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1、2020- 2021 学年中考英语语法专项讲解训练:连词 连词是一种虚词,用于连接词与词或句与句,不单独用作句子成分。连词按其性质可分为并 列连词和从属连词。 一、并列连词一、并列连词 1、表示并列关系的并列连词有:、表示并列关系的并列连词有:and, neithernor, not onlybut (also), bothand, as well as Eg:Neither you nor I am right. 你和我都不正确。 Not only my father but also I am interested in football. 不仅我爸爸而且我也对足球感兴趣。 Both sh

2、e and Sophia were pleased with the girl. 她和索菲娅都对这女孩满意。 Tom as well as I walks to school every day. 除了我,汤姆也每天步行去上学。 2、并、并列连词的作用列连词的作用 (1)表转折关系)表转折关系 表示转折关系的并列连词有:表示转折关系的并列连词有:but, yet, while, however Eg:I failed again, but I wont give up. 我又失败了,但我不会放弃的。 I was born in Dalian while I grew up in Canada.

3、 我在大连出生而在加拿大长大。 (2)表因果关系)表因果关系 表示因果关系的并列连词有表示因果关系的并列连词有 so, therefore, for Eg:I got up late, so I didnt catch the early bus. 我起床晚了,所以没赶上早班车。 The days get longer, for it is already July. 天变长了,因为已经是七月了。 (3)表选择关系)表选择关系 表示选择关系的并列连词有表示选择关系的并列连词有 or, eitheror,otherwise Eg:Work hard, or you will fall behin

4、d. 努力学习,否则你会落后的。 Either you or he is going to do some shopping this afternoon. 今天下午或者你或者他去购物。 注意:注意: (1)bothand意为“和”,连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。 (2)neithernor意为“既不也不”;not onlybut (also)意为 “不但而且”; eitheror意为“或者或者”。它们连接两个成分作主语时,谓语的数通常与靠近其的 主语的数保持一致,即遵循“就近原则”。 (3)as well as 意为“而且,还,又”,它连接并列主语时,谓语动词应与它前面的主语一致

5、3.练一练练一练 A、1. I failed again, _ I wont give up. A. and B. but C. so 2. This is my first lesson, _ I dont know your names. A. and B. but C. so and : 表对等 “和、并且” but: 表转折 “但是” B、1. Which do you like better, apples, _ pears? A. and B. but C. or A. 3.Christine, Aileen _ (和) I are good friends. Study hard

6、, _ (否则)youll fall behind. 4. Are you coming by bus _(或者) on foot? C、1. Try your best _ youll make more progress. A. and B. but C. or 2. Dont lose heart, _ youll lose all. A. and B. so C. or D、1. Its getting warmer _ warmer. A. and B. but C. or 2. He or the twins _ the USA. A. comes from B. come fro

7、m C. is from 3. Not Tom but I _ going to give the talk. A. am B. is C. are E、1. Although I have passed the exam, _ I am not pleased with the result. A. and B. but C. / F、So 的特殊用法的特殊用法 1、“so+情态动词/助动词/be 动词+主语”句型为倒装结构,意思为“也是如此”,系动词、情态 or: 1. 用于疑问句, 表选择 2. 用于否定句, 表并列 (肯定句用 and) and 和 or 都可以在祈使句中使用. and

8、 通常是比较好的结果; adj.比 + and + adj.比 表示越来越 A or B 和 not A but B 结构作主语时, 谓语动词要使用就近原则。 although 和 but 不能 同时出现。 动词或助动词必须与上句中的谓语动词保持时态的一致。 Eg:- I like reading novels when I am free.有空闲时我喜欢读小说。- So do I.我也是。 2、 “so+主语+情态动词/助动词/be 动词” 表示对上文所说的情况加以肯定。 意思为“确实如此”。 Eg:- He works hard.他工作努力。- So he does, and so doe

