2024年全国高考英语2卷知识点汇总讲义 -2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx

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1、满满23页的干货2024年全国高考英语2卷知识点汇总本文按照每篇阅读顺序整理了新高考2卷里一些高频且实用的词汇、短语、句型。这些内容不仅会是语法填空的考查点,而且在写作上也是不错的表达。对于一些重点单词,整理了其各类词性、常见搭配或与其相关的词汇如近义词、易混词汇等(其在文章中的含义以红色高光标识),为了方便识记,部分词汇专门编写了一小段文字将它们串联起来。每个单词短语除了列举同近义词组外,都有相关例句帮助理解。注意:这些单词短语有些出现在原文,也有出现在选项里的,请自行查找出处。整理不易,还望支持。A 篇一、词汇1. advanced adj. 高级的,先进的 advance n./vt.前

2、进、发展、进步、上涨advancement n. 发展,推动;提升,晋升【惯用搭配】advanced vocabulary高级词汇 advanced technology 先进技术 advanced age高龄 the advancement of. .的发展 make advances in =make progress in 在.方面取得进步【近义词】advanced/progressive 先进的 advancement/development 发展【语境识记】The advancement of technology is marked by continuous progress a

3、nd innovation, leading to advanced solutions that drive society forward. This is why we make efforts to make advances in science.技术的发展以持续的进步和创新为标志,带来了推动社会向前发展的高级解决方案。这也就是为什么我们努力在科学上取得进步的原因。2. informative adj.提供信息的;增长见闻的 inform vt.通知/告知informed adj.有学问的;有根据的;明智的information n.信息【惯用搭配】inform .of 告知 kee

4、p sb. informed of 使某人了解/知道【近义词】informative/educational/instructive 有教育性的 informed/knowledgeable/learned/scholarly有学问的博学的【语境识记】Id like to inform you that an informative lecture given by an informed professor will be held in our school this Friday, which is bound to provide valuable information concer

5、ning English literature. 我想告诉大家,本周五我校将举行一场增长见闻的讲座。该讲座由一位学识渊博的教授所作,一定能提供关于英语文学方面有价值的信息。3. breathtaking adj. 令人惊叹的;惊人的;惊险的;使人透不过气来的breath n.呼吸 breathe vt.呼吸 breathless adj. 气喘吁吁的,喘不过气来的【惯用搭配】breathtaking views令人惊叹的风景 out of breath上气不接下气 take ones breath away令人惊叹 catch/hold ones breath屏住呼吸【近义词】breathta

6、king/amazing/incredible/awesome令人惊叹的【语境识记】We were breathless as we struggled to reach the top of the mountain. But it was worth the efforts. The breathtaking view from the mountaintop took our breath away. At that moment, we seemed to forget to breathe. 我们努力到达山顶,累得喘不过气来。但努力没有白费。山顶上壮丽的景色让我们惊叹。就在那一刻,我

7、们似乎忘记了呼吸。4. welcoming adj. (对来访或到达的人)欢迎的,热情的,友好的,令人感到惬意的;舒适的 welcome vt./n 欢迎 welcomed adj.受到欢迎的【惯用搭配】welcoming reception 热情招待 welcome to 欢迎到.【近义词】welcoming/enthusiastic/hospitable热情的【语境识记】The small towns welcoming atmosphere made us feel immediately at home, with locals offering warm smiles and a f

8、riendly welcome as we arrived. It was clear that in this community, newcomers were not only welcomed but also valued.这个小镇热情的氛围让我们立刻感到宾至如归,在我们到达时,当地人给予我们温暖的微笑和友好的“欢迎”。很明显,在这个社区,新来者不仅受到欢迎,而且深受重视。5. essential adj. 基本的;必不可少的 ;重要的n. 必需品;基本知识essentially adv. 本质上,根本上essence n. 本质,精髓;精油;香精【惯用搭配】essential pa

9、rt/component必不可少的部分/组成部分【近义】essential/indispensable必不可少的【语境识记】In every culture, there are essential values that form the essence of their identity, shaping the way people interact and live. These values are also essentially the guiding principles that hold communities together. 在每种文化中,都有形成其身份本质的基本价值

