(2020新外研版)高中英语必修第二册Unit1 词汇训练(无答案共14 页).docx

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1、1 2019 外研版高中英语必修第外研版高中英语必修第二二册册 Unit1 词汇训练(无答案,共词汇训练(无答案,共 14 页)页) 答案请参考 2019 外研版第二册 Unit1 单词表 第一组第一组 训练一训练一 根据句意写出单词的汉语意思根据句意写出单词的汉语意思 maple /mep()l/ n. _ We have a maple in our yard. 我们的院内有棵枫树。 The Canadian flag features a maple leaf. 枫叶是加拿大国旗的显著特征。 pudding /pd/ n. _ Maybe you can try our bread pu

2、dding. 你可以试一下我们的面包布丁。 All that she would have to do was warm up the pudding. 她所需要做的只是加热布丁。 black pudding _ Blood sausage is from England. It is also called black pudding. 血肠产自英格兰,也叫黑布丁。 All I know is that the traditional breakfast in rural Ireland began with black pudding. 我所知道的真正的爱尔兰早餐是以黑布丁开始的。 sna

3、ck /snk/ n. _ I only have time for a snack at lunchtime. 中午,我的时间只够吃点心。 British snack is tasty. 英国小吃很美味。 cuisine /kwzi:n/ n. _ The Gardens menu is based on Hawaiian regional cuisine. 花园饭店的菜肴以夏威夷地区的烹饪风格为基础。 The cuisine of Japan is low in fat. 日式烹调脂肪含量低。 spicy /spasi/ adj. _ Thai food is hot and spicy.

4、 泰国食品很辛辣。 These peppers make this a very spicy dish. 加这些胡椒使这道菜变得很辣。 hot pot I think its time for hot pot! 我想现在是吃火锅的时间了! This is my first time to eat hot pot. 这是我第一次吃火锅。 2 dare /de/ modal verb _ Dare she risk staying where she was? 她敢冒险呆在原地不动吗? How dare you sit in judgement on me? 你怎么敢对我妄加评论? marriag

5、e /mrd/ n. _ Their marriage has broken up. 他们的婚姻已经破裂。 Hes trying to save their marriage. 他试图挽救他们的婚姻。 wedding /wed/ n. _ Most couples want a traditional wedding. 多数情侣希望举办一个传统的婚礼。 Weve put the wedding forward by one week. 我们已把婚礼提前了一周。 sort /s:t/ n. _ These sort of things dont happen in real life. 这类事情

6、在现实生活中不会发生。 What sort of music do you like? Oh, all sorts . “你喜欢哪一类音乐?”“噢,哪一类都喜欢。” butcher /bt/ n. _ Teddy was the son of a butcher. 特迪是一名屠夫的儿子。 He worked in a butchers. 他在肉铺工作。 super /su:p/ adj. _ Their bodies were well developed and super fit. 他们的身体发育良好,极其健康。 We had a super time in Italy. 我们在意大利过得

7、十分惬意。 bacon /bekn/ n. _ Do you want bacon and eggs for breakfast? 你早饭要吃熏咸肉和鸡蛋吗? Cook the bacon until it begins to crisp. 烤制熏肉直到变脆。 sausage /ssd/ n. _ Id like the pancakes and sausage breakfast. 我要薄煎饼和香肠早餐。 I want to buy some beef, ham, and sausage. 我想买些牛肉,火腿,和香肠。 toast /tst/ n. _ Do you know French

8、toast? 你知道法国吐司吗? I buttered the toast. 我把黄油涂在烤面包上。 3 butter /bt/ n. _ Much of our butter comes from New Zealand. 我们的黄油大多产自新西兰。 The butter is nice. 这些黄油很美味。 typical /tpk()l/ adj. _ It was typical family entertainment. 这是典型的家庭娱乐活动。 This isnt your typical economics class. 这不是人们所认为的典型的经济学课。 roast /rst/

