Unit 7 Happy Birthday! 语法专项 语法填空+完成句子+单项选择(原卷版+解析版)-2024新人教版七年级上册《英语》.rar

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Unit 7 Happy Birthday!语法专项语法专项日期表达法、特殊疑问句日期表达法、特殊疑问句单项选择单项选择1_ is your mothers birthday?Its on May _.AWhen;oneBWhat;threeCWhen;firstDWhat;3rd2When is your mothers birthday?Her birthday is on _.AFebruary 31stBthe February 21stCFebruary 12thDFebruary the 12nd3When is your birthday party?It is _.Ain June 22ndBon June twoCon June 22ndDon June4His birthday is on _.ADecember seventhBDecember sevenCdecember seventhDDecember seventy5When is your School Day?Its _.Ain April fifthBon June fourthCon July oneDon June 1nd6Tree Planting Day is on _ of March.Its the best time to plant trees.AtwelveBthe twelfthCtwelfth7When is your birthday?Its on _.日期表达法AFebruary 30thBAugust 21thCJune 31stDApril the 4th 8When is your birthday,Jack?Its _.AMay 18thB18th MayCA and B9My brothers birthday is on May _.Athe ninethBnineCthe ninthDnineteen10What is the date today?Its_.A10 OctoberBSundayC6:4011September 5th should be read(被读作)_.ASeptember fiveBSeptember the fiveCSeptember fifthDSeptember the fifth12When is your birthday?My birthday is _.Ain 1991Bon MondayCon March 6thDtwelve13Her grandmothers birthday is _.AJune fourthBJune forthCJuly fourDJune four14When were you born(出生)?I was born _.Ain June three,1989Bon June the third,1989Cin June third,1989Don June the three,198915December is the _month of the year.AtwelveBtenthCtwelvethDtwelfth16New Years Day(元旦)is on January _.A1thB1stC1rdD2nd17Tree-planting Day is on the _ of March.We plant many trees on that day.AtwelveBtwentyCtwelfthDtwentieth18My son is _.His birthday is on June the _.Atwelve;twelve Btwelfth;twelfthCtwelfth;twelveDtwelve;twelfth19My mothers birthday is on _ of December.Athe twenty-threeBtwenty-thirdCtwentieth-third Dthe twenty-third20How do you say“2009.5.2”in English?Its _.Athe second May,two thousand and nine BMay the second,two thousand and nineCMay two,two thousand nineDtwo thousand and nine,May,two21When is Teachers Day in China?Its on the _ day of September.AfirstBninthCtenth22When is your brothers birthday?On October the _.AninetyBninthCnineteen23Whats the date today?_.AIts a fine day.BIts TuesdayCIts June 26th24My mothers birthday is on _.AJuly 22stBJuly 22thCJuly 22ndD22nd25My birthday is.Aon June the fourthBon June fortyCon July fourDon June four26 When is your birthday?Its on _.AJuly 13Bjuly 13CJuly 13thD13th July27When is your birthday?Its May _.AfourBfourteenCfourthDforty28When is your sisters birthday?Its August _.AtwelveBtwelvethCthe twelfthDthe twelveth29Sams birthday is on _.Atwelve of MarchBMarch the twelveCtwelfth of MarchDthe twelfth of March30How do you say 2009.5.2 in English?Its _.Athe second of May,two thousand nineBMay the second,two thousand and nineCMay two,two thousand nineDtwo thousand and nine,May,two31 When is the school trip?