1、教学设计 课课 题题 Unit4NATURAL DISASTERS Period 2 Reading and Thinking 学学 科科 英语英语 班班 级级 Class 授课教师授课教师 教教 学学 目目 标标 1. 阅读描述重大灾害的纪实性报告文学语篇,掌握该类语篇的语言特征和叙事要 点,能分析阅读语篇的文本结构。 2. 能够运用指令性语言,介绍应对各种自然灾害的准备工作和措施。 3. 掌握在阅读中根据上下文猜测词义的策略;巩固合成词的相关知识;能运用构词 法知识推测词义。 4. 能够将话题词归类,并有所拓展。 5. 能够了解和掌握一些与自然灾害相关的安全常识和防范措施。 重重 点点 帮
2、助学生掌握报告文学兼具文学性和纪实性的语言特征,让学生学会欣赏文本中所 运用的修辞方法和写作技巧,理解作者在作品中所表达的情感和写作意图。 难难 点点 通过阅读文本,了解我国 20 世纪 70 年代发生在唐山的大地震,学习报告文学这种 纪实性文体的语言特征,最后完成用自己的语言描述自然灾害的任务。 教教 学学 方方 法法 Interactive Reading Approach 教教 学学 内内 容容 与与 过过 程程 Step1 Pre-reading 启发学生思考地震对城市造成的影响,从而激发学生的探究兴趣。 (1)教师结合前一课时中听力部分的相关内容,导入话题。学生分组讨论活动 1 中的
3、 问题,谈谈一座城市发生地震时的情形,以激活背景知识,为文本阅读做好准备。 (2)学生看图片和标题,预测标题的含义与文本可能涉及的内容。教师提问: What does the title mean? Does the earth sleep as you do? If you cant go to sleep, how do you feel? Try to imagine what can happen to the earth if it doesnt sleep? What do you think the text is mainly about? Step2 While-listen
4、ing (1)学生快速阅读文本,检验读前的预测结果,并完成活动 3,归纳、概括各段大意。 教师示范: Please find the topic sentence of each paragraph. Then summarise each paragraph in one phrase based on its topic sentence. For example, the topic sentence of the first paragraph is 备注备注 “Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeaste
5、rn Hebei.” Strange things were happening, which could have warned people that an earthquake was on the way. So the first paragraph tells us the warning signs before the earthquake. 教学提示:让学生尝试用短语归纳和总结出各段大意,培养寻找关键词的能力。可以 让学生稍后再讨论读前对标题含义的猜测结果,因为这需要在学生充分思考和深入挖 掘文本的基础上进行,才能确保他们说出更丰富、更深刻的内容。 (2)学生精读文本或按时间
6、顺序分部分阅读文本,教师通过设问引导学生提取信息, 并通过追问引导学生深入思考。教师提问: What were some of the strange things that were happening before the earthquake? 学生阅读第一段,然后互相核对该问题的答案。之后教师可以追问: Do you agree there were some “warning signs”? Why or why not? How do you understand the last sentence in Paragraph 1? (3)教师继续提问,让学生带着以下问题阅读描写震中
7、场景的段落,并通过上下文猜 测生词的意思。 When did the earthquake happen? Why was it one of the most deadly earthquakes of the 20th century? What happened to the city and people? How did the people feel? What happened later that afternoon? 教师接着说: “Read the text and find the answers to the questions. When you come acros
8、s a new word, try to use the context to help you understand it.”。学生带着以上问题阅读文 本,之后在小组内核对答案。教师通过以下问题追问学生。 What does the author mean by “Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt”? How do you think the earthquake would affect Tangshan? If you had experienced the earthquake in Tangshan, how would you hav
9、e felt? What do the words “ruin, brick, trap, bury” mean? Try to guess what they mean from the context. 教学提示:通过上下文猜测词义是学生需要掌握的阅读技能之一,体现了学生的推理 和判断能力。教师需要提醒学生在上下文中寻找线索,并依据这些线索推测出生词的 意思。对于像 brick 等没有猜测线索的生词,也可以让学生根据生活常识猜出词义。 (4)关于震后救援,教师可以提出以下问题。在学生核对答案之后,教师可以继续追 问 breathe 的意思,以及活动 6 中的问题 3。 Who came t
10、o the rescue? What did they do? Why does the author say “But hope was not lost”? What does the author mean by “Slowly, the city began to breathe again”? 教学提示:学生在初中阶段学习过 breathe 的名词形式 breath,教师在此可以引导学生 通过词根猜测词义。最后一段的描写体现了灾难面前人们相互支援的人道主义精神和 人类面对灾难时进行不屈抗争的精神。教师需要在此引导学生深入思考人与社会、人 与自然之间的关系。 (5)教师通过以下问题引导
11、学生再次阅读文本,体会纪实类文本的语言特点。 Many sentences in the text give us a picture of the terrible earthquake in Tangshan. Which sentences impressed you most? Why? Numbers are widely used in the text. Why does the author mention so many numbers? In Paragraph 1, many verbs or verbal phrases, such as rose, fell, com
12、ing out of, and ran out of are used. Why does the author use them here? Now how do you understand the title? Do you think the title is a good one? If not, can you give another title to the text? 教学提示:如果学生学有余力,教师可以进一步引导他们赏析并学习文本中的明喻 (simile)、暗喻(metaphor)、拟人(personification)等修辞方法。 Step3 Post-reading (
13、1)学生按照时间线索,复述唐山大地震的过程,以内化语言。学生可以利用类似下 列表格中的提示,写出时间点和关键词,来帮助自己复述。 (2)学生分组,讨论活动7中的两个问题。 教学提示:活动7中有两个拓展性问题。讨论问题1的目的是引导学生对唐山重生的 因素进行归纳和提炼,如quick efficient rescue work、strong support等。讨 论问题2时,教师要为学生提供相关的背景材料,如提供汶川地震灾后重建的相关 图片(本单元Assessing your progress活动2中的语篇可作为参考),为学生提供 必要的支撑。 (3)学生结对,一人扮演新闻记者,另一人扮演唐山大地震的幸存者,编写对话 并表演。 Step4 Homework (1)学生完成活动5,并使用这些词汇进行文章缩写。 (2)练习册Using Word and Expressions中的活动。