Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 (新教材)北师大版(2019)必修第一册讲义.doc

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1、Section Lesson 2 strengthen; overnight; relief; awkward; tip; capable; audience 1His speech made a strong impression on the audience 2These people lack all understanding of scientific principles 3Its a relief to get out of the office once in a while. 4The society was looking for a capable research w

2、orker. 5In a strange way,his affair caused our relationship to strengthen 6You should work hard,but dont overdo it and make yourself ill. 7Hes realistic enough to know hes not going to succeed overnight 8This put them in a very awkward position. 9This article gives a few key tips 10This reminds me o

3、f the Spring Festival parties. .语法填空之派生词 1She was satisfied(satisfy)with the result of her efforts. 2This medicine will relieve (relief) your headache. 3The equipment (equip)of the laboratory is complete. 4Using computers has a beneficial (benefit)effect on childrens learning. 5It was one of the mos

4、t amazing (amaze)films Ive ever seen. 6I have a few announcements (announce)to make. 7To our great disappointment (disappoint), it rained on the day of the picnic. 8He hoped to strengthen (strength) the position of the sciences in the leading universities. 9It is often a good idea to start with smal

5、ler, easily achievable (achieve) goals. 10She can look back on her career with great satisfaction (satisfy) 1My friend suggested I should try long- distance running. 我朋友建议我应该试一下长跑。 2.it is important to warm up and cool down properly before and after running. 跑步前和跑步后适当热身和降温非常重要 3Scanning a text means

6、 reading it as quickly as possible to find specific information. 浏览一篇课文意味着尽可能快的读文章找到特定信息。 4There will be times when you will want to give up. 会有你要放弃的时候。 5Its never too late to start getting into running and exercising. 开始跑步和锻炼永远不会太迟 词语助读 particular n尤其,特别;adj.特定的 in particular 尤其,特别 benefit n好处,益处 m

7、embership n会员身份 equipment n设备,装备 capable adj.能干的;能力强的 be capable of 有能力做 prevent vt.预防;阻止,阻挡 disease n疾病 upper adj.较上的,上面的 flow vi.流,流动;n.流动 oxygen n氧 strengthen v(使)强健 system n系统 immune system 免疫系统 as well as 也,和 feel down 感到沮丧;情绪消沉 relief n减轻,缓解 ache n隐痛 due to 由于 guideline n指导方针,指导原则 click vi.&vt

8、.点击(鼠标) 课本原文课本原文 Hi Jeremy, Thanks for your question.As people often say,any exercise is better than none, but longdistance running in particular has a lot of benefits. It is a great sport for beginnersyou do not need a gym membership or any special equipment .Just a pair of good running shoes will

9、do.Then, keep it up.There is also no better way to know yourself and to see what you are capable of . You are also somebody who worries about getting sick.1Running will help you get fit and prevent diseases.It will give you good upper and lower body strength.Like any exercise, running increases the

10、flow of blood and oxygen to your brain.It makes your heart stronger and allows more blood to flow around your body.2It also strengthens your immune system and reduces the risk of serious health problems, as well as more common illnesses like colds.Besides, anybody who is feeling down can go for a ru

11、n to cheer themselves up.Even a thirty- minute run will provide relief from aches or tension that you may be suffering due to stress.3 1who 引导定语从句。 2allow sb./sth. to do sth.允许某人/某物做某事。 3that 引导定语从句。 If you are new to running,here is some advice for youit is important to warm up and cool down proper

12、ly before and after running,4so you do not hurt yourself.A warmup gets your blood flowing and prepares your body before you exercise.After a long run, you should jog slowly for ten minutes, then walk for five minutes.Such kind of warmdown relaxes your body after exercise. 4it 作形式主语,真正主语是 to warm up

13、and cool down properly。 For more guidelines on running,click here.I hope this will help! Best Regards, Dr.Martin 译文参考译文参考 嗨,杰里米, 谢谢你的问题。正如人们常说的,任何运动都比没有运动好,但长跑尤其有 很多好处。 对于初学者来说, 这是一项伟大的运动你不需要体育馆的会员卡或任何 特殊的器材。只要一双好的跑鞋就可以了。然后,坚持下去。也没有更好的方法 来了解你自己,看看你能做什么。 你也是一个担心生病的人。跑步可以帮助你变得健康,预防疾病。它会给你 良好的上半身和下半身的力