_.AIts on the August 10th BIts on August 13thCIts at August 12th32When is her birthday?Its on _.AAugustBfifthCAugust the fifthDfive33 When is your birthday?Its September _.Its also Teachers Day.AfifthBtenthCfifteenth34When is _ birthday?Its on March _.Ashe;22ndBher;23rdCyour;21thDhe;20th35March 3rd is _.AMarch threeBMarch the threeCMarch the thirdDMarch third36Whats the date today?Its .ASundayBMayCMay 1st37_?Its on May 12th.ADo you have a birthday partyBAre you 11CWhat time is itDWhen is your birthday38Whats the date today?Its _.AJune(the)fourthBJune fourCJune the four39一 When is your birthday party?Its on _.ADecember ninthBDecember ninethCDecember nine Dnine December40How do you read March 5th?It reads _.AMarch the fifth BMarch fiveCThe March fifthDFive March41 _ is this sweater?Its 68 yuan.AHow oldBHow muchCHow manyDHow42_ is your cousin?She is 12,and her birthday is on March 20th.AWhenBWhereCWhatDHow old43Jane,look!I like those socks!_ are they?The blue ones?Lets ask about the price.AHow manyBWhat colorCHow oldDHow much44This sweater looks nice._ is it?Its thirty dollars.AWhat colorBWhat foodCHow muchDHow old45_ will you get back to the school,Tony?In ten minutes.AHow oldBHow longCHow soonDHow many46I love this dress._ is it?Only$35.AHow muchBHow manyCHow oldDHow long47_ is Kate?She is a nurse.AHow oldBWhatCWhereDWhy48_ students are there in your class?Forty-one.特殊疑问句AHow muchBHow oldCHow oftenDHow many49_ is it from your home to school?Its about ten minutes ride.AHow farBHow oldCHow manyDHow long50I love these toys._ are they?They are thirteen yuan.AHow manyBHow oldCHow much51_ is your sister,Bob?She is ten.AHow muchBHow oldCWhoDHow52 _ people are there in your family?There are five.AHow manyBHow muchCWhat colorDHow old53What time does he go to school?_.AOn weekendsBIn the morningCFrom Monday to FridayDAt eight oclock54_?Its eight-thirty.AWhat it is timeBWhat time is itCWhat time they areDWhat time it is55_?Its Wednesday.AWhat day is it todayBWhats the dateCWhen is your birthdayDWhat time is it56_ is that blue sweater?Its eight dollars.AWhat colorBHow oldCWhat timeDHow much57_ is that orange skirt?I like it very much.Its 260 yuan.It looks nice on you.AWhat timeBWhat colorCHow muchDHow many58_?Mary.Hello,Mary.Im Alan.AWhat color is itBWhat time is itCWhats thatDWhats your name59 _ did you wake up this morning?At six oclock.AHow longBWhenCWhat timeDHow soon60_ Its ten to nine.AHows the time?BWhat is it?CWhat time is it?61 Tony,_ is it now?I think its time to play sports.Sorry,I dont know.My watch doesnt work.AWhat colorBWhat timeCWhat day62 _?Because it looks very nice.AHow old are youBWhat time is itCHow is your trip to XianDWhy do you like this picture63_ is it now?Its 8:35.AWhat colorBWhat timeCWhat gradeDWhat class64 do you go on the Internet?Once a week.AHow soonBWhenCWhat timeDHow often65_ is it?Its half past twelve.AHow muchBWhat timeCHow old66_ do you like Huba in Monster Hunt(捉妖记)?Because it is very cute.AWhatBWhenCWhy67_ do you usually go to the club?On Saturdays.AWhyBHowCWhen68_ do you like P.E.?Because its interesting.AWhyBWhatCWhereDWhen69 _ do you have a school trip?In November.AHowBWhyCWhatDWhen70_ do you use a computer?On