10、观,影响人们的互动和生活方式。这些价值观本质上是指导原则,维系着社区的团结。6. inappropriately adv. 不适当地appropriate adj. 适当的;合适的 v. 私占;盗用;挪用;拨出(专款)inappropriate adj. 不恰当的,不适宜的;不合适【近义词】inappropriate/unsuitable/improper不合适的【语境识记】In social occasions, its crucial to act and speak appropriately, avoiding inappropriate behavior that could cau

11、se discomfort or offense. Thus, we should know what is appropriate and acceptable in such occasions.在社交场合中,恰当的行为和说话是至关重要的,以避免可能导致不适或冒犯的不当行为。因此,我们应该知道在这种情况下,什么是适当的和可接受的。7. principle n. 原则;原理;道义;节操【易混辨析】theory 理论 hypothesis 假说例句She has stuck to these principles all her life.她这一辈子都恪守这些原则。8. Well-surfac

12、ed - 良好的路面例句The well-surfaced forest path is easy to navigate for photographers of all levels.良好的森林小径便于各个水平的摄影师导航。二、重点短语1. enjoy the challenges - 享受挑战例句: Experienced hikers often enjoy the challenges of rugged terrains.有经验的徒步者通常喜欢崎岖地形的挑战。2. have a passion for 对.酷爱=be enthusiastic aboutShe has a pass

13、ion for traveling and understanding different cultures of the world.她酷爱去世界各地旅游领略不同的文化。3. make sth. accessible to sb. 使某物对某人来说可得到、可利用得上,等同于make sth. available to sb.例句:Online learning makes high-quality education accessible to students in poor, rural areas.在线教育让贫困农村的孩子也能接受到优质的教育。4. provide an insight

14、 into sth.使对.有深刻理解 =offer great insights into sth. =give sb. a glimpse of sth. 使感受、领悟The best books provide an insight into how business revolutionizes the world.最好的书籍能够让读者看到商业是如何彻底改变世界的。5. step out of 走出 step out of your comfort zone走出你的舒适区例句: Trying new activities allows you to step out of your ro

15、utine.尝试新活动可以让你走出日常。6. breathtaking views - 令人屏息的美景例句: The mountain trail offers breathtaking views of the valley below.山间小径提供了下面山谷的令人屏息的美景。7. in the presence of - 在.的陪伴下 = with sbs company = under the company of sb.例句: The children felt safe in the presence of their teacher.孩子们在老师陪伴下感到安全。8. refuse

16、permission to - 拒绝许可= decline permission to例句: The guard refused permission to the unauthorized visitors.警卫拒绝允许这些未经授权的访客入境三、 句型1. With. as the guide - 以.为向导例句: With an expert guide, the group navigated the difficult trail with ease.在专家向导的带领下,团队轻松地穿越了困难的小径。2. .is a great way to. - .是.的绝佳方式例句: Partici

17、pating in group activities is a great way to make new friends.参加团体活动是结交新朋友的绝佳方式。3. .can be enjoyed in the. - .可以在.中享受例句: The beauty of the forest can be enjoyed in any season. 可以在任何季节欣赏到森林的美景。4.led by. - 由.领导例句: The workshop was led by a renowned photographer.这个研讨会由一位著名的摄影师领导。B篇一、 重点词汇1. launch v. 开

18、始从事;发起;上市;使(船)下水;发射;猛扑向前【惯用搭配】launch a rocket发射火箭 launch a product发布产品 launch a program启动一个项目例句Michelle Obama launched a high-visibility campaign against childhood obesity, even claiming that it represents our greatest national security threat.米歇尔奥巴马已经发起了非常引人注目的消除儿童肥胖的运动,她甚至宣称肥胖是国家最大的安全威胁。2. submiss

