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1、Seem的用法总结19篇篇1:seem的用法总结此时seem为连系动词,后直接接形容词或to be+形容词或名词(短语)作表语,以说明主语的特征或状态。如:Tom seems (to be)a very clever boy. 汤姆看上去是一个很聪明的男孩。Everything seems easy.一切似乎很容易。注意:afraid,asleep,awake等表语形容词不能直接跟在seem 之后,必须和seem to be 连用,如:They seem awake.(误)应改为:They seem to be awake.“主语+seem +不定式(或不定式的完成式)”此句型中的seem 用

2、作不及物动词,不用在进行时态中,其与不定式一起构成复合谓语(不定式作宾语)。如:a. The moon seems to change its shape. 月亮好像在变换形状。b. I seem not to be able to make him happy. 我似乎不能使他高兴起来。c. They seemed to be eating something. 他们好像在吃什么东西。d. I seem to have caught a cold. 我似乎已经感冒了。注意:seem 后跟不定式(短语)时,要注意不定式所表示动作发生的时间,以此来确定不定式的时态,如例c、d;seem 后不定式

3、的否定式习惯上在seem 前加dont ,也可以用seem not to.,如例b也可以说成:I dont seem to be able to make him happy.篇2:seem的用法总结?seem例句分享On the face of it, it seems like a great deal.表面上看来好像很多。You seem to have set a new trend.看来你们是开了一个新风气。He seems to know everything.他似乎什么都懂。篇3:seem的用法总结初二1.“主语+seem+(to be)+表语”,表语多为名词或形容词,有时是其他

4、的词或短语,以说明主语的特征或状态。例如:Tom seems (to be)a very clever boy.汤姆看上去是一个非常聪明的男孩。2.“主语+seem+不定式”,此句型中的seem与不定式一起构成复合谓语。例如:Mrs Green doesnt seem(或seems not)to like the idea.格林夫人似乎不太喜欢这个主意。3.“It seems+that从句”,其中it是形式主语,that引导主语从句。例如:It seems that no one knows what has happened in the park.似乎没有人知道在公园里发生了什么事。4.“

5、There+seem to be+名词”,其中to be可省略。seem的单复数形式要根据后面作主语的名词的单复数形式而定。例如:There doesnt seem to be much hope of our beating that team.看来我们战胜那个队没有多大希望。篇4:seem用法seem用法1.“主语+seem+(to be)+表语”,表语多为名词或形容词,有时是其他的词或短语,以说明主语的特征或状态。例如:Tom seems (to be)a very clever boy.汤姆看上去是一个非常聪明的男孩。2.“主语+seem+不定式”,此句型中的seem与不定式一起构成复

6、合谓语。例如:Mrs Green doesnt seem(或seems not)to like the idea.格林夫人似乎不太喜欢这个主意。3.“It seems+that从句”,其中it是形式主语,that引导主语从句。例如:It seems that no one knows what has happened in the park.似乎没有人知道在公园里发生了什么事。4.“There+seem to be+名词”,其中to be可省略。seem的单复数形式要根据后面作主语的名词的单复数形式而定。例如:There doesnt seem to be much hope of our

7、beating that team.看来我们战胜那个队没有多大希望。常用句型1.主语+seem+(to be)+表语用于说明主语的特征或状态,表语多为名词或形容词,有时是其他的词或短语。Tom seems(to be)a very clever boy.2.“主语+seem+不定式”此句型中的seem与不定式一起构成复合谓语。The young man seemed to have changed much.3.It seems+that从句。it是形式主语,that引导主语从句。It seems that no one knows what has happened in the park.

8、4.There seem to be+名词to be可以省略,seem的单复数形式要根据后面作主和的名词的单复数形式而定。There doesnt seem to be much hope ofour beating that team.篇5:Seem的用法总结Seem 的用法Seem 意为似乎,好像,看起来,仅能当连缀动词用,其后接形容词 (或名词 - 接名词的情况比较少见) 来做主词补语,本身通常不用进行式。例如:Tom seemed slightly embarrassed to see me in the nightclub. (汤姆在夜店看到我好像有点尴尬) - 接形容词。Mary

9、seems very happy with her new boyfriend. (玛丽对她的新男友似乎很满意) - 接形容词。Mary is seeming very happy with her new boyfriend. (误) - 不可使用进行式。Buying a new computer seems a complete waste of money to me. A used one would be just as good. (买新电脑对我来说完全是浪费金钱。二手电脑就好了) - 接名词 (片语)。Seem 后面经常接to + 塬形动词的不定词结构,或者接to + have

