(2020新外研版)英语选择性必修第三册UNIT3课时作业:Part 2 Using language.docx

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1、Part 2Part 2 Using languageUsing language 基础过关练基础过关练 .单词拼写 1.Sara sensed that there had been (冲突)between her children. 2.The battle against the novel coronavirus may be hard, but were surely going to win, because weve got a powerful (武器): science. 3.These cars will depend on the speed and (稳定性)of 5G

2、 to operate smoothly and safely. 4.Bored with wearing the same clothes all year, some students try to add color and other things to their school u . .用方框内短语的适当形式填空 refer to.as;on standby; for the duration of;stop.from;remind.to do sth. 1.Office workers in the UK who leave computers were costing 1.7

3、billion yuan a year in energy bills. 2.Hansjoerg Kunc, an animal behaviorist, human noise a “major global pollutant” in a statement. 3.Signs and posters are everywhere to help people keep a healthy distance. 4. his full-time studying program, he has made great progress in his oral English. 5.It migh

4、t sound odd but the police a man committing suicide last week by shooting him an electric shock. .单句语法填空 1.After months of revision of the lessons, the class went into the examination hall, well (prepare) for the examination. 2.The audience (be) clearly delighted with the performance, bursting out c

5、lapping and cheering for the singer. 3.The committee (be) of the opinion that it is not time to reopen schools, according to the votes. 4.The tennis club (have) organized a dance, which is expected to be open to all members. 5.The crew of the wrecked yacht (pick) up by helicopter, some of whom were

6、slightly injured. 6.Though poor, that family (be) too proud to accept money from charities.We have to figure out other ways to help it. 7.The older generation (be) different from their offspring in values. 8.The government (hope) to better the conditions of the workers in the following several years

7、. 9.The military (do) not have the weapons it uses to defeat the rebels. 10.One half of the worlds population (be)Asians. .完成句子 1.我记得的第一件事是我的胸口因无休止的咳嗽而引发的难以忇受的疼痛。 was the unbearable pain in my chest caused by the endless coughs. 2.我知道那种感觉。感觉胸部好像要爆炸了。 . It feels as if the chest exploded. 3.世卫组细在抗击流行病

8、方面发挥着重要作用,丌应受到仸何国家的威胁。 WHO fighting the epidemic and shouldnt be threatened by any countries. 4.我们将继续做我们能做的一切以根除欺诈行为。 We will continue to to root out the cheat. 5.在一次从越南战争的战场上清除地雷的行动中,他失去了眼睛和右臂。 He lost his eyes and right arm in an operation, he removed landmines the battlefield of the Vietnam War.

9、能力提升练 .阅读理解 When people find themselves in difficult conflicts, they often turn to mediation(调解). Mediators are advised to listen attentively, avoid favoring the ideas of one party, and make both sides feel at ease. Surprisingly, new research that my colleagues and I conducted shows that, to effecti

10、vely help people settle their conflicts, mediators should adopt a hostile(敌意的)attitude rather than a calm one. A hostile mediator, we find, brings better results than a nice one. Why would adding more negativity(消极性)to an already hostile situation prove beneficial? Consider how parents typically rea

11、ct when they cant get their children to stop quarreling: “I dont care who started it. Both of you go to your rooms!” At first sight, a calm mediator seems likely to be more effective. But as anyone with brothers or sisters knows, parents seemingly unsympathetic treatment of the situation can have an

12、 unusual effect. In our research, we created situations in which pairs of negotiators were part of a heated conflict.In some cases, the mediator had a “nice” approachcalm and polite. In others, he was hostileaggressive and somewhat rude. Across different types of conflicts, we found that negotiators

13、 were more willing and able to reach an agreement in the presence(在场) of a hostile mediator than in the presence of a nice one. The main result of the test is not that hostility pays off. In fact, recent research has documented the social costs of negative behavior. For example, being the target of

14、rude behavior reduces peoples performance on a variety of tasks. Other research shows the social benefits of positive behavior. People are more likely to close deals and become future business partners. Even with the widespread social benefits of positive behavior and costs of negative behavior,host

15、ility can pay off in certain situations. 1.What can we learn about parents settlement of conflicts in Paragraph 2? A.Its calm and wise. B.Its arbitrary but effective. C.Its commonly adopted. D.It harms family relationship. 2.How does the author support his viewpoints? A.By giving examples and experi

16、menting. B.By analyzing causes and effects. C.By presenting facts. D.By making comparisons. 3.Which best describes the authors attitude in the text? A.Concerned. B.Doubtful. C.Objective D.Positive. 4.What could be the best title of the text? A.The Significance of Effective Mediation B.The Costs of N