19、ion n. 投降;屈服,服从;谦恭,柔顺;提交,呈递submit vt.提交、屈服、投降【近义词】submit/contribute/hand in提交/投稿 submit/give in/yield to/bow to/surrender屈服投降例句When is the final date for the submission of proposals?呈交提案的最后日期是什么时候?3. ridership n. 公共交通工具乘客(人数)例句Ridership Amtrak has jumped by 18 % over the past two years.过去两年中,乘坐全美铁路公

20、司交通工具的乘客跳升18%.4. promote v. 促进;促销;晋升;使升级promotion n. 促进,增进;提升,升级;(商品等的)推广;发扬promotional adj. 促销的;增进的【惯用搭配】promote the awareness of 促进.的意识 promote friendship促进友情【近义词】promote/facilitate 促进【语境识记】The company launched an extensive promotional campaign to promote its new product line. However, the promoti

21、on of new products didnt attract much attention.该公司启动了一场广泛的促销活动来推广其新产品线。然而,新产品的推广并没有带来很多的关注。5. discourage v. 阻拦;使灰心 discouragement n. 沮丧;使人泄气的事物;阻止;劝阻discouraging adj. 使人气馁/沮丧的discouraged adj. 灰心的,丧气的;气馁的encourage v. 鼓励;使有希望;劝说;促进encouraging adj. 鼓舞人心的encouragement n. 鼓励;激励courage n. 勇气;无畏;胆量【惯用搭配】d

22、iscourage sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事 encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事【近义词】discourage/frustrate/dispirit/deject 使灰心【语境识记】Facing the discouraging fact, he felt discouragement and despair running over him, discouraging him from taking any action. Discouraged and frustrated, he locked him alone in the ro

23、om. At that moment, what he needed was encouragement and comfort, which would encourage him to face the result with courage. However, in such a foreign place, no encouraging words could be found.面对这个令人沮丧的事实,他感到沮丧和绝望涌来,阻止他采取任何行动。他感到沮丧与挫败,把他单独锁在房间里。在那一刻,他需要的是鼓励和安慰,这将鼓励他勇敢地面对结果。然而,在这样一个陌生的地方,他却找不到令人鼓舞的

24、话语。6. categorize vt. 把归类,把分门别类category n. 种类;类别【近义词】categorize/classify/sort out/divide into 分类 【语境识记】This type of china is hard to categorize, so until now no one has known for sure which category it belongs to. 这类瓷器很难归类,因此到目前为止,没有人确切知道它属于哪一类别。二、重点短语1. light(lit) up 点亮、照亮、使容光焕发=illuminate/brighten

25、up例句:The candle lit up the room.蜡烛照亮了整个房间。 His broad smile lit up the mood of everyone.他大大的笑容提升了所人的情绪。2. be known as 因作为.而出名,同义词组还有be famous /remarkable /distinguished/renowned/reputed as;例句:He is known as the author of the hit novel.他因作为热门小说作家而出名。3. as of 截至+时间 例句:The regulations come into force as

26、 of today.本条例自即日起施行. We accept submissions as of tomorrow.我们接受投稿截至明天。4. do everything sb. can to do sth. 尽某人所能去做某事= do everything in ones power to do = do what sb. can do to do = spare no efforts to do sth.=endeavor to do sth. 例句 We will do everything we can to ensure your stay here enjoyable.我们会竭尽所

27、能确保你在这玩得开心。5. meet ones needs 满足某人的需求=satisfy ones demands例句:Stores in this busy street can meet everyones needs.这条繁忙街道上的商店能能满足所有人的需求。三、句型1. And youll never be without something to read.【句型分析】never 与without 都含有否定含义,因此此处使用双重否定表“肯定”,sb. will never be without sth. to do意为“某人不会没事可做”。比如,介绍景点时,我们就可以说:Youl

28、l never be without something to appreciate in this tourist attraction.在这个旅游景点,你不会没有东西可欣赏。类似结构还有:sth. be never complete without sth. 没有某物,某事就不会完整。如: Your journey will never be complete without a taste of hot pot. 没有品尝火锅,你的旅程是不会完整的。C篇一、重点单词1. produce v. 引起;生产;生长;造出;出示;栽培;制作(电影等) n. 农产品production n. 生产

