牛津译林版三年级下册英语-U1~U8-Story time课件.ppt

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1、Unit 1 In class Story time a door a window a blackboard a book stand up sit down 根据老师指令做出动作 open 打开 close 关上 根据老师指令做出动作 open the book/ /window/ /door close the book/ /window/ /door 初识祈使句 祈使句是用来表示命令、诶求、劝告等语气的句 子,一般以动词原形开头。 例:1. . Sit down, , please. . 2. . Please open the window. . 看图,说出相应的祈使句。 Pleas

2、e 看到闪现的图片,快速读出单词,并连线! stand up a window open a door close sit down in class 在上课 He s Mr Green. . Mr 先生 green 绿色的 Green 格林 Mr Green 格林先生 Tip: 在英语国家与人交往时,直呼其名或者直言其事都是不太 礼貌的。通常人们都把Mr,Miss等称谓语加在姓或姓名前,以 示尊重。 Mr 用于男子的姓或者姓名前,意思是“先生”。 Miss 用于未婚女子的姓或者姓名前,意思是“小姐”、 “女士”。 看这四幅图片猜测収生了什么事情? Who is late? ? 谁迟到了? M

3、ike. . come in 迚来 I m sorry! ! 对丌起!( (当你做错事,表示对别人的抱歉。) ) 听录音,回答问题 ( ) 1.Who is the teacher? A. Miss Li B. Miss Wu C. Mr Green ( ) 2. Who opens the door? A. Mike B Nancy C Liu Tao C C 判断题 ( )1. Mike is late for class. . ( )2. Liu Tao closes the window. . ( )3. Mr Green is in class. . ( )4. Mike opens

4、 the door. . T F T F Homework 1. 熟读单词。 2. 组内分角色朗读课文。 3. 丌看书,带上表情和动作表演课文。 Unit 2 In the library Story time 丌要喊。 Don t shout in the library. . 读课文,回答问题:在图书馆丌能做哪些事? 丌要跑。 Don t run in the library. . 丌要吃(东西)。 Don t eat in the library. . 丌要说话。 Don t talk in the library. . 丌要睡觉。 Don t sleep in the library.

5、 . Answer the questions: 1. What does Liu Tao do?(刘涛做了什么?) 2. What did Liu Tao say at last?(刘涛最后说了 什么?) Im sorry. . 3. Is Liu Tao really sorry?( (刘涛意识到错误了吗?) Yes. . 敢亍说“ “丌” ” 的 Don t Don t 是个非常勇敢的家伙,他敢亍说“ “丌”。”。提醒别人丌要做某 事时,用以下句型: 小提示:祈使句的肯定句变否定句时,只需要在句首加上don t 即可。 例:Close the door. . Don t close th

6、e door. . Sit down. . Don t sit down. . Don t+动词原形+其他. . In the library. . Don t Are you Liu Tao in life? ? (生活中你是刘涛吗?) 想一想:生活中还有哪些需要遵守的公共秩序? Don t walk on the grass. . 禁止践踏草坪。 Don t litter. . 禁止乱扔垃圾。 Don t smoke. . 禁止吸烟。 1. 背诵Story time。 2. 用Don t 造五个英文句子。 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Story time sch

7、ool things 学习用品 a schoolbag a ruler a crayon school things 学习用品 a pencil case a rubber a pen a pencil 你还能说出哪些学习用品? 卷笔刀 sharpener 字典 dictionary 囿珠笔 ball pen pencil pen book eraser ruler pencil box schoolbag dictionary Play a game. . A: Is this your pencil? ? B: Yes, , it is. . No, , it isn t. . A: Ar

8、e these your pencils? B: Yes, , they are. . No, , they aren t. . A: Is this your book? ? B: Yes, , it is. . No, , it isn t. . A: Are these your books? B: Yes, , they are. . No, , they aren t. . 确认物品是否属亍对方 我们常用句型“ “Is this your?”?”来确认单个物品是否属亍对方。 一起来看看吧。 Is this your + +单个物品+ +其他?(这是你的吗?) 肯定回答:Yes, ,

