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1、译译林林版版四四年年级级上上册册 Unit 6考考点点精精练练(B) 班班级级:_ 姓姓名名:_ 一.选择 ( )1.当你告诉别人你游泳很好时,你可以说:A.I can swim. B.I can swim very well. ( )2.【难题】Mike is a student and he can swim . A.good; good B.well; well C.good;well ( )3.-Look!I can play basketball very well. - A.Cool! B.Yes,I can C.No, cant ( )4.-He can swim well. L

2、ook! - A.Great! B.Dont be sad! C.Yes,I do ( )5.I footballs very much. A.can B.like C.have ( )6.【易错】爸爸告诉你他可以踢足球踢得很好,他说: A.I can play football. B. I can play football very well. C. He can play football very well. ( )7.Can Jim _? A.to fly B.flies C.fly ( )8.Can you play _? A. a football B .basketball C

3、. the table tennis ( )9.【易错】-Can your cousin skate? -No, . A. I cant B. he cant C. she cant ( )10.【易错】- ? -No,I cant. I can play football. A.What do you have B. Can you play basketball C. Can you play football ( )11.- ?-Yes,he can. A.Can you play football? B.Do you like football? C. Can Mike play fo

4、otball? ( )12.-Can have a try? -Yes,you can. A.you B.he C.I ( )13.- be late(迟到) again. Im sorry. A.Not B.No C. Dont ( )14.The boy cant do this. So she is very . A.happy B.sad C.lovely ( )15.-Can Tom do it ? -No,he cant do it . A.too;too B.too;either C. either;either ( )16.-I cant play basketball. -

5、. A.Have a try B.Cool C. Yes,I can ( )17.你想和对方一起打篮球,你可以这样说: A. Can you play basketball ? B.Lets play basketball. C.Do you like basketball? ( )18.你想问对方是否会做蛋糕,可以说:A.Do you like cakes? B.Can you make a cake? C.Would you like a cake? ( )19.你也会打乒乓球吗? A.Can you play table tennis either? B. Can you play ta

6、ble tennis? C. Can you play table tennis too? ( )20.刘涛也不会游泳。 A.Liu Tao cannot skate either. B. Liu Tao cant skate too. C. Liu Tao can skate either. 21.选出与其余单词不同的选项 ( ) 1.A.yeah B.wow C.yes ( ) 2.A.tweet B.quack C.jump ( ) 3.A.swim B.fat C.skate ( ) 4.A.nice B.great C.try D.cool ( ) 5.A.jump B.sad C.

7、run D.fly ( ) 6.A.well B.skate C.jump ( ) 7.A.wonderful B.look C.have ( ) 8.A.funny B.cute C.jump D.nice ( ) 9.A.play B.swim C.talk D.either ( )10.A.he B.she C.they D.your ( )11.A.she B.his C.our ( ) 12.A.great B.good C.play 二填入适当的词 1.cant (完整形式) 2. he(物主代词) 3.she(物主代词) 4.basketball(复数) 5.these(对应词)

8、 6. boy(对应词) 7.cute(同义词) 8.thank you(同义词) 9.horse(复数) 10.I(物主代词) 11.can not(缩写) 12.either(同义词) 13.is not(缩写) 14. do not(缩写) 15.happy(反义词) 16.let us(缩写) 17.those(单数) 18.I(宾格) 19.- Can you jump? - No, I _( can). 20.- Quack,quack!I can (fly/swim). I can swim (too/either). 21.-Miaow,Miaow! I cant fly. I

9、 cant (fly/jump) (too/either). 22.This is (I) mother. 23. (she) Helen. 24.Wang Bing (have) six rulers. 25.Do you like (dog),Mike? 三翻译 1.打篮球 2. 踢足球 3.试一试 4.你呢? 5.不会飞 6.不要伤心 7.五个有趣的男孩 8.看我 9.游泳和滑冰 10.I cant fly either. 11.eleven years old 12.play basketball well 13.游得好 14.他篮球打得很好。He can_ _ _ _. 15.-我不

