(2020新外研版)高中英语必修第二册单元知识重点背诵学案:Unit 2 Let's celebrate.docx

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1、 Book 2 Unit 2 Lets celebrate ! I. Chunks The Real Father Christmas 1. try to keep that magic alive for as long as they can 努力让那种魔力尽可能长久地存在努力让那种魔力尽可能长久地存在 2. regard Christmas as a special time of year 把圣诞节视为每年的特别时光把圣诞节视为每年的特别时光 3. an envelope with a North Pole stamp 一个贴有北极邮票的信封 4. be addressed to To

2、lkiens children 是寄给是寄给 Tolkien 的孩子们的的孩子们的 5. find a handwritten letter from Father Christmas 发现一封圣诞老人的亲笔信 6. be beautifully illustrated 配有精美的插图 7. take Tolkien a long time to complete 花了 Tolkien 很长时间把它完成 8. a regular character 一个经常出现的人物 9. polar bear 北极熊 10. fall through the roof of Father Christmas

3、s house 摔下来砸穿了圣诞老人家的屋顶 11. complain about. 抱怨抱怨 12. stop his helpers (from) playing games with the toys 阻止他的助手玩玩具阻止他的助手玩玩具 13. wrap them up 包起来包起来 14. a terrible number of poor and starving people 大量的穷人和饿着肚子的人 15. express love for his children in such a special way 用这样一种特别的方式来表达对儿女的 爱 Latern Festi v

4、al celebrations/A festival invitation 16. offer Western dinners and desserts 提供西餐和甜点 17. prepare Chinese dishes 准备/做中国菜 18. receive a red envelop from her 从她那里收到一个红包 19. decorate our windows with balloons and posters 用气球和贴画装饰我们的窗户用气球和贴画装饰我们的窗户来源来源:Zxxk.Com 20. hold a lantern riddles competition 举办灯谜

5、比赛 21. extend or accept an invitation 发出或接受邀请发出或接受邀请 Time for a Change 22. be keen on this idea 喜欢、支持这个想法喜欢、支持这个想法 23. eat/dine out/have the dinner out for the Spring Festival 在外吃年夜饭 24. re fuse to embrace the change 拒绝接受改变 25. the preparation for the dinner 准备晚饭 26. be hard work 很辛苦 27. clean up th

6、e mess 收拾 28. spend time with family and relax 陪陪家人放松一下来源:Z|xx|k.Com 29. have nothing to do with loss of traditions 与丢弃传统无关与丢弃传统无关 30. in my opinion 在我看来,我认为 31. on Spring Festival Eve 在除夕夜 32. change the form of this tradition 改变了这个传统的表现形式 33. remain the same 没有改变没有改变 34. book a table at the best r

7、estaurant in town 在城里最好的饭店订了桌年夜饭来源:学。科。网 Z。X。X。K 35. be unhappy about it 对此感到不高兴 36. have the opportunity to have our whole family gathered together 有机会把全家人聚到一起 37. listen to the adults chatting about their year 听大人谈他们这一年的情况 38. sit around the table 围坐在餐桌前 39. toast each other 互相敬酒 40. homemade dish

8、 家常菜来源:学科网 ZXXK 41. look forward to the dinner on the eve of Spring Festival 期待除夕的年夜饭期待除夕的年夜饭 42. value our memories of preparing the dinner together 珍珍 视全家人一起做年夜饭的回忆视全家人一起做年夜饭的回忆 Chinese Spring Festival Going Global 43. hold celebrations for Chinese Spring Festival 为春节举行庆祝活动 44. organize events and

9、 activities to celebrate Chinese Spring Festival 组织活动庆祝中国的春节 45. cherish Chinese culture and traditions 珍视中国文化和传统珍视中国文化和传统 II. Sentences The Real Father Christmas 1. That is why Letters from Father Christmas could be the perfec t book for those who regard Christmas as a special time of year. 那就是为什么对