14、量。和其他运动一样, 跑步可以增加大脑的血液和氧 气流量。它使你的心脏更强壮,让更多的血液在你的身体里流动。它还能增强你 的免疫系统,降低严重健康问题的风险,以及更常见的疾病,如感冒。此外,任 何情绪低落的人都可以去跑步让自己振作起来。 即使是三十分钟的跑步也能缓解 你因压力而产生的任何疼痛或紧张。 如果你刚开始跑步, 这里有一些建议给你跑步前和跑步后适当热身和降 温非常重要。这样你就不会伤害自己了。热身能让你的血液流动,让你的身体在 做运动前做好准备,在你长跑之后,你应该慢跑十分钟,然后步行五分钟。这样 的放松运动后会使你的身体放松。 更多关于跑步的指导,点击这里。我希望这能有所帮助! 最好

15、的问候, 马丁博士 速读课文,完成下列任务: .阅读判断 判断下列句子提供的信息是正确,还是错误,还是没有提及: 1Any exercise has a lot of benefits. ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned. 2Long- distance running is a good way to know yourself. ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned. 3Colds are serious illnesses and can lead to serious health problem. ARight. BWrong. C

16、Not mentioned. 4Aches and tension can provide relief for stress. ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned. 5Although you are a new runner,you do not need to warm yourself up. ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned. 答案 15 AABBB .补全信息 选择正确选项填入空白处,补全所给句子提供的信息: Afor a run BFor more guidelines Cfor your question Dfor begi

17、nners Efor ten minutes Ffor you 1Thanks 2It is a great sport 3 Besides, anybody who is feeling down can go to cheer themselves up. 4If you are new to running,heres some advice 5After a long run, you should jog slowly , then walk for five minutes. 6 on running, click here. 答案 16 CDAFEB .表格填空 Benefits

18、 of longdistance running 1.Beginners Dont need: a gym 2.membership or any special 3.equipment. Just need: a pair of good running shoes. Somebody who worries about getting sick. help you get fit and prevent 4.diseases. give you good upper and lower body 5.strength. make your 6.heart stronger and allo

19、w more blood to flow around your body. 7.strengthen your immune system and reduce the 8.risk of health problems. Somebody who is 9. feeling down go for a run to 10.cheer themselves up. provide 11.relief from aches or tension. It is important to warm up and cool down properly before and after running

20、. a warm- up gets your blood flowing and 12.prepares your body before you exercise warmdown 13.relaxes your body after exercise. 细读课文,完成下列任务: .主旨匹配 1Para.1 ASome advice for new to running. 2Para.2 BRunning will help people get fit and cheer up. 3Para.3 CLong- distance running has a lot of benefits.

21、4Para.4 DRunning is a great sport for beginners. 答案 14 CDBA .单项选择 1Why long- distance running is a great sport for beginners? ABecause you do not need any special equipment. BBecause you do not need to be a membership of a gym. CBecause you only need a good pair of shoes for it. DAll the above. 2If

22、you are in low spirit,you can cheer yourself up by Arelieving aches Brelieving tension Clongdistance running Dstrengthening your immune system 3To avoid hurting yourself,you must Awarm up and cool down before and after running Bjog slowly before running Crelax your body before running Dcheer yoursel

23、f up before running 4Where can the article come from? AA textbook. BA website. CAn advertisement. DA guide book. 答案 14 DCAB .概要写作微技能 概要写作微技能(一) A阅读文中含有主题句的语句。 1But long- distance running in particular has a lot of benefits. 2Running is a great sport for beginners. 3Running will help you get fit and

24、prevent diseases. 4It is important to warm up and cool down properly before and after running. B判断下列语句哪些不是主题句的语句。 1You do not need a gym membership or any special equipment. 2Even a thirty- minute run will provide relief from aches or tension that you may be suffering due to stress. 3There is also n

25、o better way to know yourself and to see what you are capable of. 4After a long run, you should jog slowly for ten minutes, then walk for five minutes. 答案 1 3 4 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1announce vt.宣布,宣告announcement n通告,公告 2 disappoint vt.使失望disappointed adj.感到失望的disappointing adj.令人 失望的disappointment n失望;

26、扫兴;沮丧 3strong adj.强大的,强壮的,强有力的strength n力气,力量;强项 strengthen vi.&vt.(使)强健 4benefit n好处,益处 vi.有益于,得益于beneficial adj.有益的 5equip vt.装备equipment n设备,装备 6achieve vt.完成,达到,实现achievable adj.可完成的;做得成的 achievement n成就;功绩 7satisfy vt.使满意,使满足satisfied adj.满意的,满足的satisfying adj. 令人满意的satisfaction n满足,满意 Words An

