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1、第五单元测评第五单元测评 (时间:120 分钟 满分:150 分) 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标 在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段 对话仅读一遍。 M:Would you like to go to the movies with Lois and me on Friday? W:I wish I could,but Im having dinner at my b

2、rothers house. 1.What does the man want to do? A.Watch films. B.Visit his brother. C.Have dinner with the woman. 答案 A M:Why is everyone still screaming and clapping?I thought it was over. W:They are cheering so the singer will come out and give one last performance.Keep clapping! 2.Where does the co

3、nversation take place? A.At a shop. B.At a restaurant. C.At a concert. 答案 C M:Ive just ordered a pizza.There are eight pieces,so we can have four pieces each. W:Im not that hungry,so Ill only eat two.You can have the rest. M:Good,because Im very hungry! 3.How many pieces will the man eat? A.Six. B.F

4、our. C.Two. 答案 A M:Wow,they really changed this place!It looks like a whole new bar! W:Its the same bar,with the same owners.Youre just not allowed to throw sunflower seeds on the floor anymore.And you can only buy them here. 4.How has the bar changed? A.It is cleaner. B.It has new owners. C.It does

5、nt serve sunflower seeds. 答案 A M:Just the pants and the blouse?I can always grab you a few different sizes if you would like. W:It would be great if you can get me the pants in a smaller size.And Ive already tried on the blouse.Its perfect for my afternoon interview. 5.Whats the probable relationshi

6、p between the speakers? A.Husband and wife. B.Salesman and customer. C.Interviewer and interviewee. 答案 B 第二节(共 15 小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分) 听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟 的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7题。 M:You know what I like about

7、you?We can just sit here,and enjoy each others company.We dont need to fill every moment talking.Right? W:Well,I usually dont talk much when Im studying. M:Do you know that in Japanese culture,they feel strange when no one is talking?So they laugh instead. W:Interesting. M:I mean,here are times when

8、 it isnt polite to talk,or not to talk.But you know you really have a connection with someone when you just.get it. W:Mm. M:Because there are times when. W:Come on!Im studying! 6.What is the man mainly talking about? A.Silences. B.Japanese culture. C.Interesting facts. 答案 A 7.How does the woman feel

9、 in the end? A.Annoyed. B.Satisfied. C.Curious. 答案 A 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9题。 W:Excuse me,sir.This is 2247 Reindeer Way,right? M:Yes,it is.Are you looking to rent the apartment? W:Im here to meet Joy Wang.She is my wedding planner.Have I come to the right place? M:The address is correct,but there is no on

10、e here by that name.The only business here is the print shop on the second floor. W:I must have gotten the numbers mixed up. M:Well you cant be too far.Youre on Reindeer Way.There is a police station just up the road a bit.They will be able to direct you. W:How far away is it?Im already ten minutes

11、late for my appointment. M:Its two blocks up,on this side of the street.It should take you five minutes. 8.What does the woman plan to do? A.Rent an apartment. B.Have a business meeting. C.Meet her wedding organiser. 答案 C 9.How late will the woman be for her appointment? A.Five minutes. B.Ten minute

12、s. C.At least fifteen minutes. 答案 C 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。 W:I need to do some things around town today.Would you like to go with me? M:Sure.I dont have anything else to do today.What are we going to do? W:Well,I need to go to the bank and put some money into my bank account.Then I need to stop by t

13、he post office and mail some letters.Finally,I need to go shopping at the supermarket for a few things. M:Okay.I can help you with all of that.Can we also go to the doctors office?I need to pick up my medicine. W:No problem.The doctors office is just five minutes walk from the post office.Maybe we c

14、an also stop and eat lunch together at a restaurant downtown.Theres a new Mexican restaurant that I think you would like. M:That sounds great!Im happy to be able to spend the day with you.And I love going downtown no matter what we do. W:Thanks.Im just happy to be able to cross a few things off my t

15、o-do list. 10.What will the woman do? A.See a doctor. B.Post some letters. C.Withdraw some money. 答案 B 11.Where is the doctors office? A.Near the bank. B.Near the post office. C.Near the supermarket. 答案 B 12.What is the woman happy about? A.Going downtown. B.Finishing some tasks. C.Spending time wit

16、h the man. 答案 B 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。 W:What would you like to eat for breakfast?Ive made some eggs,bacon,and orange juice. M:Ill skip orange juice.But if you have some coffee,Ill take that instead.No sugar,please.Im trying to lose weight, W:Really?I cant imagine drinking my coffee without sugar in

17、 it.And whats wrong with orange juice? M:It has a lot of sugar. W:But it says 100% pure orange juice on the container,and its a great source of vitamin C. M:Its true that orange juice has vitamin C,but look at the nutrition facts on the side. W:Lets see.Thirty grams of sugar.Thats not that much,is i