9、n. & adj. _ the Sunday roast 星期日烤肉大餐 They serve the most delicious roast beef. 他们做最美味的烤牛肉。 suffer /sf/ v. _ He suffered a massive heart attack. 他的心脏病发作很严重。 It was unfair that he should suffer so much. 他遭受这么多痛苦是不公平的。 stinky /stki/ adj. _ tofu /tfu:/ n. _ stinky tofu 臭豆腐 _ horrible /hrb()l/ adj. _ I h

10、ad a horrible experience yesterday morning. 昨天早晨我经历了一件可怕的事情。 Every Monday is horrible. 每个星期一都是可怕的。 gather / v. _ People would gather from near and far. 人们会从四面八方聚起来。 The kids were gathered together in one room. 孩子们被聚集在一间屋子里。 bite /bat/ n. _ The dog gave me a playful bite. 狗闹着玩地咬了我一下。 He has to wear a

11、 brace to correct his bite. 他得戴着牙箍矫正牙齿的咬合。 cheese /ti:z/ n. _ I have cheese and onion. 我有奶酪和洋葱。 Try the ham and cheese. 试试奶酪火腿吧。 4 someday /smde/ adv. _ Youll come back someday. 有一天你会回来的。 Someday Ill be a pilot. 将来有一天我将成为一名飞行员。 poison /pz()n/ n. _ Some mushrooms contain a deadly poison. 有些蘑菇含有致命毒素。

12、The dog was killed by rat poison. 狗被耗子药毒死了。 oolong /u:,l/ n. _ How about some Oolong tea? Its very popular with our guests. 乌龙茶怎么样?客人们都很喜欢。 Ive brought you some of best oolong tea as a gift. 我带了一些最好的乌龙茶当礼物送你们。 china /tan/ n. _ She got out the best china. 她造出最好的瓷器。 Judy collects blue and white china.

13、 朱迪收集青花瓷器。 训练二训练二 根据句意及括号中的词性提示填写根据句意及括号中的词性提示填写适当的适当的单词单词 1. We have a _ in our yard. ( n. ) 我们的院内有棵枫树。 2. Maybe you can try our bread _. ( n. ) 你可以试一下我们的面包布丁。 3. Blood sausage is from England. It is also called _ _. 血肠产自英格兰,也叫黑布丁。 4. I only have time for a _ at lunchtime. ( n. ) 中午,我的时间只够吃点心。 5. T

14、he _ of Japan is low in fat. ( n. ) 日式烹调脂肪含量低。 6. Thai food is hot and _. ( adj. ) 泰国食品很辛辣。 7. This is my first time to eat _ _. 这是我第一次吃火锅。 8. _ she risk staying where she was? (modal verb ) 她敢冒险呆在原地不动吗? 9. Their _ has broken up. ( n. ) 他们的婚姻已经破裂。 10. Most couples want a traditional _. ( n. ) 多数情侣希望

15、举办一个传统的婚礼。 11. What _ of music do you like? Oh, all sorts . ( n. ) “你喜欢哪一类音乐?”“噢,哪一类都喜欢。” 12. Teddy was the son of a _. ( n. ) 特迪是一名屠夫的儿子。 13. We had a _ time in Italy. ( adj. ) 我们在意大利过得十分惬意。 14. Do you want _ and eggs for breakfast? ( n. ) 你早饭要吃熏咸肉和鸡蛋吗? 15. Id like the pancakes and _ breakfast. ( n

16、. ) 我要薄煎饼和香肠早餐。 16. Do you know French _? ( n. ) 你知道法国吐司吗? 5 17. Much of our _ comes from New Zealand. ( n. ) 我们的黄油大多产自新西兰。 18. It was _ family entertainment. ( adj. ) 这是典型的家庭娱乐活动。 19. the Sunday _ ( n. ) 星期日烤肉大餐 20. They serve the most delicious _ beef. ( adj. )他们做最美味的烤牛肉。 21. It was unfair that he

