Unit 3 A day out Period 4 Integrated skills & Study skills课件 2023-2024学年 牛津译林版英语八年级上册.pptx

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1、Unit 3 A day outPeriod 4 Integrated skills&Study skillsTalk about what will you do this weekend with your friend.Integrated skillsA.The basketball finalA1.The Sunshine Middle School basketball team is in the final of this years basketball competition.Listen to the chairperson of the Students Union a

2、nd help Kitty complete the poster.Sunshine Middle School gets to the final!Our school basketball team needs your support!It is in the final of the basketball competition!The match takes place on(1)_,17 October,at the(2)_ in Moonlight Town.Come and cheer for our team!Dont forget to bring your friends

3、!With your support,we will win!SundaySports Centre温馨提示:此符号表示“考点精讲点拨”链接。A2.Listen to the chairperson giving more information about the day of the final.Help Kitty complete the notes below.The day of the final9:30 a.m.Meet at(1)_.(2)_ Bus leaves.(3)_ Reach the Sports Centre.10:30 a.m.(4)_.(5)_ Halftim

4、e.the school gate9:45 a.m.10:15 a.m.Match starts10:55 a.m.11:30 a.m.(6)_.(7)_ Bus leaves from the centre.Have lunch at Moonlight Restaurant.1:00 p.m.Get on the bus(8)_ the restaurant.1:30 p.m.Back to our school.Cost of the trip¥(9)_ per student.Match finishes11:50 a.m.in front of20A3.Read Kittys not

5、es and check if there are any mistakes.Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.1.Our school baseball team is in the final._2.The match will take place at Moonlight Middle School in Moonlight Town._3.We will go there by underground._4.It will take us about half an hour to reach the Spo

6、rts Centre._5.Halftime is a 20minute period for the players to rest._FFFTF6.We can buy food and drinks during halftime._7.The match will finish before noon._ 8.We will go back to our school after lunch._TTFB.Speak up:Where are we going tomorrow?Daniel and Kitty are planning a trip for Linda.Work in

7、pairs and plan a day out for a visiting friend.Use the conversation below as a model.Daniel:Where are we going tomorrow?Shall we take Linda to the Summer Palace?Kitty:I dont think thats a good idea.She went there yesterday.Daniel:Well,what about the Great Wall?Kitty:That sounds good,but its too far

8、away.Daniel:Why dont we go to the China Science and Technology Museum?Its free for groups of 30 or more students.Kitty:Great!Lets go to the museum.See you tomorrow.Study skills The suffixes-ful and-less We can add-ful or-less to some nouns to form adjectives.The suffix-ful means“full of”.The suffix-

9、less means“without”.TIPNot all words have both ful and less as suffixes.noiseful()noiseless()构词法记单词useful useful 由名词由名词use+use+后缀后缀-fulful 构成,类似构成,类似构成的词有:构成的词有:delightful,delightful,painful,painful,colourfulcolourful,harmful,successful,harmful,successful,thoughtful,wonderfulthoughtful,wonderful等。等。

10、NounAdjective(withful)Adjective(withless)carecarefulcarelesshelphelpfulhelplessuseusefuluseless构词法记单词helpless helpless 由名词由名词help+help+后缀后缀-less-less 构成,构成,类似构成的词有类似构成的词有:childlesschildless,harmlessharmless,hopelesshopeless,meaninglessmeaningless,careless,careless,painlesspainless,colourlesscolourle

11、ss 等。等。A.Work in pairs and complete the table below.If you cannot add-ful or-less to a word,put a cross()in the box.You may use a dictionary.Adjective(with ful)Adjective(with less)cheer end hope meaning sleep taste tastelesscheerful cheerlessendlesshopefulhopelessmeaningfulmeaninglesssleeplesstastef

12、ulB.Complete what Kitty said about her trip to the World Park with the words in the box below.beautifulcheerfulcolourfuluselesswonderfulWe went to the World Park the day before yesterday.The models in the park were _.The song and dance shows were also amazing.Their _clothes were from different count

13、ries and looked very _.All of us felt excited and _.It was really a great day.My ticket is _ now,but Ill keep it!wonderfulcolourfulbeautifulcheerfuluselesssupport/spt/n.支持(to help or encourage sb./sth.by saying or showing that you agree with them/it)e.g.There is strong public support for the change.