Sundays.AWhenBWhatCHowDWhere71 _ are the strawberries?20 yuan a kilo._ strawberries would you like?AHow many;How many BHow much;How muchCHow much;How many72_ is the train station to the old peoples house?About 18 kilometers away.AHow muchBHow longCHow farDHow many73Excuse me._ is it from your home to school?About ten minutes walk.AHow farBHow longCHow oldDHow much74 _ hamburgers do you want?Two,please.And _ are they?Theyre 12 yuan.AHow much;how muchBHow many;how manyCHow many;how muchDHow much;how many75_ are the apples?10 yuan a kilo(公斤).AHowBHow manyCWhereDHow much76_ the price of your new bike?200 yuan.AWhatsBHow much isCHow many are77_ are the strawberries?10 yuan a kilo(公斤).AWhat colorBWhereCHowDHow much78David,_ do you play the piano?When my mum is at home,I have to every day,but she is away this week!Ahow longBhow muchChow oftenDhow soon79_ homework do you have Today?Just a little.AHow manyBHow heavyCHow much80 _ does your school have an English Reading Festival?Every year.AHow longBHow oftenCHow muchDHow far Unit 7 Happy Birthday!语法专项语法专项日期表达法、特殊疑问句日期表达法、特殊疑问句单项选择单项选择1_ is your mothers birthday?Its on May _.AWhen;oneBWhat;threeCWhen;firstDWhat;3rd【答案】C【详解】句意:你妈妈的生日是什么时候?在五月一日。考查特殊疑问句和序数词用法。when 什么时候;what 什么。根据“is your mothers birthday”可知,就时间提问要用特殊疑问词 when;表示日期要用序数词。故选 C。2When is your mothers birthday?Her birthday is on _.AFebruary 31stBthe February 21stCFebruary 12thDFebruary the 12nd【答案】C【详解】句意:你妈妈生日是什么时候?她的生日是在 2 月 12 号。考查日期的表达。February 31st 表达错误,二月没有第三十一天;the February 21st 日期前面不加 the;February 12th 二月十二号;February the 12nd 序数词“第十二”简写错误。英语中日期的表达可以是“月份加序数词简写”,且时间介词 on 与日期之间不加冠词。故选 C。3When is your birthday party?It is _.Ain June 22ndBon June twoCon June 22ndDon June【答案】C【详解】句意:你的生日聚会是什么时候?6 月 22 日。考查日期表达。表示具体日期,应用介词 on,排除 A 项;表示在某月,应用介词 in,排除 D 项;表示在几日期表达法号,应用序数词,排除 B 项,故选 C。4His birthday is on _.ADecember seventhBDecember sevenCdecember seventhDDecember seventy【答案】A【详解】句意:他的生日在 12 月 7 日。考查日期的表达。英语中表达“某月某日”,其中“日”用序数词表示。“12 月 7 日”December seventh,December是月份,专有名词,所以首字母要大写。故选 A。5When is your School Day?Its _.Ain April fifthBon June fourthCon July oneDon June 1nd【答案】B【详解】句意:你的上学日是什么时候?六月四号。考查时间介词和日期的表达。on 后接具体某一天或日期;in 后接某年、某月、某季节,或泛指的上午、下午和晚上。A“in April fifth”错在介词不应用 in,应用 on;C“on July one”错在日期的表达,应是“月份+序数词”;D“on June 1nd”错在序数词表达错误,应是“1st”。B“on June fourth”正确,表示“在 6 月 4 号”。故选 B。6Tree Planting Day is on _ of March.Its the best time to plant trees.AtwelveBthe twelfthCtwelfth【答案】B【详解】句意:植树节在三月十二日。现在是种树的最佳时机。考查序数词的用法。根据“on.of March”可知此处指三月十二日,用序数词 twelfth,且序数词前加定冠词the。故选 B。7When is your birthday?Its on _.AFebruary 30thBAugust 21thCJune 31stDApril the 4th【答案】D【详解】句意:你的生日是什么时候?在 4 月 4 日。考查日期表达。February 30th2 月 30 号,不存在;August 21th8 月 21 号,21 号应是 21st;June 31st6 月 31号,不存在;April the 4th4 月 4 日。除了选项 D,其余都不合逻辑。故选 D。8When is your birthday,Jack?Its _.AMay 18thB18th MayCA and B【答案】C【详解】句意:杰克,你的生日是什么时候?是五月十八日。考查日期表达。英文中的日期表达为:日、月、年或月、日、年,且日期要用序数词表示。故 May 18th 和18th May 都可以表示“五月十八日”。故选 C。9My brothers birthday is on May _.Athe ninethBnineCthe ninthDnineteen【答案】C【详解】句意:我的生日是五月九号。考查日期表达。