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1、UNIT 6 THE ADMIRABLE 1.Do you have someone in mind that you admire?你心目中有崇拜的人 吗?(教材 p.103) 2.But why do you think firefighters are admirable people?但是你为什么 认为消防员是令人钦佩的人呢?(教材 p.103) 3.In 1969,Tu Youyou was chosen to establish a team to find a cure for malariaa disease that killed millions of people eve

2、ry year. 1969 年,屠呦呦被选中成立一个团队,寻找疟疾的治疗方法。疟疾这种 疾病每年会导致数百万人死亡。(教材 p.53) 4. Malaria kills over 1,000,000 people a yearmore people than any disease apart from AIDS. 疟疾每年夺去 100 多万人的生命除了艾滋病,比任何疾病都多。 (教材 p.52) 5.The woman was Tu Youyou,the first Chinese female scientist to be awarded a Nobel Prize for her wo

3、rk. 这位女士就是屠呦呦,是中国第一位获得诺贝尔奖的女科学家。(教材 p.52) 6.When thanking the Committee for the honour,Tu Youyou said.在感谢 委员会给予自己这项荣誉的时候,屠呦呦说(教材 p.53) 7.This is not only an honour for myself,but also recognition and encouragement for all scientists in China.这不仅是我个人的荣誉,也是 对中国所有科学家的认可和鼓励。(教材 p.53) 8.Later,she studied

4、 Chinese medicine for two and a half years with experts in the field from whom she gained a deep knowledge about traditional practices.后来,她与该领域的专家一起学习了两年半的中医, 从他们那里她获得了关于传统做法的深刻知识。(教材 p.53) 9.In 1969,Tu Youyou was chosen to establish a team to find a cure for malariaa disease that killed millions of

5、 people every year.1969 年,屠呦 呦被选中成立一个团队,寻找疟疾的治疗方法。疟疾这种疾病每年会 导致数百万人死亡。(教材 p.53) 10.However,after hundreds of failed experiments,they eventually came across a promising chemical. 然而,在数百次失败的实验后,他们最终发现了一种有希望的化学物质。 (教材 p.53) 11.Today Tu Youyou continues to conduct research despite her age.如今, 尽管年事已高,屠呦呦仍

6、在继续进行研究。(教材 p.53) 12.There is great potential for future advances if these two kinds of wisdom can be fully integrated.如果这两种智慧能够完全融合,未来的 发展潜力会很大。(教材 p.53) 13.However,Tu Youyou had an idea that Chinese herbs might hold the secret.然而,屠呦呦认为秘密就在于中草药。(教材 p.53) 14.Tu Youyou was noted for her bravery in be

7、ing a scientist during a difficult time for science in China,her ability to use old wisdom and new methods to achieve her goals and the fact that her work bridged the Eastern and Western worlds,saving millions of lives. 在那样一个对于中国科学来说极为困难的时期,屠呦呦因为她作为科 学家的勇敢、 运用旧智慧和新方法实现目标的能力以及她跨越东西方 世界,拯救数百万生命的事实而闻名。

8、(教材 p.53) 15.Pick out the right information for each of them.为每个人挑选正确 的信息。(教材 p.56) 16.He organised peaceful protests.他组织了和平抗议。(教材 p.56) 17.He gave a famous and inspiring speech with the words “I have a dream”.他发表了一篇著名而鼓舞人心的演讲,开头是“我有一个梦想”。 (教材 p.56) 18.I have a dream that my four little children wil

9、l one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. 我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将在一个不是以他们的肤色,而是以他们 的品格优劣来评判他们的国度里生活(教材 p.104) 19.I really admire and respect him,and theres no doubt that he was one of the most important figures of the 20th cent

10、ury. 我真的很敬佩他,毫无疑问他是 20 世纪最重要的人物之一。 (教材 p.105) 20.India became an independent country in 1947.印度于 1947 年成为一 个独立的国家。(教材 p.105) 21.Thus,not only is he known as a superhero in the Superman films,but he is also regarded as a superhero to many in real life.因此,他不仅在超 人电影中被称为超级英雄,而且他在现实生活中被许多人认为是超 级英雄。(教材 p.

11、58) 22.He realised that his roles in these films had given him the opportunity to be a real-life superman,and he soon gained a reputation for raising awareness for good causes. 他意识到他在这些电影中的角色让他有机会成为一个现实生活中的 超人,他很快就因为提高人们对美好事业的认识而声名鹊起。(教材 pp.58-59) 23. He visited sick children in hospitals and worked

12、 with organisations such as Save the Children,speaking out about health,education and child protection to help those most in need. 他探访医院里的患病儿童,并与救助儿童会等组织合作,公开谈论健康、 教育和儿童保护,以帮助那些最需要帮助的人。(教材 p.59) 24.Unfortunately,in 1995 disaster struck Reeve.不幸的是,1995 年灾难降 临到里夫身上。(教材 p.59) 25.It was only due to the

13、ongoing support of his wife,parents and friends that he eventually found the will to live again. 由于妻子、父母和朋友的不断支持,他最终找到了重生的意愿。(教材 p.59) 26.With a new sense of energy and commitment,Reeve undertook an intense exercise programme to help him achieve this goal.带着一种新的 能量感和责任感,里夫进行了一项紧张的锻炼计划来帮助他实现这个 目标。(教材

14、 p.59) 27.He engaged in a wide range of exercises designed to rebuild muscle,and made remarkable progress.他参与了一系列旨在重建肌肉的 运动,并取得了显著的进步。(教材 p.59) 28.Reeve became a passionate and energetic advocate for people with back injuries and disabilities,raising millions of dollars in support of medical research.里夫成为背部受伤和残疾人士的热情积极的倡导者, 筹集了数百万美元支持医学研究。(教材 p.59) 29.His positive attitude inspired many people who were stuck in illness. 他积极的态度激励了许多受困于疾病的人。(教材 p.59)


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