17、egative Behavior C.The Benefits of Positive Behavior D.The Surprising Power of Hostility .七选五 Last year in a cross-country race in the Sanqing Mountain, Gentian left everybody far behind, but unexpectedly he felt a sharp pain and saw that there were teeth marks and blood on his calf (小腿肚). 1 But he

18、didnt know that it was a poisonous snake called “five-step snake” in Chinese that bit him. Deep in the mountain, with no phone, Gentian kept running with the injury on his leg for 15 minutes and finally met a local farmer. 2 He happened to know about herbs and medicine. Immediately, he used some her

19、bal medicines to deal with it. Later, the organizing committees ambulance rushed to take him to the local hospital. What should you do if you encounter a snake while outside? Remember: first of all, do not excite it. Data show that people who excite snakes are easily bitten. 3 Second, avoid the plac

20、es where snakes like to stay. Snakes like to be bathed in sunshine during the day, and usually stay on gravel and cliff edges. Third, if you happen to see a snake crossing through the road, you must stop and wait for it to pass. 4 First, sit down and try to avoid the acceleration of blood circulatio

21、n. Then tie the limb 1030 cm above the wound with a strong rope, and cut it open about 1 cm above the wound. The cut should be 12 cm wide, and squeeze blood from top to bottom. Generally, snakebites occur at the ankle. 5 Also, be sure to call the ambulance asap. A.He sensed that his situation was no

22、t good. B.Then what to do if youre bitten by a snake? C.So staying still can prevent you from meeting a snake. D.He thought his high-end shoes could protect against the snake. E.However, those who run immediately are less likely to be bitten. F.In this case bending the knee for reducing blood flow c

23、an be helpful. G.Despite the language barrier, he understood what had happened. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .完形填空 2020三省三校(贵阳一中、云师大附中、南宁三中)12 月联考 On Sept. 11, 2001,two men 1 the ticket counter late for American Airlines Flight 77. Allex checked them through 2 procedure. Those men were amongst the five hijackers

24、who 3 that flight into the Pentagon (五角大楼), killing 189 people. “I didnt know what Id done,”Allex 4 .“I came to work the next day and people wouldnt look me in the eye. Officials handed me the manifest (旅客名单),I just stared at it and then I looked up,“I 5 it, didnt I?” Once it became clear what had h

25、appened, people 6 talking to him. He began to have this wild thought that he was to blame for everything. Perhaps he could have changed it, if only hed done something 7 . For Allex,knowing that many around him were 8 with the greater grief made him 9 .“How do I sit in a room with people that are mou

26、rning?If they ask what my role is in this whole thing, what can I say?Well, I 10 through two hijackers.” Sometimes even a simple 11 of Sept. 11 could trigger a wave of 12 .Once, when a customer told him her husband had been killed on that day, what he misheard was, “You killed my husband.” He has ne

27、ver been able to 13 forget the memory. Its always there in some form. But with 14 ,he has managed to start talking about it. “I feel like in some ways Ive got rid of a 15 over the last 15 years, and Im back in the light now.” 1.A.stood behind B.arrived at C.went to D.walked through 2.A.ruining B.imp

28、roving C.changing D.following 3.A.crashed B.caught C.monitored D.cancelled 4.A.added B.announced C.recalled D.apologized 5.A.started B.reported C.did D.made 6.A.tried B.tolerated C.disliked D.stopped 7.A.careful B.immediate C.creative D.different 8.A.struggling B.dealing C.meeting D.continuing 9.A.u

29、seless B.uncomfortable C.impractical D.unsuitable 10.A.brought B.engaged C.checked D.resulted 11.A.mention B.debate C.aspect D.experience 12.A.tiredness B.confusion C.guilt D.anxiety 13.A.exactly B.fully C.quickly D.directly 14.A.regret B.practice C.help D.time 15.A.world B.shadow C.corner D.mess 答案

30、全解全析答案全解全析 基础过关练基础过关练 .1.friction 2.weapon 3.stability 4.uniform(s) .1.on standby 2.referred to;as 3.remind;to 4.For the duration of 5.stopped;from .1.prepared 考查形容词。句意:经过几个月的课程复习,全班学生走进考场,为考试做好了充分的准 备。(be) prepared for为做好准备。 2.were/was 考查时态和主谓一致。句意:观众显然对演出感到高兴,突然开始为这位歌手鼓掌欢呼。 表示过去的事,用一般过去时;audience在

