Unit 1 Life Choices Writing Workshop 一轮复习(ppt课件)-2025届高三英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册.pptx

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1、 Unit1 Life ChoicesIn this unit,you will:listen,read and talk about life choices;learn to use infinitives and-ed/-ing adjectives to express meaning,and also learn how to express likes and dislikes;write a personal email about your new school life;view an episode about Amelia Earhart and express your

2、 opinions about her life choices.19._ adv.与此同时20._ adv.在前面;向前21._ adv.向/在城镇商业中心区22._n.专家,行家23._n.职位;位置24._ vi.n.运转,工作功能15._ vt.寻求;请求26._ vt.以为特色,是的特27._n.省28._ vi.&vt.闪现,闪过n.照相机闪光灯27._n.笑;笑声30._ adv.除之外31._n.v.联系,联络32._n.慈善机构,慈善团体33._ adv.向前;进展34._ adj.农村的,乡村的,田园的1._ adj.以前的,先前的2._n.校园3._n.日程表,计划表4.

3、_n.一段时期;章节5._ adj.prep.有利的,好的 加6._ vi.(问题或困难)出现,发生7._n.生活方式8._ vi.&n.闲谈,聊天9._ vi.&vt.冲浪10._ adj.数字的,数码的31._n.一系列;范围12._n.质量,品质13._n.新闻媒体,大众传播媒介(14._ adv.实际上,事实上25._ vt.拖,拉16._n.目标,目的17._n.vi目的,意图 力求达到18._ vt.更新 previouscampus.schedule.chapter plusarise lifestyle chat surf digital range.quality.media

4、 actually.drag goal aimupdatemeanwhile ahead downtownexpert position functionseek featureprovince flash laughterbesides contactcharity.forward rural汉译英汉译英英译汉1._ 按所说,根据2._ 易于做某事3._ (身体或精神上)遭受(痛苦)4._ 坦白说,坦率地说5._ 换句话说6._ 从.毕业7._ 申请8._ 放弃9._ 对付,应付,处理10._ 对负责11._ 适应某事12._ 期待,盼望13.all in all14.surf the In

5、ternet15.search engine16.from time to time17.living room18.in person19.social media20.get ahead21.due to22.sort of23.as well as24.at the momentaccording to tend to do sth suffer from to be frankin other words graduate from apply for give up deal withbe responsible for adapt to sth look forward to(do

6、ing)sthTask1-单句语法填空1.If you think your present job is very_(stress),it may be time to think about getting a new job.2.They must bear full_(responsible)for their own wrongdoings because they are adults.3.It is a_(challenge)job but I believe I can manage it with my efforts.4.We have the strength and _

7、(confident)to deal with complexities and overcome risks and threats.5.The virtues of persistence and determinationthat I gained from_(volunteer)workdrove me to overcome difficulties and strive to serve residents.stressfulresponsibilitychallengingconfidencevoluntary6.Chinas electricity consumption ha

8、s been rising in recent periods,indicating the continuous _(recover)of domestic economy.7._(unfortunate),too many girls are still held back from acquiring their desired education in some underdeveloped countries.8.We should think about how to innovate to make our products _(attract)and popular on th

9、e international market.9.Can you telephone me at your_(convenient)to arrange a meeting?10.Her behaviour is against the trend of regional development and goes against the_(expect)of all peace-lovingpeople in the world.recoveryUnfortunatelyattractiveconvenienceexpectationsTask2-语段填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)1._(根

10、据)various studies,it is natural for individuals to 2._(遭受)difficulties and setbacks 3._(有时).4._(换句话说),life is full of ups and downs.However,it is important to 5._(适应)these situations and not 6._(放弃).We7._(对.负责)our life and try to find ways to overcome them.Seeking support from friends,family,8._(以及)

11、professionals,can be crucial in navigating through tough times.By facing and actively9._(应付)these challenges,we become stronger and more equipped to face whatever comes our way.Lets10._(期待)the future with optimism and embrace the opportunities for personal growth that lie ahead.According tosuffer fr

12、omfrom time to timeIn other wordsgive upadapt toare responsible for as well asdealing withlook forward to1.Which of the following activities does the author NOT mention doing online?A.Completing school assignmentsB.Playing tennis on a TV screenC.Browsing social media for hours without purposeD.Purch

13、asing books and computer hardware2.What does the author find convenient when shopping online?A.The immediate availability of productsB.The ability to compare prices and quality across different storesC.The lack of sales taxes D.The speed of deliveryReading ComprehensionCB3.What are the authors paren

