高一下学期英语((2020新版)外研版)必修三 第六单元 Disaster and hope 练习学案22.doc

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1、聊城一中高一英语必修三 Unit6 练习学案 22 1 B3 Unit6 Disaster and hope I.单句语法填空单句语法填空 1.He hurt his leg while (ride) a horse during the holiday. 2.If (burn), rubber can give off poisonous gas. 3.The young soldier lay there still, as if (die) 4.He opened his lips as if (say) something but he didnt. 5.English words a

2、re easily forgotten unless constantly (repeat) 6.If he says he will come to your birthday party, he 7.He spent more money than his parents (expect) 8.We are looking for someone who is (rely) and hard- working. 9.She (grab) the childs hand and ran. 10.Although (tell) to stop, he kept on working. II.把

3、下面句子变为省略句把下面句子变为省略句 1.She was poor but she was honest. She was poor but _. 2.What do you think made Mary so upset? Losing her new bicycle made Mary so upset. What do you think made Mary so upset? _. 3.When it is seen from the plane, the houses look like tiny toys. _, the houses look like tiny toys.

4、4.Alice, why didnt you come yesterday? I was going to come yesterday, but I had an unexpected visitor. Alice, why didnt you come yesterday? I _, but I had an unexpected visitor. 5.The man that/who/whom you visited last night is my grandpa. The man _last night is my grandpa. 6.My parents encouraged m

5、e to go to college, but I didnt want to go to college. My parents encouraged me to go to college, but I _. 7.Do you think he is a good student? I dont think he is a good student. Do you think he is a good student? I _. 8.I heard her sing last night. She _last night. 9.If you are accepted for the job

6、, youll be informed soon. If for the job, youll be informed soon. 10.Video games can be a poor influence if it is left in the wrong hands. Video games can be a poor influence if in the wrong hands. II.阅读理解阅读理解 A The African elephant, the largest land animal remaining on earth, is of great importance

7、 to African ecosystem. Unlike other animals, the African elephant is to a great extent the builder of its environment. As a big planteater, it largely shapes the forestandsavanna(大草原) surroundings in which it lives, therefore setting the terms of existence for millions of other animals that live in

8、its habitat. It is the elephants great desire for food that makes it a disturber of the environment and an important builder of its habitat. In its continuous search for the 300 pounds of plants it must have every day, it kills small trees and underbushes, and pulls branches off big trees. This resu

9、lts in numerous open spaces in both deep tropical forests and in the woodlands that cover part of the African savannas. In these open spaces are numerous plants in various stages of growth that attract a variety of other plant- eaters. Take the rainforests for example, in their natural state, the sp

10、reading branches overhead shut out sunlight and prevent the growth of plants on the forest floor. By pulling down trees and eating plants, elephants make open spaces, allowing new plants to grow on the forest floor. In such situations the forests become suitable for large hoofed plant eaters to move

11、 around and for small planteaters to get their food as well. What worries scientists now is that the African elephant has become an endangered species. If the elephant disappears, scientists say, many other animals will also disappear from vast areas of forest and savanna, greatly changing and worse

12、ning the whole ecosystem. 1.What does the underlined phrase “setting the terms” most probably mean? A.Improving the quality. B.Worsening the state. C.Fixing the time. D.Deciding the conditions. 2.The passage is developed mainly by A.showing the effect and then explaining the causes B.giving examples

13、 聊城一中高一英语必修三 Unit6 练习学案 22 2 C.pointing out similarities and differences D.describing the changes in time order 3.What is the passage mainly about? A.Forests and savannas as habitats for African elephants. B.The eating habit of African elephants. C.Disappearance of African elephants. D.The effect of

14、 African elephants search for food. 4.What do we know about the open spaces in the passage? A.They are home to many endangered animals. B.They result from the destruction of rainforests. C.They are attractive to planteating animals of different kinds. D.They provide food mainly for African elephants

15、. B In the 1950s, a family who owned a farm near Beulah, Michigan kept a bull chained to an elm(榆 树). The bull paced around the tree, dragging the heavy iron chain, which led to a groove(槽)in the bark. The groove deepened over the years, though for whatever reason, it did not kill the tree. After so

16、me years, the family took their bull away. They cut the chain, leaving the loop(圈)around the tree and one link hanging down. Then one year, agricultural disaster struck Michigan in the form of Dutch Elm Disease. All of the elms lining the road leading to the farm became infected and died. Everyone t

17、hought that the old elm would be next. The farms owners considered doing the safe thing: pulling it out and cutting it up into firewood before it died. But they simply could not bring themselves to do it. It was as if the old tree had become a family friend. So they decided to let nature take its co

18、urse Amazingly, the tree did not die. Nobody could understand why it was the only elm that was still standing in the country! Plant pathologists(病理学家)from Michigan State University came out to observe the tree. They observed the scar left by the iron chain, now almost completely covered by bark. The

19、 plant experts decided that it was the chain that saved the elms life. They reasoned that the tree must have absorbed so much iron from the chain that it became immune to the fungus(真菌) Its said that what doesnt kill you will make you stronger. Or, as Ernest Hemingway put it,“Life breaks us all, but

20、 afterwards, many of us are strongest at the broken places.” 5.What happened to the elms in Michigan during the agricultural disaster? A.Nearly all of the elms died of a disease. B.Some of the elms were cut up into firewood. C.All the elms were infected by a disease and died. D.The elms were tied by

