


1、形式宾语 观察例句 1Tom feels it difficult to learn Chinese. 2He found it useless(no use) arguing with him. 3Employers like it when their employees get along well and get the job done. 4I find it amazing tha。

2、“疑问词- ever”和“no matter疑问词”引导的状语从句 观察例句 1Whatever happened, he wouldnt say a word. 2You can ask for help whenever you need it. 3No matter where I go, my heart is towards China. 4Call me when you g。

3、it 作形式主语 观察例句 1It is difficult for a foreigner to learn Chinese. 2Its kind of you to help me. 3It is no use talking to him about it. 4It is a mystery to me how it all happened. 5It is believed that。

4、过去进行时的被动语态 观察例句 1Two of the glasses were broken when they were being washed. 2We had to take another way because the road was being repaired. 3This road was being built this time last year. 4I was b。

5、过去完成时的被动语态 观察例句 1By nine oclock last night,200 pictures had been sent from the spaceship. 2My homework had been finished by 10:00 this morning. 3She told me that the factory had been closed down. 4I。

6、将来进行时 观察例句 1Dont telephone me after eight tomorrow,I will be having a meeting. 2I will be lying on the beach in the sun at ten oclock tomorrow morning. 3What will you be doing this time next Monday。

7、1 现在完成进行时 观察例句 1The train has been racing along steadily since it left Xining. 2All this time,the song “Sky Railway” has been playing inside my head. 3Wild animals such as these Tibetan antelopes ha。

8、1 课时分层作业(十七) .单句语法填空 1 He has been collecting(collect) all kinds of stamps since he was nine years old. 2He hasnt been teaching(not teach) here these years. 3This Government deserved to lose(lose) pow。

9、1 过去完成时 观察例句 1 Whats more, he had recently received a letter from his father predicting that. 2 After Darwin had spent some time in South America, his room on the ship was crowded with samples of。

10、1 课时分层作业(十四) .单句语法填空 1By the end of last term we had finished(finish) the book. 2I had intended(intend) to see you but I was too busy. 3From this distance(distant) you should be able to see the airfie。

11、1 非谓语动词作表语 观察例句 1Every artists wish is to create something that expresses an idea. 2One way for him to find inspiration is turning to his childrens toys. 3Yang Lipings passion is dancing. 归纳用法 1不定式作。

12、1 课时分层作业(十一) .单句语法填空 1The door remained locked(lock) when he came again. 2My dream is to enter(enter) a key university. 3Mitochondria can only be passed onto the next generation by the mother. 4I foun。

13、1 v- ing 形式作主语 观察例句 1Knowing where the ball would go wasnt easy. 2Shooting with great accuracy was another thing he learnt. 3In this way,practising day in and day out helped Stephen sharpen his skil。

14、1 课时分层作业(八) .单句语法填空 1Washing(wash) the car makes him dirty. 2My closing(close) the door made him angry. 3This displays various details associated(associate) with the certificate. 4He set about helping。

15、1 v- ing 和不定式作宾语 观察例句 1You may have spent years giving up your weekends and free time to write your lifes work. 2Rowling had spent years surviving on little money,spending all her time writing. 3J。

16、1 课时分层作业(五) .单句语法填空 1I would like to invite(invite)you to come to my birthday party this Saturday. 2He went on doing(do)his homework in his room after supper. 3Keep to the path or youll lose your way。

17、1 观察例句 1I walk through the doors into the waiting area,where theres a familiar atmosphere of boredom and tension. 2People sit uncomfortably on plastic chairs,looking through old magazines, all of wh。

18、1 课时分层作业(二) .单句语法填空 1Our conclusion(conclude) is that we can not reach any agreement with them. 2There once lived(live) a man known by the name of Tom. 3John leaned over and whispered(whisper) somethi。

19、1/4 省略 观察例句 1 It is just typical that my journey is on one of the oldest lines, as well as one of the deepest (lines) 2My office is only on the third floor of the building,so (it is) quite low. 3He。

20、1/4 过去将来时 观察例句 1I knew Julie would make dinner. 2I knew John would finish the work by 5:00 pm. 3Was Jack going to write a letter to Tom? 4Would my sister buy a house in that city and settle down? 归纳。

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