14、公众大力支持这一变革。I support you.我支持你。Who is your supporter?谁是你的支持者?I am just doing what I can in support of them.我现在只是做我能够做的支持他们。考点考点1 1v.v.支持支持n.n.支持者;支持者;拥护者拥护者in support of sb./in support of sb./sthsth.支持某人支持某人/某事某事返回返回温馨提示:可返回原文知识点知识点1Our school basketball team needs your support!(重点重点)take place 进行,发生

15、进行,发生e.g.The basketball game will take place on Sunday.篮球比赛将在周日举行。考点考点2 2知识点知识点2The match takes place on(1)_,17 October,at the(2)_ in Moonlight Town.take place take place 为不及物动词短语,为不及物动词短语,无被动语态。无被动语态。辨析辨析:take place与与happentake place都有“发生”之意。常用于已计划、安排或人们积极参与的事情。happen用于偶然发生的事件,也用于由另一件事引起的事情。e.g.The

16、 meeting took place at 8:00 am.会议在早上八点举行的。Accidents like this happen all the time.此类事故总是发生。When accidents happen,the first aid knowledge may save our lives.当事故发生时,急救知识可以挽救我们的生命。考题考题1:这件事是什么时候发生的?When did this event _ _?take placeon 在,表示在具体的某一天用介词在,表示在具体的某一天用介词on。e.g.Cathy was born on April 8th,1987.

17、凯茜出生于1987 年4 月8 日。考点考点3 3辨析辨析:on,in 与与aton用在具体的星期、日期、某天的上、下午或傍晚,或一般节日前。in用在年、月、季节以及某些固定时间短语前。at用在具体某一时刻或中午、夜晚前。e.g.What do you often do on Sundays?在每周日你经常做什么?Classes begin at 8:00 in the morning.上午八点开始上课。返回返回考题考题2:Maria went skating with her friends in the park _ a sunny morning.A.at B.in C.on【点拨点拨】

18、考查介词的用法。根据考查介词的用法。根据“a sunny morning.”可知,此处指在具体的一天。可知,此处指在具体的一天。Ccheer for 为为喝彩喝彩/欢呼欢呼e.g.Lets go and cheer for them.咱们去为他们加油吧。How can we cheer him up?我们怎么能使他高兴起来呢?The crowd cheered the runners on.人群为赛跑运动员加油。Three cheers for the winners!为优胜者欢呼三次吧!考点考点4 4cheer sb.up(cheer sb.up(使使)某某人变得高兴振奋起来人变得高兴振奋起

19、来n.n.欢呼声;喝彩声欢呼声;喝彩声cheer sb.on cheer sb.on 为某人加油为某人加油知识点知识点3Come and cheer for our team!考题考题3:What are you going to do this weekend?I am going to visit the sick kids in the hospital and _ them _ as a volunteer.A.wake;up B.cheer;upC.give;up D.pick;up【点拨点拨】用短语辨析法。考查动词短语。句意:用短语辨析法。考查动词短语。句意:这这周末你打算做什么?

20、周末你打算做什么?我打算当志愿者去医院探望生我打算当志愿者去医院探望生病的孩子,并让他们高兴起来。病的孩子,并让他们高兴起来。A 项意为项意为“醒来醒来”;B 项意为项意为“使他们高兴使他们高兴”;C 项意为项意为“放弃放弃”;D 项项意为意为“捡起来,接某人,顺便学会某事物捡起来,接某人,顺便学会某事物”。B返回返回(易错易错)forget to do sth.忘记要做某事忘记要做某事(事情还没做事情还没做)e.g.Dont forget to give him some food.别忘记给他一些食物。My grandfather forgot telling me the story.我祖

21、父忘了他给我讲过这个故事。考点考点5 5forget doing forget doing sthsth.忘记做过某事忘记做过某事(事情已经做过了事情已经做过了)知识点知识点4Dont forget to bring your friends!Remember to close the door when you go out.记住当你出去时要关门。I remember seeing her somewhere.我记得在某个地方见过她。remember to do remember to do sthsth.记得要做某事记得要做某事remember doing remember doing s

22、thsth.记得做过某事。记得做过某事。返回返回考题考题4Amy,dont forget _ your coat when you go out.Its cold outside.Dont worry,Mom.I will.A.wear B.wears C.to wear D.wearingCcost/kst/n.费用,价钱(price;money that you must pay for sth.)e.g.Besides the cost,it took a lot of time.除了费用之外,它还花了大量的时间。The cloth is not worth the cost.这块布不值