10、于那些把圣诞节视为每年的特别时光的人来说, 圣诞老人的来信 是再合适不过的那就是为什么对于那些把圣诞节视为每年的特别时光的人来说, 圣诞老人的来信 是再合适不过的 书的原因了。书的原因了。 2. The children must have been very excited as they opened it. 孩子们打开时一定非常兴奋。孩子们打开时一定非常兴奋。 3. The letters were also beautiful ly illustrated-each must have taken its true author, Tolkien, a long time to com

11、plete. 信里还配着精美的插图它们真正的作者托尔金一定花了很长 时间去完成每一幅画作。 4. In another letter, Father Christmas complained about how he could not stop his helpers playing games with the toys instead of wrapping them up. 在另一封信中,圣诞老人抱怨说,他那些助手们非但没有把文具包装起来,反而拿着玩具玩起了游 戏,他怎么也没法让他们停下来。 5. Interestingly, the letters did not contain t

12、he usual warnings to children that they might not receive their presents if they were not good. 值得关注的是,信里并没有那些常见的对孩子的警告,比如表现不好就可能得不到礼物之类的话。 6. Letters from Father Christmas tells us that as well as enjoying the adventures of Father Christmas, Polar Bear and other characters at the North Pole, we can

13、 all share the true spirit of giving a t Christmas time. 圣诞老人的来信告诉我们,在圣诞节,除了欣赏圣诞老人、北极熊和其他一些生活在北极的人圣诞老人的来信告诉我们,在圣诞节,除了欣赏圣诞老人、北极熊和其他一些生活在北极的人 物的冒险故事之外,我们还物的冒险故事之外,我们还可以共同体会真正的给予精神。可以共同体会真正的给予精神。 7. By expressing love for his children in such a special way, Tolkien may indeed have been the real Father

14、Christmas. 托尔金用这样一种特别的方式来表达对儿女的爱,他可以算得上是真正的圣诞老人。托尔金用这样一种特别的方式来表达对儿女的爱,他可以算得上是真正的圣诞老人。 Time for a Change 8. We have eaten out for the Sprin g Festival family dinner for the last three years, and we have enjoyed it no less than eating at home. 最近三年,我家都市在外面吃年夜饭,和在家吃比起来,在外面吃一样开心。最近三年,我家都市在外面吃年夜饭,和在家吃比起来

15、,在外面吃一样开心。 9. I really dont think its worth the effort of spending so much time preparing for a single meal, and then another hour cleaning up the mess after its over. 花这么长时间准备一顿饭,饭后再花一个小时收拾,我真心觉得不值。花这么长时间准备一顿饭,饭后再花一个小时收拾,我真心觉得不值。 10. In my opinion, what or where we eat on Spring Festival Eve really

16、 doesnt matter. 在我看来,除夕夜我们吃什么、在哪里吃,真的不重要。在我看来,除夕夜我们吃什么、在哪里吃,真的不重要。 11. Eating out may change the form of this tradition, but the love between the family members sitting around the table together remains the same. 在外面的饭店吃年夜饭可能改变了这个传统的表现形式,但是围坐在餐桌前的家人之间的亲情并没 有改变。 12. For me, it just wont feel like Spr

17、ing Festival having the dinner out. 对我来说,在外面吃年夜饭(感觉起来)就不像过年。 13. It was not only for the delicious food that we seldom got to eat, but for the opportunity to have our whole family gathered together. 不仅可以吃到平时难以吃到的美食,而且全家人能有机会团聚在一起。不仅可以吃到平时难以吃到的美食,而且全家人能有机会团聚在一起。 14. I would run around the house, list

18、ening to the adults chatting about their year. 那时我会在家里跑来跑去,听大人们闲聊他们这一年的情况。那时我会在家里跑来跑去,听大人们闲聊他们这一年的情况。来源来源:学科网学科网 ZXXK Id get under my mothers feet in the kitchen, watching her make dumplings. 我会缠着在厨房做饭的妈妈,看她包饺子。我会缠着在厨房做饭的妈妈,看她包饺子。 In the evening, all of us would sit around the table, enjoying the food and being together again. 到了晚上,我们都围坐在餐桌前,享受美食和团圆的乐趣。到了晚上,我们都围坐在餐桌前,享受美食和团圆的乐趣。


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