9、s his brother.他确实是这样,他兄弟也 是如此。 G、eitheror;neithernor;not onlybut also就近原则 1. Both Peter and I _ going to Guangzhou. A. are B. is C. am 2. Either apples or rice _ Ok. I am hungry. A. are B. is C. / 3. Neither I nor my parents _ to tell you the truth. A. wants B. want C. is going to 4. Not only I but

10、also Jane _ sure that well win. A. is B. are C. am 适当连词填空 1、这里的天气既不太冷也不太热。 The weather here is _too hot _too cold. 2、她不但美丽而且聪明。 She is _pretty _ clever. 3、不是你对就是我对。 _ you _ I _ correct (形容词:正确的) 二、引导状语从句的从属连词二、引导状语从句的从属连词 1引导时间状语从句的连词:引导时间状语从句的连词:when, while, before, after, since, until, as soon as

11、Eg:Vegetables are best when they are fresh. 新鲜的蔬菜最好。 Shes been playing the piano since she was eight. 她从八岁起就弹钢琴了。 Ill let you know as soon as I get to Beijing. 我一到北京就通知你。 2引导条件状语从句的连词:引导条件状语从句的连词:if, unless, as long as Eg:If it is fine tomorrow, well go to the park. 如果明天天气好,我们就去公园。 My father will lo

12、ok for another job unless the company offers him more money. 除非这家公司给他更多的报酬,否则我爸爸将另寻一份工作。 3引导目的状语从句的连词:引导目的状语从句的连词:so that, in order that Eg:He got up early so that he could catch the early bus. 为了能赶上早班车,他起得很早。 4引导原因状语从句的连词:引导原因状语从句的连词:because, as, since Eg:Since everyone is here, lets begin. 既然大家都在这

13、儿,那咱们就开始吧。 5引导结果状语从句的连词:引导结果状语从句的连词:sothat, suchthat Eg:The horse ran so fast that I couldnt follow it. 马跑得如此快,以至于我跟不上它。 6引导让步状语从句的连词:引导让步状语从句的连词:though, although,even if(even though), whatever Eg:I cant still understand the article though there are few new words in it. 尽管这篇文章里几乎没有生词,但我还是不懂。 7引导比较状语

14、从句的连词:引导比较状语从句的连词:than, asas, not as/soas Eg:I think English is as important as Maths. 我认为英语和数学同等重要。 注意:注意: (1)在if引导的条件状语从句和as soon as, when 引导的时间状语从句中, 遵循“主将从现”原则。 (2)though, although 不与 but 连用,但可以和 yet, still 连用。 8.练一练练一练 A、1、Youll be late _(如果) you dont get up early tomorrow. 2、Ill come to see yo

15、u _(如果) Im free next Saturday. 3、Well have a picnic tomorrow _(如果) it doesnt rain tomorrow. “主将从现” 。 B、I was cleaning the floor _(当的时候) she knocked at the door. Dick climbed up into a tree _(一就) he saw the bear. I knew nothing about it _(直到才) my friend told me yesterday. I havent heard from Bill _(自

16、从) we graduated from middle school. C、1.You should return the digital camera to Sally _ she will not be angry. A. so that B. because C. before 2. He was hurt _ badly _ he had to see a doctor. A. tooto B. so that C. so that 3.He took off his coat _ it was too hot in the room. A.And B. since C. but 4.

17、 Solo missed the bus _ he was late for school. A. because B. so C. or D、1.Tom is still doing his homework _ it is very late. A. so that B. even though C. if 2. I never seem to put on any weight,_ hard I try. A. though B. no matter how 3. I enjoy learning English, _ it takes me a lot of time. A. unle

18、ss B. although C. because 4. I will never give up learning English _ (即使) it is difficult. E、as, because, since ,for 用法比较 1) 如果原因构成句子的最主要部分,一般用 because。因此,because 引导的从句往往放在句 末。例如: I stayed at home because it rained. - - - Why arent you going? - - - Because I dont want to. 2) 如果原因已被人们所知,或不如句子的其它部分重要,