29、;产量;产生;排演;灌制;演出product n. 产品;产物;乘积productivity n. 生产率,生产力;经济学 生产率;生态学生产率productive adj. 富有成效的;多产的;生产性的;具有创造性的【近义词】produce/generate/give rise to/lead to/contribute to/result in 引起、导致 productive/effective有成效的【语境识记】This productive AI company has produced many products to show its high productivity.Howe

30、ver, high production doesnt mean everything.这家具有创造性的AI公司生产了许多产品来展现它高的生产力。然后,高产量并不意味着一切。2. cover v. 遮盖;覆盖;撒上;包括;涉及;处理;行走;掩护;敷衍;给保险;报道;足以支付;包庇;顶替,替补;采取预防行动;翻唱 n. 掩护,保护;躲避处,避难所;保险;覆盖物;coverage n. 新闻报道;信息范围;覆盖范围discover v. 发现,找到;了解到;发掘(人才)discovery n. 发现;发现的事物/人【惯用搭配】cover a story 报道一个故事 cover a long di

31、stance覆盖很长的距离 cover all the losses/costs/expenses承担所有的损失/成本/花销【语境识记】You may discover that the discovery of a new species often leads to extensive media coverage, with many reporters covering stories about the importance of scientific exploration and the coverage of biodiversity research.你可能会发现新物种的发现

32、常常导致广泛的媒体报道。许多记者报道突显了科学探索的重要性以及对生物多样性研究的故事。3. solid adj. 固体的;坚硬的;实心的;可靠的;纯质的;连续的;立体的;一致的 n. 固体;立体图形solidify vt.& vi. 使凝固,固化;使团结 solidity n. 可靠性;固性;硬度;固态【惯用搭配】solid evidence 可靠的证据 solid friend靠谱的朋友 【近义词】solid/reliable 可靠的【语境识记】The solid foundation of a building must be solidified with the best materi

33、als to ensure structural solidity and prevent any risk of collapse.建筑物的坚实基础必须用最好的材料加以固化,以确保结构的稳固性,防止任何倒塌的风险。4. serve v. 为服务/效力;任职;可用作;提供;接待;service n. 服务;使用;server n. 服务器 ;侍者;上菜用具;发球者【惯用搭配】serve as 作为. serve sth. to sb.提供食物等给某人 serve ones purpose 适合某人使用/满足某人 【近义词组】serve as=work as=act as 作为【语境识记】 I

34、never knew the server, but his good service left a deep impression on me when he served the food to me我从来不认识这个服务员,但当他给我提供食物时,他良好的服务给我留下了深刻的印象。5. innovative adj. 革新的;创新的;富有革新精神的;创新立异innovate vi. 改革,创新 vt. 引入(新事物、思想或方法)innovation n. 改革,创新;新观念;新发明;新设施innovator n. 改革者;创新者【近义词】innovative/creative创新的/有创造力

35、的【语境识记】Innovative companies are driven by innovators who continuously innovate and introduce new ideas, products, and services, leading to groundbreaking innovations that shape the future of industries.富有创新精神的公司由创新者推动,他们不断改革并引入新的思想、产品和服务,导致开创性的创新,塑造行业的未来。6. reliable adj. 可信赖的;可靠的reliability n. 可靠,可信

36、赖rely v. 依靠;信赖reliant adj. 依赖的;依靠的;信赖的;信任的reliance n. 依靠,依赖;信任,信赖,信心;所信赖的人或物【惯用搭配】rely on=depend on 依赖/依靠 【近义词】reliable/dependable可靠的 rely/depend依靠【语境识记】A reliable individual is one who others can rely on, demonstrating a strong sense of reliability, which is often the foundation of their reliance b

37、y others一个可信赖的人是别人可以信赖的人,展现出强烈的可靠性,这通常是他们被依赖的基础。7. significantly adv. 有重大意义地;显著地;意味深长地significant adj. 重要的;显著的;意味深长的significance n. 重要性;含义insignificant adj. 不重要的;微小的;毫无意义的;【惯用搭配】cultural and historical significance文化历史意义【近义词】significant/important/crucial/key/pivotal/momentous重要的/重大的【语境识记】Significant