17、 should _ so much. ( v. ) 他遭受这么多痛苦是不公平的。 22. I had a _ experience yesterday morning. ( adj. ) 昨天早晨我经历了一件可怕的事情。 23. People would_ from near and far. ( v. ) 人们会从四面八方聚起来。 24. The dog gave me a playful _. ( n. ) 狗闹着玩地咬了我一下。 25. I have _ and onion. ( n. ) 我有奶酪和洋葱。 26. Youll come back _. ( adv. ) 有一天你会回来的

18、。 27. Some mushrooms contain a deadly _. ( n. ) 有些蘑菇含有致命毒素。 28. Ive brought you some of best _ tea as a gift. ( n. ) 我带了一些最好的乌龙茶当礼物送你们。 29. She got out the best _. ( n. ) 她造出最好的瓷器。 第二组第二组 训练一训练一 根据句意写出单词的汉语意思根据句意写出单词的汉语意思 symbol /smb()l/ n. _ White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultu

19、res. 在西方文化中,白色一向象征纯洁。 What is the chemical symbol for copper? 铜的化学符号是什么? opinion /pnjn/ n. _ Ive recently changed my opinion of her. 我最近改变了对她的看法。 Everyone had an opinion on the subject. 大家对这个问题都有自己的看法。 function /fk()n/ n. _ The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body. 心脏的功能就是把血液输往全身。

20、 This design aims for harmony of form and function. 这个设计旨在使形式和功能协调一致。 6 download /,danld/ v. _ You can download the pictures as JPEGs. 你可以用 JPEG 格式下载这些图像。 Users can download their material to a desktop PC back in the office. 用户们可以将他们的资料下载到办公室的台式计算机上。 related /rletd/ adj. _ These problems are closely

21、 related. 这些问题都是密切相关的。 Success of a man is directly related to the choice made by himself. 一个人的成功与他自己的选择直接相关。 diet /dat/ n. _ Diet and exercise are obviously important. 显然,饮食和运动是重要的。 There are obvious continuities between diet and health. 日常饮食与健康之间有着明显的逻辑关联。 addict /dkt/ n. _ What an Internet addict

22、 usually does? 一个网络成瘾者通常会做些什么? She is a TV addict and watches as much as she can. 她是一个电视迷,看尽可能多的电视。 tip /tp/ n. _ The pamphlet offers several tips on how to find a job. 这本小册子提供了几条求职建议。 custom /kstm/ n. _ Its a local custom. 这是当地的风俗习惯。 As was his custom, he knocked three times. 他敲了三下,这是他的习惯。 manners

23、/mnz/ n. _ The Swiss follow formal table manners. 瑞士人遵循正式的餐桌礼仪。 He has good manners. 他很有礼貌。 in case _ In case you should need any help, heres my number. 万一你需要帮助的话,这是我的电话号码。 In case I forget, please remind me about it. 万一我忘了,就请提醒我一下。 7 trick /trk/ n. _ In college, I learned a trick to remember names.

24、 在大学里,我学会了一种记名字的诀窍。 Being a master gardener isnt just knowing the tricks of the trade. 要成为一名大师级园艺师,绝不是仅仅知道本行业的技巧绝活就可以的。 plate /plet/ n. _ Dont touch that plateits hot! 别碰那个盘子,烫手! The manufacturers name is on the bottom of the plate. 厂家的名称在盘子背面。 handle /hndl/ n. _ She turned the handle and opened the

25、 door. 她转动把手,打开了门。 Dont pull so hard or the handle will come off. 别太使劲拉,不然把手会脱落。 differ /df/ v. _ French and English differ in this respect. 在这方面法语和英语不同。 I have to differ with you on that. 在这一点上我不能同意你的看法。 BBQ /b:bkju:/ n. _ The best way to BBQ is with lots of heat. 烧烤的最佳方式是要有大量的热量。 Dont forget the l