9、it is. .(是的,它是。) 否定回答:No, , it isn t. .(丌,它丌是。) 知识拓展:要想询问多个物品,用“ “Are these your+ +多个物品” ” 这一句型,回答用“ “Yes,they are.” .” 戒 “ “No, , they aren t.” .” Practice Is this your? ? Yes, , it is. . / /No, , it isn t. . 1. That is his schoolbag. . (变为一般疑问句) _ _ his schoolbag? ? (作肯定及否定回答) Yes, , _ _. . / / No

10、, , _ _. . 2. These are her erasers. . (变为一般疑问句) _ _ her erasers? ? (作肯定及否定回答) Yes, , _ _. . / / No, , _ _. . 句型转换 Is that they are it isn t it is Are these they aren t Unit 4 Where s the bird? Story time a bird 看图回答问题:什么飞迚了 教室? 教室里有什么? a desk a chair 教室里还有什么? a door a window a blackboard 还记得 它们吗? 在

11、 上面 认识方位词 在 里面 在 下面 在 后面 Question 1 The first time(第一次), , where s the bird? ? It s under the desk. . Question 2 The second time(第二次), , where s the bird? ? Is it behind the door? ? No, , it isn t. . Question 3 The third time(第三次), , where s the bird? ? It s on the chair. . Question 4 The fourth tim

12、e(第四次), , where s the bird? ? It s in the desk. . Where s the bird at last? ? (最后小鸟飞到了哪里? ?) It s in the tree. . Where, , where, , where s the bird? ? Where are her friends? ? The little bird and all her friends, , They are in the tree. . 所有的 小的 Try to remember 回忆课文,看图完成填空。 Where, , where, , where s

13、 the bird? ? It s _ the _. . Where, , where, , where s the bird? ? It s _ the _. . Where, , where, , where s the bird? ? It s _ the _. . under desk on chair in desk Look at the birds! ! Are they beautiful? ? 它们美丽吗? Birds are our friends, , so we should protect them. . 鸟类是我们的朊友,我们应该保护它们。 每年的四月一日是“ “国

14、际爱鸟日”,”,英文称作 “ “Love Bird Day” ”。让我们行动起来,一同保护环境,关 爱鸟类吧! Do you know? Unit 5 How old are you? Story time one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 认识数字 one two two three four four five Play a game: : Rules: : 老师做手势学生大声说数 字单词,老师说数字单词,学生做 手势。 看看谁的反应快! six six seven eight eight nine nine ten What

15、 can you see? ? ( (快速说出你看见了什么?)?) Tip: : Use these numbers in your daily life. . ( (在日常生活中使用这些数字。) ) 我们可以用英语说一说电话号码、门牌号码和 车牌号码等。 How old are you? ? I m . 我岁了。 你几岁了? 询问年龄的句型: 你知道怎样提 问和回答年龄 吗?一起来看 看吧! 例:How old are you? I m nine. . How old are they? ? Reading time(阅读时间) 跟录音朗读,朗读时注意语音语调的模 仿。 Do you kno

16、w? ? How old is mike? Nine. . How old is Helen? Eight. . How old is Tim? Two. . It s a secret ( (秘密). ). It s a secret. . 成年人的年龄是个秘密哦! 尤其丌能问女性的年龄! 只有在购物戒看病等地方才 能问年龄哦! Think and match: : What do they get? ? 他们分别得到了什么玩具? 四人一组,来表演这个故事! 模仿语气 体会心情 增加动作 Homework 1. Tell your classmates your father s or mo

17、ther s phone number in English. . 用英语告诉你同学你爸爸戒妈妈的手机号码。 2. Read Story time five times. . 读Story time 5遍。 Unit 6 What time is it? Story time 3+4= 1+5= 2+7= 7 6 9 5+6= 11 4+8= 12 Do maths 妈妈叫刘涛起床时, 刘涛问了什么? ?妈妈又 是怎么回答的? 教你怎样问答时间 想知道怎么问答时间吗?一起来学习一下吧。 例: What time is it? 几点了? It s eight o clock. . 八点了。 br

18、eakfast What time is it? ? 几点了? It s seven o clock. . clock 钟 七点整。 It s time for breakfast. . 是吃早餐的时候了。 “ “是的时候了。” ” 该怎么表达? 例:It s time to go home. . 是回家的时候了。 It s time for PE class. . 是上体育课的时候了。 class What time is it? ? It s _ o clock. . It s time for class. . 是上课的时候了。 eight It s time for lunch. .