18、t? M:Well,for men,the recommended daily amount is thirty grams of sugar per day.So,that is almost all the sugar I should have,and thats just one cup of juice. W:I didnt know that.Is it different for women? M:Yeah,about ten grams less.Plus,there is no vitamin D in it,and vitamin D is very important.M

19、en need about forty grams,and women around twenty-five grams. W:What is a good source of vitamin D? M:Plant foods and natural fruit.Stay away from noodles and bread,though. W:Well,I dont want this food to go to waste.Ill eat it.How about some low-fat yogurt and blueberries for you? 13.What will the

20、woman have for breakfast? A.Juice and bacon. B.Noodles and fruit. C.Just coffee with no sugar. 答案 A 14.What information is on the container? A.The low amount of fat. B.The amount of real juice. C.The percent of vitamin C. 答案 B 15.How much sugar should women have per day? A.Twenty grams. B.Twenty-fiv

21、e grams. C.Forty grams. 答案 A 16.What food might the man like best? A.Yogurt. B.Vegetables. C.Noodles and bread. 答案 B 听第 10段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。 Thank you for attending this public hearing on our new Severe Weather Warning System.Im Helen Dunley.First,Id like to remind everyone that the main purpose of a

22、 weather warning system is to tell people outdoors to move inside.Now,its important to remember that we will test the system every Saturday at noon,so dont worry about the noise at that time.Its a good idea to go outside and listen when we test the system and make sure you can hear them in your neig

23、hbourhood.Remember that the loud noise is only one part of the warning system.The loud noise is activated by city officials after we receive warnings from the national weather service.In other words,you might hear a warning on the national news before you hear a warning here.If you do hear one,what

24、should you do?First,take cover.Our city doesnt have public shelters,so go to the inside of any building,away from windows.Second,wait for reports on local media.Finally,stay indoors until you hear the all-clear signal. 17.What is the main purpose of the loud noise? A.To warn people outdoors to get i

25、nside. B.To get peoples attention inside their homes. C.To inform people without radios about danger. 答案 A 18.Who decides to turn on the system? A.Local media. B.Local officials. C.The national weather service. 答案 B 19.Where does the speaker advise people to go after hearing a warning? A.To a window

26、. B.To a public shelter. C.To a building. 答案 C 20.What is the main topic of the talk? A.A weather report. B.A warning system. C.The safety steps in bad weather. 答案 B 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Uncover secrets of the worlds oldest civilis

27、ations and see natural wonders that will take your breath away.Through our tours youll encounter wild animals,see unbelievable landmarks and experience the local traditions of native tribes(部落). Grand Morocco From $2599 13 days Uniting North African culture and French flavour in harmony,Morocco attr

28、acts tourists with its old-world traditions and splendid landscapes.Our Morocco tour from the U.S.contains must-see destinations.And,if you like,a noble camel will take you on an unforgettable ride during a full-day Sahara Desert trip.Youll also have time to experience the countrys delightful custom

29、s. Deluxe Dubai 由第一段中“They saw an island.” 可知,他们看到了一个岛,所以他们是因为想获得食物和水才在岛上停留的,故选 A项。 25.How did the Indians treat Columbus and his men? A.They were glad to see them. B.They were kind to them. C.They welcomed them. D.They were not kind to them. 答案 D 解析细节理解题。由第一段中“On the island there were unfriendly In

30、dians who did not give them food.” 可知,在岛上的印第安人不给他们食物,也不友好,即 not kind,故选 D 项。 26.How did Columbus tell the Indians that he had mysterious power? A.By drawing a lot of maps. B.By writing in the language of the Indians. C.By speaking in the language of the Indians. D.By using movements of hands and exp

31、ressions in his face. 答案 D 解析细节理解题。由第二段中“He used the body language to tell the Indians about his mysterious power to turn off the light in the sky.”可知他用身体语言告诉印第安人:他有能关掉天上的光的神秘力量。所 以他是用手的动作和脸上的表情来告诉印第安人他有神秘力量的,故选 D项。 27.What does “the light in the sky” here mean? A.The sun. B.The moon. C.The stars. D

32、.The daylight. 答案 B 解析词义猜测题。由倒数第二段中“Tomorrow night I will turn off the light of the moon in the sky.”可 知,明晚我会关掉天空中的月光。所以空中的光是指月光。故选 B 项。 C The gentle giants of our oceans are whale sharks.Its the biggest shark and can reach as long as 41.5 feet.Whale sharks have a lifespan of 70 years on average,and

33、 they spend their days gently swimming in the warm and tropical oceans. Their teeth are the size of match heads,and while their jaws could be powerful,they have never tended to attack humans.Their teeth play no role in eating,as plankton (浮游生物)does not need to be chewed.They are to be found in numbe

