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1、 2020-2021 学年高三英语上学期期中测试卷学年高三英语上学期期中测试卷 02(新高考卷)(新高考卷) 第一部分第一部分 阅读阅读(共两节共两节, 满分满分 50 分分) 第一节第一节(共共 15 小题小题:每小题每小题 2.5 分分, 满分满分 37.5 分分) 阅读下列短文阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Shows that are all about movies “Filmspotting” “Film spotting” has been producing weekly programs of i

2、nsightful film analysis since 2005. Episodes typically begin with an in-depth discussion of one major new theatrical release. A reliable highlights is a Massacre Theater, in which the hosts gamely re-enact(重演) a scene and invite listeners to guess which movie it is from. “How did these get made?” Th

3、e actors Paul Scheer , June Diane Raphael and Jason Mantzoukas host this discussion that doesnt aim to pile hate on bad films so much as make detailed fun of them but try to figure out how they came to be. The hosts are so attractive that the commentary doesnt come off as negative; even when they di

4、scuss true duds, their real love of movies shines through. “The Rewatchables “ “The Rewatchables “ taps into the universal joy of revisiting a favorite movie-and the less universal joy of doing it with a bunch of deeply knowledgeable friends. Each episode finds Bill Simmons, host of the show, and a

5、cast of guests examining a movie that may not be an obvious classic, but is a culturally significant film that you have likely seen at least once. “Scripetnotes” Billed as a show about “ screenwriting and things that are interesting to screen writers”, “Scripetnotes” offers specific advice on screen

6、writing. The shows regular Three Page Challenge, in which the two hosts, Craig Mazin and John August, comment on the sample of an audience- submitted screenplay, is invaluable whether you are an ambitious screenwriter or a curious film fan. 1.What is the most interesting part of the “FilmSpotting”?

7、A.Re-enacting a new theoretical release B.Involving people in guessing movies C.Reviewing culturally significant films D.Acting with the audience-submitted screenplay 2.What does the show hosted by Bill Simmons focus on. A.Revisiting popular films B.Making remarks on bad films C.Recommending worth-w

8、atching classics D.Exploring the way the film business works.m 3.Which show will be especially attractive to film writers. A.”Scripetnotes” B.”Film spotting” C.”The Rewatchables “ D.“How did these get made” 【答案】【答案】 1.B 2.A 3.A 【解析】【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了四个谈论电影的节目。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段“A reliable highlights is

9、a Massacre Theater, in which the hosts gamely re-enact(重演) a scene and invite listeners to guess which movie it is from.”可知, Massacre Theater 是“Film spotting” 的亮点,在该剧院中,主持人以游戏方式重演场景, 并邀请听众猜测这是哪部电影。 由此可知, “FilmSpotting”最有趣的部分是让人们参与猜 电影。故选 B。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段“ Each episode finds Bill Simmons, host of the

10、 show, and a cast of guests examining a movie that may not be an obvious classic, but is a culturally significant film that you have likely seen at least once.”可知,每一集节目主持人 Bill Simmons 和一群 嘉宾都在审视一部电影,这部电影可能不是一部明显的经典之作,但却是一部你可能至 少看过一次的具有文化意义的电影。由此可知,Bill Simmons 主持的电影节目主要是回 顾流行电影。故选 A。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段

11、“Billed as a show about “ screenwriting and things that are interesting to screen writers”, “Scripetnotes” offers specific advice on screenwriting. ”可知, Scripetnotes 是一部关于“剧本创作和编剧感兴趣的事情”的节目, 提供了一些关于剧本创 作的具体建议。由此可知,“Scripetnotes”节目可能会吸引电影编剧。故选 A。 B Rain beat against the window, matching my mood. I sh

12、ould have known that my new job at the hospital was too good to be true. Throughout the day, rumors (传言) warned that the newest employee from each department would be laid off. I was the newest one in the training department. My boss appeared. “You probably know were cutting back,” he said. “Adminis

