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1、 中考英语 (河南专用) 第二部分 读写能力提升 语篇题型组合训练 一、完形填空 One day, a hunter went hunting with his dog. He saw a rabbit running out of a bush not far in front and 1 raised his gun to shoot. The rabbit was hurt. It ran away 2 . The hunter waved to the dog to 3 it. The well-trained dog rushed like an arrow, running ver

2、y fast and full of 4 . The rabbit ran so desperately(拼命地)that it 5 not to have been hurt at all. However, the dog was surprising- ly left behind. Gradually(逐渐地), the dog was losing sight of(看不见)the rabbit. At last when the dog 6 empty-handed, the hunter was angry and blamed(责备)it,“How 7 !Unable to c

3、atch an injured rabbit!No supper for you.”Feeling sad, the dog tried to explain for 8 , “Though I didnt catch it, I had done my best.” When the rabbit got home, all the other rabbits were surprised at its 9 . They were dying to ask,“How did you 10 to run away when the dog almost caught you?Its unbel

4、ievable!”The frightened rabbit answered, 组合训练一 “The dog would only be blamed for not catching me at most, 11 all it did was to do its best. The situation is completely different 12 me. I would surely lose my life 13 I was caught. I had to go all out(竭尽全 力)!” We can learn a lesson for our daily life

5、from the story. Have we ever examined ourselves and asked 14 we did our best or went all out when we looked for a(n) 15 for our failure? 1.A.slowly B.quickly C.easily D.strangely 2.A.in order B.in need C.in fear D.in surprise 3.A.bark at B.look at C.look after D.run after 4.A.knowledge B.kindness C.

6、humour D.confidence 5.A.seemed B.became C.tasted D.sounded 6.A.followed B.left C.returned D.waited 7.A.careless B.useless C.homeless D.harmless 8.A.itself B.it C.himself D.him 9.A.sadness B.luck C.worry D.patience 10.A.succeed B.fail C.manage D.suggest 11.A.but B.or C.yet D.so 12.A.from B.for C.as D

7、.of 13.A.though B.unless C.until D.if 14.A.whether B.that C.what D.where 15.A.respect B.hope C.excuse D.effect 答案答案 语篇解读语篇解读 通过这则讲述受伤的兔子成功脱险的寓言故事,我们得知:做事情要竭尽全力,不要为失败找借 口。 1.B 句意:他看到前方不远处有一只兔子从灌木丛中跑出来,他迅速举起枪射击。根据常识可知猎人看到 逃跑的猎物会迅速(quickly)开枪射击。slowly慢慢地;easily容易地;strangely奇怪地。 2.C 句意:兔子害怕地(in fear)跑了。

8、in order依次;in need生活困难的;in surprise惊奇地。从上文可知兔子 受伤了,故C项符合语境。 3.D 句意:猎人挥手示意狗去追赶(run after)它。bark at对着吠;look at 看;look after照顾。根据下文的 rushed可以推出答案。 4.D 根据语境可知,狗跑得很快而且信心(confidence)十足,故选D。 5.A 句意:兔子如此拼命地奔跑,以至于它看起来(seemed)根本没受伤。become变成;taste品尝;sound听起 来。由于兔子受伤了,只能是看起来似乎没受伤。 6.C 根据下文猎人训斥狗可知狗是空手而归(returned

9、)。follow跟随;leave离开;wait等待。 7.B 根据下句“连一只受伤的兔子都抓不住!”可知此处表示“无用的”。careless粗心的;homeless 无 家可归的;harmless无害的。 8.A 此处指狗尽力为自己(itself)辩解。根据上文的blamed it可知不能用himself。 9.B 根据上下文可知,其他兔子对它的幸运(luck)很吃惊。兔子负伤而成功逃脱实属幸运。 10.C 句意:当狗快捉住你的时候你是怎么设法(manage)逃掉的?succeed成功;fail失败;suggest建议。当表 示“努力完成某事”时,应使用manage to do sth.。 1

10、1.D 句意:狗捉不到我,它最多只会受到责备,所以(so)它要做的就是尽力。前后为因果关系。 12.B 句意:对我来说,情况完全不同。for对来说。 13.D 句意:如果(if)我被捉到,我肯定会丧命。此处表示假设。though虽然;unless除非;until直到为 止。 14.A 根据下文的or可知此处应用whether构成whether.or.结构。 15.C 根据上下文可知此处说的是为我们的失败寻找借口(excuse)。respect尊敬;hope希望;effect效果。 二、选择型阅读 Do you want a job in the holidays? Just go for it

