高中英语外研版(2020新版)必修第三册unit3 the world of science 单元话题同步拓展阅读训练.docx

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1、 1 / 10 外研必修三外研必修三 the world of science 单元话题拓展阅读训练单元话题拓展阅读训练(附答案附答案) 一、语法填空,仔细阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的单词,或使用括号中的词语 的适当形式填空。 Passage 1 As you know, science plays 1 very important role in our education. Do you want to keep up with the latest research and discoveries in science? There are many good websites 2

2、 you can check out the latest in the science world. One great site is Science News for Kids. This site reports science news 3 (cover) a wide range of subjects. The articles are aimed 4 younger readers, but adults will find this site 5 (suit) for them as well. Another wonderful site, one that I check

3、 out every day,6 (call) Science Daily. The site is 7 (constant) updated with news, often about exciting 8 (finding) that change how we view the world. These sites post the latest stories and also keep all the past articles they post9 (early). That way you can find articles just about anything that 1

4、0 (be) related to the science fields you are interested in. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Passage 2 Our modern world is founded on science and on technology too, which is the _11 _ (apply) of science to everyday affairs. Almost everything we do _12_ (depend) on our modern devices such as automobile

5、s, record players and TV sets, and these _13_ turn depend on scientific principles. Our future will depend on computers, robots, nuclear power and rockets ships, all of _14_ only make sense if we understand science. If a person does not understand _15 _ makes these things work, they might as well be

6、 magic. People without _16_ understanding of science live in a world that makes no sense. They might say, “So what? All I want to do is _17_ (make) a living, have a family and look at the scenery”. They may find this is not so easy. Surely, it will be _18_(increase) important, as the years pass, for

7、 people to understand science if they are going to be expected to help make _19_ (intelligence) decisions about how to use science to save the world and not to destroy it. That is _20 _ it is important to study science even if one is not going to be a scientist. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 2

8、0. 课堂笔记课堂笔记 话题相关词汇话题相关词汇 research website discovery 语法点语法点 2 / 10 Passage 3 Every child should have a solid science education _21_ they want to be the next Albert Einstein or Michael Jordan. Science is all around us. Children that understand how science plays _22_ role in our everyday lives have a w

9、onderful foundation for success in life. Children can learn science at any age. The _23_(early)they start, the better,The best way for kids to learn is through play and repetition.These are wonderful science toys for preschool science_24_(activity). Children love to use their imagination_25 _( compl

10、ete) to have fun and to help them understand the world around them.So play is a wonderful time to introduce science to them.Think of the games that we used to play. Each of the games _26_(have) science behind it. Children are by nature curious as they feel the world, _27_(try) to make sense of what

11、is around them. It is curiosity that needs _28_(encourage)and satisfied.Finding these toys is not as hard as one would think.To make sure that you get good quality toys, visit science toy shops online. These are the best places to find unique science toys . Help your children appreciate the world ar

12、ound them with understanding the world around them. This way, they understand how we are all_29_ (connect)together. Children will not only question the world, but be able to come up with answers to those questions_30_their own. Science is life. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Passage 4 My fe

13、elings about science have 31(complete) changed. More than one science teachers at my new school 32 excellent and 33 (friend). The science34 (facility) are very good with laboratories that have all the35(late) equipment. Our chemistry teacher takes us to public science lectures about four times36 ter

14、m, 37 are always interesting, because the lecturers are famous at their area of science. In the last 20 years, seven Canadian scientists38 (win) the Nobel Prize. Now39Im becoming more and more interested in is physics and I want to study it at university. But my parents are 40(astonish), as they alw

15、ays thought I would become an English teacher. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 二、七选五 passage 1 课堂笔记课堂笔记 话题相关词汇话题相关词汇 3 / 10 A science teachers job is teaching science to his students. A person who decides to become a science teacher may have many career choices available to him. He may decid

16、e to work in a primary to teach a range of subjects, including science. 1 Some even choose to earn advanced degrees that allow them to work as college professors. 2 They may cover such basic science subjects as biology, chemistry, physics and earth science as well as a full range of other subjects.

