Unit 7 What do we know about weather第4课时 Extend (ppt课件+素材)(共24张PPT)-2024新沪教版(三起)三年级上册《英语》.rar

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  • Unit 7 What do we know about weather 第4课时 Extend (ppt课件+素材)(共24张PPT)-2024新沪教版(三起)三年级上册《英语》
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Unit 7 What do we know about weather?第第4课时课时(Extend)Enjoy a videoFree talkuHow is the weather today in?uWhats this?kitefly a kite/fly kitesLead inuCan you fly kites?uIn what weather do you fly kites?Pre-readinguWhat is the boy doing?He is flying the kite.Now,lets read a text about the boy flying the kite on a windy day.Fast readinguWhen does the boy fly kites?He flies a kite on a windy day.Tips:You can get the answer from the title.Careful readingWoosh!Woosh!The wind is strong.My kite goes up.The string is long.Read Part 1 and answer.How is the wind?Does the kite go up?(飞速行进等发出的声音)(飞速行进等发出的声音)咳;呼;嗖咳;呼;嗖Its strong.强的;强劲的强的;强劲的线线Yes,it does.Woosh!Woosh!The wind is strong.My kite goes up.The string is long.Read Part 1 and translate.嗖嗖!嗖嗖!嗖嗖!嗖嗖!风刮得强劲有力。风刮得强劲有力。我的风筝飞起来了。我的风筝飞起来了。(风筝)线很长。(风筝)线很长。What happens to the kite?Do you know the difference between“in the tree”and“on the tree”?Oh no!Oh no!Its in the tree.Please,Mr Wind,Dont take it from me!Read Part 2 and answer.Oh no!Oh no!Its in the tree.Please,Mr Wind,Dont take it from me!in the tree 多指物品、动物等在树上;多指物品、动物等在树上;on the tree 多指树木本身所有、长在树上的东西多指树木本身所有、长在树上的东西Do型祈使句的否定形式:型祈使句的否定形式:Dont+动词原形动词原形(+其他其他).表示表示“不要不要/禁止禁止”语气通常较强烈语气通常较强烈take from从从拿走拿走/带走带走(用于男子的姓氏或(用于男子的姓氏或姓名前)先生姓名前)先生Read Part 2 and translate.Oh no!Oh no!Its in the tree.Please,Mr Wind,Dont take it from me!哦,不!哦,不!哦,不!哦,不!它挂到树上了。它挂到树上了。拜托,风先生,拜托,风先生,不要吹走它!不要吹走它!Woosh!Woosh!There it goes!My kite is free.The strong wind blows!自由的自由的Now,how is the kite?Read Part 3 and answer.Woosh!Woosh!There it goes!My kite is free.The strong wind blows!Read Part 3 and translate.嗖嗖!嗖嗖!嗖嗖!嗖嗖!风又吹起来了!风又吹起来了!我的风筝自由了。我的风筝自由了。强有力的风吹啊吹!强有力的风吹啊吹!On a windy dayWoosh!Woosh!The wind is strong.My kite goes up.The string is long.Listen&RepeatOh no!Oh no!Its in the tree.Please,Mr Wind,Dont take it from me!Woosh!Woosh!There it goes!My kite is free.The strong wind blows!Think What can you do on a windyday?We can fly kites on a windy day.We can play with windmills(风车风车)on a windy day.We can go sailing(坐帆船坐帆船)on a windy day.No matter what the weather is like,we can do what we want.HomeworkuListen and read the text On a windy day three times.uPreview next lesson on pages 75-77.
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