2024新外研版七年级上册《英语》Starter Welcome to junior high!单元测试卷 .docx

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1、外研版英语七年级上册Starter单元测试卷I.单项选择题1. Welcome _ our new school. A. in B. at C. to D. in2. Junior high school is a new _ for teenagers from primary school. A. stage B. look C. fun D. subject3. When you are at a new school, you can _ with different students. A. make friend B. make friends C. make friendly D

2、. make a friend4. Do you get _ for the new school life? A. prepare B. prepared C. preparing D. preparation5. Tomorrow is your _ day of junior high school. A. first B. the first C. a first D. firstly6. Before travelling, dont forget to _ your clothes. A. back B. pack C. wrap D. put7. -Which new subje

3、ct do you like best in junior high school? -I like _ best. A. historian B. history C. historic D. historical8. In the _ class, you will learn about weather and climate(气候). A. geography B. chemistry C. biography D. music9. In hot summer, people usually wear _ to keep cool. A. coats B. shirts C. shor

4、ts D. jeans10. Volunteers will show you _the new school. A. round B. over C. around D. along11. We have music rooms and art rooms on the _ floor. A. one B. three C. two D. second12. Excuse me, where is the _ hall? A. dining B. dine C. dinner D. diner13. We usually do morning _ in the playground. A.

5、exercise B. excersising C. exercises D. exercised14. The food in our school is very delicious and _. A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy D. healthily15. Peter likes _ , playing football and swimming. A. run B. runs C. running D. to run16. Little Tom is so excited _his new bike. A. see B. to see C. see

6、ing D. sees17. My family enjoyed _ in the sea. A. swimming B. swiming C. swim D. to swim18. Lucy is _ nervous to see her new classmates. A. a bit B. a bit of C. bits D. bits of19. You cant bring _to school. A. pencils B. books C. snacks D. schoolbag20. Tina is a _ girl. A. helpful B. help C. helping

7、 C. helpedII. 按要求完成下列句子1. Youll learn new subject. (改为一般疑问句)2. Im aleady doing that. (改为否定句)3. How about you? (用he改写句子)4. This is the teaching building. (改为否定句)5. I went to Dalian with my parents. (对划线部分提问)6. 我想和你们所有人交朋友。(汉译英)7. What are her hobbies? (写出符合问句的答语)8. They went to Qingdao by plane. (改为一

8、般疑问句)9. She is very nervous. (对划线部分提问)10. Today is my first day in junior high. (用第一人称复数改写)III. 短文首字母填空 Today is my f_1_day in junior h_2_ school. I am a bit nervous to see my new classmates and new t_3_. The volunteers s_4_ me around the shcool. I like it very much. In my class, I find the teachers

9、 are really n_5_. My classmates are h_6_, they help me a lot with my d_7_. I want to make friends w_8_ them all. In junior high school ,there are many new s_9_ like history, chemistry a_10_ biology.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _IV. 完形填空Entering middle school was a new _1_ for me.

10、I was both _2_ and excited. The first day was filled with new experiences and challenges. The school building is muchlargerthan my _3_ one, and there are many morestudentsto meet. I was a bit overwhelmed at first, but Im _4_ used to it.I have to study several new_5_, includingscience and social stud

11、ies. Im particularly interested _6_ them because Ive always loved learning about the world around us.My classmates are really _7_. We have a lot in common, and we enjoy _8_our free time together. In class, we sometimes work ingroups. Its a good way to learn from each other and make new _9_.Our teach

12、er, Mrs. Lee, is verynice. She helps us understand the lessons and encourages us to ask questions.After school, there are many _10_ to join. I decided to join the soccer club to keep active and meet more people.Im looking forward to the rest of the year and all the new things Ill learn and experienc

13、e.( )1. A. stageB. timeC. lessonD. name( )2. A. sadB. nervousC. angryD. hungry( )3. A. oldB. youngC. futureD. now( )4. A. getB. getsC. gettingD. to get( )5. A. lessonsB. classesC. subjectsD. sports( )6. A. onB. inC. toD. for( )7. A. badB. friendlyC. happyD. terrible( )8. A. spendB. spendingC. to spe