日期通常用序数词;ninth“第九”,序数词之前加定冠词 the。故选 C。10What is the date today?Its_.A10 OctoberBSundayC6:40【答案】A【详解】句意:今天几号?是 10 月 10 日。考查日期。October 10 10 月 10 日;Sunday 周日;6:40 六点四十。根据上文“What is the date today?”可知,此处是提问日期,故选 A。11September 5th should be read(被读作)_.ASeptember fiveBSeptember the fiveCSeptember fifthDSeptember the fifth【答案】D【详解】句意:9 月 5 日应该被读作“September the fifth”。考查日期的表达。月份后的日期应读作序数词,序数词前应加定冠词 the。故选 D。12When is your birthday?My birthday is _.Ain 1991Bon MondayCon March 6thDtwelve【答案】C【详解】句意:你的生日在什么时候?我的生日在 3 月 6 日。考查特殊疑问句。根据问句“When is your birthday?”可知,问的是“生日的时间”,因此要回答到具体的日期。故选 C。13Her grandmothers birthday is _.AJune fourthBJune forthCJuly fourDJune four【答案】A【详解】句意:她奶奶的生日在六月四号。考查日期表达。英文中的日期表达为:月份+日期,其中日期用序数词表示;four 的序数词形式为 fourth。故选 A。14When were you born(出生)?I was born _.Ain June three,1989Bon June the third,1989Cin June third,1989Don June the three,1989【答案】B【详解】句意:你什么时候出生的?我出生在 1989 年 6 月 3 日。考查介词辨析和日期的表达法。在具体某天的前面用时间介词 on,排除选项 A 和 C;日期通常用序数词表示,所以选项 B 表达正确。故选 B。15December is the _month of the year.AtwelveBtenthCtwelvethDtwelfth【答案】D【详解】句意:十二月是一年中的第十二个月。考查数词。twelve“十二”;tenth“第十”;twelveth 干扰项,形式错误;twelfth“第十二”。根据常识可知,December是一年中的第十二个月份,应用序数词 twelfth。故选 D。16New Years Day(元旦)is on January _.A1thB1stC1rdD2nd【答案】B【详解】句意:元旦在一月一日。考查序数词缩写。根据“New Years Day(元旦)is on January.”及备选项可知,此处考查日期,日期要用序数词形式,first“第一”,缩写为 1st。故选 B。17Tree-planting Day is on the _ of March.We plant many trees on that day.AtwelveBtwentyCtwelfthDtwentieth【答案】C【详解】句意:植树节在三月十二日。我们在那天种了很多树。考查日期的表达和常识。根据“Tree-planting Day is on the.of March.”可知,植树节在三月十二日,用序数词表达日期,故选 C。18My son is _.His birthday is on June the _.Atwelve;twelve Btwelfth;twelfthCtwelfth;twelveDtwelve;twelfth【答案】D【详解】句意:我儿子十二岁了。他的生日是六月十二日。考查基数词和序数词。第一空是指年龄,应用基数词;第二空是指具体日期,应用序数词,故选 D。19My mothers birthday is on _ of December.Athe twenty-threeBtwenty-thirdCtwentieth-third Dthe twenty-third【答案】D【详解】句意:我妈妈的生日在 12 月 23 号。考查日期表达法。英语中表达日期时,应用序数词,排除 A;日期表达方式为:the+序数词+of+月份。故选D。20How do you say“2009.5.2”in English?Its _.Athe second May,two thousand and nine BMay the second,two thousand and nineCMay two,two thousand nineDtwo thousand and nine,May,two【答案】B【详解】句意:2009.5.2 用英语怎么说?2009 年 5 月 2 日。考查日期的表达。日期的表达方式应该是按照月,日,年的顺序,日子是序数词,年代直接读数,故选 B。21When is Teachers Day in China?Its on the _ day of September.AfirstBninthCtenth【答案】C【详解】句意:中国的教师节是什么时候?是九月十号。考查序数词。first 第一;ninth 第九;tenth 第十。表示月、日要用序数词,又根据“Teachers Day”以及常识可知,教师节是“九月十号”。故选 C。22When is your brothers birthday?On October the _.AninetyBninthCnineteen【答案】B【详解】句意:你哥哥的生日是什么时候?十月九日。考查数词的用法。ninety 九十,基数词;ninth 第九,序数词;nineteen 十九,基数词。根据“On October the.”可知,日期表达用序数词,故选 B。23Whats the date today?_.AIts a fine day.BIts TuesdayCIts June 26th【答案】C【详解】句意:今天几号?今天是 6 月 26 日。考查特殊疑问句及回答。Its a fine day 今天天气很好;Its Tuesday 今天星期二;Its June 26th 今天是是 6月 26 日。根据问句“Whats the date today”,可知是问日期,需用“月份+序数词”回答,故选 C。24My mothers birthday is on _.AJuly 22stBJuly 22thCJuly 22ndD22nd【答案】C【详解】句意:我母亲的生日在 7 月 22 日。考查日期的表达。在英语中,表示几月几日时,应用“月份+日期的序数词”;第二十二的英文缩写为 22nd,故选 C。25My birthday is.Aon June the fourthBon June fortyCon July fourDon June four【答案】A【详解】句意:我的生日是六月四日。