1、Starting out VocabularyLearning objectives1.acquire some information about for art fans by watching a video;2.identify different by viewing some pictures;3.express our about different artworks.4.introduce an from different aspects.In this lesson,we will be able to:Activity 1 Free talkWhat comes into
2、 your mind when you see the title Amazing art?What cities come to your mind when talking about amazing art?Why?Starry Night Over the Rhone罗纳河上的星夜self-portraitsculptureOperaCity of Florence in ItalyMichelangelo美 mi:kel:ndelauBotticelli包提柴里美 bttliActivity 1 Read and shareMuseum of Modern Art(MoMA)The
3、Guggenheim MuseumActivity 2 Watch and say1.What cities are introduced in the video?2.What is each city famous for in the world of art?idea结构信息图General to specificCities for Art Fans语篇文本结构图(textual organization)7Activity 3 Watch and analyzeFind more information about each city and identify the purpos
4、e of this short video.信息结构图Idea organizationLeft artistic treasure amazing modern art collections the exciting and original artsTo call for us to go into museums and galleries to learn about cities and see art with new eyes Cities for Art FansMchelangelopaintingssculpturesBotticelliMusenum of Modern
5、 ArtGuggenheim MuseumArt galleries of ChelseaThe Lower East side and Brooklyn-home to great treasure work:serve as center of Chinese contemporary artarchitecturefashion9different kins of visual artWhat forms of art are there in general?油画艺术油画艺术绘画艺术绘画艺术摄影术摄影术雕刻术;雕刻术;雕塑术雕塑术书法艺术书法艺术舞蹈舞蹈(艺术艺术)歌唱歌唱(艺术艺术)
6、电影和戏剧电影和戏剧(艺术艺术)音乐或演奏音乐或演奏(艺术艺术)室内设计室内设计建筑学建筑学珠宝设计珠宝设计木制工艺品木制工艺品服装设计服装设计Activity 4 View,read and answer1.What forms of art are these works?2.What information can you get about each of them?View the following pictures,read the introduction to each work and then answer the questions.Look at the pictur
7、es and answer the questions.Look at the pictures and answer the questions.What forms of art are these works?永恒的记忆是西班牙超永恒的记忆是西班牙超现实主义画家萨尔瓦多现实主义画家萨尔瓦多达达利于利于1931年创作的布面油画,年创作的布面油画,现藏于美国纽约现代美术馆。现藏于美国纽约现代美术馆。Turandot图兰朵是意大利著名图兰朵是意大利著名作曲家贾科莫作曲家贾科莫普契尼根据童话剧普契尼根据童话剧改编的三幕歌剧改编的三幕歌剧,是普契尼最伟大是普契尼最伟大的作品之一。的作品之一。思想者
8、:法国雕塑思想者:法国雕塑家奥古斯特家奥古斯特罗丹创作罗丹创作于于1880-1900年,藏于年,藏于巴黎罗丹美术馆。巴黎罗丹美术馆。P37 22.How do you feel about these works?3.What is the most impressive artwork,building or performance youve ever seen?Why did it make such an impression on you?Share your answer with the class.P37 2I am fond of/am impressed withI am
9、crazy about/really enjoyI cant standI get bored withWhat impressed/bored me most wasWhat Chinese art forms do you know?Activity 5 View and sayLook at the pictures and answer the questions.1.What are these people doing?2.What do you know about these art forms?paper cuttingembroideryseal cuttingcallig
10、raphyChinese paintingporcelainActivity 6 Read,complete and answerComplete the passage with the words and expressions in Activity 4.porcelainpaper cuttingembroideryChinese paintingscalligraphyseal cutting1.Whats the style of this passage?2.Whos the narrator?3.Where did he go?And what is it about?4.Wh
11、at did he see?5.How did he feel about the art festival and each Chinese art form?Activity 7 Draw and introducePlease draw a mind map to introduce one art form you have ever tried.时代背景:18世纪19世纪,正是拿破仑统治时期,而且帝国正处在繁盛时期,社会生产力也在急剧上升,科学技术也在快速发展,并且取得了可喜的成果。但是在高额垄断资本统治地位的当时,随着科学技术的不断迸步,高额垄断资本的不断积累和膨胀,人民之间的贫富
14、象深刻。https:/ 创作于1931年的永恒的记忆是达利早期的代表作,早已为人们所认识和广为传播。这幅被称为具有“诗意的象征手法”的画作永恒的记忆,画面描绘了一个死寂般宁静的旷野。平静如镜的海,一马平川的沙滩、荒凉的海岸,以及一个不可能在这个环境中出现的方形台座,一块板,一棵树。画面突出表现了像软瓶似的三块钟表,它们有的挂在树上,有的坐在台座上,另一块疲软地搭在像人脸的白色生物上。还有一块未变形的红色钟表,它上面爬满了黑色的蚂蚁。方台上一块软表面上还歇着一只苍蝇。蚂蚁和苍蝇画得纤毫毕露,连它们的投影都精细地绘出。图兰朵讲述中国元朝时的一个公主图兰朵为了报祖先暗夜被掳走之仇,下令如果有个男人可