10、+ P.P.的完成式不定词结构来表示该完成式动作或状态比 seem 还要早发生或出现。例如:She would always seem to offend people. (她过去似乎老是得罪人)Teresa seems to know more about me than my wife. (泰瑞莎似乎比我太太更瞭解我)Cindy seems to have gone out. (辛蒂似乎已经外出了)The professor seemed to have mistaken me for someone. (教授看来好像把我误认为某人)Seem 的否定形式有两种,是将否定词放在 seem 之

11、前,另一是将否定词放在 seem 后面的不定词之前,但意思一样。例如:The president seems not to like the plan. (总统似乎不喜欢这项计画)= The president doesnt seem to like the plan.They seem not to be at the dormitory. (他们似乎不在宿舍)= They do not seem to be at the dormitory.除上述外,seem 还有下列几种常见的句型:There seem(s) to be 或 there seemed to be + 名词 (片语) -

12、注意:Seem 的单复数与名词一致There seem to me to be two possibilities. (= I think there seem to be two possibilities.) (我觉得有两个可能性)There seems to be something wrong with her. (她似乎有点不对劲)There seemed to be a mistake in these calculations. (这些计算似乎有错)Seem + as if/as though/like 所引导的子句 (like 后面亦可接名词或名词片语)Dad seemed (

13、as if/as though/like he was) tired. (爸爸好像累了)It seems as if theyre no longer in love. (他们似乎不再相爱了)Sam seemed as though he was a bit detached. (山姆似乎有些心不在焉)It seems like their marriage is over. (他们的婚姻好像结束了)- 这句与 It seems that their marriage is over. 的意思相同,但大多用于非正式场合或口说英语。It doesnt seem like a good idea

14、to lend money to John. (借钱给约翰似乎不是个好主意)It seems 或 it seemed + that 所引导的名词子句 (连接词 that 可以省略)。在此一句型中,seem 后面可接介系词 to + 人来表示某人感觉好像,某人觉得似乎的意思。例如:It seems (that) he is a good guy. (他似乎是个好人)It seemed (that) he had changed his mind. (他似乎已改变心意)It seemed to everyone (that) Linda was wrong. (大家都觉得琳达似乎是错了)= Eve

15、ryone thought (that) Linda was wrong.It seems to me (that) it will rain tonight. (在我看来,今晚会下雨)= I think (that) it will rain tonight.在 it seems 或 it seemed + (that) 名词子句的句型中,名词子句的否定词可转移到主句中;进一步而言,主句的否定词係否定名词子句的动词,不是否定 seem。例如:It seems that they dont know how to deal with the situation. (他们似乎不知道如何处理这种情

16、况)= It doesnt seem that they know how to deal with the situation.It seems (that) Peter cant come. (彼得好像不能来了)= It doesnt seem (that) Peter can come.It seems to me (that) Richard isnt the right person for the job. (在我看来,理查不是这项工作的合适人选)= It doesnt seem to me (that) Richard is the right person for the jo

17、b.= I dont think (that) Richard is the right person for the job. - think、believe 等动词后面的名词子句也是否定转移。wish hope 的用法小结wish和hope都有“希望”的意思,但它们的用法不同。1、wish 意思是“ 希望,想要,但愿”,常表达一种虚拟语所,指“想要不可能的事情”或“也许可能,但跟实际有差异”。后跟代词、名词或不定式作宾语。wish跟从句时常用虚拟语气。也可用于祝贺语中。如:1). I wishto see the manager .我想见到那个经理。2). I wish him to lo

18、ok at this .我希望他能看看这个。3). I wish I could fly .我希望我能飞。2、hope 意思是“希望” ,指相信有可能达到或实现的愿望,后常跟动词不定式或that 从句,但没有hope sb to do sth这种用法。如:1). I hope to go to America next month .我希望下个月去美国。2). I hope that they get here soon.我希望他们能尽快到这里。拓展:1、expect 意思是“期待,盼望”,后跟名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,但不能接doing。如:I expect to work with y

19、ou some day .我期待着有一天和你一起工作。2、look forward to 意思是“盼望,期待“,后跟名词、代词或动名词,不能接不定式。如:I look forward to hearing from you.我盼望收到你的来信。重点语法情态动词shall的用法1)用于第一人称征求对方的意见。如:What shall I wear on the journey?我路上穿什么好呢?Shall we dance?我们跳舞好吗?2)shall 用于第二、三人称时表允诺,警告,命令,威胁(现已少见)。如:She shall get her share.她可以得到她的一份。You shal

