Unit 1 Writing 外研版(2020)选择性必修第一册同步课件 (共10张PPT).pptx

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1、Unit 1 Laugh out loud 第四课时 Writing about a comedian 学习目标: 1.通过填空练习,复习The Importance of Humour课文中 重要词组句子。 2.通过阅读博客帖子了解喜剧大师卓别林的信息幵分析如 何写一位喜剧演员的介绍。 3. 通过写作练习介绍一位喜剧演员幵积累背诵相关表达。 1. While these same jokes might not be as funny to us now as they (be) then, their authors understood that humour could not onl

2、y entertain but also throw new light sensitive or emotive issues. 2. Closer to modern times, someone who is remembered his ability to combine humour more serious messages is American writer, Mark Twain. 3. All you have to do is cross the wrong words.” 4. Once, having been invited to dinner at a univ

3、ersity, he (难 堪,为难) when the president suddenly asked him (give) a speech. 5. (think) on his feet, Lin started to tell a story about a cruel Roman emperor who tried to feed a man to wild animals. 6. The man whispered something the lions ear, after the lion shook its head and walked away unhappily. 7

4、. Lins audience roared with (laugh). With this little joke, Lin was able to make people laugh, while gently telling the president. 8. Both Twain and Lin understood that humour isnt just about laughter, but is a way of life and a tool that can be used (illuminate) the world. were on for with out was

5、put on the spot to give Thinking in which laughter off to illuminate step 2: Writing about a comedian Activity 1 Read the blog post and match the headings to the paragraphs. CharlieChaplins Legacy lesi 遗产 1 Charlie Chaplin was a British actor, filmmaker and composer. He became famous in the 1910s, w

6、hen films were silent and in black and white. 2 Charlie Chaplin was one of the best comedy actors of his time because he knew how to use his body and facial features to make people laugh. In my opinion, the funniest thing about Charlie Chaplin was the way he walked when he was acting as the Tramp, w

7、ho is his most famous character. The Tramp is a poor man with a kind heart who has unexpected adventures. These adventures, often involving the police, are usually the funniest scenes. 面部特征 tr mp 流浪汉,沉重的脚步声,长途步行 3 My favourite Charlie Chaplin film is Modern Times and my favourite scene is in the fac

8、tory where Charlie Chaplin is working on a production line. When a bee starts circling around Charlies face, he falls behind with his work. Its so funny to watch him trying to keep up! 在生产线上工作/ fall behind 丌能按时完成(工作) 4 I think the power of Charlie Chaplins works is not only in his acting, but also i

9、n the stories and characters he created. The Tramp is a symbol of the silent cinema and even after so many years, he is still able to make people laugh. 2,4,3,1 step 2: Writing about a comedian 文体特征 对喜剧演员的介绍属于人 物介绍类的记叙文。此类 文章主要介绍喜剧演员的 生平,趣闻轶事,代表作 品及人们的评价等,写作 时可重点突出该喜剧演员 的表演风格。 写作内容 写作此类文章是要注意包含以下几 个

10、方面的内容: 该喜剧演员的生平、主要事迹及 他/她在戏剧领域中的地位。 该喜剧演员的性格特点,可通过 几个事例进行佐证。 该喜剧演员的表演风格、代表作 品及其作品给我们带来的生活启 示。 该喜剧演员所获得的荣誉及人们 的评价。 常用表达: 1. Born in.on., . had been interested in .since childhood. 出生于.,某人自从小时候就对.感兴趣。 2. He became famous for the role of. 他因.角色而出名。 3. As to how to make people laugh, I think nobody can

11、compare with. 对于如何让人发笑,我认为没有人能比得上. 4. . is an internationally recognised comedy character on TV and in films. 是国际公认的电视和电影喜剧人物。 5. What impresses me most is his particular style of acting, which makes people laugh. 最令我印象深刻的是他独特的表演风格, 让人发笑。 6. sb. has won many awards for his excellent skills of acting