14、ndD. spends( )9. A. friendsB. friendC. booksD. groups( )10. A. classesB. lessonsC. schools D. clubsV. 阅读理解Life as a Junior High School StudentI remember the first day of junior high school like it was yesterday. It was a day of new beginnings and a mix of emotions. The school seemed so much bigger t

15、han my elementary school, with a sea of unfamiliar faces. But as the days went by, I started to recognize and befriend some of my classmates.My schedule was packed with various subjects, from the challenging math problems to the fascinating world history lessons. I was particularly excited about the

16、 science lab, where we could conduct experiments and learn through hands-on experience. Making friends wasnt easy at first, but joining the schools soccer club helped me connect with peers who shared similar interests.Now, after a few months, I feel right at home. Ive learned that adapting to change

17、 is part of growing up, and junior high school is where it all begins.1. How did the author feel on the first day of junior high school? A. Excited about the science lab. B. Overwhelmed by the size of the school. C. Bored with the new subjects. D. Disappointed with the lack of friends.2. What helped

18、 the author make friends? A. The challenging math problems. B. The world history lessons. C. Joining the schools soccer club. D. Conducting experiments in the science lab.3. What was the authors initial impression of the school? A. It was very small. B. It was full of familiar faces. C. It was much

19、bigger than expected. D. It was not as interesting as expected.4. Which subject did the author find the most interesting? A. Math. B. World history. C. Science.D. There is no mention of a favorite subject.5. What lesson did the author learn after a few months? A. Making friends is difficult. B. Chan

20、ge is a part of growing up. C. School clubs are not helpful. D. Junior high school is not the place to grow.答案与解析I.单项选择题1. C. to 解析:Welcome to 是一个固定搭配,用来表示欢迎某人来到某个地方或加入某个组织。2. A. stage 解析:Stage 表示一个发展或经历的阶段,这里指的是青少年从小学升入初中的新阶段。3. B. make friends 解析:Make friends 是固定短语,表示结交朋友。Make friend 不正确,因为 friend

21、 在这里应使用复数形式。4.B. prepared 解析:Get prepared 是被动态,表示为某事做好了准备。Prepare 是动词原形,preparing 是现在分词,preparation 是名词,都不符合题意。5. A. first解析:First 是序数词,用来表示顺序中的第一。在表示日期或时间的顺序时,通常不用定冠词 the。6.B. pack 解析:Pack your clothes 表示打包你的衣服,是旅行前的常见动作。7. B. history解析:History 是一个科目名称,表示历史。其他选项与问题不符。8. A. geography 解析:Geography 是地

22、理课,通常包含学习天气和气候的内容。9.C. shorts 解析:在炎热的夏天,人们通常会穿短裤来保持凉爽。10.C. around 解析:Show you around 是一个固定搭配,表示带领某人参观四周。11. D. second 解析:Second floor 表示二楼,是英语中楼层编号的常用表达。12. A. dining 解析:Dining hall 表示餐厅,是用餐的地方。13. C. exercises 解析:Morning exercises 表示晨练,exercises 作为复数名词表示一系列的练习活动。14. B. healthy 解析:Healthy 是形容词,用来修饰

23、名词 food,表示食物既美味又健康。15. C. running 解析:Likes running 表示喜欢跑步,running 作为动名词使用,与 playing 和 swimming 并列。16. B. to see 解析:Is excited to see 表示对看到某物感到兴奋,to see 是不定式,用来表达目的。17. A. swimming 解析:Enjoyed swimming 表示享受游泳,swimming 作为动名词使用。18. A. a bit 解析:A bit 表示有一点,用来修饰形容词 nervous。19. C. snacks 解析:Snacks 表示零食,通常是

24、不允许带到学校的食物。20. A. helpful 解析:Helpful 是形容词,用来描述人乐于助人。Help 是动词,helping 是动名词或现在分词,helped 是过去式或过去分词,都不符合题意。正确选项应为 A。II. 按要求完成句子1. Will you learn new subjects? 解析:将陈述句改为一般疑问句时,通常将助动词will提前。2. Im not already doing that. 解析:改为否定句,在助动词am后面加上not,构成am not。3. How about him? 解析:用he改写句子,将原句中的you改为he,但he是主格形式,而在句

