Unit 2 综合素质评价五年级英语下册人教PEP版.doc

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1、Unit 2 综合素质评价 时间:40分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二总分得分听力部分 (30分)一、听句子,选出你所听到的单词或词组。(5 分) ( ) 1. A. can B. coach C. car ( ) 2. A. ship B. jeep C. bike ( ) 3. A. boat B. bus C. coat ( ) 4. A. toy plane B. toy train C. toy boat ( ) 5. A. how much B. what C. which 二、听句子,用 15 给下列图片排序。(5 分) 三、听句子,选择合适的答语。(10 分)

2、 ( ) 1. A. Its sixty-five yuan. B. They are eighty yuan. C. Its thirty. ( ) 2. A. Thank you. B. Yes, I do. C. Sure. Here you are. ( ) 3. A. Here you are. B. Yes. I want a motorbike. C. Sorry, I cant. ( ) 4. A. I like the blue one. B. Ill take it. C. It looks nice. ( ) 5. A. No, I cant. B. Sure. C. I

3、ts good. 四、听短文,补全所缺内容。(10 分) Its Sunday today. Peter and his mum are going shopping. They go into a 1. _ shop. Peter 2. _ to buy a toy 3. _. He likes the red one very much. And his mum buys a green toy 4. _ for his brother, Jim. Green is Jims favourite colour. These two toys are one hundred yuan. Th

4、ey are cheap, so his mum 5. _ them. Peter is very happy today.笔试部分 (70分) 五、根据中文提示,补全句子。(5 分) 1. The boy likes the black _(自行车)very much. 2. My fathers _(大衣)is too big for me. 3. Jane wants to buy some new _(衣服). 4. Can you _(帮助)me? 5. Please show me those _(短裤). 六、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分) 1. I want thre

5、e toy _(ship). 2. These two toy motorbikes _(be)ninety yuan. 3. Can I try _(they)on? 4. Toby wants _(buy)a toy car. 5. Ill take the two toy _(coach). 七、单项选择。(10 分) ( ) 1. How much _ these short pants? They are eighty-one yuan. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 2. Can I help you? Yes. I want _. A. buy a shirt B

6、. shirt C. a shirt ( ) 3. _ one do you like? I like the red one. A. What B. Which C. Whose ( ) 4. Would you please _ me that T-shirt? A. to give B. give C. giving ( ) 5. I want to buy a pair _ trousers. A. for B. of C. to ( ) 6. Can I _ it _? Certainly. A. try; in B. try; on C. take; on ( ) 7. What

7、can I do _ you? I want to buy a pink dress. A. to B. with C. for ( ) 8. This T-shirt _ great. _ its too big for me. A. looks; But B. looks; And C. look; But ( ) 9. Mum, can I have a T-shirt? _ A. No, thanks. B. Yes, please. C. OK. Choose one you like. ( ) 10. Lily will _ tomorrow. A. goes shopping B

8、. going shopping C. go shopping 八、按要求完成句子。(8 分) 1. I want a toy plane.(写出同义句) I _ _ a toy plane. 2. Its sixty-five yuan.(对画线部分提问) _ _ is it? 3. I want to buy a new shirt.(改为否定句) I _ _ _ buy a new shirt. 4. You can have a toy ship.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ a toy ship? 九、选择合适的句子,补全对话。(10 分) A. Which one do you

9、like? B. Its fifty-six yuan. C. Choose one you like. D. Here you are. E. Can I help you?Bob: Dad, can I have a toy bike? Dad: OK. 1. _Saleswoman: 2. _Bob: Yes. I want a toy bike. Saleswoman: 3. _Bob: I like the black one. Dad: How much is it? Saleswoman: 4. _Dad: Well take it. Saleswoman: 5. _Dad an

10、d Bob: Thank you. 十、阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(12 分) It is a sunny day today. Mr Read and his son Robert go out for a walk. He puts on a pair of shoes together with two different(不同的)socks. One is white and the other is yellow. He comes out of his house. His son sees the colours of his fathers socks and s

11、ays, “You wear two different socks, Dad.”Mr Read looks at his socks and finds that his son is right. He is happy and says to himself, “What a clever son I have!”He tells his son to go back to the house to get another(另一)pair of socks for him. His son goes back to the house. He can find only one whit

12、e sock and one yellow sock. Robert then comes back to his father and says,“Its no use changing(更换)! The socks at home are also different. One is white and the other is yellow.” ( ) 1. Today is a sunny day. ( ) 2. Mr Read and his daughter go out for a walk on a sunny day. ( ) 3. Mr Read puts on a pai

13、r of shoes together with a pair of socks in the same colour. ( ) 4. Robert goes back to the house to get another pair of shoes for his father. ( ) 5. Robert doesnt find any socks in the house. ( ) 6. The socks at home are in different colours. 十一、根据两家饭店的菜单内容,选择正确的答案。(10 分) Pizza HouseTelephone:67298

14、888 Address:18 Yishang Street Open:10:00 am 11:00 pm Food: beef pizza, fruit pizza, vegetable pizza Drink:coffee, milk, juice Dessert:ice cream Soup:Italian soup Happy RestaurantTelephone:25660099 Address:20 Yishang Street Open:7:00 am 10:00 pm Food: fried chicken, French fries, porridge, hamburgers

15、 Drink:Coke, coffee, milk, juice Dessert:ice cream Soup:vegetable soup ( ) 1. If you would like hamburgers, you can _. A. go to Pizza House B. call 25660099 C. call 67298888 ( ) 2. What CANT you have in Pizza House? A. French fries. B. Milk. C. Italian soup. ( ) 3. What can you have at 10:30 pm? A.