11、. First, you need to know what kind of job is suitable for your age and interest. If youre 13 to 15 It seems that you cant work almost anywhere, but youre probably allowed to clean your neighbours cars or walk their dogs. There is no lowest wage(工资)for children under 16. By law, you cant work more t

12、han 35 hours each week during school holidays. And you cant work before 7 am or after 7 pm. If youre 16 to 17 The lowest wage for 1617-year-old teenagers should be no less than seven dollars per hour. You cant work in a pub or bar, but you can work in many other places. By law, you cant work more th

13、an 40 hours each week. What jobs are out there? Obviously your choices are limited(限制)by the fact that you can only work during school holidays, but the fol- lowing situations are fine. At Christmas, most shops are short of hands, so you may find something to do there. In autumn, theres always fruit

14、 picking. It can be pretty hard work, but it pays really well. If youre mad about football, you can choose to work in a sports shop or help out at a local football club. No matter how much you are paid, you are doing what you like. 1.In the school holidays, 14-year-old kids . A.can work anywhere the

15、y want B.are not allowed to work alone C.cant go to work at night D.can work as long as 14 hours a day 2.How much can a 16-year-old kid be paid at least in two hours? A.21 dollars. B.17 dollars. C.14 dollars. D.7 dollars. 3.If you want to clean cars for others, you should at least be . A.16 B.15 C.1

16、4 D.13 4.According to the passage, fruit picking is . A.not right for children B.tiring but pays well C.better than other jobs D.more interesting to girls 5.According to the passage, which statement is true? A.If you are 17 years old, youre not allowed to walk the dog for your neighbour. B.Teenagers

17、 can choose their jobs according to their interest. C.Fruit picking pays well because there are fewer people to pick it. D.Only a football fan is allowed to work in a football club. 答案答案 语篇解读语篇解读 本文介绍了不同年龄段的青少年做假期工作的一些规定。 1.C 推理判断题。由1315岁这一年龄段信息的最后一句可知选C。 2.C 推理判断题。由1617岁这一年龄段信息的第一句“The lowest wage

18、for 1617-year-old teenagers should be no less than seven dollars per hour.”可以算出,两小时的工资至少是14美元。 3.D 细节理解题。由1315岁这一年龄段信息中的“youre probably allowed to clean your neighbours cars or walk their dogs”可知选D。 4.B 细节理解题。由倒数第二段最后一句“It can be pretty hard work, but it pays really well.”可知选B。 5.B 细节理解题。由第一段中“First

19、, you need to know what kind of job is suitable for your age and inter- est.”可知选B。 三、任务型阅读 Smoke alarms(报警器) House fires cause many deaths each year and a large number of these fires are unfortunately set by children. 1 Kids must understand that theyd better not play with fire. You should keep match

20、es and lighters out of their reach. 2 The main job of such an alarm is to protect you while youre asleep. You should have a smoke alarm outside each bedroom and on each floor of your home. You ought to have two plans for getting out of your house if there is a fire and practise these plans in the da

21、rk with your family. A smoke alarm warns you of the danger. 3 Take action immediately. When you come to a closed door, check it with the back of your hand. If it feels hot, there may be smoke or fire behind the door, so take care. Once you are out of your house, call the fire department from a neigh

22、bors house. If a family member or a pet is caught inside, you shouldnt go back in. Firemen know how to perform rescues safely. 4 Change the batteries at least once a year. You should use the test button each month to see if the alarm and batteries are still working. A smoke alarm lasts about ten yea

23、rs. You ought to change it even if it seems to be working. About two out of three fire deaths happen in homes with no working smoke alarms. 5 A.Most of these deaths can be avoided. B.But when you hear it, you dont have much time. C.A smoke alarm is only good if its working properly. D.So, its import

24、ant to teach them that fire is a tool, not a toy. E.A smoke alarm greatly reduces your chances of being hurt in a fire. 答案答案 语篇解读语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了烟雾报警器的作用及使用时的注意事项,并呼吁每家每户都 配备烟雾报警器。 1.D 空后面的句子 Kids must understand that theyd better not play with fire.与选项D中的not a toy相一致, 故选D。 2.E 空后面的句子The main job

25、 of such an alarm is to protect you while youre asleep.与选项E中的reduces your chances of being hurt相一致,故选E。 3.B 空后面的句子Take action immediately.与选项B中的dont have much time相一致, 故选B。 4.C 空后面的句子Change the batteries at least once a year.和.to see if the alarm and batteries are still work- ing.与选项C中的if its workin

