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1、牛津深圳版九年级上册英语写作训练汇编第一次写作训练 人物介绍 假如你校英语俱乐部准备举办一场介绍名人为主题的墙报展,请你根据下面表格的内容提示,写一篇英语短文介绍科学家屠呦呦。出生地浙江出生日期1930年12月30日经历1. 从小就对中医感兴趣;2. 1951年考入北京大学,主修生药学,1955年以优异的成绩毕业;3. 毕业后一直致力于中医的研究;成就1. 找到治疗疟疾的方法,拯救了数百万人的生命2. 2015年获得了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖你的感想自己补充1-2条参考词汇:生药学pharmacology 疟疾malaria要求:1.开头已给出(不计入总词数)。2.词数:80字左右。3.可适当发挥

2、,但要注意语言通顺、流畅、准确。 Tu Youyou is a famous woman scientist. She is the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize. _第 19 页 共 19 页范文假如你校英语俱乐部准备举办一场介绍名人为主题的墙报展,请你根据下面表格的内容提示,写一篇英语短文介绍科学家屠呦呦。出生地浙江出生日期1930年12月30日经历4. 从小就对中医感兴趣;5. 1951年考入北京大学,主修生药学,1955年以优异的成绩毕业;6. 毕业后一直致力于中医的研究;成就3. 找到治疗疟疾的方法,拯救了数百万人的生命4. 201

3、5年获得了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖你的感想自己补充1-2条Tu Youyou is a famous woman scientist. She is the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize. Born on 30 December,1930 in Zhejiang Province, Tu Youyou showed a great interest in Chinese medicine from an early age. She worked so hard that she passed the exams and successfully

4、 entered Peking University in1951 to study pharmacology. Four years later, she graduated with excellent results. From then on, Tu devoted all her time to studying Chinese medicine. By working hard all the time, she finally found a way to cure malaria. It saved the lives of millions of people. And be

5、cause of it, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine.Tu Youyou is such a great scientist that we should all learn from her that hard work can make a difference to the world. Lets work hard to be a better person for the society!1.a1.80-meter-tallboy/an18-year-oldboy一个高1.8米的男孩/一个18岁的男孩2.attheageof

6、five在五岁时3.beexperiencedin在方面有经验4.haveagiftfor有的天赋5.beingoodhealth/condition身体健康6.graduatefrom.从毕业7.majorin以为专业8.getamastersdegree获得硕士学位9.begiventhetitleof.获得称号10.winagold/silver/coppermedal获得金/银/铜牌11.gain/winthefirstprize/place获得一等奖/第一名 第二次写作训练 记叙故事-蔡伦改进造纸术中国古人蔡伦设法改进了造纸术。假如你的外国朋友想了解蔡伦改进造纸术的过程。请你根据以下

7、提示,写一篇英语短文,介绍蔡伦改进造纸术的过程。内容提示:1.阅读大量书籍,学习如何造纸。2.叫他的助手把树皮和布料放进碗里。3.用力捣碎石碗里的东西;然后装满水混合搅拌;最后弄成薄片晒干。4.做出一张一张的纸。5.你的感想:自己补充1-2点【参考词汇】造纸术 paper-making technology 树皮 bark 布料 cloth 捣碎 pound_1.有冒险精神的adventurous 2.有热情的,狂热的enthusiastic 3. 富有创造力的creative 4. 慷慨的generous, open-minded5.喜怒无常的;情绪化的moody 6.友善的friendly

8、/kind 7.天真的innocent 8.孩子气的,幼稚的childish 9.敏感的sensitive 10.浪漫的romantic 11.考虑周到的,贴心的considerate, caring12.幽默的humorous 13.自信的confident 14.独立的independent 15.自私的selfish 16.无私的selfless/unselflish 17.乐于助人的helpful18.热情的,热心的enthusiastic1.receive a doctors degree取得博士学位;2.win the Nobel Prize获得诺贝尔奖;3.contribute

