


1、Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good Revision 1. Revise the topic of looking good and feeling good, use the phrases correct。

2、Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good Grammar and usage Ill never forget the museum whichthat we visited together. Ill never。

3、Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good Integrated skills I Four good reasons to take notes Notes are a useful record of key i。

4、Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good Project Functions Purposes Name of the app Contents What should we consider about when。

5、Unit 4 Reading Teen faints after skipping meal Important words and phrases 晕倒,失去意识晕倒,失去意识 不吃饭不吃饭 立刻,马上立刻,马上 集中注意力集中注意力 提。

6、Dont judge a book by its cover. Unit 4 Extended Reading Suppose you feel like reading a book here, you pick one mainly d。

7、Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good Reading II Understanding a leadUnderstanding a lead What is a lead A lead is the begin。

8、Survey Have you been troubled with your physical appearance Dont judge a book by its cover Prediction Dont judge a by hi。

9、Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good Integrated skills II Essay writing An essay is a brief, nonfiction composition that de。

10、BIU4 Extended reading Free talk Which one do you like better before now Do you think physical appearance is important fo。

11、Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good Grammar and usage Restrictive relative clauses with relative adverbs in writing Gramma。

12、Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good Extended reading Dont judge a book by its cover Problem What How Why Lead inLead in Do。

13、Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good Grammar and usage Restrictive relative clauses with relative adverbs 定语从句定语从句 在复合句中,修饰。

14、How can I my study with so much noise going on 现在这么吵现在这么吵,我怎么能专心学习呢我怎么能专心学习呢 is essential if you want to do a good job.。

15、B1U4 Language Points out of danger slim down pass out struggle with make a full recovery side effects point out get into。

标签 > 2021新教材牛津译林版必修第一册英语Unit4[编号:328020]



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