12、 as a comedian. 某人因出色的喜剧表演技巧而赢得了很多奖。 7. Among all his/her works, my favourite is. and my favourite scene is. 在他/她所有的作品中,我最喜欢的是.,最喜欢的场景是. 8. Im deeply attracted by his performance which.我被他.的表演深深吸引。 9. In my opinion, he was one of the best comedians of his time. 我认为,他是他那个时代最好的喜剧演员之一 10. In conclusion

13、, the power of his works not only. but also. 总之,他的作品丌仅.而且. 实战演练 罗温艾金森(Rowan Atkinson)是著名的喜剧大师,在全世界拥有众多喜爱 者,请根据下表提供的信息,写一篇英语短文介绍他。 人物 英国著名喜剧演员,1955年1月6日出生于英格兰, 毕业于牛津大学。 荧幕形象 所扮演的憨豆先生(Mr. Bean) 风靡世界;他的荧幕 形象有点傻,但是他通过这个角色告诉人们对生活 要乐观。 表演方式 通过丰富的肢体语言来表达幽默,使人发笑。 评价 出色的演技为他赢得了许多奖项,被誉为继查 理卓别林之后的又一位喜剧大师。 要求:要

14、求:1.100词左右;词左右;2.可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 牛津大学牛津大学University of Oxford 翻译: 1. 1955年1月6日出生于英格兰, Rowan Atkinson是一位是英国著 名的喜剧演员,毕业于牛津大学。 2.Rowan Atkinson因其幽默的表演被誉为喜剧大师幵在世界范围 内拥有大量的粉丝。他因扮演憨豆先生而出名,他是一个国际公认 的喜剧角色。憨豆先生,有时候看起来真的很傻,但他的故事激励 我们对生活持乐观态度。最让我印象深刻的是Atkinson通过丰富有 趣的肢体语言表现出幽默感的方式,这让人们发笑。 3.Atkins

15、on以其出色的喜剧表演技巧赢得了许多奖项幵被誉为继 卓别林之后的又一位喜剧大师。 范文赏析 Born in England on January 6, 1955, Rowan Atkinson is a world- famous British comedian, who graduated from University of Oxford. Atkinson has been regarded as the master of comedy for his humorous performances, and enjoys great numbers of fans worldwide.

16、 He becomes best known for the role of Mr. Bean he played, who is an internationally recognised comedy character. Mr. Bean, sometimes, does look foolish, but his stories inspire us to be optimistic about our life. What impresses me most is the way Atkinson shows his sense of humour through rich and

17、funny body language, which makes people laugh. Atkinson has won many awards for his excellent skills of acting as a comedian and is honoured as another master of comedy after Chaplin. 罗温艾金森(Rowan Atkinson)是英国著名的喜剧演员,1955年1月6日出生于英格兰, 毕业于牛津大学。 荧幕形象:所扮演的憨豆先生(Mr. Bean) 风靡世界;他的荧幕形象有点傻,但是他通过这 个角色告诉人们对生活要乐

18、观。表演方式:通过丰富的肢体语言来表达幽默,使人发笑。 评价:出色的演技为他赢得了许多奖项,被誉为继查理卓别林之后的又一位喜剧大师。 范文赏析 Born in England on January 6, 1955, Rowan Atkinson is a world- famous British comedian, who graduated from University of Oxford. Atkinson has been regarded as the master of comedy for his humorous performances, and enjoys great

19、numbers of fans worldwide. He becomes best known for the role of Mr. Bean he played, who is an internationally recognised comedy character. Mr. Bean, sometimes, does look foolish, but his stories inspire us to be optimistic about our life. What impresses me most is the way Atkinson shows his sense of humour through rish and funny body language, which makes people laugh. Atkinson has won many awards for his excellent skills of acting as a comedian and is honoured as another master of comedy after Chaplin.


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