Unit 4Do it yourselfPeriod 4 Integrated skills & Study skills课件 2023-2024学年 牛津译林版英语八年级上册.pptx

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Unit 4Do it yourselfPeriod 4 Integrated skills & Study skills课件 2023-2024学年 牛津译林版英语八年级上册.pptx_第5页
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1、Unit 4 Do it yourselfPeriod 4 Integrated skills&Study skillsDo you know how to make a salad?Integrated skillsA.How to make a fruit saladA1.Amy and Suzy are making a fruit salad.Read their conversation and tick()the things they need.1 a watermelon()2 grapes()3 strawberries()4 a bowl ()5 a spoon ()6 a

2、pples ()7 salad cream ()8 plates ()9 bananas ()A2.Read Amys notes of how to make a fruit salad.Put her notes in the correct order.Write the numbers 14 in the boxes.()Wash the fruit.()Mix them together.Add some salad cream if you like.()Cut some of the larger fruit into small pieces.()Choose your fav

3、ourite fruit.1234温馨提示:此符号表示“考点精讲点拨”链接。A3.Read Suzy giving Amy some tips for making a fruit salad.Help Amy complete her notes with the correct words.Tips for making a fruit salad Choose your favourite fruit.Use fruit(1)_.Make sure it is(2)_.Use fruit of(3)_ colours and try to make your fruit salad lo

4、ok(4)_ it tastes.For example,in seasonfreshdifferentas good asFor example,mixing red apples,green(5)_,purple grapes and(6)_ together will make the salad look very colourful.Prepare the fruit salad(7)_ you are going to eat it.Some of the fruit will quickly(8)_ when you leave it(9)_ for some time.pear

5、sorangesjust beforeturn brownin the airB.Speak up:Lets make some sandwiches.Sandy and her mum are talking about what to eat for lunch.Work in pairs and talk about what you can make for lunch.Use the conversation below as a model.Sandy:Its time for lunch,Mum.Can we stop cleaning the house and make so

6、me food?Im hungry.Mum:OK.Lets make some sandwiches.Sandy:Are they quick and easy to make?Mum:Sure.Look at me.First,pick a piece of bread.Then put some tomato sauce on it.Sandy:Next,we can put some ham and vegetables on it.Mum:Thats correct.Sandy:Is that all right?Mum:Well,just put another piece of b

7、read on top of it.Finished!Study skills The prefixes un-,in-and imA prefix is a letter or a group of letters that we add to the front of a word to form a new word.One of the most common prefixes for adjectives is un-.It means“not”.We add it to some adjectives to give them the opposite meaning.certai

8、n uncertain comfortableuncomfortable importantunimportant interestinguninterestingTIP More examples:ableunable fairunfair friendlyunfriendly happyunhappy healthyunhealthy kindunkind luckyunlucky pleasantunpleasant tidyuntidy usualunusualWe can also use some other prefixes,such as in-and im-,to form

9、new words with opposite meaning.active inactive correctincorrect patientimpatient possible impossible TIP More examples:completeincomplete directindirect politeimpolite properimproperRead the conversations below.Add the correct prefixes to some of the adjectives so that all the sentences make sense.

10、1.Annie:Do you spend a lot of time doing outdoor sports?Simon:Sure.Its usual for me to stay at home all day.2.Sandy:Our neighbour next door is putting something on the wall.Mum:Its possible to sleep with all that noise.3.Millie:Do you know how to fix the bicycle,Andy?Andy:Sorry,Im certain about how

11、to do that.4.Mum:Suzy,your room is really tidythings are all over the floor.Suzy:Sorry,Mum.Ill tidy up right now.add/d/vt.&vi.增加,补充e.g.Do you want to add your name to the list?你想把你的名字加进名单里吗?She added that they would return a week later.她接着说,他们一周以后会回来。Add 9 to the total.总数再加上9。考点考点1 1返回返回温馨提示:可返回原文v.