26、g properly相一致,故选C。 5.A 空前面的句子About two out of three fire deaths happen in homes with no working smoke alarms.与选项 A 中的Most of these deaths相一致,故选A。 四、补全对话 A:(1) ? B:I need a pair of black shoes for a basketball game. A:OK. (2) ? B:Size 39. A:How about this pair? B:I love it. (3) ? A:They are made in C

27、hina. B:Cool!How much are they? A:Theyre on sale for twenty-two dollars. B:Fantastic!(4) . A:Here you are. B:Thank you! A:(5) . 答案答案 (1)What can I do for you 由下面答句客人的要求“I need.”,可推断出此句是销售员对顾客的接待语。 (2)What size would you like/What size do you need/What size do you want 由下面答句“Size 39.”可知问 的是尺码。 (3)Whe

28、re are they made 由下面答句的“made in China”可知顾客问的是商品的产地,要用疑问词where 来提问。 (4)Ill take them 由下面的“Here you are.”可以确定顾客最终决定要购买。 (5)Youre welcome 根据顾客所说的“Thank you”可知,销售员应回以“Youre welcome”。 五、书面表达 初中生活即将结束,请你想一下,谁是你最喜欢的老师?他/她长什么样子?你为什么喜欢他/她?以My Favorite Teacher为题,用英语写一篇短文,请根据要点进行描述,可以结合具体事例,也可以适当增加自己想 写的内容。 要点

29、: 1.What does he/she look like? 2.Why do you like him/her? 3. 注意: 1.词数80100; 2.可适当增加细节及要点以外的内容,要求行文连贯; 3.文中不得出现真实姓名及学校名称。 答案答案 写作提示写作提示 1.文体:记叙文。 2.人称:以第三人称为主。 3.时态:以一般现在时态为主。 4.要点:What does he/she look like? Why do you like him/her? . 参考范文参考范文 My Favorite Teacher Id like to say thanks to my English

30、 teacher. He is very tall and handsome. He has straight brown hair and he doesnt wear glasses. He usually wears jeans, a T-shirt and sports shoes. I like him because he is really cool and fun, and he is good at soccer. He can always make his class lively and interesting. Whats more, he is patient an

31、d kind to us students. With his help, we have had enough courage to face difficulties and made much progress in English. I want to say “Thank you!”to my dear teacher. The love and support from him will be with us forever. 精彩语句精彩语句 1.精美词汇:say thanks to.向表达感谢;be good at 擅长;make much progress 取得很大进步 2.

32、出彩结构:I like him because he is really cool and fun, and he is good at soccer. (because引导原因状语从 句) With his help, we have had enough courage to face difficulties and made much progress in English. (and 连 接两个并列谓语,With his help 作状语) 组合训练二 一、完形填空 I remember sitting in an airport one day, waiting for my fl

33、ight. I was 1 because I had a first-class(头 等的)ticket. And in first class, the seats are 2 , and the food is more delicious. Actually, I had the best seat on the whole plane! Seat 1A. Before boarding, I 3 a young lady who had a big suitcase(手提箱)and several carry-on bags was holding a crying baby. 4

34、, the handle(把手)of her suitcase broke and the suitcase fell to the floor. She tried 5 the case and her bags landed on the floor, too. “Let me help,”I said to her. I 6 her suitcase over my left shoulder, put her bags on my right and asked, “Where to?” “Gate 20,”she said, and showed me her ticket. Sea

35、t 24B. “Oh, we are on the same flight.” Boarding started, and I 7 that she needed the first-class ticket.“It looks like you could use this first-class ticket more than me. I know how 8 it can be flying with a kid. Why dont we trade tickets?” “Are you sure?”she asked. “Yes, just take my ticket and gi

36、ve me yours. I really dont 9 . Im just going to be working the whole time, anyway.” “Thats very kind of you,”she said, and expressed her 10 as we traded our tickets. Then we boarded the plane. I was surprised at the good 11 it gave me while watching her sit down in seat 1A. In fact, seat 24B or 12 I

37、 was sitting didnt seem that bad at all. At one point during the flight I really wanted to see how she was doing. So I 13 , walked to the first-class section, and had a look. There she was with her baby, 14 asleep. Seeing they were sleeping in big and 15 seat 1A, I felt like a million bucks. Ive got

38、 to keep doing this kind of thing. 1.A.excited B.bored C.sad D.worried 2.A.smaller B.bigger C.dirtier D.shorter 3.A.asked B.learned C.noticed D.thought 4.A.Seriously B.Successfully C.Secretly D.Suddenly 5.A.finding B.lifting C.putting D.changing 6.A.knocked B.threw C.pulled D.hung 7.A.hoped B.regret

39、ted C.realized D.suggested 8.A.strange B.easy C.hard D.funny 9.A.mind B.understand C.want D.stand 10.A.pity B.fear C.advice D.thanks 11.A.taste B.chance C.memory D.feeling 12.A.however B.whatever C.wherever D.whoever 13.A.got up B.put up C.turned up D.took up 14.A.all B.both C.either D.neither 15.A.

