and step by step plans to save himself from the camp and finally succeeds in escaping and regaining his freedom 2.The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 10,1994,and wa

3、s released in select parts of the United States on September 23,1994.In 1995,the film was nominated for seven Academy Awards at the 67th Academy Awards,including Best Picture肖申克的救赎是由弗兰克德拉邦特编剧并执导的美国剧情片,由蒂姆罗宾斯、摩根弗里曼领衔主演 1。该片改编自斯蒂芬埃德温金1982年的中篇小说肖申克的救赎,主要讲述了银行家安迪因被误判为枪杀妻子及其情人的罪名入狱后,他不动声色、步步为营地谋划自我拯救并最终成

4、功越狱,重获自由的故事 2。该片于1994年9月10日在多伦多国际电影节首映,并于同年9月23日在美国部分地区公映。1995年,该片获得第67届奥斯卡金像奖中包括最佳影片在内的七项提名Part one The movie introductionIn 1946,the banker Andy was wrongly killed his wife and his lover and was jailed.With his professional knowledge,Andy,a banker,became the personal assistant of the warden.A thie

5、f went to jail for theft.He knew the truth about the death of Andys wife and her lover,and the warden was unwilling to help him reverse the case.After Andy knew the truth,he decided to gain freedom through his own redemption,and finally managed to escape from prison!1946年,银行家安迪被冤枉杀了他的妻子和其情人,身陷监狱。银行家

6、出身的安迪凭借自己的专业知识,安迪就成为了狱长的私人助理。一名小偷因盗窃入狱,他知道安迪妻子和她情人的死亡真相,狱长不愿帮他翻案。安迪知道真相后,决定通过自己的救赎去获得自由,最后成功逃出监狱!Ellis Boyd Red Redding摩根弗里曼 Morgan FreemanEnjoy the videoPart twoClassic film and television linesHope is a good thing,maybe the best of things,and nogood thing ever dies.希望是个好东西,也许是世间最好的东西,好的事情从不会逝去。Par

7、t twoClassic film and television linesIt takes a strong man to save himself,and a great man to save another.强者救赎自己,圣人普度他人。Things that make you sad,one day,you will laugh out and say it.让你难过的事情,有一天,你一定会笑着说出来。That there are things in this world not carved out of gray stone.That theres a small place in

8、side of us they can never lock away,and that place is called hope.在这个世界上,有些东西用石头是刻不来的。在我们的心中有块地方是关不住的,那块地方称为自由。He always fought,thats what I remember.He fought because he knew if he didnt fight,it would make it that much easier not to fight the next time.我记得,他总是反抗。他反抗是因为他知道如果他不反抗,下次就更不会反抗了。Part twoC

9、lassic film and television linesPart threeFilm reviewsShawshanks Redemption is actually a kind of redemption for self.Stephen King,the master of suspense,just wants to tell people in this way that pursuing ones life is not just a dream,but only how to do it.Regardless of the outcome,this process is

10、very important.The film touches on the eternal theme of mankind and the current unavoidable dilemma.The structure of the film is more sophisticated than the original novel,the lines are more rhythmic,more refined,and more profound than the original novel,and the characters are more vivid and powerfu

11、l than the original novel.With rich and ingenious artistic texts,the director exalts the spirit of freedom in the world.肖申克的救赎其实是对自我的一种救赎。斯蒂芬金这位悬疑大师也只是想通过这样的方式告诉人们,追求自我的人生并非只是一个梦想,只是在于自己怎么去做。不管结果怎么样,这个过程很重要。影片触及的是人类永恒的主题和当下的不可回避困境。电影的结构比原小说更精当,台词比原小说更有节奏感,更加有所推敲锤炼、也更有深意,人物形象比原小说更鲜活有力。导演以丰富、机巧的艺术文本,将

12、自由精神高扬在天地之间。Vocabularysuspense sspens n.悬念;悬疑;焦虑;悬而不决The suspense was terrible.心老是悬着真是不好受。eternal trnl adj.永恒的;不朽的sophisticated sfstketd adj.复杂的;精致的;久经世故的;富有经验的v.使变得世故;使迷惑;篡改sophisticate sfstket v.弄复杂;使变得世故;曲解;(老练地)讲话 adj.老于世故的n.久经世故的人;精通时尚和文化的refinedrfand adj.油气化工冶 精炼的;精确的;微妙的;有教养的ingenious ndinis adj.有独创性的;机灵的,精制的;心灵手巧的exalt zlt vt.提升;提拔;赞扬;使得意vi.使人得意He started thinking about himself and living for himself,and he wanted to exalt himself.他始于为自己着想,为自己而活,他想提拔自己。Part fourMovie clip


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