考查日期表达法。在英语中,表达月日,通常是月在前,日期在后,且日期要用序数词,之前加定冠词the;B、C 和 D 项中,日期分别为 forty 和 four,均为基数词,故全部排除。故选 A。26 When is your birthday?Its on _.AJuly 13Bjuly 13CJuly 13thD13th July【答案】C【详解】句意:你生日是什么时候?7 月 13 日。考查日期的表达。英文日期表达顺序为,月在前日在后,排除选项 D;月份首字母需大写,排除选项 B;日用序数词表达,13 的序数词为 thirteenth,可缩写为 13th,排除选项 A。故选 C。27When is your birthday?Its May _.AfourBfourteenCfourthDforty【答案】C【详解】句意:你的生日是什么时候?五月四号。考查数词辨析。four 基数词,四;fourteen 基数词,十四;fourth 序数词,第四;forty 基数词,四十。在表达月份和日期的时候,日期需要用序数词的形式,结合本题选项只有 C 为序数词。故选 C。28When is your sisters birthday?Its August _.AtwelveBtwelvethCthe twelfthDthe twelveth【答案】C【详解】句意:你妹妹的生日是什么时候?是 8 月 12 日。考查数词。twelve 十二,基数词;twelfth 第十二,序数词。在日期的表达上要用序数词表达,序数词前要用定冠词 the,故选 C。29Sams birthday is on _.Atwelve of MarchBMarch the twelveCtwelfth of MarchDthe twelfth of March【答案】D【详解】句意:萨姆的生日是三月十二日。考查日期表达。“三月十二日”可用 the twelfth of March 或 March twelfth 表示,故选 D。30How do you say 2009.5.2 in English?Its _.Athe second of May,two thousand nineBMay the second,two thousand and nineCMay two,two thousand nineDtwo thousand and nine,May,two【答案】B【详解】句意:你怎么用英语说 2009 年 4 月 9 日?May the second,two thousand and nine.考查日期的表达。the second of May,two thousand nine 表达顺序是“日、月、年”,年份表达错误;May the second,two thousand and nine 表达顺序是“月、日、年”;May two,two thousand nine 表达顺序是“月、日、年”,年份表达错误,日子没有使用序数词表达;two thousand and nine,May,two 表达顺序是“年、月、日”,日子没有使用序数词表达;在英语中,日期的表达有两种,一种是“月、日、年”的顺序;另一种是“日、月、年”的顺序;无论哪一种表达,日期都应该使用序数词表达,年代直接读数。故选 B。31 When is the school trip?_.AIts on the August 10th BIts on August 13thCIts at August 12th【答案】B【详解】句意:学校旅行是什么时候?八月十三号。考查日期表达法及时间介词用法。时间介词 on 后加具体的某一天;at 加点钟。八月十三号是具体的一天,用介词 on,排除 C 选项;时间介词和几月几号之间不需要加定冠词 the,排除 A 选项,故选 B。32When is her birthday?Its on _.AAugustBfifthCAugust the fifthDfive【答案】C【详解】句意:她的生日是什么时候?是 8 月 5 号。考查日期的表达。August 八月;fifth 第五;August the fifth8 月 5 日;five 五;根据空格前的介词“on”可知,后面的日期应该是具体的某一天,排除 A 选项;英语中表达日期要用序数词,结构是“月份+the+序数词=the+序数词+月份”,所以 C 选项结构是正确的,故选 C。33 When is your birthday?Its September _.Its also Teachers Day.AfifthBtenthCfifteenth【答案】B【详解】句意:你的生日是什么时候?9 月 10 日,也是教师节。考查序数词辨析和常识。fifth 第 5;tenth 第 10;fifteenth 第 15;根据“Its also Teachers Day”可知,教师节是 9 月 10 日;故选 B。34When is _ birthday?Its on March _.Ashe;22ndBher;23rdCyour;21thDhe;20th【答案】B【详解】句意:他的生日在什么时候?在三月 23 日。she 她,her 她的,your 你的,he 他,英语中表示某人的生日要用形容词性的物主代词,所以排除 A/D,日期表达要用序数词,序数词可以缩写成数字加序数词最后两个字母,所以应该选择 B。35March 3rd is _.AMarch threeBMarch the threeCMarch the thirdDMarch third【答案】C【详解】句意:3 月 3 日是 3 月 3 日。考查数词。日期书面表达要加 the,所以排除 A、D;日期表达应用序数词,所以此处用“March the third”,故选 C。36Whats the date today?Its .ASundayBMayCMay 1st【答案】C【详解】句意:今天多少号?今天五月一号。考查序数词表达日期。Sunday 星期天;May 五月;May 1st 五月一日;根据句意理解可知,上句问的是日期,则回答就要用具体的日期几月几号回答,故选 C。37_?Its on May 12th.ADo you have a birthday partyBAre you 11CWhat time is itDWhen is your birthday【答案】D【详解】句意:你的生日是什么时候?五月十二日。考查日常交际用语。根据 A、B 都是一般疑问句,所以应该用 yes 或 no 来作答,故排除 A 和 B;由 What time is it?是问几点钟,不符合题意,故排除 C,只有 D 选项问生日符合。故选 D。38Whats the date today?Its _.AJune(the)fourthBJune fourCJune the four【答案】A【详解】句意:今天几号?今天是六月四日。考查日期表达法。June 六月;four 四,基数词;fourth 第四,序数词。在
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