14、ts concerned about?A.The authors grades at schoolB.The author becoming addicted to the internetC.The authors choice of online friendsD.The cost of the authors online purchases4.According to the author,what is important besides interacting on social media?A.Spending all free time onlineB.Meeting frie

15、nds in person occasionallyC.Avoiding real-life interactionsD.Focusing only on online friendshipsReading ComprehensionBB The online world is a big part of my life.Im a“digital native”I ve been using the computer since I was a kid.I do a wide range of things online.Besides doing all my schoolwork,I ch

16、at with my friends,watch films and read the daily news and other interesting articles;I also shop for various things online,such as books,computer hardware and other necessities.Its so convenient to be able to compare the quality and prices from different online shops before I buy.I also play comput

17、er games from time to time and I even play tennis on my television screen in my living room!My parents are worried that I may become an“Internet addict.They think Im playing computer games all the time and I chat too much with online friends.According to them,there is a danger that I may not be able

18、 to tell whether these friends are real friends.My mum keeps telling me to go out with my school friends instead.Maybe shes right.Its important to meet friends in person from time to time,not just on social media.Actually,I do know I need to drag myself away from the online world sometimes,especiall

19、y because real life can be just as interesting.1.What is the main focus of the authors life in senior secondary school?A.Participating in extracurricular activities.B.Studying and setting goals for each subject.C.Socializing with friends.D.Pursuing hobbies unrelated to school.2.Which subject is the

20、authors favorite,and what is their target related to this subject?A.Mathematics,to score the highest in the class.B.Biology,to prepare for a degree in biology at university.C.Literature,to write a novel.D.Physics,to participate in a science competition.BB3.How does the author manage to have more fre

21、e time after school?A.By skipping classes.B.By being attentive and thinking actively during class.C.By asking for less homework.D.By hiring a tutor to help with studies.4.What does the author do to make use of their time effectively?A.They procrastinate until the last minute.B.They only study during

22、 school hours.C.They revise what theyve learned during any available time,including on the bus.D.They focus solely on their favorite subject.BB5.What is the authors advice based on the last sentence of the passage?A.To avoid setting goals.B.To relax and not worry about studies.C.To cherish every min

23、ute and set goals to get ahead.D.To prioritize优先处理 hobbies over studies.C Senior secondary school is a new start.Studying is definitely a big part of my life.I tend to set a goal for every subject at the beginning of each term.My aim is to do well in every subject this term.Biology is my favourite s

24、ubject,and my target is to prepare myself for my degree in biology at university.I am always attentive in all classes and think actively,so that I can have more free time to do other things that Im interested in after school.I like reading books of all kinds.I have a top 10 reading list and I try to

25、 keep it updated.Meanwhile,Im an active member of my a team goal together.To achieve all I want,I must use my time well.At school,I do my homework when I have spare time.After school,I try to use any possible time to revise the things I have learnt during the day.For example,it usually takes me 20 m

26、inutes to get home by bus.I often use the time to review English words.As the popular saying goes,“Every minute counts!”Set a goal and get ahead!经典句式仿写经典句式仿写积佳句积佳句 1.动词动词-ing形式形式(短语短语)作主语作主语_ means I have to make correct decisions all the time,which puts a lot of pressure on me.作为医生意味着我总是要做出正确的决定,这给

27、我带来很大的压力。2.“It is+形容词形容词+to do sth”句型句型_ the quality and prices from different online shops before I buy.购物前,能够比较不同的网络商店的质量和价格是非常方便的。3.动词动词-ing形式形式(短语短语)作状语作状语 After a long day,Zhang Tian finally got back to his small room,_漫长的一天过后,张天疲惫不堪,终于回到了自己的小窝。Being a doctorIts so convenient to be able to comp

28、arefeeling tiredYOUR LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT After a long day,Zhang Tian finally got back to his small room,feeling tired.He had started working at seven in the morning and it was eight in the evening now.He had to prepare his lessons for the following day.This is a typical day for Zhang Tian.Comin

29、g to Guizhou Province to teach has been quite an experience for him.Zhang Tian graduated from university and10 got a teachers certificate last year.His parents,like most,hoped he would go to a big city to find a teaching job.Likewise,his friends all left his hometown for work in Shanghai or Beijing.