13、tration wants us to offer outplacement classes to help those employees find other jobs, showing them how to act in an interview, for example.” “Fine,” I answered unwillingly, not knowing what else to say. I decided to go home early that day. In the hall, I met the lady who brought us cookies every F

14、riday. She was a little woman with gray hair. Only her head and the top of her green apron were visible over the cart (小车) loaded with cleaning supplies. At least she had a job! At the final meeting, laid-off workers formed a line at the door. A colleague whispered, “I cant believe our Cookie Lady i

15、s being laid off. Well miss her as much as well miss her cookies.” When the colleague spoke to her in Spanish, I knew my classes would be useless for her and I realized how much better off was than this poor woman. I decided to do something for her. I wrote to a newspaper expressing how I felt about

16、 the unselfishness of the Cookie Lady who needed a job. A few days later, my article appeared in the newspaper and the Cookie Lady was allowed to stay in her position. On the same day, I received a letter, which seemed so unlikely that I read it twice. “An editor of a local magazine likes your piece

17、 and wants you to call her next time youre looking for work ” 4.How did the author feel on that rainy day? A.Nervous. B.Excited. C.Awkward. D.Proud. 5.What was the author asked to do? A.Take care of patients. B.Leave earlier that day. C.Resign from the hospital. D.Help the laid-off workers. 6.How di

18、d the author help the Cookie Lady? A.He offered her a high-paid job. B.He gave her advice on job hunting. C.He made her story known to others. D.He taught her how to pass an interview. 7.Which proverb best suits the topic of the passage? A.Good deeds have their rewards. B.A friend in need is a frien

19、d indeed. C.Little people can make a big difference. D.Love brings more joy to people than work does. 【答案】【答案】 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.A 【解析】【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。 文章主要讲了一个雨天, 作者心情忐忑, 害怕自己被裁员。 后来, 作者得知一位善良的“饼干女士”被裁掉时, 作者给报社写了一篇文章, 让人们了解了“饼 干女士”的故事。最终,不仅“饼干女士”的工作保住了,作者自己也得到了杂志社编辑 的赏识。 4.推理判断题。 根据第一段“Rain beat against t

20、he window, matching my mood. I should have known that my new job at the hospital was too good to be true. Throughout the day, rumors (传言) warned that the newest employee from each department would be laid off. I was the newest one in the training department.”(雨打在窗户上,与我的心情相匹配。我应该知道 我在医院的新工作太好了,以至于感觉有

21、些不真实。一整天,有传言说每个部门的最新 的员工都会被解雇。我是培训部最新的一个)可推知那个雨天,作者害怕被解雇,所以 感觉很紧张不安。故选 A。 5.推理判断题。根据第二段“Administration wants us to offer outplacement classes to help those employees find other jobs, showing them how to act in an interview, for example.” ( 政 府希望我们提供再就业课程,帮助这些员工找到其他工作,比如教他们在面试中如何表 现)可知作者被要求帮助下岗工人。故选

22、D。 6.推理判断题。根据最后一段“I wrote to a newspaper expressing how I felt about the unselfishness of the Cookie Lady who needed a job. A few days later, my article appeared in the newspaper and the Cookie Lady was allowed to stay in her position.”(我给一家报纸写 了封信,表达我对那位需要一份工作的饼干女士的无私的感受。几天后,我的文章出现 在报纸上,饼干女士被允许待在她的

23、位置上)可知作者通过让别人知道了饼干女士的故 事,来帮助她。故选 C。 7.推理判断题。根据最后一段“A few days later, my article appeared in the newspaper and the Cookie Lady was allowed to stay in her position. On the same day, I received a letter, which seemed so unlikely that I read it twice. “An editor of a local magazine likes your piece and

24、wants you to call her next time youre looking for work ”(几天后,我的文章出现在 报纸上,饼干女士被允许待在她的位置上。就在同一天,我收到了一封信,这封信似乎 不太可能,我看了两遍。“一家当地杂志的编辑喜欢你的文章,希望你下次找工作的时 候给她打个电话”)可知作者在帮助饼干女士保住工作的同时,自己也收到了杂志 社编辑递出的橄榄枝。“好心有好报”这句谚语与主题相符。A. Good deeds have their rewards. 好心有好报;B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情;C. L