26、imbo if youre having a Hawaiian theme BBQ. 如果是夏威夷主题的烧烤派对,可别忘了好玩的凌波舞。 tender /tend/ adj. _ This meat is extremely tender. 这肉嫩得很。 These eggs boiled too tender. 这些鸡蛋煮得太嫩了。 steak /stek/ n. _ How would you like your steak done? 您要求您的牛排做到几成熟? Whats the best way to cook steak? 牛排怎么做最好? sauce /s:s/ n. _ chi

27、cken in a rich, creamy sauce 油腻的奶油沙司拌的鸡肉 This sauce is full of E-numbers. 这种调味汁尽是人造香料和色素。 8 slightly /slatli/ adv. _ We took a slightly more direct route. 我们选择了一条略近的路线。 I knew her slightly. 我对她略知一二。 incredibly /nkredbli/ adv. _ It was incredibly hard work. 那是个非常艰辛的工作。 Ten year-olds are incredibly en

28、ergetic. 10 岁的孩子精力非常旺盛。 pizzeria /,pi:tsri:/ n. _ We ate at a pizzeria in town. 我们在城里一家比萨店用餐。 They own an 80-seater pizzeria in the main street. 他们在大街上拥有一家有 80 个座位的比萨饼店。 vegetarian /,vedterin/ adj. _ There are plenty of vegetarian dishes to choose from. 有许多道素菜可供选择。 A vegetarian diet may not provide

29、enough calories for a childs normal growth. 素食可能无法提供一名孩子正常成长所需要的足够热量。 bitter /bt/ adj. _ Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. 清咖啡在嘴里留下苦味。 The leaves taste rather bitter. 这些叶子尝起来相当苦。 bakery /bekri/ n. _ The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery. 住在面包店附近的人都很熟悉这种气味。 The

30、 factory had its own hospital, bakery and food stores. 工厂有自己的医院、面包店和食品店。 cheesecake /ti:zkek/ n. _ Is there any cheesecake left? 还有剩下的奶酪蛋糕吗? Once she made cheesecake. 有一次她做了奶酪蛋糕。 creamy /kri:mi/ adj. _ This yoghurt has a deliciously creamy flavour. 这种酸奶有可口的奶油味道。 It is a thick, creamy paste. 它是一种厚厚的、

31、奶油色的糊状物。 9 recommend /,rekmend/ v. _ Can you recommend a good hotel? 你能推荐一家好的饭店吗? I recommend the book to all my students. 我向我所有的学生都推荐这本书 acid /sd/ n. _ The acid has burnt a hole in my jacket. 这种酸把我的上衣烧了一个窟窿。 Carbolic acid is usually used for cleaning. 石炭酸常用于清洁。 attack /tk/ v. _ a disease that attac

32、ks the brain 侵袭大脑的疾病 Brown Bears have been known to attack humans. 棕熊据说会袭击人。 训练二训练二 根据句意及括号中的词性提示填写根据句意及括号中的词性提示填写适当的适当的单词单词 1. White has always been a _ of purity in Western cultures. ( n. ) 在西方文化中,白色一向象征纯洁。 2. Ive recently changed my _ of her. ( n. ) 我最近改变了对她的看法。 3. This design aims for harmony of

33、 form and _. ( n. ) 这个设计旨在使形式和功能协调一致。 4. You can _ the pictures as JPEGs. ( v. ) 你可以用 JPEG 格式下载这些图像。 5. These problems are closely _. ( adj. ) 这些问题都是密切相关的。 6. _ and exercise are obviously important. ( n. ) 显然,饮食和运动是重要的。 7. What an Internet _ usually does? ( n. ) 一个网络成瘾者通常会做些什么? 8. The pamphlet offer

34、s several _ on how to find a job. ( n. ) 这本小册子提供了几条求职建议。 9. Its a local _. ( n. ) 这是当地的风俗习惯。 10. The Swiss follow formal table _. ( n. ) 瑞士人遵循正式的餐桌礼仪。 11. _ _ you should need any help, heres my number. 万一你需要帮助的话,这是我的电话号码。 12. In college, I learned a _ to remember names. ( n. ) 在大学里,我学会了一种记名字的诀窍。 13.