30、Zhang Tian felt15 differently,however.He wanted to start a new lifestyle.He had met wonderful teachers from small villages during his early school years and he was inspired by them to go and teach where he was needed the most.YOUR LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE ITFor that reason he applied for and became a v

31、olunteer teacher in a village school.Bringing with him lots of books,clothes,and two pairs of trainers,Zhang Tian travelled25 to the village with an eager heart.He imagined all sorts of exciting things about living independently and teaching in a village.However,not everything lived up to Zhang Tian

32、s hopes.The school was much smaller than he had expected,with only three classrooms.In front of the classrooms,there was a playground which got dusty on wind y days and muddy on rainy days.Living in35 the village was also more challenging than he had thought.The power and water supplies were unstabl

33、e,so he could only shower every three or four days,and he had to learn how to cook.YOUR LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE ITThe thought of leaving once flashed through his mind,but he quickly gave up on the idea and found ways to deal with the challenges.The school had just three teachers and Zhang Tian was the

34、 only English40 teacher.The other two local teachers were responsible for maths and Chinese.To make school life healthier and livelier for his students,Zhang Tian introduced more subjects to the school music,art and PE.It is not surprising that PE is the kids favourite subject!Their school lives are

35、 now more attractive and interesting,and they enjoy playing football in the45 playground,as well as singing songs they ve learnt.The school is now full of laughter and music.Zhang Tian is planning to organise the first-ever school concert!Everyone is very excited.YOUR LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT Zhang

36、Tians first year is almost over.It has been a tough year,but he has enjoyed working with the children.What made him feel satisfied was that his students50 were able to read,speak and write in English,and they became more confident in learning.Besides teaching,Zhang Tian also brought changes to the v

37、illage.He contacted charity organisations about rebuilding the playground and setting up a library,and helped the villagers sell local products online.The contribution he made to the village was great,so he became very popular among the55 villagers and they treated him as one of them.The village is

38、like his second home now.Although he had only intended to stay for one year,he now feels ready to stay for another year.He feels so happy that he followed his heart when choosing what to do with his life,even though it may not be what others expected of him.YOUR LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT1.Why Zhang T

39、ian went to Guizhou Province to teach?A.Because his parents inspired him to do so.B.Because he wanted to live independently.C.Because he was inspired by the wonderfulteachers he had met during his early school years.D.Because he had a teachers certificate.2.Zhang Tian had to deal with many difficult

40、things except_ A.cooking by himself B.unusual showerC.muddy roads D.strong windsCDYOUR LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT3.What subject did Zhang Tian teach in the village school?A.Music.B.Art and PE.C.English.D.All the above4.Why Zhang Tian was popular among the villagers?A.Because the villagers were poor.B.

41、Because he only stayed there for a year.C.Because he made great contribution to thevillage besides teachingD.Because he organized school concerts.DC重点句型1.I can get injured and thats the worst!我可能在训练或比赛时受伤,那是最糟的!2.Youll often .你会经常发现我坐在笔记本电脑前面。while training or playingfind me sitting in front of my l

42、aptop3.was that his students were able to read,speak and write in English and they became more confident in learning.让他感到欣慰的是他的学生能够读英语、说英语和写英语,并且在学习上变得更加自信。What made him feel satisfied一、动词不定式1.用作主语Its important(meet)friends in person from time to time.2.用作宾语Actually,I do know I need(drag)myself away

43、 from the online world sometimes.3.用作表语My biggest target is(prepare)myself for my degree in science in university.to meetto dragto prepareExercise4.用作宾语补足语My mum keeps telling me(go)out with my school friends instead.5.用作定语We must find a person(do)the work.6.用作状语 (achieve)all I want to,I must use my

44、 time well.to goto doTo achieve二、-ed/-ing形容词1.Living in the village was also more(challenge)than he had thought.2.Zhang Tian is planning to organise the first ever school concert!Everyone is very(excite).challengingexcited续写-阅读短文,依据故事情节并结合下方问题提示续写故事,词数80左右。As the new school year began,Jim was quite

45、happy.But the writing assignment troubled him because the English teacher,Mrs Peabody,asked the students to write something in some way related to summer vacation,and she required that the students should be as creative as they could.That night he stared at a blank sheet of paper for quite a long ti

46、me.He didnt think his summer vacation was fun,except a dog,a water park,and two weeks of camp.So,he decided to write what he wanted-he made up a science fiction story about life on a distant planet.He also made sure that he used proper spelling and grammar as Mrs Peabody required.He handed in the story,but later he had butterlies in his stomach.问题:1.Why did Jim have butterflies in his stomach?2.What would Mrs Peabody think about Jims assignment?3.What would happen in class the next day?要求:1.仿照材料写作手法续写故事;2.内容应涉及材料中的相关信息;3.条理清晰,表达流畅,情节完整。Thank you


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