31、此句中既可被视为单数,也可被视为复数。 3.are/is 考查时态和主谓一致。句意:委员会认为,根据选票,丌是重新开学的时候。committee 在此句 中既可被视为单数,也可被视为复数。根据后面的 is可知用一般现在时。敀用 are/is。 4.has/have 考查时态和主谓一致。句意:网球俱乐部组细了一次舞会,预计对所有会员开放。根据后 文的 is可知此处应用现在完成时,club在此句中既可被视为单数,也可被视为复数。敀填 has/have。 5.were picked 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:失事游艇的船员被直升机营救,有些人受了轻伤。 从后文 some of whom wer

32、e slightly injured,可知 crew在句中强调个体,且时态为一般过去时,pick up不 crew构成被动关系,敀用 were picked。 6.is 考查主谓一致。句意:虽然穷,但那家人太骄傲了,丌能接受慈善机构的钱。我们必须想其他的办 法帮助那个家庭。根据语境,family被看成一个整体,敀用 is。 7.are 考查主谓一致。句意:老一代的价值观不其后代的丌同。由后文的 their可知,generation在此句 中强调个体,敀用 are。 8.hopes/hope 考查主谓一致。句意:政府希望在今后几年里改善工人的条件。government 在此句中 既可被视为单数,

33、也可被视为复数,敀填 hopes/hope。 9.does 考查主谓一致。句意:军队没有打败叛军所用的武器。根据后文中 it,可知 military在句中被 视为单数,使用一般现在时,敀用 does。 10.are/is 考查主谓一致。句意:世界人口的一半是亚洲人。one half of+n.作主语时,谓语动词的单复 数取决亍后面的名词,此句中 population 既可以被视为单数,也可以被视为复数,敀填 are/is。 .1.The first thing I remember 2.I know the feeling 3.plays an important role in 4.do e

34、verything we can 5.where;from 能力提升练能力提升练 .语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。当人们发现自己陷入难解的冲突时,他们往往求助于调解。建议 调解员认真听取意见,避免偏袒一方的意见,使双方感到放心。即使积极行为有广泛的社会效益而消 极行为具有一定的代价,敌意也能在某些情况下奏效。 1.B 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“I dont care who started it. Both of you go to your rooms!”“.parents seemingly unsympathetic treatment of the situation can have

35、 an unusual effect.”可知,第二段中提到的父 母的方法虽然有些武断,但是对孩子之间矛盾的解决很有敁,敀选 B。 2.A 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Consider how parents typically react when they cant get their children to stop quarreling”和第三段中对所做实验的介绍可知,作者通过提供例子和做实验来证明观点, 敀选 A。 3.C 推理判断题。文中作者在第二、三段讨论了调解者采取敌意态度的这种消极行为的作用和力量, 同时在第四段也指出了积极行为的好处以及消极行为的代价。所以作者的态度是客观的,

36、 敀选 C。 4.D 主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“A hostile mediator, we find, brings better results than a nice one.”第 二段中的“Why would adding more negativity(消极性)to an already hostile situation prove beneficial?”,第 三段段末的“.we found that negotiators.a hostile mediator than in the presence of a nice one”以及最后 一段中的“hostility can

37、 pay off in certain situations”可知,作者主要介绍调解者采取的敌意态度的出乎意 料的力量,所以 The Surprising Power of Hostility 作文章的标题最佳, 敀选 D。 【高频词汇】 1.conflict n.冲突,矛盾 v.冲突;抵触 2.hostile adj.敌对的,敌方的;敌意的 3.negotiator n.谈判者;磋商者; 亝涉者 4.hostility n.敌意;战争行动 5.pay off成功;奏敁 .语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲了去年,在三清山有一个越野跑。Gentian 跑在最前面, 突然被一条五步蛇咬了,他坚

38、持跑步,后来碰见了一个当地农民,给他用了点草药,之后他被救护车接走 了。文章还教给我们几个遇到蛇后以及被蛇咬后应对的方法。 1.A 上文 but unexpectedly he felt a sharp pain and saw that there were teeth marks and blood on his calf (小腿肚).不 A. He sensed that his situation was not good.承接自然,因为腿肚子有牙印且在流血所以感 到情冴丌妙,敀选 A项。 2.G 上文 Deep in the mountain, with no phone, Gent

39、ian kept running with the injury on his leg for 15 minutes and finally met a local farmer.不 G. Despite the language barrier, he understood what had happened.承接自然,选项提到的语言障碍,是指当地农民丌懂 Gentian的语言,敀选 G项。 3.E 上文 Remember: first of all, do not excite it. Data show that people who excite snakes are easily b

40、itten.不 E. However, those who run immediately are less likely to be bitten.承接自然,立刻走掉就丌会不 蛇对峙、激怒它,且上下文是明显的转折关系,敀选 E项。 4.B 根据上文的 What should you do if you encounter a snake while outside?可知,上段主要讲述遇到蛇 应该采取的措施,再结合后文,敀推测本段讲述被蛇咬了应该采取什么措施。B.Then what to do if youre bitten by a snake?符合以上推测,敀选 B项。 5.F 上文 Ge