19、就用 as 或 since。since 比 as 稍微正 式一点。as 和 since 引导的从句一般放在句子的开头。例如: As he wasnt ready, we left without him. Since I have no money, I cant buy any food. 3) for 用来补充说明一种理由,因此,for 引导的从句几乎可以放在括号里。for 引导的句子不 放在句子的开头。例如: I decided to stop and have lunch,for I was feeling quite hungry. 三、引导宾语从句的从属连词三、引导宾语从句的从属连

20、词 1that 引导陈述句作宾语从句引导陈述句作宾语从句 Eg:He told me that he would move to Japan the next year. 他告诉我第二年他将搬到日本。 2if/whether 引导一般疑问句作宾语从句。引导一般疑问句作宾语从句。 Eg:I dont know if/whether there will be a bus any more. 我不知道是否还会有公交车。 3wh- 疑问词引导特殊疑问句作宾语从句。如:疑问词引导特殊疑问句作宾语从句。如: Eg:He didnt tell me when we should meet again. 他

21、没有告诉我我们什么时候会再见面。 注意:注意: (1)that 无实际意义,可省略。 (2)if/whether 意为“是否”。 (3)if/whether 以及 wh- 疑问词引导的宾语从句需要用陈述句语序。 4、练一练、练一练 A、when,while,as 用法比较 三者均可译为“在时候”。 when 引导的从句, 动词既可以是延续性的, 也可以是终止性的。 一般来说,当主句的动作正在进行时,when 引导的从句的动作才发生;while 引导的从句中, 动词只能是延续性的, 一般来说, 当 while 引导的从句的动作正在进行时, 主句的动作才发生; 若主从句动作同时发生,且强调“一边一

22、边”这样的意思,一般用 as。 When I came into the room, I found him lying there asleep. She sang as she walked. 她一边走一边唱歌。 注意: while 可以表示对比关系“然而”。 He is short while his brother is tall. B、if, whether if 和 whether 都可作“是否”讲,在引导宾语从句是一般可互换。例如: I wonder whether (if) you still study in that school. 在下列情况下,只能用 whether,不

23、能用 if: .在不定式前。例如: I havent made up my mind whether to go there or not. .用 or 并列两项以上时。例如:I dont now whether he comes or not. .从句作介词宾语时只用 whether 不用 if。 It depends on whether it will be fine.那得看是不是晴天。 .作 discuss 等动词的宾语时,用 whether 不用 if。 We discussed whether we should close the shop.我们讨论是不是该关掉商店 C、soth

24、at, such.that 1) sothat 中的 so 是个副词,其后只能跟形容词或副词,而 such.that 中的 such 是个形容词, 后接名词或名词短语。例如: Im so tired that I cant walk any farther. It was such a warm day that he went swimming. 2) 如果在名词之前有 many, much, little, few 时,用 so,不用 such。例如: He has so little education that he is unable to get a job. 1、 _ you t

25、urn on Home With Kids , youll never be able to turn the TV off.23. A. of. B. Because C. Although D. As 2、- - - - - Would you like to go hiking with me, Susan? A. Until B. before C. if D. after 3、The flight was delayed by the storm,_the passengers had to wait at the airport. A.but B.or C.so D.for 4、T

26、he nurse wont leave her patients_ shes sure they are all taken good care of. A.unless B.because C.since D.if 5、I am really proud of my group _ were always discussing and sharing study secrets together. How important the group work is! A. because B. though C. unless 6、Are you going camping this after

27、noon? A typhoon is coming. Im not sure _the road to the mountains will be closed. A. Which B. what C. whether D. why 7、I want to be a teacher when I grow up. Work hard, _ your dream will come true. A. Or B. but C. though D. and 8、Dont touch anything _ your teacher tells you to. A. If B. though C. un