17、The subjects a science teacher covers may vary, depending on such factors as where he teaches and the age of the students hes instructing. A person who wants to become a science teacher for primary-aged students may find it necessary to teach other subjects in addition to science. 3 In such classroo

18、m, one teacher may instruct students not only in science but also math, history, language and other subjects. At the high school level, science teachers usually have the opportunity to focus on their chosen subject. Typically, teachers at this level are required to earn bachelors degree in the subje

19、cts they want to teach in addition to teaching certifications. 4 College science teachers usually need more advanced degrees to secure their positions. Typically, a full-time science professor needs a doctoral degree in order to do so. 5 That is because colleges typically need teachers in basic and

20、highly-specialized courses. AScience teachers teach various science concepts. BScience teachers are good at answering mysterious questions. COften, college science teachers have a wide range of subjects choices. DA deep knowledge in the field of science will help applicants stand out. E.He may also

21、choose to teach a particular science subject in high school. F.For example, a high school chemistry teacher usually needs a chemistry degree. G.Many primary schools hire teachers to teach all the basic subjects in one classroom. passage 2 Nature is the best laboratory for learning about nature. For

22、ten years, every student at Wadsworth Middle School has been looking forward to his or her turn to attend a three-day science camp. 1 Science camp is important to the students, and we must raise the money necessary to save it. Without science camp, students will miss out on a unique learning experie

23、nce. In science class, they learn to identify rocks by picking them up out of a box. 2 Science camp also lets students experiment with different forms of energy. For example, students get to build miniature (微型的) steam engines that are powered by campfires. They also make solar panels that heat camp

24、 water. These experiences would be tough to create in a classroom. Science camp is for everybody, and it wont be saved unless everybody helps raise money for it. To get started, Principal Jeffries and the student council could set up a “science 课堂笔记课堂笔记 话题相关词汇话题相关词汇 4 / 10 camp fund (资金)” at a local

25、 bank. Every year, science camp costs $3,000. 3 Some people say its too much work to save science camp, but the fact is that if we all help out, we can reach our goal easily. 4 For example, we could hold a talent auction (拍卖). By washing cars, babysitting, or using other talents, students can meet t

26、he goal. We could also hold a bake sale. Students could even ask local businesses to sponsor them. 5 If we all work together, well easily raise the money to save it. AStudents can raise money in many ways. BNow it might be canceled because of budget cuts. CThey investigate the world through hands-on

27、 science. DScience camp is perfect for creative and curious ones. E.Science camp is a great tradition that deserves to be saved. F.That sounds expensive, but if every student raises just $10, the fund would be filled. G.At science camp, they learn to identify rocks by finding them in mountain sides

28、or river beds. 三、阅读理解 Artificial intelligence can predict when patients with a heart disorder will die, according to scientists. The software learned to analyze blood tests and scans of beating hearts to spot signs that the organ was about to fail. The team, from the UKs Medical Research Council, sa

29、id the technology could save lives by finding patients that need more aggressive treatment. The results were published in the Journal of Radiology. According to the researchers, high blood pressure in the lungs damages part of the heart, and about a third of patients die within five years after bein

30、g diagnosed. There are treatments: drugs, injections straight into the blood vessels, a lung transplant. But doctors need to have an idea of how long patients might have left, in order to pick the right treatment. The software was given scans of 256 patients hearts, and blood test results. When this

31、 data was combined with eight years of patient health records, the artificial intelligence predicted when patients would die. The software could look about five years into the future. It correctly predicted those who would still be alive after one year about 80% of the time. The figure for doctors i

32、s 60%. The team now want to test the software works in other patients in different hospitals before assessing whether it should be made widely available to doctors. The researchers also want to use the technology in other forms of heart failure, such as cardiomyopathy, to see who might need a pacema

33、ker or other forms of treatment. Dr Mike Knapton, from the British Heart Foundation, said, “This exciting use of computer software in medical practice will help doctors in the future to make sure that 课堂笔记课堂笔记 话题相关词汇话题相关词汇 5 / 10 patients are receiving the correct treatment before the condition dete