9、(oneself) to (doing) sth. 致力于做sth.4.devote oneself /ones energy/ones life to (doing)sth.将自己的全部精力/一生投入到做sth.中5.develop trade and friendshipbetween China and other countries 发展商贸并促进中国和他国友谊6.have a great effect /influence/impact on sb./sth. 对sb./sth.有较大的影响_蔡伦改进造纸术范文一:Cai Lun was a great man in the hist

10、ory of China. He had a great influence on(对.有巨大影响) the worlds communication of culture. Therefore, let me introduce how he improved the paper-making technology In his life, he contributed himself to (将自己的一生投入到)reading lots of books in order to learn how to make paper. First of all, he asked his man

11、to put some bark and cloth into a stone bowl. Then, he pounded the things in the bowl and filled the bow with water to mix it. At Last, he turned it into thin pieces and made it dry. After it was dry, the paper was made. In my opinion, his improvement of the paper-making technology developed trade a

12、nd friendship between China and other countries. In addition, he was also creative and selfless because of his hard work for all the human beings.范文二: Hi, friend, Id like to tell you how Cai Lun improved the paper-making technology in ancient China. At first, Cai Lun read a great number of books in

13、order to enrich his knowledge and learn to make paper. Then, he began to make paper. He started with asking his assistants to put the bark and cloth into a stone bowl. These things were then pounded hard. After that, he and his assistants mixed them with water and stirred the mixture carefully. Even

14、tually, the mixture was made into thin pieces and dried in the blazing Sun. When all these wok was done, plenty of pieces of paper were produced and used by people from all over the world. The paper making technology is useful and convenient. Not only does it influence China, but it also makes a gre

15、at difference to the whole world. It helps spread culture from different places and countries and promotes the development of literature as well. From my perspective, Cai Lun is a creative and clever person. My dear old fellow, dont you think Cai Lun is a hero and genius ? What do you think of him?范

16、文三:There were four great inventions in ancient China and paper-making was one of them. With paper, we are able to write articles easily and conveniently. But do you know how paper-making was invented and improved? Let me introduce it to you.(过渡句) It is a great inventor called Cai Lun that/who improv

17、ed paper-making. At that time, people wrote on bamboo, which was expensive and difficult to write on. To change this situation, Cai Lun read a lot of books in order to invent a new material that was easy to write on. One day, he asked his assistant to put bark and cloth into a bowl. Next, he pounded

18、 them with great strength. Then, he filled the bowl with water and mixed them up. Finally, he made then into thin pieces and dried them up. They finally became the material that we are still using today - the paper. Paper-making technology is very meaningful and it showed the great intelligence of C

19、hinese people. I hope you can be more interested in Chinas technology and try to improve it in the future. 第三次写作训练 Argumentation 你就”Can parents be our friends?”这一问题在同学中开展一次调查,下表是调查结果:调查对象观点原因45%的同学不可能父母太忙,没有时间关心他们55%的同学可能在家里,父母常常和他们谈心,像好朋友一样请写一篇80词左右的报告,简述以上调查数据,要求包括表格的所有内容,并谈谈你的观点和原因。 I did a surve

20、y among my classmates about their views on whether parents can be their friends._第三次作文范文 Can parents be our friends?I did a survey among my classmates about their views on whether parents can be their friends. Generally, there are two different opinions. Nearly 45 percent of the students consider th

21、at its impossible to make friends with our parents. They think their parents are always busy working or doing the housework, which makes them have little time to care about their children. As a consequence, the students may have a distant relationship with their parents. However, more than half of t

22、he students have a positive view. From their point of view, their parents usually talk with them and care about their feelings. They are just like the students good fellows who bring rich happiness and joy to them.Students opinions depend on whether their parents care about them much. I agree with t