28、less D. even though 9、I hear Susan will go to Beijing by herself. Thats true._ her father _ her mother will go with her. A.Both;and B.Either;or C.Neither;nor 10、When shall we send the washing machine to you, Mrs. Read? _ on Thursday _ on Friday, please. Ill be at home then. A. Either; or B. Neither;

29、 nor C. Both; and 11、Ill go to visit my aunt in England_the Summer holiday starts. A.while B. since C. until D.as soon as 12、I didnt accept his help I wanted to try it myself. A. because B. though C. until D. unless 13、一 Are you going camping this afternoon? A typhoon is coming Im not sure _the road

30、 to the mountains will be closed. A.which B.what C.whether D.why 14、Its 10 oclock now. Lets go home.Its raining outside .Dont leave _it stops. A.so B.since C.until 15、 you live, you can do something around your neighborhood. A. Wherever B. Whatever C. No matter D. Unless 16、We must get up early _ we

31、 can catch the first bus to school. A.sot hat B.such that C.in order to D. in order 17、 - - - - The students of Grade 9 in Changchun have to take part in the P.E. test from 2016. A. until B. if C. unless D. or 18、Now most families have only one child _ our countrys one- child policy. A.so B.because

32、C.because for D.because of 19、Jim likes documentaries _ I like it,too. A. but B. and C. or 20、I want to travel to the Black Bear Island next weekend. Good idea! Make a plan first, _ you will enjoy more beautiful scenery. A. but B. and C. however 21、Must we go there together at once? _ you _ he goes

33、there, only one student is needed. A.Both; and B.Either; or C.Neither; nor D.Not only; but also 22、My English teacher has taught English _ she came here. A. since B. as C. for 23、The doctors in the hospitals are very tired these days because of the H1N1. Yes, _none of them would stop to rest. A. tho

34、ugh B. and C. but D. so 24、I cant understand _ youre talking about. A. what B. that C. if D. because 25、Im going to Hangzhou for a holiday this weekend. _ you are there, could you buy me some green tea? A. Because B. While C. After D. Though 26、_ we are both pretty outgoing, Petes better at sports.

35、A. Though B. So C. Or D. Because 27、Tom likes bananas, his sister likes them, too. A. And B. or C. but 28、 Youre never too young things. A.to start B.begin doing C.to doing D. to start doing 29、My mother was doing the cleaning in the sitting room _ the telephone rang. A. When B. while C. since D. as

36、 soon as 30、She sold newspapers to help support her family _she is only 12 years old. A.unless B.if C.since D.though 31、Get up early,_ youll catch the early bus. A. so B. and C. but D. or 32、 _who you go with,you should be back by 10:00 p.m. A. However B. If C. Whether D. No matter 33、You cant do an

37、ything successfully _ you put your heart into it A.if B. unless C.when D.since 34、What were you and your cousin doing at this time yesterday? He was reading a magazine _ I was writin g an e- mail. A. as B. while C. when D. after 35、Many of us waste food _ lots of people in Africa cant have enough to

38、 eat . A. and B. so C. while D. because 36、Why dont you go to the movie ? _ I dont finish my homework . A. because B. So C. Maybe D. And 37、Did you win the game yesterday? Not really. _ we all tried our best, we lost it. A. If B. Though C. Unless D. How 38、My classmates all like music its relaxing.

39、A. so B. and C. but D. because 39、 the bad traffic, I was late for school this morning. A. Because B. Because of C. Of D. With 40、I enjoy fresh air so I always sleep with the window_ open it is really cold. A. unless B. when C. if D. since 连词练习题答案连词练习题答案 1、A2、C 3、C4、A5、A6、C7、D8、C9、C10、A 11、D12、A13、C14、C15、A16、A17、B 18、D19、B20、B 21、B 22、A 23、C 24、A25、B26、A27、A 28、D29、A30、D 31、B32、D33、B34、B35、C 36、A 37、B38、D39、B40、A


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