16、French fries. B. Hamburgers. C. Pizza. ( ) 4. Where can you eat ice cream? A. In Happy Restaurant. B. In Pizza House. C. Both A and B. ( ) 5. How many kinds(种类)of pizza can you eat in Pizza House? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 十二、根据句意及首字母提示,补全短文。(10 分) Today is Sunday. Peter goes 1. s with his mother.

17、They want to 2. b some new clothes. Peter needs a pair of 3. s 4. p for summer and his mother wants a new 5. c for autumn. They are now in a clothes shop. Peter likes the blue pair. He 6. t them on. But they are too 7. b for him. The saleswoman shows him another pair. Theyre fifty yuan. Peter 8. l t

18、hem very much. His mother is very 9. h to have a pink coat. It 10. l so nice.Unit 2 综合素质评价听力材料: 一、1. Please show me that blue coach. 2. I want to buy a toy ship. 3. Look! The coat is so nice. 4. Would you please show me that toy boat? 5. Which one would you like? 二、1. Look! There is a toy car. 2. I

19、want to buy a pair of short pants, Mum. 3. This toy train is so cool! Can I have a look? 4. Mum, please give me the coat. 5. Today, we will take the coach to the park. 三、1. How much are they? 2. Would you please show me that toy car? 3. Can I help you? 4. Which one do you like? 5. How about this one

20、? 四、 Its Sunday today. Peter and his mum are going shopping. They go into a toy shop. Peter wants to buy a toy train. He likes the red one very much. And his mum buys a green toy plane for his brother, Jim. Green is Jims favourite colour. These two toys are one hundred yuan. They are cheap, so his m

21、um takes them. Peter is very happy today.答案: 一、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. C 二、4 5 1 2 3 三、1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 四、1. toy 2. wants 3. train 4. plane 5. takes 五、1. bike 2. coat 3. clothes 4. help 5. short pants 六、1. ships 点拨:前有数词 three,名词应用复数形式,ship 的复数形式是直接在词尾加“-s”。 2. are 点拨:主语 These two toy motorbik

22、es 为复数,故 be 动词要用 are。3. them 点拨:人称代词作动词的宾语时,要使用宾格形式,they 的宾格形式是 them。 4. to buy 点拨:want to do sth. 是固定短语,意为“想要做某事”。 5. coaches 点拨:前有数词 two,名词应用复数形式,以 ch 结尾的名词,其复数形式是在词尾加“-es”。 七、1. C 点拨:由空后的“these short pants”可知主语为复数,be 动词要用 are。 2. C 点拨:want sth. 意为“想要某物”;want to do sth. 意为“想要做某事”。 shirt 是可数名词单数,前面

23、要加不定冠词 a。 3. B 点拨:由答句“I like the red one.”可知,问句是问对方喜欢哪一个,要选特殊疑问词 which,意为“哪一个”。 4. B 点拨:“Would you please do sth.?”为固定句型,表示请求或建议。 5. B 点拨:a pair of 是固定短语,意为“一对,一双,一条”。 6. B 点拨:try on 是固定短语,意为“试穿”。 7. C 8. A 点拨:第一句主语 This T-shirt 为第三人称单数,动词要用第三人称单数形式,look 词尾需加“-s”;第二句需用but 表示转折。 9. C 10. C 点拨:will 后接

24、动词原形,表示“将要做某事”。 八、1. would like 2. How much 3. dont want to 4. Can I have 九、1. C 2. E 3. A 4. B 5. D 十、1. T 2. F 点拨:由“Mr Read and his son Robert go out for a walk.”可知,里德先生是和他的儿子罗伯特一起去散步,而不是他的女儿。 3. F 点拨:由“He puts on a pair of shoes together with two different socks.”可知,里德先生穿的袜子颜色不同,一只白色,另一只黄色。 4. F

25、点拨:由“He tells his son to go back to the house to get another pair of socks for him.”可知,罗伯特回去拿袜子而不是鞋子。 5. F 点拨:由“His son goes back to the house. He can find only one white sock and one yellow sock.”可知,Robert 找到了一只白色袜子和一只黄色袜子。 6. T 点拨:由“The socks at home are also different. One is white and the other

26、is yellow.”可知,家里的袜子颜色也不同,一只白色,另一只黄色。 十一、1. B 点拨:Happy Restaurant 提供汉堡,电话为 25660099。 2. A 点拨:Pizza House 提供比萨饼、咖啡、牛奶、果汁、冰淇淋和意大利汤,不提供炸薯条。 3. C 点拨:Pizza House 营业到晚上11点,能够提供比萨饼。 4. C 点拨:Happy Restaurant和Pizza House都提供冰淇淋。 5. B 点拨:Pizza House 能提供牛肉比萨饼、水果比萨饼和蔬菜比萨饼,共有三种比萨饼。 十二、1. shopping 2. buy 3. short 4. pants 5. coat 6. tries 7. big 8. likes 9. happy 10. looks


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