35、 Dont touch that _its hot! ( n. ) 别碰那个盘子,烫手! 14. She turned the _ and opened the door. ( n. ) 她转动把手,打开了门。 15. French and English _ in this respect. ( v. ) 在这方面法语和英语不同。 16. The best way to _ is with lots of heat. ( n. ) 烧烤的最佳方式是要有大量的热量。 17. This meat is extremely _. ( adj. ) 这肉嫩得很。 18. How would you

36、like your _ done? ( n. ) 您要求您的牛排做到几成熟? 10 19. This _ is full of E-numbers. ( n. ) 这种调味汁尽是人造香料和色素。 20. We took a _ more direct route. ( adv. ) 我们选择了一条略近的路线。 21. It was _ hard work. ( adv. ) 那是个非常艰辛的工作。 22. We ate at a _ in town. ( n. ) 我们在城里一家比萨店用餐。 23. There are plenty of _ dishes to choose from. (

37、adj. ) 有许多道素菜可供选择。 24. Black coffee leaves a _ taste in the mouth. ( adj. ) 清咖啡在嘴里留下苦味。 25. The factory had its own hospital, _ and food stores. ( n. ) 工厂有自己的医院、面包店和食品店。 26. Is there any _ left? ( n. ) 还有剩下的奶酪蛋糕吗? 27. This yoghurt has a deliciously _ flavour. ( adj. ) 这种酸奶有可口的奶油味道。 28. Can you _ a g

38、ood hotel? ( v. ) 你能推荐一家好的饭店吗? 29. The _ has burnt a hole in my jacket. ( n. ) 这种酸把我的上衣烧了一个窟窿。 30. Brown Bears have been known to _ humans. ( v. ) 棕熊据说会袭击人。 第三组第三组 训练一训练一 根据句意写出单词的汉语意思根据句意写出单词的汉语意思 yoghurt /jt/ n. _ This yoghurt has a deliciously creamy flavour. 这种酸奶有可口的奶油味道。 I am investigating how

39、yoghurt is made. 我正在调查酸奶是怎样制成的。 within /w n/ prep. _ The noise seems to be coming from within the building. 吵闹声像是从楼房里传出来的。 He should arrive within the next half-hour. 他应该会在半小时内到达。 lifestyle /lafstal/ n. _ It was a big change in lifestyle when we moved to the country. 我们迁居到乡下,这在生活方式上是个巨大的变化。 How do y

40、ou plan to change your lifestyle when you retire? 当你退休时,你想如何改变你的生活方式? belong /bl/ v. _ You dont belong here. 你不属于这里。 I dont feel as if I belong here. 我在这里感觉格格不入。 11 belong to _ Lions belong to the cat family. 狮子属于猫科。 These magazines may belong to her. 这些杂志可能属于她。 swing /sw/ v. _ Why do swings can swi

41、ng? 秋千为什么会摆动? Young sunflowers turn and swing every day. 幼小的向日葵每天都在旋转和摇摆。 end up _ If you talk like a loser, youll end up losing. 如果你像个失败者一样说话,你最终将失败。 If you fool about with matches, youll end up getting burned. 如果你摆弄火柴,最后可能烧到自己。 honey /hni/ n. _ Honey is made by bees. 蜂蜜是蜜蜂酿造的。 Add more honey if yo

42、u have a sweet tooth. 如果你嗜好甜食就多加些蜂蜜。 catch up _ Im afraid I cant catch up on the things in that area. 恐怕我不能打听到那个地区的事情。 construction /knstrk()n/ n. _ The summer house was a simple wooden construction. 那座避暑别墅是简单的木结构建筑。 An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction. 接着是一个经济的繁荣,尤其在住房和建筑方面。 satisfying /stsfa-/ adj. _ Thats very satisfying, to produce some of the defining results for our field. 这非常令人满意,并为我们的领域产生了一些定义性的成果。 Regardless of the cause, the result is very satisfying. 抛开原因不谈,结果是十分令人满意的。 homemade /,hmmed/ adj. _


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