27、d Phrases 知识要点1 cheer up (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来 (教材 P36)to cheer one up 使某人高兴起来 例 1 Cheer up!Your troubles will soon be over. 振作起来吧!你的困难不久就会过去的。 例 2 The news of your return to this country has cheered me up no end. 你要回国的消息使我振奋不已。 造句 他想讲些滑稽的故事使他们开心。 He tried to cheer them up with funny stories. 归纳拓展 (1)chee

28、r sb. on 以喝彩声鼓励;为某人加油 (2)cheering adj. 令某人高兴的 cheerful adj. 快乐的,高兴的 cheerfully adv. 欢快地;愉悦地 即学即练 单句语法填空 A thousand supporters packed into the stadium to cheer them on Accompanied by cheerful(cheer) music,we began to dance. Debbie greeted her cheerfully(cheer),and they got down to business. 知识要点2 be

29、fed up with 厌烦的,不满的,无法再忍受的 (教材 P36)Im a bit fed up with getting sick all the time. 我有点厌烦一直生病。 例 1 People get fed up with anyone who brags all the time. 人们讨厌老是自吹自擂的人。 例 2 Im fed up with this weather,its time we had some sunshine. 我受够了这种天气,该出太阳了。 造句 我受够了他的懒惰和粗心。 I am fed up with his laziness and carel

30、essness. 归纳拓展 fed up 不愉快的;厌烦的 feed.on/with. 用喂养 feed on. 以为主食;以当饲料 feed up. 给吃营养食物;养肥;使吃饱 feed.to. 把喂给 链接写作完成句子 在生意界工作了一段时间后,Low 厌烦了。 After working in the business world for a while,Low got fed up 蝙蝠在夜间飞行,以昆虫和水果为食物。 Bats fly at night and feed on insects and fruit 我真的被这连绵不断的雨烦透了。 Im really fed up wit

31、h this constant rain. 知识要点3 benefit n好处,益处 (教材P37)As people often say, any exercise is better than none, but longdistance running in particular has a lot of benefits. 正如人们常说的,任何运动都比没有运动好,但长跑尤其有很多好处。 例 1 I couldnt see the benefit of arguing any longer. 我看不出再争论下去有什么好处。 例 2 The new regulations will be

32、of great benefit to us all. 新规章对我们大家都会大有好处。 造句 我受益于良好的教育。 Ive had the benefit of a good education. 归纳拓展 (1)be of benefit(to). (对)有益的 for the benefit of. 为了的利益 (2)benefit vi. 有益于;受益于 benefit from. 从中受益 (3)beneficial adj. 有益的 be beneficial(to.) (对)有益的 链接写作完成句子 没有特定的信息,很难评估做出不同决定的代价或好处。 Without specifi

33、c information,its hard to estimate the costs and benefits of making different choices 这次坦率的谈话使我们获益匪浅。 We benefited greatly from this frank talk. 阳光对健康有益。 Sunshine is beneficial to health 语境助记 I suggest you give up smoking for the benefit of your health.I believe that giving up smoking will be of ben

34、efit/be beneficial to you and it will also benefit your family a lot.In other words,your family will benefit from your stopping smoking.Especially heavy smokers will find the experience even more beneficial to them. 知识要点4 equipment n设备,装备 (教材 P37)It is a great sport for beginnersyou do not need a gy

35、m membership or any special equipment. 对于初学者来说, 这是一项很棒的运动你不需要体育馆的会员卡或任何 特殊的器材。 例 1 The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive. 照相馆的设备很贵。 例 2 The equipment is of our own manufacture. 这设备是我们自己制造的。 造句 新医院的设备花了很多钱。 A lot of money was spent on the equipment of the new hospital. 归纳拓展 equip vt.

36、 装备,配备 equip sb./sth. to do sth. 使某人/某物具备条件做某事 equip sb./sth. with sth. 用某物装备某人/某物 equip for. 为做准备 be equipped with 配备有(表示状态) 即学即练 单句语法填空 They are equipping themselves for a journey. Please equip yourself with a pencil and a rubber for the exam. Owners of restaurants would have to equip them to admi

37、t(admit) disabled people. 名师点津 equipment 是不可数名词, 没有复数形式, 表示数量时, 用 piece 修饰, a piece of equipment 表示“一件设备”。 链接写作一句多译 因为掌握了科学的农耕新方法,因此,他们比过去可以使用更少的农田进行 耕种。 They are equipped with new scientific farming methods,so they have been able to use less farmland than in the past. Equipped with new scientific f