25、中要做about的宾语,所以还要把he改为宾格形式him;来完成句子4. This is not the teaching building. 解析:改为否定句,在be动词is后加上not,构成is not。5. Where did you go? 解析:对划线部分提问,划线的内容是表示地点的词语,故使用疑问词where来询问去了哪里6. I want to make friends with all of you. 或I want to make friends with you all. 解析:直译为我想和你们所有人交朋友,使用make friends with表达结交朋友,all of

26、you指所有人。7. Her hobbies are reading, painting, and playing the piano. 解析:回答问句What are her hobbies?可以列举她的爱好,如阅读、绘画和弹钢琴。8. Did they go to Qingdao by plane? 解析:改为一般疑问句,使用助动词did提前。9. How does she feel? 解析:对划线部分提问,划线的内容是表示感受的词语,故使用疑问词how来询问她的感受。10. Today is our first day in junior high. 解析:用第一人称复数改写,将my改为

27、our,I改为we。III.短文首字母填空1. first 解析:根据句子的意思,f_1_ day 指的是第一天,所以填入 first。2. junior high 解析:junior high school 是固定短语,表示初中。3. teachers 解析:t_3_ 根据上下文应该是 teachers,因为提到了 new classmates and new,后面应该是新老师。4. showed 解析:s_4_ me around 描述的是志愿者带领参观的动作,所以使用一般过去时 showed。5. nice 解析:n_5_ 根据句子的意思,描述老师的特点,所以填入 nice。6.help

28、ful 解析:h_6_ 根据句子结构和意思,classmates are h_ 应为 helpful,表示同学们乐于助人。7. difficulties 解析:d_7_ 根据句子 help me a lot with my d_7_,应填入 difficulties,表示困难。8. with 解析:w_8_ them all 表示 和他们所有人交朋友,所以填入 with。9. subjects 解析:s_9_ 根据后面的 like history, chemistry a_10_ biology 可知是 subjects,表示学科。10. and 解析:a_10_ biology 中 a_10

29、_ 应填入 and,用来连接化学和生物学两个学科。IV. 完型填空1.A. stage 解析:stage 表示一个发展或经历的阶段,这里指的是作者进入中学的新阶段。2. B. nervous 解析:根据句子 I was both 2 and excited,空格处需要一个与 excited 并列的情绪形容词,nervous 符合语境。3. A. old 解析:one 指代的是 school building,所以空格处应为 old 表示作者之前的学校。4. C. getting 解析:be getting used to 是固定短语,表示逐渐习惯于某事。5. C. subjects 解析:st

30、udy several new 5 表示学习新的科目,subjects 指学科。6. B. in 解析:be interested in 是固定短语,表示对.感兴趣。7. B. friendly 解析:根据句子 My classmates are really 7,空格处需要一个形容词来描述同学,friendly 表示友好的。8. B. spending 解析:enjoy 后面接动名词形式,spending 表示花费时间。9. A. friends 解析:make new _ 表示结交新朋友,friends 是 friend 的复数形式。10. D. clubs 解析:there are ma

31、ny 10 to join 表示有许多可以加入的组织,clubs 指俱乐部或社团。V. 阅读理解1. B. Overwhelmed by the size of the school.作者提到第一天时学校看起来比小学大得多,有很多不熟悉的面孔,这让他感到不知所措。2. C. Joining the schools soccer club.作者通过加入学校的足球俱乐部结识了有相似兴趣的同学,这帮助他交到了朋友。3. C. It was much bigger than expected.作者记得学校比他预期的要大得多,这说明他对学校的初步印象是它很大。4. B. World history.尽管作者提到了对科学实验室的兴奋,但他说“世界历史课引人入胜”,表明他发现这门课最有趣。5. B. Change is a part of growing up.作者在文章最后学到的教训是适应变化是成长的一部分,这表明他认识到变化是成长过程中的正常现象。


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