


1、课外阅读测试题课外阅读测试题 姓名:姓名: 家长签字:家长签字: 一.图文配对。 ABCDE F ( )1. Porky is hungry. Porky likes salad. ( )2. Farmer Brown gives Shelia lots of grass. ( )3. Bob loves football. He doesnt like mud. ( )4. Joe loves running. Hes running in the yard. ( )5. The lion is too greedy. He lost the rabbit and the deer both. ( ) 6.The little bear will share his carrots with the rabbits. a A B C D E F ( )1.The milk is nice. Porky likes milk. ( ) 2.The animals。

2、期末复习期末复习 period 3 教学目标: 通过做一些小练笔,学生能熟练掌握所学内容。 教学重难点: 通过做一些小练笔,学生能熟练掌握所学内容。 情景匹配情景匹配 ( ) 1. How old are you? A. Its a CD. ( ) 2. Whats that? B. Its over there. ( ) 3. Is that your CD? C. Yes, Miss Li. ( ) 4. Wheres your bag? D. Im eight. ( ) 5. Here you are. E. Thank you. ( ) 6. Its time for class. F. No, it isnt. ( ) 1. This doll is for you. A. Im ten. ( ) 2. How old are you? B. Yes, it is. ( ) 3. Whats。

3、Unit 5 Monkeys and the moon 一、默写中文一、默写中文 moonlight well look into hang climb up link together Oh my god! try reach broken still uppermost 二二 选择。选择。 1、( ) Some are playing in the moonlight. A. monkeys B. bears C. chickens 2、 ( ) finds a well , and he looks into it. A、? A little monkey B. A duck C. A pig 3、 ( ) A little monkey finds a . A、pear B. well C. farm 4、 ( ) There is。

4、三下快乐英语 Unit 1 一、判断正误。 (正确的写 T,错误的写 F) 1. A snail loses her house. 2. The snails house is near the water. 3. The snails house is on the rock. 4. A rabbit helps the snail. 5. The snail is looking for her mother. 6. The snail finds her house finally(最终). 7. The snail meets a rabbit,a turtle and a frog. 8. The frog doesnt help the snail. 9. The snail loses her house again(再;又). 10. The snail is happy at last(最后). 二、选择正确的选项。 1. The snail lost her ________. A. 。

5、三年级朗文分级阅读练习一三年级朗文分级阅读练习一 班级_________ 姓名_________ 学号_________ 得分_________ Unit 1 Im hungry 一、Choose the correct word and write the letters in the blanks. (选择正确的单词,将 英文字母填在空格中。) like hungry nice 1. Im . May I have some salad, please? 2. Yummy! The rice is . 3. I milk. 二、 Match the sentences and the pictures. (将左栏的句子与右栏对应的图片连接起来。 ) 1. Porky is hungry. a. 2. Porky is happy. b. 3. Porky is not hungry. c. 三、Circle the food。

6、三下单词默写三下单词默写 姓名:_______________ 1 先生 2. 开,打开 3. 这个,那个 4. 门 5. 关上 6.窗,窗户 7. 书 1.在里 2.跑,跑步 3. 吃 4.说话 5.牛奶 1.铅笔 2.钢笔 3.尺子 4.在哪里 1.鸟 2.在下面 3.课桌 4. 椅子 5.在.上面 6.在.后面 1.九 2. 八 3. 四 4. 五 5. 六 6. 七 7. 十 1、课;上课 2.床 3. 好;行 4.午餐 5.十一 6.十二 7.包 1. 农场 2.他们 3 那些 4.苹果 5.梨 6.橙子 7.谁 1.我们 2.女孩 3.男人 4.妇女。

7、三年级三年级(下)(下)综合练习卷综合练习卷 姓名姓名____________ 6.18 ( ) 一、选择正确的答案一、选择正确的答案: ( ) 1. -Is this your cake ? -Yes , ____ ____. A. it is B. it isnt C. this is ( ) 2. Thats _____ my lunch box . A. is B. isnt C. / ( ) 3. -What is it? - _____ a _____ . A. This; doll B. Its ; doll C. Thats ; doll ( ) 4. -Is that your crayon? -_____, it _____. A. No ; is B. Yes ; isnt C. No ; isnt ( ) 5. This _____ a pencil. A. s B. isnt C. / ( ) 6. -Is this your。

8、U7-8 复习卷 姓名_______ 班级_______ 一,找出每组单词中不同类的一项。 ( ) 1.A. pig B. duck C. doll ( ) 2.A. pencil B. pear C. rubber ( ) 3.A. in B. behind C. who ( ) 4.A. that B. these C. those ( ) 5.A. eleven B. six C. under ( ) 6.A. is B. are C. she ( ) 7.A. nice B. nine C. lovely 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1.Look ________ my jacket. A. in B. for C. at ( ) 2.Its time _____ bed. A.for B. to。

9、三年级三年级(下)(下)期末复习卷期末复习卷 一、一、选择正确的答案:选择正确的答案: ( ) 1. -Is this your cake ? -Yes , ____ ____. A. it is B. it isnt C. this is ( ) 2. Thats _____ my lunch box . A. is B. isnt C. / ( ) 3. -What is it? - _____ a _____ . A. This; doll B. Its ; doll C. Thats ; doll ( ) 4. -Is that your crayon? -_____, it _____.新- 课- 标-第- 一-网 A. No ; is B. Yes ; isnt C. No ; isnt ( ) 5. This _____ a pencil. A. s B. isnt C. / ( ) 6. -Is this your toy bird? -__。

10、20192019 年苏教译林年苏教译林三年级快乐英语三年级快乐英语、朗文课外阅读习题朗文课外阅读习题 (2019.06.08)(2019.06.08) 第一单元第一单元 1.单项选择。从每题的 A、B、C、三个地项中,选出可以填入句? 空白处的最佳选项。 ( )1.-Good afternoon ,Sam. ,Bobby! A .Good afternoon B ,Good morning C, Good evening ( )2.-Whata the snail doing? he is looking his house. A, above B, for C, by ( )3,Sam is the garden. A, water B, waters C, watering ( ) 4.The snail lost his house, He is very . A, beautiful B, sad C。

11、三年级英语下册期末测试卷三年级英语下册期末测试卷 听力部分听力部分(35(35 分分) ) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,听两遍(8 分) ( ) 1. A. they B. these C. those ( ) 2. A. bag B. bed C. Bob ( ) 3. A. eight B. eat C.egg ( ) 4. A. apple B. pear C. orange ( ) 5. A. welcome B. mum C. come ( ) 6. A. wake B. cake C. make ( ) 7.A. lunch B. breakfast C. dinner. ( ) 8. A. 896 B. 869 C. 986 二、听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片编号,听两遍(8 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三。

12、关注公众号:南通升学百科(QQJJNTSX)获取更多升学资讯、试题资料 更多问题可咨询:南通小轻老师(18068643316) 关注公众号:南通升学百科(QQJJNTSX)获取更多升学资讯、试题资料 更多问题可咨询:南通小轻老师(18068643316) 关注公众号:南通升学百科(QQJJNTSX)获取更多升学资讯、试题资料 更多问题可咨询:南通小轻老师(18068643316) 关注公众号:南通升学百科(QQJJNTSX)获取更多升学资讯、试题资料 更多问题可咨询:南通小轻老师(18068643316) 关注公众号:南通升学百科(QQJJNTSX)获取更多升学资讯、试题资料 更多问题。

译林版三下英语U7-8 复习卷.doc
译林版三下英语3B期末复习 单词默写.doc
译林版三下英语3B期末复习 情景匹配.doc
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