Unit 2 教学·知识细解码 同步讲解 (新教材)外研版(2020)选择性必修第二册.doc

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1、 1secure adj.安全的;可靠的security n安全 2motivate v激发,激励motivation n激励,激发 3 occupy v 占用, 占去(时间)occupied adj.使用中的; 被占领的occupation n占领;工作 4constant adj.持续不断的;经常的constantly adv.持续不断地;经常地 5access n接触的机会;通道accessible adj.可接近的,可进入的 6rely v(为生活或生存而)依赖reliable adj.可信赖的;可依靠的 occupy v使用,占用(空间、面积、时间等);使用(房屋、建筑);居住;侵

2、占;占领;占据;使忙于(做某事) How much memory does the program occupy? 占用(空间) He occupies an office on the 12th floor. 使用(房屋、建筑) The capital has been occupied by the rebel army. 占领 She occupied herself with routine office tasks. 忙于 Words and Phrases 知识要点1 security n安全 (教材 P14) The top four negative aspects of so

3、cial media as ranked by Chinese users are: reduced time for reading printed books,poorer eyesight,privacy and information security concerns,and reduced sleep time. 按中国用户排名,社交媒体的四大负面因素是:阅读印刷书籍的时间缩短、 视力恶化、隐私和信息安全问题以及睡眠时间缩短。 例 1 They carried out security checks at the airport. 他们在机场实行了安全检查工作。 例 2 The i

4、mmediate security threat has disappeared. 眼前的安全威胁已不复存在了。 造句 他们加强了边境的安全工作。 They have tightened security along the border. 知识拓展 secure adj.稳定的,无忧无虑的 vt.使安全;保卫 be secure against/from 没有的危险 be secure of 对有把握;确信 feel/be secure about/as to 对觉得放心 即学即练 单句语法填空 Now my house is secure against burglary. I feel

5、secure about my future. We need to shift(shift) the focus of this debate. 知识要点2 switch v(用开关)改变,转换 n 开关,改变,转变 (教材 P14) With the detox now finished,theyve switched on their devices and theyre back online. 随着脱瘾的结束,他们打开了设备,又重新上线了。 例 1 Which switch do I press to turn it off? 我按哪个开关就能把它关了? 例 2 Press thes

6、e two keys to switch between documents on screen. 按这两个键就可以在屏幕上的文件之间进行切换。 造句 最后两门考试的日期调换了。 The dates of the last two exams have been switched. 知识拓展 switch on(turn on) 把开关打开;接通 switch off(turn off) 把关掉;关上 switch over 转换频道;转变 switch.to. 把转换为 即学即练 单句语法填空 Shall we switch to another channel? Switch on the

7、 computer,please.I want to play computer games. Dont forget to switch off all the lights before leaving the office. 知识要点3 motivate v激发,激励 (教材 P14) I bet youre as eager as I am to find out just how many have been motivated enough to last the full seven days! 我敢说你和我一样急切地想知道到底有多少人受到足够的激励坚持了整整 七天! 例 1 S

8、hes very good at motivating her students. 她非常擅长激励她的学生。 例 2 I know it sounds corny,but Im really not motivated by money. 我知道这听起来是陈词滥调,不过金钱真的激励不了我。 造句 可能这个会激励你努力学习! Perhaps this can motivate you to study hard! 知识拓展 motivate sb.to do sth. 激励某人做某事 motivation n. 动力,提供动机 即学即练 单句语法填空 This article is going

9、to motivate you to exercise(exercise) more. We do not have imagination or motivation(motivate) 知识要点4 occupy v.占领,占据;占用(时间、空间、面积等);使忙于;(使) 全神贯注 (教材 P14) But on reflection,I can see how much of my time had been occupied with checking my phone. 但经过深思熟虑,我可以看出我有多少时间都在忙于查看我的手机。 例 1 The hospital bed is occ

10、upied by his wife. 那张病床由他妻子占用。 例 2 Many men still occupy more positions of power than women. 许多男性仍比女性占有更多的权力职位。 造句 锻炼器材或办公室的家具不应该占用这间房子。 Exercise equipment or office furniture should not occupy this room. 知识拓展 (1)occupy oneself with/in sth. 使自己忙于某事 (2)occupied adj. (人)无暇的;忙碌的; (物)在使用中;已占用;不空闲 be occ

11、upied with sth./in doing sth. 忙于(做)某事 (3)occupation n. 职业 即学即练 单句语法填空 A teacher should occupy himself with education as well as with teaching. Occupied (occupy) in looking after three children at home,she no longer has time to enjoy the various activities in the club. Please fill in the form stating