34、rs in the warmer oceans and they prefer the deep waters of the open oceans.They tend to travel alone. Several times a year they gather together in certain spots where plankton is plentiful.Those areas are all within a 300 north or south latitude from the equator.And sadly whale sharks are targeted b

35、y commercial- fisheries at those spots. How easy it must be for those fishermen to catch those beautiful creatures who can only swim at 3.5 miles per hour!So great a loss in numbers have they suffered that whale sharks are now listed as one of the endangered species. Some countries and areas have st

36、arted to take measures to protect the whale sharks from extinction. The Philippines and India have banned the fishing,selling,importing and exporting of whale sharks for commercial purposes.However,the law does not seem to be effective because the hunting and killing still goes on today,especially i

37、n the Philippines.Each whale shark can fetch around $ 21,000.In parts of Asia they are known as the “money shark”. The mighty dollar wins again at great cost to our habitat, and we will not know what we have lost until we have lost it forever.Therefore,it is high time for us to do something for the

38、whale sharks. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了鲸鲨,它生活在温暖海洋的深水 水域,因其有巨大的利润而被渔民捕杀,如今已经快濒临灭绝,因此作者呼吁我们要保护它。 28.What can we learn from the passage? A.Whale sharks usually live a life of more than 70 years. B.Whale sharks always travel in the ocean in groups. C.Whale sharks depend on their teeth to harvest th

39、eir food. D.Whale sharks live in the deep waters of the warmer oceans. 答案 D 解析细节理解题。根据第一段中“Whale sharks have a lifespan of 70 years on average,and they spend their days gently swimming in the warm and tropical oceans.”可知鲸鲨生活在温暖海洋的深水水域,故 选 D 项。 29.We know that in the Philippines, . A.fishermen are ea

40、rning little by catching the whale sharks B.fishermen have stopped hunting and killing the whale sharks C.fishermen are continuing to hunt and kill the whale sharks D.importing and exporting whale sharks is allowed 答案 C 解析细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“The Philippines and India have banned the fishing.especially in

41、 the Philippines.”可知在菲律宾渔民们依然在继续捕杀鲸鲨,故选 C项。 30.It is implied in the passage that . A.whale sharks will be extinct even if they are protected B.whale sharks are the most dangerous marine animals C.there is no law about banning the fishing of whale sharks D.the huge profit is to blame for the decreasi

42、ng numbers of whale sharks 答案 D 解析推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Each whale shark can fetch around $21,000.In parts of Asia they are known as the money shark.”可知渔民捕杀鲸鲨是因为它们很贵,渔民可以从中获得巨大的利 润,故选 D 项。 31.What is the main purpose of this passage? A.To call on people to protect whale sharks. B.To guide people how to fis

43、h and kill whale sharks. C.To advise the government to make related laws. D.To analyse the value of whale sharks. 答案 A 解析主旨大意题。根据最后一段最后一句“Therefore,it is high time for us to do something for the whale sharks.”再结合全文内容可知作者写这篇文章是为了呼吁人们保护鲸鲨,故选 A项。 D Three boys were enjoying themselves in their hometown

44、of Bovina,Mississippi.However,their lives were turned upside down when they discovered the jawbone of a Mastodon (齿乳象). Brothers Shawn and Caid Sellers and cousin Michael Mahalitc found the prehistoric bone in a piece of earth that was recently plowed (犁、耕).“I thought it was a log,” Caid said.“I tri

45、ed to pick it up and it was really heavy and I saw teeth on it.” The bone weighed about 50 pounds.They eventually got the bone to their home and fitted it in their tub (浴盆),but it took their collective strength,might and a golf cart,to carry the large Mastodon bone. “They didnt expect to find that,”

46、 Michaels mom said.“Now that they have,I believe that they will be more aware of their surroundings and what theyre digging up when they are digging and playing.” “Weve gotten a lot of petrified (石化的) wood and Civil War relics from the area and thats what I thought it was,” the brothers mother said.

47、“This is our first set of teeth weve found.So we thought it was their imagination.We were quite surprised to see that it was not their imagination.” They were exploring near the brothers home.Lo and behold (真想不到),they saw what they thought resembled a fossil.It was the curator of paleontology (古生物负责

48、人) of the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science,George Phillips,who first identified the bone as a “very mature individual”.The Mastodon was a mammal who lived during the prehistoric times.They had long tusks and trunks,like elephants.They were clearly different from their modern-day counterparts,as well as woolly mammoths (猛犸). 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,美国密西西比的三个男孩在玩耍的时候无意中发现了齿乳象的颚 骨,起初他们并不知道这是史前生物的遗骸,所发现的遗骸对史前生物的研究有较强的促进作用。 32.How did they find the jawbone of a Mastodon? A.With great efforts. B.By chance. C.Instructed by an expert. D.Through imagination. 答案 B 解析推理判断题。根据第一段可知他们是


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