北师大版(2020新教材)高中英语必修第一册导学案Unit 2 Sports and Fitness Lesson 1 The Underdog-.docx

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1、Unit 2 Sports and FitnessUnit 2 Sports and Fitness Lesson 1 The UnderdogLesson 1 The Underdog 【学习目标】【学习目标】 1掌握并熟练运用本课重点词汇和句型。 2分析文章中的长难句,判断复合句的类型。 3理解关系从句的作用及意义。 4掌握并能正确选用关系代词。 5在语篇中理解和熟练运用关系从句。 【学习重难点】【学习重难点】 1能够在具体语境中熟练运用词汇和句型。 2如何正确选用关系代词。 3能够在具体语境中熟练运用关系从句。 【学习过程】【学习过程】 一、重点词组一、重点词组 1赢得自己一席之地 _

2、2跳投_ 3把当作动力_ 4成功_ 5有为球队效力的强烈愿望_ 6与我们的主要对手比赛_ 7相互碰撞_ 8跟上某人的节奏和速度_ 9让某人尝试一下_ 10冲向球场_ 11鼓掌欢呼_ 12打某人肩膀_ 二、分析长难句,判断复合句类型二、分析长难句,判断复合句类型 1. When we werent playing on the court which was next to our building, we were watching a game on TV. 2. Paul knew that being shorter than other players meant that he ha

3、d to practise more. 3. Pauls favourite player was Tyrone Bogues, a guy who played for the Charlotte Hornets, although we actually agree that they are both champions. 4. The Lions were playing our main competitors, The Bears, a team whose record this season had been perfect. 5. He didnt know hed soon

4、 get the chance that hed been waiting for. 6. Everyone knew Paul had real skills, and was someone who worked really hard and had a strong desire to play for the team. 7. And clearly, all the extra hours that hed spent practising alone paid off. 8. He was still usually on the bench, being just a repl

5、acement, which was really tough on him. 9. Bogues was only 1.6 metres tall, which made him the shortest player ever in the NBA. 三、重点词汇三、重点词汇 ever mean try out compete be tough on pay off 1. ever 1. ever 曾经;(与比较级连用,置于 than 之后或与最高级连用)比以往任何时 候 Have you ever visited the great wall? Its raining harder th

6、an ever. 雨下得更大了 the shortest player ever in the NBA This is the best work that you have ever done. =This is your best work ever. 这是你所的最好的工作。 完成句子完成句子 (1) He hated her _, when he got the letter.(他接到那份信后,越 发憎恨她了。) (2) It will be _.(这将是他迄今为止取得的最大成功。) (3) This novel is one of _.(这是史上创作出的最好的小说之一。) 翻译翻译 (

7、1)你曾经坐过飞机吗? _ (2)这是我们所取得的最伟大的成就。 _ (3)乔丹是 NBA 史上最伟大的球员。 _ (4)故宫是我参观过的最宏伟的宫殿。 _ 2. mean meant meant 2. mean meant meant 意味着,是的征兆 mean sth/mean that/mean doing sth 意思是 What do you mean by sth/doing sth? mean to do 打算意欲 mean sth for sb 对有价值,重要 Spending too much now will mean a shortage of cash next yea

8、r.现在花钱过 头,来年就要缺钱。 The sudden thaw means that spring is here.一朝解冻,便是春天来到。 What did he mean by that remark/saying that?他那样说是什么意思? He meant to cause trouble.他存心捣乱。 He meant the gift for you. The gift is meant for you.他这礼物是送给你的。 I wasnt serious. I meant it as a joke 我并非有意,我只是想开个玩笑罢 了。 Your friendship me

9、ans a great deal to me. 完成句子完成句子 (1) Money _.(他对金钱无所谓。) (2) This is not _.(那不是我的本意。) (3) _but I forgot.(我本想打电话给你,但是却忘记了。) (4) What did he mean _?(他这个时候鼓掌和欢呼是什么意思?) 翻译翻译 (1)错过这辆公交车意味着再等一个小时。 _ (2)他的意思是不满意我们的工作 _ (3)他取消访问是什么意思? _ (4)20 英镑对穷人来说很重要。 _ (5)红色信号意味着你可以射击目标。 _ 3. try out for sth3. try out fo

10、r sth 为试演/试训 try sth out on sb 在上试用 try out the drug on humans Try out for the role/part try out for making the team 完成句子完成句子 (1) He had to _.(在入选这个队之前,他不得不多次 试训。) (2) The drug _.(这药迄今为止还没在人体实验。) 翻译翻译 他正在试演毛泽东这个角色。 _ 4. be tough4. be tough on sbon sb 对很严厉;不幸的倒霉的 Being just a replacement was really t

11、ough on him. Dont be tough on a lovely kid. a tough game 艰苦的 get tough with sb 采取坚决/强硬手段 完成句子完成句子 (1) It was_, but we feel we made the right one. (这 是个非常艰难的决定,但是我们认为这是正确的决定。) (2) Its been_.(这是难熬的一天。) 翻译翻译 (1)到了对毒贩子采取强硬手段的时候了。 _ (2)教练对队员太苛刻了,许多队员想放弃训练。 _ 5. compete5. compete v 竞争;比赛 competitor n. 竞争者

12、;对手 competition n 竞争;比赛 compete against/with sb for sth/to do sth compete in sth 参加某项比赛;在某方面竞争 be in competition with sb for sth boxing/beauty/chess competitions 完成句子完成句子 (1) Several companies are_. (几家公司正在为争 取一项合同而竞争。) (2) We are in _.(我们与另几家公司竞争这份合同。) (3) Our team had to _.(我们要与最主要的对手比赛。) 翻译翻译 (1)