38、 achievements in any field are often the result of hard work and dedication, and their significance can significantly impact our lives, while insignificant details may be easily overlooked but still hold their unique value and meaning.在任何领域取得的重大成就通常是努力和奉献的结果,它们的重要性可能显著地影响我们的生活,而不重要的细节可能容易被忽视,但仍然具有其独

39、特的价值和意义。二、重点短语1. go through 经历;度过;通读=experience/undergo经历例句He was going through a very difficult time.他正处于非常艰难的时期。2. the amount of 数量(只跟不可数名词) =the quantity of(这个短语可接可数/不可数名词)例句.The amount of sleep we need varies from person to person.我们对睡眠的需求量因人而异。3. replace.with 用.代替. =take the place of / in place

40、 of 例句 It is believed that many companies will replace human staff with AI tools.人们认为,许多公司将用AI工具替换掉人工。4. live out sustainability 践行可持续发展例句:Examples of people living out sustainability are various. 人们践行可持续发展的例子多种多样。5. single-use plastic 一次性塑料一次性的表达还可以用disposable这个形容词例句:The damage of single-use plasti

41、c to the ocean has been proven huge.一次性塑料对海洋的损害被证实是巨大的。6. be passionate about 对.热情=be enthusiastic/crazy about例句:We hope to see many students are passionate about traditional culture.我们希望看到许多学生对传统文化充满热情。7. be devoted to 致力于、奉献、深爱=be dedicated/committed to例句Scientists who are devoted to scientific re

42、searches are those we should admire.那些致力于科学研究的科学家是我们该崇拜的。8. be fond of 喜欢赞成=be in favor of例句 When I came here, I was fond of the climate here.当我来这里时,就爱上了这里的气候。三、句型1. when it comes to sb./sth, 当谈论到某人/事例句:When it comes to food, I am fond of hot pot.当谈论到食物,我喜欢火锅。3. there is no need to do sth.没有必要做某事。=i

43、t is unnecessary to do sth. 例句 There is no need to worry about the result. Let it be.没有必要担心结果。顺其自然。D篇一、重点单词1. given adj. 指定的,特定的;习惯的prep. 考虑到,鉴于;如果有(机会等)n. 假设事实【惯用搭配】given time/place特定的时间/地点 given that考虑到、鉴于【近义词】given/considering/in view of/by virtue of 鉴于/考虑到例句 They were to meet at a given time and

44、 place.他们要在规定的时间和地点会晤。 Given your interest in Chinese painting ,Id like to invite you to a painting show.鉴于你对中国绘画感兴趣,我想邀请你参加一个绘画展览。2. transform v. 使改变;使改观transformation n. 变化;转换;转换;变换transformer n. 变压器;促使变化的(或人物),改革者transformative adj. 有改革能力的,变化的【惯用搭配】transform.into 把.变成 【近义词】transform/change/turn改变

45、【语境识记】Through the power of innovative ideas and transformative leadership, a society can experience a profound transformation, where even the most insignificant aspects can be transformed into catalysts for positive change, and transformers play a pivotal role in driving this shift.通过创新思想和变革性领导的力量,社

46、会可以经历深刻的转变,即使是最不起眼的方面也可以转变为促进积极变化的催化剂,而改革者在推动这一转变中发挥着关键作用。3. absorbing adj. 吸引人的;非常有趣的absorb v. 吸收;理解,掌握;合并,同化;消减,缓冲;经受住;使全神贯注absorbed adj. 被吸引住,专心致志,全神贯注absorption n. 吸收;合并,同化;专注,着迷【惯用搭配】be absorbed in 专注于 absorb.from 从.吸收【近义词】absorbing/attractive/appealing吸引人的 absorbed/focused/concentrated专心的【语境识记】The absorbing novel captivated readers, absorbing their attention completely as they became absorbed in the story, a testament to the authors mas


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