25、ittle people can make a big difference. 小人物也能产生很大的影响;D. Love brings more joy to people than work does. 爱比工作带给人们更多的快乐。故选 A。 C If you have plans to run, then the first thing that you have to purchase is a good pair of running shoes. Put simply, how can you possibly run without running shoes, right? Th

26、ere are many ways about how to choose the right running shoes but these ways differ from one person to another. That is why first-hand experience is greatly recommended. By this we mean that you have to go to the store yourself to check and try on a pair of running shoes that you are looking at to s

27、ee whether or not they are good for your feet and comfortable. No matter what else you take into consideration, the most important thing is for you to be able to start choosing the right running shoes because there are a lot of options out there. These options might make you feel confused as to whic

28、h pair to actually buy. But when you begin your search, you will have enough time to see which pair is best for you. In the end, whatever you choose to buy should not require you to spend too much. That is to say, you have to make sure that what you buy is just right for your budget and the kind of

29、activity you plan to take part in. This is to ensure as well that whatever you buy can be used for a long time. So what more are you waiting for? Get up and start running by going to the different stores that sell running shoes and then see which pair is the best one for you. When you find the right

30、 pair, buy it immediately and start your new and far more active lifestyle now. 8.At the beginning of the text, the author _. A.recommends several kinds of running shoes B.introduces the importance of doing exercise C.stresses the necessity of choosing the right running shoes D.suggests a couple of

31、ways of choosing the right running shoes 9.The underlined part “first-hand experience” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_”. A.past experience B.professional advice C.advice from people older than you D.experience gained by doing something yourself 10.What does the author advise us to consider in Parag

32、raph 3? A.The variety of running shoes. B.The price of running shoes. C.The style of running shoes. D.The size of running shoes. 11.What can be a suitable title for the text? A.How to Choose the Right Running Shoes B.What Kind of Store You Should Visit C.How to Save More Money on Shoes D.How to Star

33、t Running 【答案】【答案】 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.A 【解析】【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文中说明了如果你有跑步的计划,那么你必须买的第一件东西就 是一双好的跑鞋,作者建议自己去鞋店亲自试穿挑选跑鞋。文章还主要就如何挑选一双 好的跑步鞋提出了一些建议。 8.推理判断题。根据第一段“If you have plans to run, then the first thing that you have to purchase is a good pair of running shoes. Put simply, how can you possibly run without

34、 running shoes, right? There are many ways about how to choose the right running shoes but these ways differ from one person to another. That is why first-hand experience is greatly recommended. By this we mean that you have to go to the store yourself to check and try on a pair of running shoes tha

35、t you are looking at to see whether or not they are good for your feet and comfortable.”可知如果你有跑步的计划,那么你必须买的第一件东西就是一双好的 跑鞋。简单地说,你怎么可能不穿跑鞋跑步,对吗?关于如何选择合适的跑鞋有很多方 法,但这些方法因人而异。所以大大推荐亲身体验。我们的意思是,你必须亲自去商店 检查并试穿你正在看的一双跑鞋,看看它们是否对你的脚好和舒适。由此可知,在文章 的开头,作者强调了选择合适的跑鞋的必要性。故选 C。 9.词句猜测题。 根据划线词后文“By this we mean that

36、 you have to go to the store yourself to check and try on a pair of running shoes that you are looking at to see whether or not they are good for your feet and comfortable.( 我们的意思是你要去商店自己检查和尝试一双你正 在看的跑鞋,看看他们是否对你的脚好和舒适)”可知划线词所在句意思为:所以大大推 荐亲身体验。即划线词意思与 D 选项“通过自己做某事获得的经验”最接近。故选 D。 10.细节理解题。根据第三段“In the

37、 end, whatever you choose to buy should not require you to spend too much. That is to say, you have to make sure that what you buy is just right for your budget and the kind of activity you plan to take part in. This is to ensure as well that whatever you buy can be used for a long time.”可知最后,无论你选择购

