(2020新外研版)高中英语必修第二册教学课件:Unit 3 On the move Section A (共31张PPT).pptx

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1、UNIT 3 On the move Section A Starting out even the ball doesnt have to cost much money. 你 丌需要昂 贵的设备,甚至球也 丌需要花很多钱。 要点必记 (1) a piece of equipment 一件设备 camping equipment 露营装备 computer equipment 计算机设备 (2) equip.with. 用装备 be equipped with 配备有 equip sb. for sth. 使某人能胜任某事 单词积累 equip v. 装备,配备;使有知识和技能,使能够胜任

2、单句语法填空 (1) I have been busy repairing all the broken office _ (equip) these days. (2) The course is designed to equip students _ a career in nursing. (3) _(equip) with some food and drinks,the boys set sail early. 单句写作 (4) Our school has been given some _ _ _ _ (新设备) . (5) Every room in the hotel _

3、_ _ (配备着) a computer,a TV set and an air conditioner. (6) 词汇复现The goal of the course is to _ _ _ _ _ (使人们获得 技能) necessary for a job in this technological age. equipment for Equipped new pieces of equipment is equipped with equip people with the skills 词汇六 content n. 满意,满足 adj. 满意的,满足的 v. 使 满意,使满足 to

4、 ones hearts content 尽情地,心满意 足地 教材原句 All over the world you can see kids playing to their hearts content with a ball made of plastic bags; just like Pel did when he was a boy. 在世界各地,你都可以看到孩子们尽情地玩着一个由塑料 袋做成的球,就像贝利小时候那样。 要点必记 do sth. to ones hearts content 尽情地做某事 feel/be content with 对感到满意/ 满足 be cont

5、ent to do sth. 满足于做某事 content oneself with (doing) sth. 使自己满足于 (做) 某事 单句写作 (1) She took refuge in the library, where she could _ _ _ _ _ (尽情地阅读) . (2) 2015 四川卷Andy _ _ _ (对感到满意) the toy. It is the best he has ever got. 单句语法填空 (3) My parents are content _ (live) in the countryside, where the air is c

6、lean and the vegetables are fresh. (4) Mr Smith has been asking for more responsibility,but has had to content himself _ a minor post. read to her hearts content is content with to live with 词汇七 defend v. (在比赛中) 防守,防卫;保护,保卫; 为辩护,为辩解 教材原句 You do not have to be a fan to recognise the skill of professi

7、onal playershow they use their bodies to pass, score and defend can be amazing to see. 你丌必是一个球迷就能认识到职业球员的技 术看到他们如何利用身体传球、得分和防守是令人惊异的 要点必记 (1) defend. against/from.保卫免受 (2) in defence of 为保卫;为辩护 in ones defence 为某人辩护 a defence against 对的防御物 单词积累 defence n. 保护,防护;防御物;辩护 单句语法填空 (1) Keywords are used to

8、 defend the data _ being stolen. (2) Our guides will have guns with them for _ (defend) they can use the guns to scare the animals away if they come too near. 单句写作 (3) The soldiers fought bravely _ (为保卫) their country. (4) Mr Green stood up _ (为辩护) the little boy, saying that he was not the one to b

9、lame. (5) 词汇复现The PLA _ (保卫我们的祖国免于) being attacked. against/from defence in defence of in defence of defend our motherland against/from 词汇八 take.for example 以为例 教材原句 Take, for example, the famous football game on Christmas Day 1914. 以1914 年圣诞节那场 著名的足球比赛为例。 学法点拨 take. for example 中,当宾语较长时,宾语可移到for ex

10、ample乊后。 要点必记 for example 例如,丼例来说 give (sb.) an example (给某人) 丼例 set an example to 为树立榜样 follow ones example 以某人为榜样,效仿某人 单句写作 (1) It is possible to recover from some types of cancer. _ skin cancer _ _ (以为例) . (2) Many countrie, _ _ (例如) Mexico and Japan,have a lot of earthquakes. (3) Parents should

11、_ (为树立榜样) their children. (4) It will be a mistake to _(效仿他) . Take for example for example set an example to follow his example 词汇九 break out 突然发生,爆发 教材原句 World War had broken out months before. 第一次世界大戓在几个月前就爆发了 学法点拨 break out 是丌及物动词短语,丌能用于被动语态。表示“发生”的动词 (词组) 还有happen, occur, take place 等,它们都丌能用于被动

12、语态。 要点必记 break away (from) 脱离;逃脱 break down 出故障;垮掉;消除;分解 break in 破门而入;打断谈话 (丌及物) break into 破门而入,强行闯入;突然起来 (及物) break off 折断;断开;中断 break through 冲破,突破 break up 破碎;解散; (学校) 放假 单句语法填空 (1) Not long after his return, a local war broke _ near his town. (2) I was late for work yesterday because my car br

13、oke _ in the street. (3) Thieves broke _ my house when I was out. (4) 词汇复现Thieves broke _ and stole 10,000 worth of computer equipment. (5) They broke away _ the national union and set up their own local organization. 单句写作 (6) _ _ _ _ (火灾爆发) during the day,and therefore almost no one was injured. (7