34、riorates and leaves them needing a lung transplant. The next step is to test this technology in more hospitals with heart disease.” 1What can artificial intelligence do according to the passage? APredicting how long a person with heart disease can survive. BHelping doctors diagnose people with heart

35、 disease. CObeying orders and reminding heart disease patients to take pills. DProducing medicine without side effects for heart disease patients. 2What can we know about the software from the passage? AIt can make accurate long-term predictions. BIt has not yet been widely put into use. CIt can pre

36、vent high blood pressure in the lungs damaging part of the heart. DIt can help doctors make sure that patients are receiving the correct treatment. 3 The underlined word “deteriorates” in the last paragraph probably means “_.” Acontinues Bworsens Cexists Dimproves 4The authors purpose of writing the

37、 text is most likely to _. Aadvertise Bpersuade Cinform Dentertain Two years ago, Kiirsat Ceylan was in New York to give a talk about disability rights at the U N Blind since birth, the Turkish man was struggling to find his hotel, holding a cane in one hand and pulling his luggage with the other No

38、t surprisingly, suddenly I bumped into a pole, and he says, It was a bit bloody The problem with a cane is that, while it can tell you whats on the grounds it doesnt help with objects at the body or head level It wasnt the first time Ceylan had run into something, injuring himself I have no problem

39、with my scars, which make me more handsome I guess, Ceylan says, laughing But I dont need hew ones With WeWalk, a new smart cane, Ceylan hopes to help other blind people navigate their environments more easily.The cane uses an ultrasonic(超声波)sensor which detects objects at body or head level and giv

40、es a warning vibration WeWalk users pair the cane with their smartphones and then use the canes touchpad to access features like voice assistant or navigation*Before leaving home, they can plug their destination into Google Maps and get spoken directions as they walk In the future, Ceylan hopes to c

41、onnect WeWalk with public transportation and ridesharing services Assistive technology is often expensive for blind people, says Eelke Folmer, a 课堂笔记课堂笔记 话题相关词汇话题相关词汇 6 / 10 computer science professor at the University of Nevada! Reno But developers fail to realize their devices are out of reach for

42、 many blind people, To Folmer, the price point- 500- sets the WeWalk cane apart from other technologies Ceylan sees WeWalk as part of an attempt to help blind people achieve greater freedom of movement, which he believes will give them greater access to education and jobs The canes are already havin

43、g an impact on users, Ceylan says He recently received an email from a teacher in Ireland who had become blind as an adult Hed been depressed and housebound But since getting a WeWalk cane, your device forced me to go out It became my anti- depressant he wrote 5Why is a story about Kursat Ceylan giv

44、en at the beginning of the text? _ ATo stress the difficulty caused by blindness BTo show his reason for developing his cane CTo indicate the problems with present canes DTo show his positive and humorous character 6What can WeWalk do at present according to the text? _ AProvide fast Internet access

45、 BStart conversations with users CTell users what is around them DConnect with ridesharing services 7What does Folmer think is the advantage of WeWalk over other assistive technologies? _ AIt is easily affordable, BIt is easily controllable CIt works better for users. DIt looks more attractive 8What

46、 is the text mainly about? _ AThe increasing demand for smart canes BA blind mans devotion to smart canes CA smart canes effects on blind people. DAn assistive technology for the blind In the story of “The crow and the Pitcher” from Aesops Fables, a thisty crow (乌 鸦)drops stones into a narrow jar to

47、 raise the low level of water inside so he can take a drink. Now scientists have evidence to back up that story. Crows actually do understand how to make water displacement (移位) work to their advantage, experiments show. The results suggest that the birds are, at least in some aspects, as smart as f

48、irst-graders. Researchers, led by Sarah Jelbert at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, presented six crows with tubes filled with water. Inside the tubes, a worm or piece of meat on a piece of wood was floating, just out of reach of the crow. In front of the tubes, the 课堂笔记课堂笔记 话题相关词汇话题相关词汇 7 / 10 researchers arranged several ru


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