20、l have it back tomorrow.你明天可以将它拿回。情态动词should一般不应被认为是情态动词shall的过去式,主要用法有:1)用于第一人称疑问句中询问对方的意愿,但语气较委婉温和。如:What should we do now?我们现在该怎么办?2)表示应该、必须,常与must 换用。例如:We should (must) master a foreign language at least.我们应当至少掌握一门外语。3)“should+be+表语”的结构,表示推测或惊奇。例如:They should be back by now.他们现在应该回来了吧。I am sorr

21、y that she should be so careless.我感到遗憾她竟会那样粗心。4)“should+have+过去分词”的结构,表示过去该做而实际上尚未做的动作或行为;其否定则表示发生了不应该发生的行为。其同义结构“ought to have +过去分词”,表示过去“早应该”、“本当”之意,语气较强。例如:I should have thought of that.这一点我是应当想到的。(但没想到)They should not have left so soon.他们不应当走得这么早。(但已走了)5) 在“It is natural (strange, natural, nece

22、ssary, surprised, impossible, important ) that”句型中,主语从句中的谓语动词要用should +动词原形”表示“理所当然”、“奇怪”、“必要”、“惊异”等的意思。在lest(以免)、for fear (that) (以防)、in case(以备万一)等之后也要用should+动词原形;在advise, sugest, order, demand, request 等的从句中should+do”例如:It is necessary that he(should) be sent there at once.有必要马上派他到那里去。It is stra

23、nge that he should say so.他会说这样的话真是奇怪。Let us go at once lest we should be late for the train.我们马上走吧,以免赶不上火车。英语语法知识总结:冠词的用法详解冠词(Article)是一种虚词,在句子中不重读,本身不能独立使用,只能放在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人或事物,它是英语词性中最小的一类,只有三个,一种是不定冠词(Indefinite Article),一种是定冠词(Definite Article)。此外也有些特定场合不用冠词,即通常所称的零冠词(Zero Article)。其中冠词简称”art.“

24、冠词有不定冠词、定冠词、零冠词。1. a用于辅音发音开头的词前, 如:a book; an用于元音发音开头的词前,如:an apple, an hour. 请区别:a useful machine, an umbrella, a “u”, an “h”。2.指上文提到过的人或物,用定冠词the。3.在世界上独一无二的事物前用定冠词the. 如:the sun, the moon, the earth。4.the用于序数词,表方位的名词和形容词最高级前。the first, the best , in the south。5.在复数姓氏前加the,表示.一家人,常看成复数。如:the Brown

25、s。6.在介词短语中常用定冠词the,如:in the box ,behind the chair。7.不能用定冠词the的几个方面:(1)在节日、星期、月份、季节、年等词前不用冠词。如:in summer, in August 请区别:in the spring of 1945. (这里表示特指,故加the)(2)一日三餐和球类运动名不用冠词。如:have breakfast ,play football(3)一些固定词组中,如:go to bed ,go to school, by bus ,at night.8.在有些词组中,有冠词和无冠词意思不同,请注意区别:in front of 在

26、前面, in the front of 在范围内的前部in hospital (生病)住院, in the hospital 在医院里。冠词的省略有时名词前无冠词,但并非不用冠词,而是省去了不定冠词和定冠词。在下列情况下冠词可省略。 避免重复 The lightning flashed and thunder crashed. 电闪雷鸣。(thunder 前省去 the。) The noun is the name of a person or thing. 名词是人或物的名称。(thing前省去a。) 可省去句首的定冠词 the Class is dismissed. 下课了。 Fact i

27、s that they do not know him. 事实是他们并不认识他。 在 the next day 等短语中,定冠词 常省去 Next day they went to London together early. 第二天,他们很早就一起到伦敦去了。 The circus is coming here next week. 马戏团下星期来这儿。 信函地址常省去定冠词或不定冠词冠词的位置1) 不定冠词位置不定冠词常位于名词或名词修饰语前。注意:a. 位于下列形容词之后:such,what,many,half,I have never seen such an animal.Many

28、a man is fit for the job.b. 当名词前的形容词被副词as,so,too,how,however,enough修饰时,不定冠词应放在形容词之后:It is as pleasant a day as I have ever spent.So short a time.Too long a distance.c. quite,rather与单数名词连用,冠词放在其后。但当rather,quite 前仍有形容词,不定冠词放其前后均可。如:quite a lotd. 在as,though 引导的让步状语从句中,当表语为形容词修饰的名词时,不定冠词放形容词后:Brave a ma

29、n though he is,he trembles at the sight of snakes. 他尽管勇敢,可见到蛇还是发抖。当名词被比较级形容词修饰时,不定冠词通常置于比较级形容词之后。2) 定冠词位置定冠词通常位于名词或名词修饰语前,但放在all, both,double,half,twice,three times等词之后,名词之前。All the students in the class went out. 班里的所有学生都出去了。Both the boys have been to London. 两个男孩都去过伦敦。篇6:there seem to be用法及例句引证用法不