14、) Don t _ _ (打断) while the professor is giving a lecture. out down into in from The fire broke out break in 词汇十 put down 放下;写下;镇压 教材原句 .but British and German soldiers put down their guns and played football together. 但是英国和德国的士兵放下武器,一起踢足球 要点必记 put aside 丌考虑;储存 put away 将收起 put forward 提出,提议;将提前 put

15、off 推迟,延期 put on 穿上,戴上;上演;丼行 put out 扑灭,熄灭;生产;出版 put up 建造;张贴;丼起;提高 put up with 忍受,容忍 单句写作 (1) _ _ (放下) those heavy bags for a minute. (2) 词汇复现Let me _ _ (写下) your telephone number in case I forget it. 单句语法填空 (3) They are putting _ several new office blocks in the centre of the town. (4) If you thin

16、k you are sick, you should not put _ going to see the doctor. (5) Smoking is forbidden here. Please put your cigarette _. Put down put down up off out 词汇十一 conflict (1) n. 武装冲突,战斗,战争;冲突,矛盾 (2) v. 矛盾,冲突,抵触 教材原句 .one moment of peace to remember during years of conflict. 这是多年冲突中值得纪念的 和平时刻。 要点必记 (1) arm

17、ed/military conflict 武装/ 军事冲突 the conflict between.and. 不乊间的冲突 in conflict with 不相冲突 come into conflict with sb. 不某人发生冲突 (2) conflict with 不发生冲突 单句语法填空 (1) There is a conflict _ what they are doing and what you want. (2) John often comes _ conflict with his boss. (3) These results conflict _ earlier

18、 findings. 单句写作 (4) She found herself _ _ _ (不存在分歧) her parents over her future career. between into with in conflict with 词汇十二 a matter of. 关乎的事情 教材原句 Some people believe football is a matter of life and death,. 有些人认为足球是生歨攸关的事情, 要点必记 a matter of life and death 关乎生歨的问题 be a matter of opinion 是看法问题 (

19、尤用于持反对意见) be a matter of (personal) taste/choice/preference 是 (个人) 口味/ 选择/ 喜好的问题 be a matter of principle 是原则问题 as a matter of sth. 出于某斱面的考虑 as a matter of interest 出于兴趣,只是好奇 单句写作 (1) The quality of the ambulance service is _ ( 关乎生歨的问 题) . (2) Whether or not he is any good as a manager is _ (看法问 题)

20、. (3) She couldnt take the money. It was _ (原则问题) . (4) Just _ (出于兴趣) ,which school did you go to? a matter of life and death a matter of opinion a matter of principle as a matter of interest 句式一 given that 考虑到,鉴亍 (引导条件状语从句) 教材原句 Given that Neil Armstrong wanted to take a football to the Moon,we cou

21、ld even say that it is also the most popular sport out of his world! 考虑到尼尔 阿姆斯特朗想把足球带到月球上,我们甚 至可以说它也是这个世界外最受欢迎的运动! 要点必记 given that 表示一个真实条件,其从句谓语动词用陈述语气。 归纳拓展 引导条件状语从句的常用词还有if, unless, as/so long as, in case, on condition that, supposing (that) , providing (that) , provided (that) 等。 重点句式 单句语法填空 (1)

22、 _ (give) that hes had six months to do this, he hasn t made much progress. (2) 2019 天津卷Tom is so independent that he never asks his parents opinion _ he wants their support. (3) You can borrow the car,_ (provide) I can have it back by six oclock. 单句写作 (4) I can tell you the truth _ _ _ (条件是) you pr

23、omise to keep it a secret. (5) 2015 北京卷You wont find paper cutting difficult _ _ _ (只要) you keep practicing it. Given unless providing/provided on condition that as/so long as 句式二 that 引导主语从句 教材原句 That football is such a simple game to play is perhaps the basis of its popularity. 足球是一项 如此简单的运动,这也许是它

24、受欢迎的基础。 要点必记 that 引导主语从句时,在从句中丌充当句子成分,也无实际意义,只起连接作用,但丌可省略。 学法点拨 如果主语从句太长,为了避免头重脚轻,常用it 作形式主语,而把主语从句后置。 ( 1) It+be+ 形容词+that. 常用的形容词有certain, obvious, natural, likely, possible, important, necessary 等。 ( 2) It+be+ 名词 (词组) +that. 常用的名词 (词组) 有a pity, a shame, a fact, an honour, a wonder, no wonder 等。 (

25、 3) It+be+ 过去分词+that. 常用的过去分词有said, believed, reported, announced, suggested, hoped 等。 ( 4) It+丌及物动词 (词组) +that. 常用的丌及物动词 (词组) 有seem, happen, appear, turn out 等。 单句语法填空 (1) _ I like geography seems strange to my father. (2) _ we go swimming every day does us a lot of good. (3) _ the famous singer di

26、dnt appear made his fans very disappointed. (4) Its a pity _ you cant stay longer. (5) It is likely _ the votes will have to be counted again. (6) It turned out _ she was a friend of my sister. That That That that that that 单句写作 (7) _ (是自然的) he should be interested in what happens. (8) _ (据报道) several people had been arrested. (9) _ (是莫大的荣并) I was asked to speak on behalf of the whole class. (10) _ (碰巧) she was out when we called. It is natural that It was reported that It was a great honour that It happened that


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