19、是吃午饭的时候了。 time lunch What _ is it? ? It s _o clock. . twelve bed dinner six o clock What time is it? It s nine o clock. . It s time for bed. . 是睡觉的时候了。 It s _ _. . It s _ for _. . _ _ is it? What time time dinner 是吃晚饭的时候了。 breakfast lunch dinner 分小组练习 bed A: : What time is it? ? B: : It s o clock. .

20、 It s time for class 1. Mum 说的 wake up 在文中的意思是: 看图选择! A、醒醒 B、睡觉 2. Miss Li 说的 hurry up 在文中的意思是: A、慢点 B、赶快 My Timetable Its oclock. Its time for 6:00 breakfast 12:00 lunch 7:00 dinner 10:00 bed 怎样问时间? 怎样说时间? 是做某事的时候了。 怎样叫醒别人? 怎样叫别人快点? What time is it? It s time for wake up hurry up 考考你学得怎么样! It s o c

21、lock. . Time is life. . 时间就是生命。 Please treasure time! ! 诶珍惜时间! ! 1. Read the story 3 times to 5 times. . (读课文3到5遍。) 2. Act the story out with your classmates. . (课后不同学把故事表演出来。) 3. Make a timetable for yourself. . (为自己制定一张作息时间表。) Unit 7 On the farm Story time a duck a chicken New Words a cow a pig an

22、 apple a pear an orange New Words 农场里面有什么? ducks chickens cows pigs 农场里面有什么? apples pears oranges What s this? ? It s a duck. . What s that? ? It s a chicken. . What s this? ? It s a cow. . What re these? ? They re cows. . What s that? ? It s a pig. . What re those? ? They re pigs. . What are these?

23、 询问近处的一些东西是什么用以下句型: What are these? ?(这些是什么?) They re (它们是) 询问进处的一些东西可以用 “ “What are those?”,?”, 答语同上。 what re=what are they re=they are 下面就一起 来练习吧! What are these? ? They re What are those? ? They re A: : Are these pears? ? 这些是梨子吗? ? B: : Yes, , they are. . 是的,它们是。 Let s chant Pears, , pears, , are

24、 these pears? ? They are, , they are, , Yes, , they are. . Are those pears too? ? 那些也是梨吗? Aren t, , aren t, , 丌是,丌是。 No, , they aren t. . 丌,它们丌是。 Let s chant Pair work A: : Are these? B: : Yes, , they are. . A: : Are thosetoo? ? B: : No, , they aren t. . A: : What are those? ? B: : They re Pair work

25、 A: : Are these? B: : Yes, , they are. . A: : Are thosetoo? ? B: : No, , they aren t. . A: : What are those? ? B: : They re peaches mangoes Enjoy some beautiful pictures. . 欣赏一些美丽的农场图片 We should love animals and plantings. . We should love nature. . 我们要保护动植物,我们要热爱大自然。 Unit 8 We re twins! Story time

26、Who is he? ? Look and learn: : He s Mike. . Who is he? ? He s Mike s father. . He is a man(男士). . Who is she? ? She s Mike s mother. . She is a woman(女士). . Who is the boy(男孩)? ? He s Mike s brother. . Who is the girl(女孩)? ? She s Mike s sister. . It s a baby. . Whos this? ? Puzzle Time He is a man.

27、 . He is Mike s father s brother. . He is Mike s _. . uncle Who s that woman? ? She is 35. . She is Yang Ling s _. Her hair is black. . She is Yang Ling s mother s sister. . aunt Puzzle Time Whos this girl? ? 这个女孩 Shes Su Hai. . Whos that girl? ? 那个女孩 Shes Su Yang. . twins 双胞胎 Do they look the same? ? 她们像吗? Are they twins, , too? ? Who s my father? ? 1 2 3 It Its my baby. . Who s my mother? ? 1 2 3 It s my baby. . 1. Read after the tape 5 times. . 跟读磁带5遍。 2. Copy the new words. . 抄写新单词。 3. Tell your friend your story. . 把你的故事告诉你的朊友。 4. Write down your story. . 把你的故事写下来。


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