23、这个价钱。The cost of this trip is 50 yuan per student.这次旅行的费用是每个学生50 元。考点考点6 6“the cost of.”“the cost of.”意为意为“的费用的费用”知识点知识点5Cost of the trip辨析辨析:cost,spend,take 与与paycost 指花钱,主语是事或物。其常见结构是sth.costs sb.some money。spend作“花费”讲,既可用作“花钱”,也可用作“花时间”。人作主语。用在表示“为某事而花钱”时,后接介词on。即:sb.spend(s)some money/time on st

24、h./sb.spend(s)money/time doing sth.take用来指“花费”,一般只能表达“花费时间”,而不能表达“花费金钱”。主语通常是事物。其结构为:It takes sb.some time to do sth.pay指“某人买某物(或为某事)付多少钱(给某人)”,常与for 连用。常见结构分别为:pay sb.some money或pay money for sth.e.g.The dictionary cost me 25 yuan.这本字典花了我25 元钱。She spent five dollars on the book.她买那本书花了五美元。It took t

25、he workers two years to build the bridge.工人们花了两年时间才建成这座桥。I paid 750 yuan for that new bike.我花了七百五十元买了那辆新自行车。返回返回考题考题5:Jim,youd better not _ too much time on your mobile phone.A.cost B.spend C.take D.pay【点拨点拨】用词义辨析法。用词义辨析法。cost 价值,花费,价值,花费,sth.cost sb.some money;spend 花费,度过,花费,度过,sb.spend(s).on sth./

26、(in)doing sth.;take 花费,花费,It takes sb.some time to do sth.;pay花费,花费,sb.pay(s)some money for sth.由句意由句意“Jim,你最好不要花太多时间在手机上,你最好不要花太多时间在手机上”可知答案。可知答案。Buseful/jusfl/adj.有用的,有益的(helping you to do or achieve what you want)e.g.This book is useful to me.这本书对我来说有用。考点考点7 7反义词:反义词:uselessuseless知识点知识点6usefulus

27、eful 的固定搭配be be useful for useful for sthsth.有助于有助于某事某事be useful to sbbe useful to sb.对对某人有用某人有用useful 可用作定语和表语。可用作定语和表语。useful 读音是以辅音音素开头,读音是以辅音音素开头,故前面的不定冠词用故前面的不定冠词用a。考向考向1 1考题考题6:每个人都可以成为一个有用的人,使我们的祖国更加强大。Everyone can be _ to make our motherland stronger.【点拨点拨】“一个有用的人一个有用的人”,用,用use 的形容词形式的形容词形式u

28、seful作定语修饰后面的名词作定语修饰后面的名词person,use 前面的不定冠词用前面的不定冠词用a。a useful personuseful 的比较级为的比较级为more useful,最高级为,最高级为most useful。考向考向2 2考题考题7:我认为电视比收音机更有用。I think the television _ than the radio.返回返回is more useful(重点)(重点)taste/test/n.味道;品味(flavour)e.g.She likes the taste of fried food.她喜欢油炸食品的味道。You must have

29、 a taste of the fruit cake.你一定得尝尝这水果蛋糕。She has such a good taste.她品味很高雅。考点考点8 8知识点知识点7taste拓展:拓展:taste 还可作动词,意为“尝,品尝”。taste 也可作系动词,作系动词时,主语为物,后面跟形容词作表语,意为“尝起来”。e.g.Please taste the cake.It tastes delicious.请尝尝这块蛋糕。它尝起来味道很好。类似的感官动词有smell smell 闻起来闻起来sound sound 听起来听起来feel feel 摸起来摸起来look look 看起来看起来返

30、回返回考题考题8:The soup _ a little salty.There is no need to add more salt.A.looks B.smells C.sounds D.tastes【点拨点拨】考查感官动词。句意:汤尝起来有点咸,没必考查感官动词。句意:汤尝起来有点咸,没必要再加盐了。根据要再加盐了。根据“The soup.a little salty”可知,汤尝起可知,汤尝起来有点咸,用感官动词来有点咸,用感官动词“tastes”。看起来看起来 闻起来闻起来 听起来听起来 尝起来尝起来D本节课主要学习了以下知识点,请同学们及时巩固练习:support,helpless,usefultake place,cheer for forget to do sth.必做必做:请完成教材课后请完成教材课后练习练习补充补充:请完成请完成本课时本课时习题习题作业作业1 1作业作业2 2


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