30、同1、there seem to be:seem的基本意思是“好像”“似乎”,指根据某迹象按照自己的主观印象、看法作出的主观判断或个人推断,虽然有一定的根据,但并不一定是事实。2、there seems to be:seem表示“感觉”时可接“to be+名词或形容词”、介词短语、动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词作表语。在接名词作表语时,如名词前有形容词修饰。篇7:seem的用法是什么?seem 是连系动词,意为“似乎”、“好像”、“看上去”,用来表示说话人内心的?有一定依据的推测、判断或猜想。其用法如下:一、“seem(to be) +n(作表语)”,此结构中的 to be 可省略,但名词前一

31、般应有形容词修饰:It seems(to be) the best answer. 这似乎是最好的回答。His father seems(to be) a kind man. 他父亲看上去像个和善的人。It seemed(to be) an interesting book. 这好像是本有趣的书。二、“seem(to be) + adj(作表语)”,此结构中的 to be 也可省略?如果 to be 后面是 afraid, asleep, awake 等表语形容词,则 to be 不能省略:The green leaves seemed(to be) more beautiful after

32、the rain. 绿叶在雨后显得更美。These girls seem(to be) very happy. 这些女孩子们似乎很高兴。The boy seems to be afraid of the teacher. 这男孩好像怕老师。三、“seem + 介词 like 和 in 引起的短语”, seem like 表示“看上去好像”, seem in 表示“看起来处于状态”:Those boats seem like many ducks. 那些船看上去好像是很多鸭子。The English-Chinese dictionary seems to me like an old frien

33、d. 这本英汉词典对我来说好像一位老朋友。Mrs Brown seems in bad health. 布朗夫人看起来身体不好。四? “seem to do something(动词不定式作表语)”,这种结构的否定形式是“do/does/did + not + seem + to do something”或“seem + not + to do something”,其中的动词不定式多为一般式?进行式或完成式:Tom seems to know everything. 汤姆好像什么都知道。They seemed not to know each other. 他们看上去好像互不认识。It d

34、oesnt seem to be raining now. 天看起来不像在下雨。She seemed to be sleeping. 她好像在睡觉。Mary seems to have said so. 玛丽好像曾经这样说过。五、与代词 it 连用,构成“it seems/seemed that.”句式?该句式相当于“从句的主语 + seem + to do”:It seems that his temperature is all right. (=His temperature seems to be all right.) 他的体温似乎正常。It seems that she is th

35、inking. (=She seems to be thinking.) 她好像在思考什么。It seems that they have been on earth thousands of years.(=They seem to have been on earth thousands of years.) 它们似乎已在地球上生存了数千年。六、“it seems/seemed to somebody that.”意为“在某人看来好像、仿佛”:It seems to him that he would never be able to work out the problem. 在他看来好

36、像无法解决那个问题。You are mistaken, it seems to me. 在我看来你搞错了。七、“there seems/seemed(to be).”意为“似乎有”?例如:There seems(to be) no answer to the question. 这个问题似乎没有答案?There seems(to be) a mistake in these answers. 这些答案中好像有错误?八、“it seems as if.”意为“看起来像/仿佛”。此结构中的 it 是形式主语, as if 引导表语从句:It seems as if it is going to r

37、ain. 看起来天快要下雨了。It seemed as if they would marry in the end. 看来他们终于要结婚了。九、seem 与 look 的区别:seem 和 look 的意思相同,但它们的着重点不同,用法有相同之处,也有一些差别? seem 指说话人内心的主观判断,而 look 则强调从所述事物外表上看得出的视觉印象。1. 两者后面都可接形容词?名词?动词不定式 to be 及介词短语:She seems/looks a nice teacher. 她看上去是个好老师。My mother seems/looks tired. 我母亲似乎很疲倦。The pati

38、ent seemed/looked(to be) very ill. 那病人似乎病得很重。2. 两者后面都可接 as if 引导的表语从句,但 seem 的主语一般是 it,而 look 的主语可以是 it,也可以是其他的名词或代词:She looked as if she slept badly. 看她那样子仿佛没有睡好。下列几种情况下不能用 look 取代 seem:1. seem 后面接动词不定式 to do 时:My father seemed to know the news. 我父亲好像知道这个消息。2. 在“it seems/seemed that.”句式中:It seemed