21、 iron chains. 6.From the passage we can learn that the old elm was saved by A.the iron remaining in it B.the fungus in the tree C.the groove in the bark D.its own immune system 7.The underlined sentence “let nature take its course” means “ ” A.have nature give a lesson to the elm B.help the elm grow

22、 normally C.let nature take the elm away D.leave the elm at the mercy of nature 8.What is the best title for the text? A.Never Lose Heart in Trouble B.Strike While the Iron Is Hot C.Stronger after Suffering D.Brave to Face Failure III.语法填空语法填空 Once, a gentleman found a parrot in the woods. The parro

23、t 1. (lie) on the ground, flapping(拍动) its wings. The gentleman walked to it. When he got close and looked at it, he found the parrot had got injured. The gentleman was so kindhearted that he took it home. The parrot 2. (take) good care of at the gentlemans home. Some days later, the parrot recovere

24、d and could fly around again. But the parrot didnt go. Instead, it lived with the gentleman and learned such nice 3. (word) as “please” and “thank you” About two years later, when the parrot was flying around the house, a kid 4. (pass) by caught it and took it home. The gentleman searched 5. it ever

25、ywhere after noticing it was gone but failed to find it, 6. made the gentleman very sad. About half a year later, one day when the gentleman was walking in a neighborhood nearby, he heard 7. voice shouting, “You stupid thing. Go away.” The gentleman was 8. (surprise)When he looked up, he found it wa

26、s a parrot that was shouting at him. And when he looked 9. (careful), he recognized it was his missing parrot. Though it was his missing parrot, it had forgotten all 10. (it) good manners. It formed the habit of speaking dirty words just like the people living there. 聊城一中高一英语必修三 Unit6 练习学案 22 3 B3 U

27、nit6 Disaster and hope 练习学案练习学案 22 答案答案 I.单句语法填空单句语法填空 1.riding 2.burnt 3.dead 4.to say 5.repeated 6. will 7. had expected 8.reliable 9.grabbed 10.told II.把下面句子变为省略句把下面句子变为省略句 1.honest 2.Losing her new bicycle 3.Seen from the plane 4.was going to 5.you visited 6.didnt want to 7. dont think so/think

28、not 8. was heard to sing 9. accepted 10. left II.阅读理解阅读理解 A 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。非洲象对非洲森林和大草原的生态系统十分重要, 它们的觅食对生态环 境有很大影响。现在, 令科学家们担忧的是, 非洲象正濒临灭绝, 这也就意味着整个非洲的生 态系统正在遭受威胁。 1D 词义猜测题。根据第一段内容可知, 非洲象对非洲的生态系统十分重要, 它们在很大 程度上是生态环境的创造者, 它们塑造了非洲的森林和大草原的环境。由此可推断出, 非洲象 决定了在它们的栖息地上生活的其他动物的生存条件。因此, “setting the terms”的

29、意思应为“决定 了条件”。故选 D。 2A 写作手法题。根据文章内容可知, 第一段内容主要介绍了非洲象对整个非洲生态环境 的重大影响, 接下来的三段话主要解释了为什么它们会有这么大的影响。因此全文应是按照先给 出结果、再说明原因的方式展开的。故选 A。 3D 主旨大意题。根据文章内容可判断出, 本文主要讲述了非洲象对非洲森林和大草原的 生态系统的重要性, 它们的觅食对生态环境有很大影响。故选 D。 4C 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“In these open spaces are numerous plants in various stages of growth that attrac

30、t a variety of other planteaters.”可知, 那些开阔的地方对各种食草动物 很具吸引力。故选 C。 B 【语篇解读】 “祸兮福之所倚”,在自然灾难面前,有些人或物被打倒;而有些却幸免于难。原因竟然是这样的: 在遭受磨难的过程中,他/它获得了意外的收获。本文就密歇根州的榆树的遭遇说明了这一事实。 5A 细节理解题。根据第三段中“All of the elms lining the road leading to the farm became infected and died.”可知答案为 A。 6. A 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“The plant expe

31、rts decided that it was the chain that saved the elms life.They reasoned that the tree must have absorbed so much iron from the chain that it became immune to the fungus(真菌)”可知,老榆树活下来是因为它吸收了大量的铁元素从而对真菌具有 了免疫力,故答案为 A。 7D 词义猜测题。从上下文可知,此处是让老榆树听从大自然的摆布,故答案为 D。 8C 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲了老榆树在遭遇磨难后,当自然灾难来临时, 反

32、而变得更坚强的故事。故答案为 C。 .语法填空 【语篇解读】 一只鹦鹉跟一位绅士住在一起的时候很有礼貌,换了环境后,它变得粗鲁起 来。 1was lying 考查动词的时态。那位绅士当时看到那只鹦鹉正躺在地上,故用过去进行时。 2was taken 考查动词的时态及语态。the parrot 是 take 这个动作的承受者,又因为这个动 作发生在过去,故需用一般过去时的被动语态。 3words 考查名词复数。根据“please” and “thank you”可知需用 word 的复数形式。 4passing 考查非谓语动词。此处现在分词作定语,意为“一个从这儿经过的小孩”。 5for 考查介词。search for sth.意为“寻找某物”。 6which 考查关系代词。这里需填关系代词 which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面句子 描述的事。 7a 考查冠词。这里不是特指某个声音,而是说听到一个声音,故用不定冠词。 8surprised 考查形容词。那位绅士感到很惊讶,故填 surprised。 9carefully 考查副词。look 是动词,需用副词修饰动词,故填 careful 的副词形式。 10its 考查代词。主语是 it,故填形容词性物主代词 its,指代“鹦鹉的”。


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