12、 your occupation(occupy) 小片段填空 His occupation is a cleaner.The whole morning he was occupied in cleaning the stones which occupied the whole road.(occupy) 知识要点5 access n接近或进入之路;接触的机会,权利 (教材 P15) I knew there was a party happening that evening, but without access to social media I couldnt remember wh

13、ere it was! 我知道那天晚上有个聚会,但是不使用社交媒体,我记不起它在哪里! 例 1 The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. 去那个农舍的唯一通道是穿过田野。 例 2 You need a password to get access to the computer system. 使用这个计算机系统需要口令。 造句 学生必须有机会使用好的资源。 Students must have access to good resources. 知识拓展 access to. 进入的通道 get/have/gain/obta

14、in access to. 有权进入,有权使用 accessible adj. 可到达的,可接近的,可用的,可进入 的 be accessible to. 对而言容易接近/进入 即学即练 单句语法填空 The court gave him access to his child at weekends. The information is there and waiting to be accessible(access) by anyone here. 知识要点6 make full use of 充分利用 (教材 P15) My brother thought I should make

15、 full use of the time without my phone. 我哥哥认为我应该充分利用没有手机的时间. 例 1 Have you found the best way to make full use of the materials? 你找到了充分利用这些材料的最好方法了吗? 例 2 We must strive to seize and make full use of every opportunity to improve ourselves. 我们必须努力抓住和充分利用生活中的每一个机会来提高自己。 造句 既然你有了这个机会,你可以充分的利用它了。 Now that

16、 youve got a chance,you might as well make full use of it. 知识拓展 make the best use of 尽量利用 make good use of 好好利用;合理利用 make little use of 没有很好利用 be of great use 很有用 go out of use 不被使用;废弃 be in use 在使用中 即学即练 单句语法填空 First of all,if we work hard,we can make good use of our talents. Im sure my major would

17、 be of great use for the position. The irrigation canals that have fallen into disrepair are still in use. 知识要点7 other than 除了,而非 (教材 P15) After reading the posts on this forum,it seems that something other than money has also been raised through the detox. 看完这个论坛上的帖子,似乎也有人通过脱瘾筹集到了钱以外的一些东西。 例 1 She

18、makes no reference to any feminist work other than her own. 除了自己的,她没有提及其他女权主义著作。 例 2 She has no close friends other than him. 除了他以外她没有好朋友。 造句 如果是这样的话,我除了向你说声对不起,已经不知道该做些什么 了。 If it is the case,I cannot do anything other than say sorry to you! 知识拓展 rather than 而不是 or rather 更确切地说 即学即练 单句语法填空 I met hi

19、m very late on Friday night,or rather,early on Saturday morning. Does anybody other than yourself know this? I decided to send an e- mail rather than telephone. 知识要点8 rely on 依赖,依靠;信赖 (教材 P15) Awareness of just how much we rely on social media can help us step away from it and communicate with each

20、other better. 意识到我们对社交媒体的依赖程度可以帮助我们远离社交媒体, 更好地相互 沟通。 例 1 We had to rely on a compass and a lot of luck to get here. 我们不得不依靠指南针和不错的运气找到这儿来。 例 2 He can rely on my support when the crunch comes. 关键时刻,他可以依靠我的支持。 造句 我不知道是否能信任他,不过我愿冒一次险。 I dont know if I can rely on him,but Im willing to take a gamble. 知识

21、拓展 rely onn./doing. 指望/依靠 rely on sb./sth.doing/to do. 指望做 rely on it that. 指望 同义短语:depend on/upon,count on/upon 即学即练 单句语法填空 Not having found a better way, we had to rely on him to be(be) the interpreter. The success of this project relies on everyone making/to make(make) an effort. You can rely on

22、it that it will rain tomorrow. Sentence Patterns 重点句式1 with 复合结构 (教材 P14) With the detox now finished,theyve switched on their devices and theyre back online. 随着脱瘾的结束,他们打开了设备,又重新上线了。 句式分析: 句中 With the detox now finished 为 with 复合结构作伴随状语, 其 构成为:with宾语宾补。 例 1 I sat in my room for a few minutes with my

23、 eyes fixed on the ceiling. 我在房间坐了一会儿,眼睛盯着天花板。 例 2 She had to walk home with her bike stolen. 自行车被偷,她只好步行回家。 知识拓展 with 的复合结构主要用来说明附带情况或具体细节, 在句中可作原因、 方式、 条件或伴随状语等,有时也可作定语。其构成形式主要有: (1)with宾语形容词 (2)with宾语副词; (3)with宾语介词短语; (4)with宾语动词的现在分词, 表示动作正在进行且宾语与动词是主动关 系; (5)with宾语动词的过去分词, 表示动作已经发生且宾语与动词是被动关 系