39、that you were lying. 看来你在撒谎!3. 在“there seems/seemed + 动词不定式”句式中:There seems to be many young people at the concert. 好像有许多年青人在听音乐会。篇8:系动词seem的用法系动词seem的用法1. 用作连系动词,表示“似乎”“好像”,其后用作表语的可以是名词、形容词、介词短语、不定式、分词等。如:He seems quite happy. 他看来很快活。That seems not a bad idea. 这似乎是一个不坏的主意。You seem out of temper tod

40、ay. 你今天情绪似乎不大好。His first memories seemed connected with work. 他最早的记忆似乎和工作有关。后接不定式时,不定式根据情况可以是一般式,也可以是进行式或完成式等。如:She seems to be crying. 她好像在哭。He didnt seem to have changed much. 他似乎没多大变化。2. 在 it seems 后可接 as if 从句或 that 从句。如:It seems that he is living in the area. 他似乎就住在这一带。It seems as if everybody

41、knew except me. 好像除我之外其他人都知道了。后接 that 从句时,有时可用 so, not 代之。如:A:Does he know her? 他认识她吗?B:It seems so (not). 好像是认识(不认识)。3. 用作seem like,其中的like通常为介词,其后接名词或代词。如:It seems like yesterday. 这仿佛是昨天发生的事。It seems like the answer to my problem. 它似乎是我问题的答案。但在非正式文体中,也可后接句子。如:It seems like the year flies by. 一年好像飞

42、逝般过去。It seems like their marriage is over. 看起来他们的婚姻结束了。4. 有时还可用于 there seems (to be)。如:There seems (to be) something wrong with it. 好像有什么问题。There seems to be a mistake in these figures. 这些数字中好像有个错误。5. 比较以下同义句型:It seems that he has a lot of money.=He seems to have a lot of money. 他似乎很有钱。其它关于seem的例句如下

43、:()1. Victorian houses can seem cold with their lofty ceilings and rambling rooms.维多利亚式房屋屋顶高耸,房间布局凌乱,因此可能会显得较为阴冷。2. I seem to fritter my time away at coffee mornings.我似乎把时间全都浪费在咖啡早茶会上了。3. He rubbed and rubbed but couldnt seem to get clean.他擦了又擦,可就是擦不干净。seem的5个考点用法,有2个你可能不知道哦!在初中英语中seem是一个常见的单词,也是一个重

44、要的考点单词。小编根据多年的教学经验总结,发现seem有五个用法。 seem可用作连系动词或不及物动词,意为“似乎;好像”,其常见用法现归纳如下:一、主语+seem+形容词,表示主语似乎.(怎么样)。The boys Seemed hungry when I saw them.我看见这些男孩的时候,他们似乎很饿。The problem seems easy,but its so difficult.这个问题似乎很容易,但却很难。二“主语+ seem +(to be )+表语”,表语多为名词或形容词,有时是其他的词或短语,以说明主语的特征或状态。例如:Jenny seems (to be ) a

45、 very clever girl. 珍妮看上去是一个非常聪明的女孩The man over there seems to be a history teacher. 那边的那个人看上去像一个历史老师。Mr. Brown seemed to be quite unhappy. 布莱克先生好像十分不快乐。This small town seems changed a little. 这个小城镇似乎有点儿变化。三、“主语+ seem + 不定式”,此句型中的seem与不定式一起构成复合谓语。例如:Mrs White doesnt seem to like the house. 怀特夫人似乎不太喜欢

46、这个屋子。The children seemed to enjoy themselves in the new museum.孩子们似乎在新的博物馆里玩的很开心。The young men seem to have changed a lot over the years. 这些年轻人近年来看起来变化很大。四、“It seems + that从句”,其中it 是形式主语,that引导主语从句。It seems that no one has found out the reasons for the accident. 似乎没有人知道事故发生的原因。It seems that Mr Brown

47、 doesnt like his job very much.好像布朗先生不是很喜欢她的工作。五、“There + seem to be +名词”,其中to be 可省略。seem 的单复数形式要根据后面作主语的名词的单复数形式而定。例如:There doesnt seem to be anything interesting in the newspaper.报纸上似乎没什么有趣的东西。There seems no need to stay there for so long 看来没有必要呆在那里那么久了。英语中的“好像”seem和look的用法seem/look1)二者都可以作“看起来”讲,但seem暗示凭借一些迹象作出的有根据的判断,这种判断往往接近事实;look着重强调由视觉得出的印象。两者都可跟(to?be)+形容词和as?if从句。He seems / looks (to be) very happy today. 他今天看起来很高兴。It looks (seems) as if it is going to rain. 好像要下雨了。2)但下列情况中只用seem不用look:


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