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1、Unit 2 Improving yourself 1. At the start of the detox,over 100 students had been persuaded to stop using social media,in ANY form,for seven days. 在戒社交媒体瘾开始时,超过 100 名的学生被劝诫 7 天之内不使用任 何形式的社交媒体。(p.14) 2. With the detox now finished,theyve switched on their devices and theyre back online. 戒瘾结束后,他们打开了设备

2、,又重新上线了。(p.14) 3. But on reflection,I can see how much of my time had been occupied with checking my phone 但经过深思熟虑,我可以看出我有多少时间都在检查我的手机。(p.14) 4. Im now trying to spend less time online and more time picking up my hobbies. 现在我正努力少花点时间上网,多花点时间培养我的爱好。(p.14) 5.By the fifth day,I wonderedwas I really mis

3、sing out by not constantly checking my phone to see what everyone else was up to? 到了第五天,我开始怀疑我是不是真的因为没有经常查看我的手 机而错过了其他人在做什么?(p.15) 6.Im embarrassed to say that I threw in the towel on the first day! 我很不好意思地说,我第一天就放弃了。(p.15) 7.After reading the posts on this forum,it seems that something other than m

4、oney has also been raised through the detox.看完这个论坛上的帖子, 似乎也有人通过脱瘾筹集到了一些钱以外的东西。(p.15) 【句型分析】 It seems that.是主从复合句,It 是形式主语,that 从句是真 正的主语,seem 在句中是连系动词,意思是“似乎,好像”。 【词汇拓展】 It seems as if/as though 好像要 seem to do sth.好像要做某事 seem(to be)+adj./n.好像是 seem like+n.像 There seemed to be 似乎有 8.Before I turned o

5、ver a new leaf,I had always been a very lazy student. 在我改过自新之前,我一直是个懒惰的学生。(p.17) 9.Indeed,I would deliberately “lose” my homework in my incredibly messy room,so that I could put off doing it! 事实上,我会故意把作业“丢”在我那乱七八糟的房间里,这样我就 可以推迟做作业了!(p.17) 10. My parents soon worked out this trick. 我父母很快就明白了这个把戏(p.17

6、) 11. Use the past perfect passive where appropriate. 在适当的地方使用过去完成时的被动语态。(p.17) 在 It is appropriate that 句型中,从句常用“(should+)动词原形”的虚拟语 气结构。 12. Discuss how to promote values education at your school using the words and expressions in this section. 用这一部分的单词和词组讨论如何推进你们学校的价值观教育。 (p.19) 13.This is what hi

7、s room looked like yesterday morning.这就是昨天早上 他房间的样子。(p.17) 【句型分析】 该句子中,what 在表语从句中充当句子成分,起连接作用, 有意义,不能省略。 what 可以分解成定语从句中的先行词 + 关系代词 + that。理解为双重身份。what= the thing which,这种 what 从句本质上 是一个名词词组被限制性定语从句所修饰。 13. Each,however,is faced with the same question:what to do with their money? 然而,每个人都面临着同样的问题:如何

8、处理他们的钱?(p.20) 14. However people intend to use their money,managing it seems to be unprecedentedly important to younger generations. 不管人们打算如何使用他们的钱,管理这些钱对年轻一代来说似乎是 前所未有的重要。(p.21) 15. .he has since added a fourth jar for Investing. 从那以后,他又增加了第四个罐子用于投资。(p.21) 16. This could involve saving for universi

9、ty,but it could also mean saving for that special something youve seen in the storesits up to you. 这可能包括为上大学存钱,但也可能意味着为你在商店里看到的特别 的东西存钱这取决于你。(p.21) 17. Although this could likewise involve putting aside money for your university education,it also means investing in yourself. 虽然这也可能涉及为你的大学教育存钱,但这也意味着投资你自己。 (p.21) 18. It was from then on that his grandchildren started to be in control of what to do with the money they receive:spend,save,invest or give? 从那时起,他的孙子孙女们就开始控制着如何处理他们得到的钱:花掉, 储蓄,投资还是捐赠?(p.21)


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