10、会游泳,你会吗? -我会游泳,但是我不会飞。 -I . How about ? -I swim,but I . 16.我能看一下吗?_ I _ _ _? 17.-王兵会打篮球吗? -会。 -Can Wang Bing ? -Yes, . 18.-鸭子会游泳。你会游泳吗? -不,我不会。 - can swim. Can swim? - ,I cant. 19.你可以试一试吗? Can you ? 20.我也会滑冰。 I too. 四连词成句 1.well,jump,I,very,can(.) 2.she,well,play,very,can,basketball(.) 3.not,skate,s

11、he,can (.) 4.he,not,swim,can(.) 5.skate,you,can(?) 6.can,play,you,well,football(?) 7.your,friend,swim,can(?) 8.do,can,what,you(?) 9.you,what,about,Lucy(, ?) 10.either,skate,cant,I(.) 11.cant,play,either,Wang Bing,football(.) 五改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正) 1.Can Mike play an basketball? 2.I cant swim to

12、o. 3.He can swim very good. 4.Can your brother skates? 5.-Can Mike play basketball? -Yes,she can. 6.We cant fly too. 六.选择合适的答句 ( )1.Can you play basketball,Mike? A.No,they cant. ( )2.Lets have a try. B.Yes,I can. ( )3.Can tigers fly? C.Were sorry. ( )4.Can Mike play football? D.OK! ( )5.Dont play fo

13、otball here. E.No,he cant. ( )6.I cant swim. F. I cant either. ( )7.I want to fly but I cant. G.Dont be sad. We can go to skate. 六句型转换 I can swim too.(改为否定句) I swim . 七.排序题 1.A.Hi,Nancy. Can you skate? B.Yes,I can. Look! C.No,I cant. D.Great! E.Have a try. F.How about you,Tom?Can you skate? G.Yeah!I

14、 can skate now! 2.A.I can swim. B.Sorry,I cant play table tennis. C.What can you do? D.Hello,Tina. Can you play table tennis with me? E.Great!Lets go. F.OK. 译译林林版版四四年年级级上上册册 Unit 6考考点点精精练练(答答案案) 班班级级:_ 姓姓名名:_ 一.选择 1.【易错】-What you like? -Some noodles. A.do B.wouldC.are 2.-What would you like? - Id li

15、ke some . A.hamburgerB.hot dog C.noodles 3.Id like a . A.coffeeB.glass of coffee C. cup of coffee 4.【易错】Id like a . A.ice cream B.hamburgerC.pies 5.-What you like? - I like cakes. A.would B.do C.are 6.-Im hungry. -Heres a for you. A.eggB.teaC.sandwich 7.Id like some . A.teasB.ricesC.sandwiches 8.-A

16、glass of coffee,please. - else? -No,. A.Anything;it isnt B. Anything;thank C. Anything;thanks 9.Theyre a snack bar. A.in B.at C.for 10.选出不同类的单词 (1)( ) A.hamburgerB.sandwichC.bananaD.noodles (2) ( ) A.coffeeB.teaC.riceD.juice (3) ( ) A.nineteenB.anyC.manyD.some (4) ( ) A.glassB.cupC.milkD.carton 二.多项

17、选择 ( )1.你在商店购物时,服务员会说: A.What do you like? B. Can I help you?C.What do you have?D.What would you like? ( )2.当你告诉营业员想买一杯咖啡时,可以说: A.I like coffee. B. Id like a coffee. C. Id like a cup of coffee. ( )3.当你想知道别人的看法时,可以问: A.How are you?B.What about you? C. How about you? ( )4.你想问对方还要些什么,你可以这样说:A.No,thank