40、popular B.terrible C.straight D.comfortable 答案答案 语篇解读语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述作者在候机时帮助了一位带小孩的女士提行李,并把自己的头等舱机 票和女士的机票进行了交换,同时在文章结尾处写出了自己帮助别人后的感受,而且强调自己会继续帮助 别人。 1.A 本题考查形容词。根据第一段第二句中的 because I had a first-class ticket可知,“我”有头等舱机票 的感受是兴奋的。故选A。 2.B 本题考查形容词的比较级。根据第一段第三句中的the food is more delicious可知头等舱的食物更美 味,根

41、据常识可知,头等舱的座位也会更大,故选B。 3.C 本题考查动词。ask问;learn学习;notice 注意到;think思考,认为。在登机之前,“我”注意到一个带着 小孩和很多行李的年轻女士,故选C。 4.D 本题考查副词。seriously严肃地;successfully成功地;secretly秘密地;suddenly突然地。根据空后the handle of her suitcase broke and the suitcase fell to the floor可知行李箱的把手突然坏了,故选D。 5.B 本题考查非谓语动词。find发现;lift举起,提起;put放;change改变

42、。根据语境可知,行李箱的把手坏了 以后,女士尝试把行李箱提起来,故选B。 6.B 本题考查动词。knock敲;throw扔;pull拉;hang悬挂。根据上文的Let me help可知“我”看见了女士 的困难处境,决定帮她,所以“我”把她的行李箱往左肩扔,故选B。 7.C 本题考查动词。hope希望;regret后悔;realize 意识到;suggest建议。根据前文发生的事情可知,“我” 在登机开始的时候,意识到带小孩的女士更需要头等舱的机票,所以才有后文的换机票一事发生,根据语境 选C。 8.C 本题考查形容词。strange奇怪的;easy容易的;hard困难的;funny有趣的。根

43、据前后句的意思可知,带 小孩坐飞机是件困难的事情,故选C。 知识拓展知识拓展 hard当形容词用时,除了“困难的”,还可以表示“坚硬的,艰苦的”。 9.A 本题考查动词。mind介意;understand理解;want想要;stand忍受。根据上下文可知,当“我”提出交 换机票时,女士不太相信这个事实,“我”为了让女士安心,所以说Im just going to be working the whole time“我”要一直工作,不介意和她换票,故选A。 10.D 本题考查名词。pity同情,遗憾;fear害怕,恐惧;advice建议;thanks感谢。根据前文Thats very kind

44、of you可知女士对“我”的好心之举表达她的感谢,故选D。 11.D 本题考查名词。taste味道,滋味;chance机会;memory记忆;feeling感觉。根据上下文可知当“我”看 着女士坐在头等舱时,“我”很惊讶这给“我”带来的美好感觉,故选D。 12.C 本题考查副词。however无论如何;whatever无论什么;wherever无论哪里;whoever无论谁。根据上 下文可知,女士的座位24B或者“我”坐的任何地方都似乎不算糟糕,故选C。 13.A 本题考查动词短语。get up 起床,起身;put up张贴,举起,搭建;turn up调大音量,出现;take up开始从 事

45、,占用。根据前文I really wanted to see how she was doing可知“我”起身去看看情况,故选A。 14.B 本题考查代词。all三者或三者以上的全部;both两者都;either两者中的任何一个;neither两者都不。 根据上文的she was with her baby可知指两个人,故选B。 深度解析深度解析 both指两者都,常与and连用;all指三者或三者以上都;either两者中的任何一个,常与or连用,表示 “要么要么,或者或者”;neither常与nor连用,表示“既不也不”。either.or和nei- ther.nor连接两个主语时,谓语动

46、词应遵循“就近原则”。 15.D 本题考查形容词。popular受欢迎的;terrible糟糕的;straight直的;comfortable舒服的。根据上下文和 常识可知,头等舱的座位又大又舒适,故选D。 长难句长难句 Before boarding, I noticed a young lady who had a big suitcase and several carry-on bags was holding a crying baby.在登机前,我注意到一位年轻的女士带着一个大手提箱和几个随身携带的袋子,手里抱着一个哭泣的 婴儿。 本句是一个主从复合句。首先,动词noticed的后面是一个省


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