38、arming methods, they have been able to use less farmland than in the past.(过去分词短语作状语) 知识要点5 prevent vt.预防;阻止,阻挡 (教材 P37)Running will help you get fit and prevent diseases. 跑步可以帮助你变得健康,预防疾病。 例 1 Nobody can prevent us getting married. 谁也阻止不了我们结婚。 例 2 Your prompt action prevented a serious accident. 你敏

39、捷的动作防止了一次严重事故。 造句 这场事故本来是可以避免的。 The accident could have been prevented. 归纳拓展 prevent sth. 阻止某事 prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 链接写作完成句子 虽然癌症的病因正被逐步揭开, 但我们尚未有任何切实可行的办法来预防 它。 Although the causes of cancer are being uncovered,we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it 他说这将使公司无法创造新的工作机会。 He

40、said this would prevent companies from creating new jobs. 名师点津 表示“阻止某人做某事”的短语还有:keep sb. from doing sth.;stop sb. from doing sth.。其中 keep sb. from doing sth.中的 from 不可以省略,其他两个短语中 的 from 可以省略;在被动语态中 from 都不能省略。 知识要点6 relief n减轻,缓解 (教材 P37)Even a thirty- minute run will provide relief from aches or te

41、nsion that you may be suffering due to stress. 即使是三十分钟的跑步也能缓解你因压力而产生的任何疼痛或紧张。 例 1 The drug gives some relief from pain. 这种药可以减轻一些痛苦。 例 2 I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard he was safe. 我听到他平安的消息时才松了一口气。 造句 我很庆幸的是没有迟到。 To my great relief, I wasnt late. 归纳拓展 to ones relief 使某人放心的是 give sb. relie

42、f from pain 使某人减轻痛苦 for the relief of. 为了救济 breathe a sigh of relief 舒了一口气 relieve sb. of. 解除某人的负担(痛苦) 即学即练 单句语法填空 To our great relief,the exam turned out to be not so difficult as we had imagined. We all sighed with/in relief when the plane finally landed safely. What a relief! The difficulty has b

43、een overcome by the combined efforts of the whole team. A secretary was hired to relieve her of some of the administrative work. 小片段填空小片段填空 令我欣慰的是,从北京买的新药帮助我哥哥减轻了受伤的腿的疼痛。 To my relief,the new medicine bought from Beijing helped relieve the pain of my brothers injured leg. 知识要点7 make sure 确保 (教材 P38)

44、Make sure you are running the right amount that your heart,muscles and bones can take without getting hurt. 确保你跑的量正好合适,你的心脏、肌肉和骨骼能够承受而不受伤害。 例 1 Father makes sure that all the lights are off before he goes to bed. 父亲在确认所有的灯都关了以后才上床。 例 2 Lets make sure that the job has been finished. 让我们确保工作已完成。 造句 我们

45、必须把事实搞清楚。 We must make sure of the facts. 归纳拓展 (1)make sure of/about. 弄清楚;查明 make sure that. 确信;务必 (2)be sure of/about/that. (主语) 有把握,确信 be sure to do sth. (主语) 一定会做某事 名师点津 make sure 后一般不接不定式。另外,以上结构中的 sure 一般都可与 certain 互换,可以说 It is certain that.;不可以说 It is sure that.。可以说 be sure to do 而不用 be certa

46、in to do。 即学即练 单句语法填空 If you are not sure of/about the answer, say no. You are sure to succeed(success) if you go on working hard.I believe in you! 链接写作完成句子 Id like a wakeup call at 7:00 am.,please! OK,Ill make sure (保证) you get one. Youd better make sure of (弄清楚) the exact time of the arriving plan

47、e so that we can go to meet you at the airport. 知识要点8 satisfaction n满意,满足 (教材 P38)Nothing gives one more satisfaction than realising that all the sweat and hard work were worth it in the end. 没有什么比意识到所有的汗水和辛勤工作最终是值得的更令人满意。 例 1 He was enjoying all the satisfactions of being a parent. 他享受着为人父母的一切乐趣。 例

48、 2 In old age he finally had the satisfaction of seeing the quality of his work recognized. 他为在晚年时终于目睹自己的作品得到赞赏而深感欣慰。 造句 她回顾自己的经历觉得心满意足。 She can look back on her career with great satisfaction. 归纳拓展 (1)to ones satisfaction 令某人满意的是 find/feel satisfaction in/at. 对感到满意 take satisfaction in. 对感到满足;乐于 with satisfaction 满意地 be far from satisfaction 令人很不满意 (


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