23、he latter. Everyone can be our parents friend. They give us many things and we ought to make friends with them and care about them. 第四次写作训练 Problems and AdviceUnit 4写作 Name:_假如你的朋友Juliana从美国来你的学校学习,期末将一起参加考试,她有点儿紧张。作为朋友,请你写几条建议给她,告诉她注意事项:(1)要制订一个复习计划 (2)考试前要早早上床睡觉,要有充足的睡眠;(3)考试前要吃好早餐(4)自由发挥一两条建议。注意:

24、不要逐条翻译,可以适当增加谈论话题时经常用到的词语和连接词,使所写内容连贯。所写内容必须包括以上所有内容,开头和结尾已写好。_第四次写作训练范文Unit 4写作 假如你的朋友Juliana从美国来你的学校学习,期末将一起参加考试,她有点儿紧张。作为朋友,请你写几条建议给她,告诉她注意事项:(1)要制订一个复习计划 (2)考试前要早早上床睡觉,要有充足的睡眠;(3)考试前要吃好早餐(4)自由发挥一两条建议。范文一Dear Juliana, Im sorry to hear that youre worried about your exams. Don be so nervous. Many s

25、tudents have the same trouble. Therefore you are not alone. Here is my advice. First of all, I think one of the most important things to do is to make a review plan. Then, you can have sufficient time to revise them. Secondly, you are supposed to go to bed early and have a good sleep in order that y

26、ou will feel good the next morning. Besides, youd better have a good breakfast and you can eat some bread, milk, fruit and so on. That is because food can give you energy. Last but not least, if I were you, I would not be too nervous about the exams. Keep relaxed and prepare well. As the saying goes

27、 that chance favors the prepared mind. I hope my advice will be useful for you. Yours, Li Ming范文二 Dear Juliana, Im sorry to hear that youre worried about your exams. Here is some advice. First of all, its advisable that you should make a reviewing list, which will help you stick to the plan and pay

28、more attention to the subjects you are not good at. When reviewing, I strongly suggest that you should work with a group of friends. Therefore, youll be focusedin the atmosphere of studying. In addition, its supposed that you should sleep early and gain enough energy before the test. Youd better not

29、 burn the night oil in order to revise more, or youll get the opposite result. Whats more, if I were you, I would enjoy my breakfast, but not eating quickly or even skipping it. With the best condition you can keep yourself in, you can avoid problems like feeling hungry or have a stomachache during

30、the test. Last but not least, your positive attitude towards this examination is the key to a high score.Try not to let the worry flood your brain, and I believe your grades will exceed your own expectation! I have faith in you.话题短语1. meet with trouble 遇到麻烦2. deal with problems in time及时处理问题3. drop

31、behind others落后于别人4. ask for advice征求意见5. give some helpful advice给一些有帮助的建议6. feel distressed 感到苦恼7. be absent-minded 心不在焉8. concentrate on study 把注意力集中在学习上9. have a big problem有一个大问题10. feel stressed too much感到压力太大11. be strict with them about their studies对他们的学习要求严格12. have no time for their hobbi

32、es and after-school activities 没时间从事爱好和课外活动13. take more exercise to stay healthy多做运动保持15. enjoy the process 享受过程16. spare no effort to study 不遗余力地学习17. develop your interest 培养兴趣18. enrich future life丰富未来生活19. suffer from homework为作业感到烦恼20. study with undivided attention 专心学习21. participate in acti

33、vities 参加活动22. do something meaningful做些有意义的事23. leave your trouble behind 把烦恼抛在脑后24. move forward bravely勇敢地向前走25. be admitted to 被录取第五次写作训练九上U5作文 Name:假如你是Ben,你将参加市举办的英语演讲大赛,但是最近你遇到了一些问题,导致你无法集中精力为此做准备。请给你的心理老师Mary写一封信,寻求她的帮助。要点如下:1.作业多,没有时间为比赛做准备;2.压力大,睡眠不好;3.希望Mary提供建议。注意:1.词数:100词左右(开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数); 2.不得透露学校、姓名等个人信息,否则不予评分。D


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