13、他迄今为止已经参加了两届奥运会。 _ (2)3 位申请人在竞争这个岗位。 _ 6. pay off 6. pay off 还清 pay off ones debts/a loan time/efforts pay off 带来好结果,成功,得到回报 All the extra hours that he had spent practicing paid off 完成句子完成句子 (1) After ten years of hard work , he finally _.(经 过十年的努力,他终于还清了贷款。) (2) All her efforts that she_.(她为实现目标而付

14、出的 努力终于得到了回报。) 翻译翻译 (1)为减肥而付出的努力最终得到了汇报。她穿上裙子看起来漂亮多了。 _ (2)他花在练习弹钢琴上的额外时间得到了回报。他比任何时候弹得都好。 _ 四、重点句型四、重点句型 1. We loved basketball and were both huge fans of the NBA.1. We loved basketball and were both huge fans of the NBA. be a big/huge/great fan of sth 是某事物的狂热爱好者;是迷 翻译翻译 (1)我很迷辛普森一家。 _ (2)他酷爱打网球,他是

15、 李娜的超级粉丝。 _ 2. I said quietly as the doctor put an ice pack on my knee.2. I said quietly as the doctor put an ice pack on my knee. as 引导时间状从,译为:当的时候,在期间,随着 As she grew older, she lost interest in everything except gardening. 翻译翻译 (1)正在我按门铃时,乔西把门打开了。 _ (2)随着岁月的流逝,他比任何时候都爱他的妻子。 _ (3)我一直看着她梳头。 _ 3. Whe

16、n the game ended, our team had won by 2 points.3. When the game ended, our team had won by 2 points. The last quarter was about to begin, and my team was behind by 10 points. Be behind/ahead by 2 points 落后/领先 2 分 by sth(表示增减的幅度)The bullet missed him by inches.子弹差几英寸就打 中他了。 翻译翻译 (1)比赛结束时,我们领先 2 分。 _

17、(2)道路比原来宽了 2 米。 _ 4. Being shorter than other players meant that he had to practise more.4. Being shorter than other players meant that he had to practise more. 动名词作主语,做某事意味着什么。 翻译翻译 (1)考试不及格意味着你以前没有足够的努力。 _ (2)变瘦了意味着你为减肥做的努力得到了回报。 _ 五、合作探究五、合作探究 读下列句子,圈出关系代词并划出关系从句。读下列句子,圈出关系代词并划出关系从句。 1. We werent

18、 playing on the court which was next to our building. 2. Pauls favourite player was a guy who played for the Charlotte Hornets. 3. Paul was someone who worked really hard for the team. 4. Hed soon get the chance that hed been waiting for. 5. They were playing against The Bears, a team whose record t

19、his season had been perfect. 归纳归纳 (1)关系代词:that who whom which whose (2)关系从句的位置:放在名词或代词之后 (3) 中心词或先行词: 被修饰的名词或代词。 以上句中中心词的分别是 court, guy , someone, chance, team。 思考思考 关系代词在定从中做成分吗?分别作什么成分?与中心词什么关系? 例句 中心词 关系代词 指代 在从句中的作用 1 court which things subject 2 guy who people subject 3 someone who people subje

20、ct 4 chance that things object 5 team whose things attribute 总结总结 关系代词指代中心词并在从句中充当一定的成分,如:主语,宾语,定语,表语。 关系代词 指代 在从句中的作用 which things subject/ object who people subject/ object whom people object that things people object/ subject whose things people attribute 注意注意:关系代词在定从中做宾语可以省略。但作主语不能省略。 上面 5 个例句中那

21、些关系代词可以省略? 六、达标测验六、达标测验 1选用正确的关系代词填空,并指出那些关系代词可以省略。 (1) Have you found the keys_ you lost? (2) We stayed at a hotel _Tom recommended to us. (3) The people_ work in the office are very friendly. (4) Whats the name of the man_ car you borrowed? (5) The man_ I was sitting next to on the plane talked al

22、l the time. (6) The house _roof was broken was under repair. 2选用正确的关系代词完成句子。 (1) Paul was a basketball player _. (2) His favourite player was a guy_. (3) He played in the team_. (4) He helped his team win the match_. 3改写下面的段落。 (1) Zhang Hua is a tall and thin boy in our class. He wears glasses. He h

23、elps our head teacher manage(管理) our class and all teachers like him. His parents are both workers. Zhang Hua is a boy _. Zhang Hua is a boy _. Zhang Hua is a boy _. Zhang Hua is a boy _. (2) 李娜 a famous tennis player in china born on Feb16th, 1982 her hometown: Wuhan, Hubei her husband encouraged a

24、nd supported her a lot Li Na is a famous tennis player _. Li Na is a famous tennis player _. Li Na is a famous tennis player _. (3) the school has 200 students and only 3 teachers be located in the south of China Its playground gets dusty on windy days much smaller than Zhang Tian had thought its po

25、wer and water supplies are unstable The village school is a small one_ The village school is a small one_ The village school is a small one_ The village school is a small one_ 4作文 在英语写作中使用复杂的句式结构是提高书面表达档次, 增加语言亮点的主要途径 之一,而关系从句就是复杂结构中的重要一项,因此,在写作中巧妙地运用关系从句可 为我们的作文增光添彩。 Writing:write a paragraph about Paul 1词数:100 词左右 2使用至少 6 个定语从句 _ _ _ _ _ _


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