12、v.补充说;继续说补充说;继续说加加v.v.增加;添加增加;添加知识点知识点1Add some salad cream if you like.与add有关的词组 add up.add up.把把加起来加起来 add to add to 使使(数量数量)增加增加 add.add.to to.把把添加添加到到里里(重点重点)make sure 确保,确信确保,确信e.g.Make sure that you have finished all the work.确保你已完成了所有的工作。Make sure(that)no one finds out about this.绝对不要让任何人发觉这件

13、事。He is sure to come here tonight.他今晚一定会来这里。考点考点2 2知识点知识点2Make sure it is(2)_.make sure make sure 为固定为固定词组,其后接词组,其后接of of sthsth./that./that 从句,从句,that that 可省略。可省略。辨析辨析:make sure 与与be suremake sure 其搭配一般为:make sure of sth./that 从句be sure其搭配一般为:sb.be sure to do sth./of sth./that 从句返回返回(重点重点)example/

14、zmpl/n.例子;榜样e.g.Can you give me more examples?你能给我(举)更多的例子吗?考点考点3 3知识点知识点3For example,mixing red apples,green(5)_,purple grapes and(6)_ together will make the salad look very colourful.辨析辨析:for example 与与such asfor example“例如”,用于举例说明某种论点或情况,一般只举同类人或物中的一个为例,作插入语,可位于句首、句中或句末。such as意为“例如”,也用来列举,但它一般列举

15、同类人或物中的几个例子,as 后面一般不用逗号。e.g.For example,swimming is my favourite sport.例如,游泳是我最喜欢的运动。I have many hobbies,such as swimming,running and hiking.我有许多业余爱好,例如游泳、跑步和远足。返回返回prepare v.准备在此作及物动词,后接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。prepare 还可作不及物动词。e.g.She prepared a nice breakfast for us.她为我们准备了一顿可口的早餐。考点考点4 4考向考向 知识点知识点4Prepar

16、e the fruit salad(7)_ you are going to eat it.The teacher prepared the students for the exams.老师让学生们为考试做准备。I am preparing for the coming math exam.我正在为即将到来的数学考试做准备。He prepared to catch a train to Beijing.他准备搭乘开往北京的火车。prepare 的用法有prepare prepare sthsth.(for.).(for.)(为(为)准备某物)准备某物prepare sb.for prepar

17、e sb.for sthsth.使某人(为使某人(为)做好准备)做好准备prepare to do prepare to do sthsth.准备做某事准备做某事prepare for prepare for sthsth.为某事做准备为某事做准备考题考题1:What is Tom doing?He is _ the English speech in the hall.A.paying for B.preparing for C.caring for D.looking forB【点拨点拨】用短语辨析法。用短语辨析法。pay for“付款付款”;prepare for“为为做准备做准备”;c

18、are for“关心关心”;look for“寻找寻找”。返回返回leave/liv/vt.使处于某种状态使处于某种状态考点考点5 5知识点知识点5Some of the fruit will quickly(8)_ when you leave it(9)_ for some time.leave+leave+宾语宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语(宾语补足语宾语补足语为形容词、介词短语或动词的为形容词、介词短语或动词的-inging 形形式式)意为意为“让让处于某种状态处于某种状态”。e.g.Leave the door open,please.请把门开着吧。They walked away an

19、d left me sitting there all by myself.他们走了,让我一个人孤零零地坐在那儿。I left my English book in the classroom.我把英语书落在教室了。He will leave Shanghai for Beijing in two days.两天后他将离开上海去北京。I left a message on her answering machine.我在她的电话答录机上留了言。形容词作宾语补足语形容词作宾语补足语动词动词-inging作作宾语补足语宾语补足语作动词,作动词,“留下留下”。作动词,作动词,“离开离开”。“leav

20、e a message”“leave a message”意为意为“留言留言”。返回返回考题考题2:I cant find my keys.Maybe I _ them at home this morning.A.left B.forgot C.lost D.missed【点拨点拨】由前一句由前一句“我找不到钥匙我找不到钥匙”可知,此处指可知,此处指“也许也许是今天早上我把它们忘在家里了是今天早上我把它们忘在家里了”,故选,故选A。把某物忘在某处把某物忘在某处 忘记忘记 丢失丢失 错过错过A(难点难点)stop doing sth.停止做某事停止做某事e.g.Class begins.Sto