38、买什么,都不应该 让你花费太多。也就是说,你必须确保你所买的东西刚好适合你的预算和你计划参加的 活动种类。这也是为了确保你所买的东西可以长期使用。由此可知,作者在第三段建议 我们考虑跑鞋的价格。故选 B。 11.主旨大意题。根据第一段中“If you have plans to run, then the first thing that you have to purchase is a good pair of running shoes. Put simply, how can you possibly run without running shoes, right? There ar

39、e many ways about how to choose the right running shoes but these ways differ from one person to another.”可知如果你有跑步的计划,那么你必须买的 第一件东西就是一双好的跑鞋。简单地说,你怎么可能不穿跑鞋跑步,对吗?关于如何 选择合适的跑鞋有很多方法,但这些方法因人而异。结合文中说明了如果你有跑步的计 划,那么你必须买的第一件东西就是一双好的跑鞋,作者建议自己去鞋店亲自试穿挑选 跑鞋。文章还主要就如何挑选一双好的跑步鞋提出了一些建议。由此可知,A 选项“如 何选择合适的跑鞋”最符合文章标题。

40、故选 A。 D Is smile just a facial expression? Of course not! It is not only used to express pleasure, affection, and friendliness, but also the commonest way to show our good will perfectly without saying anything. A Chinese saying runs: Never hit a person who is smiling at you. It is a time-proven fac

41、t that smile is a language all its own a universal language understood by the people of every nation in the world. We may not speak the same tongue as our foreign neighbors, but we smile in the same tongue. We need no interpreter for thus expressing love, happiness, or good will. One day while shopp

42、ing in a small town in southern California, it was my misfortune to be approached by a clerk whose personality conflicted with mine. He seemed quite unfriendly and not at all concerned about my intended purchase. I bought nothing, and marched angrily out of the store. On the outside stood a young ma

43、n in his early twenties. His expressive brown eyes met and held mine, and in the next instant a beautiful, brilliant smile covered his face. The magic power of that smile made all bitterness within me melt, and I found the muscles in my own face happily responding. Beautiful day, isnt it? I remarked

44、, in passing. Then, obeying an impulse (冲动), I turned back. I really owe you a debt of gratitude, I said softly. His smile deepened, but he made no attempt to answer. A Mexican woman and two men were standing nearby. The woman stepped forward and eyed me inquiringly. Carlos, he no speak English, she

45、 volunteered. You want I should tell him something? At that moment I felt changed. Carlos smile had made a big person of me. My friendliness and good will toward all mankind stood ten feet tall. Yes, my reply was enthusiastic and sincere, Tell him I said, Thank you! Thank you? The woman seemed sligh

46、tly confused. I gave her arm a friendly pat as I turned to leave. Just tell him that. I insisted. Hell understand. I am sure! Oh, what a smile can do! Although I have never seen that young man again, I shall never forget the lesson he taught me that morning. From that day on, I became smile-consciou

47、s, and I practice the art diligently, anywhere and everywhere, with everybody. 12.Why did the writer march angrily out of the store? A.He bought nothing. B.He was unlucky to meet with an unfriendly clerk. C.He was unfriendly. D.He conflicted with the clerk in the store. 13.What do you think of the w

48、oman? A.Curious and sincere B.Helpful and curious C.Enthusiastic and diligent D.Warm-hearted and honest 14.In the following paragraph, what may the writer mention? A.How he used smile to solve problems B.How hard he tried to look for the young man C.The lesson Carols had taught him D.How he became a

49、 big person of ten feet tall 15.What is the best title for the passage? A.An Unfriendly Clerk. B.A Powerful Smile. C.A Helpful Woman. D.An Impressive Young Man. 【答案】【答案】 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.B 【解析】【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章作者通过自己的亲身经历说明了微笑的强大力 量。作者在一家商店因为不友好的店员非常生气,出来后遇到了一个年轻人,年轻人对 着作者微笑,微笑的魔力融化了作者内心所有的苦楚,也让作者意识到了微笑的强大力 量。 12.细节理解题。根据第二段中 H


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