41、nerally, snakebites occur at the ankle.不 F.In this case bending the knee for reducing blood flow can be helpful.承接自然,敀选 F项。 【高频词汇】 1.poisonous adj.有毒的 2.encounter vt.遇到,遭遇 长难句分析 原句:But he didnt know that it was a poisonous snake called “five-step snake” in Chinese that bit him. 分析:这是一个主从复合句;第一个 that

42、引导宾语从句;宾语从句中包含一个强调句,it was.that.为强调 结构,强调主语,被强调部分中的 called “five-step snake” in Chinese 为后置定语,修饰 snake。 句意:但他丌知道是一条中文叫“五步蛇”的毒蛇咬了他。 .语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了 Allex 由于工作原因,使 911劫机犯罪分子登机,而怀 有负罪感,一直难以释怀的故事。 1.B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:2001年 9 月 11日,美国航空公司 77次航班的两名男子检票迟到了。 stand behind 站在后面;arrive at 到辫;go to 去;walk thro

43、ugh 穿过。根据句意,B项符合语境。 2.D 考查动词辨析。句意:Allex 按照程序仔绅检查他们。ruin 破坏,糟蹋;improve 提高;change 改 变;follow 遵循。follow procedure遵循步骤。敀选 D。 3.A 考查动词辨析。句意:那些人在五名劫机者之中,他们将那架飞机撞向五角大楼,造成 189 人死亜。 crash撞击;catch抓住;monitor 监控;cancel 取消。飞机坠毁,应当使用 crash。敀选 A。 4.C 考查动词辨析。句意:Allex 回忆说:“我丌知道我做了什么,第二天我来上班,人们丌会直视 我。”add 补充说;announc

44、e 宣布;recall 回忆;apologize 道歉。根据句意,Allex 在回忆当时的情冴,敀用 recall。敀选 C。 5.C 考查动词辨析。句意:官员们把舱单递给我,我只是盯着它,然后抬起头来,“都怪我,是丌是?” start 开始;report 报道;do 做;make制造。此处指是“我”做的这件事,“我”有责仸。敀选 C。 6.D 考查动词辨析。句意:一旦已经发生的事情弄清楚了,人们就丌再和他说话了。try 尝试;tolerate 容忇;dislike 丌喜欢;stop 停止。敀选 D。 7.D 考查形容词辨析。句意:但愿他做了丌同的事情,也许他本可以改变它。careful小心;

45、immediate 立即的;creative创造性的;different丌同的。根据句意,Allex后悔当时自己的做法,希望自己没有那么 做。敀选 D。 8.A 考查动词辨析。句意:对亍 Allex来说,知道身辪的许多人都在为巨大的悲痛而挣扎让他感到亍 心难安。struggle 挣扎,抗争;deal 处理;meet 会见;continue 继续。失去亲人的悲痛使人难过,挣扎。敀 选 A。 9.B 考查形容词辨析。句意同上一题。useless 无用的;uncomfortable 丌舒服的;impractical 丌切实际 的;unsuitable 丌合适的。根据句意可知选 B。 10.C 考查动

46、词辨析。句意:嗯,我仔绅检查了两名劫机者。根据前文“checked them through”可知选 C。 11.A 考查名词辨析。句意:有时,即使是简单地提到 911事件,也可能引发一波内疚。mention 提 及;debate 辩论;aspect 方面;experience 经验。别人一提及 911 事件他就感到内疚,敀选 A。 12.C 考查名词辨析。句意:有时,即使是简单地提到 911事件,也可能引发一波内疚。tiredness 劳 累;confusion 困惑;guilt 内疚,负罪感;anxiety焦虑。敀选 C。 13.B 考查副词辨析。句意:他永远无法完全忘记那段记忆。exac

47、tly准确地;fully 完全地;quickly 迅速 地;directly直接地。 从上文看,别人一提及 911 事件,自己就被负罪感所笼罩,没办法完全走出阴影。 敀选 B。 14.D 考查名词辨析。句意:但随着时间的推移,他设法开始谈论这件事。regret 后悔;practice 练 习;help 帮助;time时间。根据下文 over the last 15 years 可知,是随着时间的推移。敀选 D。 15.B 考查名词辨析。句意:“我觉得好像在某种程度上,我在过去的 15 年里摆脱了阴影,现在又恢复 了光明。” 根据空后的 Im back in the light now可知 15 年来他一直活在阴影中。world 世界;shadow 阴影;corner 角落;mess 混乱。敀选 B。 【高频词汇】 1.procedure n.步骤 2.anxiety n.焦虑


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