21、p talking.上课了。停止讲话。考点考点6 6辨析辨析:stop doing sth.与与stop to do sth.stop doing sth.意为“停下正在做的某件事”。stop to do sth.意为“停下来开始做另一件事”。知识点知识点6Can we stop cleaning the house and make some food?e.g.He stopped talking with me.他停止和我说话。He stopped to talk with me.他停下来(手中的活)和我说话。Tom told them to stop to listen to him,b

22、ut they didnt stop talking.汤姆叫他们停下来听他讲,但他们并没有停止交谈。返回返回考题考题3:Plastic bags are really harmful to our environment.Youre right.Lets _ using them.A.keep B.stop C.start【点拨点拨】考查动词的词义辨析。考查动词的词义辨析。“stop doing sth.”停止做某事。停止做某事。保持保持 停止停止 开始开始Bcertain/stn/adj.确定的(have no doubt about sth.)e.g.I am very certain a

23、bout that.我对那件事非常确定。考点考点7 7certain 的反义词为uncertain。是由certain 加上否定的前缀un-构成的。类似的词还有:unhappy,unhealthy,unfriendly,unlucky 等。考向考向certainly certainly 副词副词知识点知识点7certain特别解读be be certain+thatcertain+that从句从句,意意为为“确定,确定,确信确信”be certain to do be certain to do sthsth.肯定肯定做某事做某事be certain of be certain of sths

24、th.对于对于某事有把握某事有把握返回返回考题考题4:Check the answer on the Internet if you are _(不确定)about it.uncertain/unsureactive/ktv/adj.积极的,活跃的;主动的e.g.He is an active member of the club.他是俱乐部的积极分子。He takes an active part in sports.他积极参加体育活动。考点考点8 8积极参加积极参加知识点知识点8active构词法记单词active active 的反义词为的反义词为inactiveinactive,是由,

25、是由activeactive加上否定前缀加上否定前缀in-in-构成的。类似的词还有:构成的。类似的词还有:incorrectincorrect,incomplete,indirect incomplete,indirect 等。等。拓展拓展:actively actively advadv.积极地积极地 activity activity n n.活动活动返回返回考题考题5:Asking questions is one of the easiest ways to lead you to _(主动的)learning.activepossible/psbl/adj.可能的考点考点9 9po

26、ssible possible 既可作表语,也可作定语。既可作表语,也可作定语。possible possible 的副词形式为的副词形式为possiblypossibly。知识点知识点9 possiblepossible possible 的反义词为的反义词为impossibleimpossible。是由。是由possible possible 加上否定的前缀加上否定的前缀imim-构成的。类似构成的。类似的词还有:的词还有:impolite,impatient impolite,impatient 等。等。e.g.Its possible for him to work out the p

27、roblem.他可能能解决这个问题。I want to learn as much as possible about your country.我想尽可能多地了解你们国家。There are several possible explanations.有几种合理的解释。尽可能尽可能,as.as as.as 中间用形容词或副词原级。中间用形容词或副词原级。adj.adj.合理的合理的返回返回考题考题6:The noise made sleep _(possible),so I got up and read a book.impossiblefix/fks/vt.修理(to repair so

28、mething)e.g.Can you fix a car?你能修理汽车吗?The man fixed a shelf to the wall.这个男人把搁板固定在了墙上。考点考点1010fix-fixesfix-fixesv.v.修理修理v.v.安装;使固定安装;使固定知识点知识点 10Do you know how to fix the bicycle,Andy?辨析辨析:fix,mend 与与repairfix表示修补、修复任何破损或不能正常运行的事物,特别是修理机械、车辆等。mend表示修补有洞的衣服、鞋等,修路、房顶、篱笆等时,多用mend。repair比fix和mend略正式。表示修补、修理任何打破或损坏的物品或有洞的东西。e.g.Eddies father is fixing the car outside.埃迪的父亲正在外面修车。The shoemaker is mending his sons shoes.这个鞋匠正在给他的儿子补鞋。Peter repaired his computer by himself.彼得自己修理了他的电脑。返回返回本节课主要学习了以下知识点,请同学们及时巩固练习:make sure leave必做必做:请完成教材课后请完成教材课后练习练习补充补充:请完成请完成本课时本课时习题习题作业作业1 1作业作业2 2


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