24、; (6)with宾语动词不定式,表示动作还未发生。 翻译 With the old man leading the way(有那位老人带路),we got to the top of the mountain easily. The village is beautiful with the trees covered with snow(树木都披上了银 装) With much work to do(有那么多的工作要做), he went to the factory ahead of time. 即学即练 单句语法填空 You can eat cleanly and healthily

25、with your hands washed(wash) before meals. With the crowds cheering(cheer),they drove to the palace. With no one to talk(talk) to,John felt miserable. 重点句式2 make 复合结构 (教材 P15) The detox made me healthier! 脱瘾使我更健康! 句式分析: 本句中 made me healthier 是“make宾语宾补”结构; 本句用 形容词作宾补。 例 1 The news made him very happ

26、y. 这消息使得他非常高兴。 例 2 Internet makes our life easy and convenient. 因特网使我们的生活更加轻松方便。 造句 那可怕的气味使人们恶心。 The terrible smell makes people sick. 知识拓展 在“make宾语宾补”结构中除了形容词可以作宾语补足语外,不定式、 过去分词、介词短语、名词或名词短语都可以作宾语补足语。 翻译 Our teacher often makes us do some extra homework(做一些额外作业) The good news he told us made us ver

27、y happy(使我们很高兴) 即学即练 单句语法填空 He tries to make his ideas known(know) Though he had often made his little sister cry,today he was made to cry(cry) by his little sister. 教材 高考 1.The top four negative aspects of social media as ranked by Chinese users are: reduced time for reading printed books , worsene

28、d eyesight , privacy and information security concerns,and reduced sleep time. (2019 全国卷)The keyboard could offer a strong layer of security by analyzing things like the force of a users typing and the time between key presses. 2.I bet youre as eager as I am to find out just how many have been motiv

29、ated enough to last the full seven days! (2019 全 国 卷 )You should reassess your goals, and motivate yourself to set a fresh goal. 3.I knew there was a party happening that evening,but without access to social media I couldnt remember where it was! (2019 北京卷)Depending on which role you choose,you coul

30、d help to increase a communitys access to safe drinking water,or help to protect valuable local cultures. 4.After reading the posts on this forum, it seems that something other than money has also been raised through the detox. (2019 全国卷)There almost are no grades,other than Are you working towards

31、your goal? .单句语法填空 1The important thing is that children feel secure about being loved. 2The central heating had been switched off and the room was as cold as ice. 3What is the motivation(motivate) behind this sudden change? 4As you occupy yourself(you) with action,youll have less time to sit and wo

32、rry. 5This is because the file you want to view is only accessible(access) to the superuser. 6You can rely on it that they will finish their work ahead of time. 7I dont know any French people other than you. 8Every means should be made full use of to solve the problem. 9With so many people to help(h

33、elp) us,we are sure to finish it in time. 10His action made him respected(respect) by all his students. .短语填空 make full use of;other than;rely on;throw in the towel;to be honest 1A strong woman will cry,but will not throw in the towel 2We rely on energy and we no longer produce it for ourselves. 3To

34、 be honest,I was surprised he knew where I was,we moved so often. 4Its important that we should make full use of our time. 5His ribs were damaged,but other than that hes in good nick. .课文语法填空 Today marks the last day of the Social Media Detox.What has been learnt from the experience? Anna It was mor

35、e difficult than she 1.had expected(expect)She felt like she had lost an arm.She can now see how much time had been taken up with 2.checking(check) her phone.She is now trying to spend more time picking up her hobbies. Devon When he saw a classmate on Monday,he felt really strange not to know 3.what

36、 his classmate had done at the weekend.They had to talk and explain what they were doing and thinking.It made him realise the value of real contact. Cindy At first,she 4.really(real) felt she was missing out.Without their phone,she and her friend had a proper conversation for over two hours.By the 5

37、.fifth(five) day she realised that she hadnt been missing out on anything. Max He threw in towel 6.on the first day.He used his phone to check where a party was.He spent so much time 7.using(use) his phone to catch up on news, and he almost missed the party. George He didnt find the detox too difficult, but he did give his phone to his dad 8.to avoid(avoid) giving in.An hours sport each day left him tired 9.out and ready for bed early.The detox made him 10.healthier(healthy)


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