18、you. B.Anything else? C. What about you? ( )5.你想告诉对方你想要一杯咖啡,你可以这样说: A. would you like a cup of coffee?B.Do you have a cup of coffee?C.Id like a cup of coffee. ( )6.你想要一个汉堡,你可以这样说:A.A hamburger,please. B.Yes,please. C. I like hamburgers. ( )7.你想要一些馅饼,你可以这样说:A.Some pies,please. B.Would you like Some p

19、ies? C. I like pies. 三填入适当的词 1.I like hamburgers(汉堡包). 2.Here are two cups (杯) of tea for you. 3.Helen is at(在) a snack bar. 三翻译 1.三个汉堡three hamburgers 2.一些面条some noodles 3.十个三明治ten sandwiches 4.一些米 饭 some rice 5.想要 would like 6.五杯咖啡 five cups of coffee 7.六杯牛奶 six glasses of milk 8. What a big apple

20、!多么大的苹果啊! 9.at the snack bar 在小吃店 10.两杯茶 two cups of tea 11.Theyre all nice. 他们都很美味。12.order food 点餐 13.一个鸡蛋 an egg 14.some drinks 一些饮料 15.我想要一杯牛奶。 Id like a cup of milk. 16.我想要两杯咖啡。Id like two cups of coffee. 17.你呢?我想要一些面条。 - What about you? -Id like some noodles. 18. 还 要 其 他 东 西 吗 ? 是 的 , 来 三 个 三

21、明 治 。 -Anything else ? -Yes , three sandwiches,please. 19.我会溜冰,我也是。 -I can skate. Me too. 20.-我饿了。 -你想要点什么? -我想要一些米饭。 -Im hunger. What would you like? -Id like some rice. 21.一些汉堡在桌子上。Some hamburgers are on the table. 22.-这儿有一碗面条给你。 -谢谢。 -Here is a bowl of noodles for you. Thank you. 23.-我能为您效劳吗? -好的

22、,我想要些鱼。 -Can I help you ? -Yes,Id like some fish . 24.它们都很美味。(P47) They are all very nice . 四连词成句 1.like,do,coffee,you (?) Do you like coffee? 2.of,would,I,like,cup,a,tea(.) I would like a cup of tea. 3.of,would,you,like,cup,a,tea(?) Would you like a cup of tea? 4.Mike,like,would,what,you(,?) What w

23、ould you like, Mike? 5.about,what,Helen,you(,?) What about you, Helen? 6.【易错】two,milk,some,and,sandwiches,please(, .) Two sandwiches and some milk, please. 7.fish,some,please,have(,.) Have some fish, please. 8.is,a,bar,snack,here (.) Here is a snack bar. 9.are,for,noodles,here,you,some(.) Here are s

24、ome noodles for you. 10.【易错】nice,all,they,are,very(.) They are all very nice. 11.【易错】order,I,can,food(.) I can order food. 12.a,what,apple,big(!) What a big apple! 五.阅读理解(正确的写 T,错误的写 F) Waitress:Good afternoon,boys. Gao Shan and Liu Tao:Good afternoon. Waitress:Can I help you? Liu Tao:Two hamburgers

25、,please. Waitress:Anything else?Liu Tao:A cup of coffee. Waitress:What about you?Gao Shan:A glass of milk,please. Waitress:Here you are. Gao Shan and Liu Tao:Thank you. ( F )1. Liu Tao would like two hot dogs and a cup of coffee. ( T )2. Gao Shan would like some milk. ( T )3.They are at a snack bar.

26、 ( T )4.It is in the afternoon. 六.排序 1.Id like a glass of juice. 2.No,Im not hungry. 3.Would you like a sandwich? 4.Yes,please. 5.Nice to meet you too. 6.What would you like? 7.Hi,Lucy . Nice to meet you. 8.What about some mango juice? 7 5 3 2 6 1 8 4 1.Id like a sandwich and a glass of milk too. 2.No. What about you,Mum? 3. Mum, Im hungry. 4. What would you like , Su Hai ? 5.Id like a sandwich and a glass of milk. 6.Anything else? 3 4 5 6 2 1


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