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1、语境中词义猜测策略培养教学设计 教学目标: The teaching aims are: 1. to cultivate the strategy of word guessing in context; 2. to foster an optimistic attitude towards examination. 【说明】在教学目标中设置情感目标,主要是希望本节课可以培养学生对考试的乐 观态度,降低焦虑感。如果学生能够很好地处理考试中的生词,就可以更好地适应考 试,更快地进入状态。 教学难点: Although guessing word meanings from context is

2、widely acknowledged as a useful skill, there has been little research in this area and very little useful guidance for teachers or learners. 教学重点: The key points are: 1. to determine the part of speech of the word; 2. to look at the immediate grammar (sentences containing the word); 3. to study the

3、wider context (usually the conjunction relationships); 4. to guess the word and checking the guess. 【说明】本课的语境中词义猜测策略主要有四个步骤:1. 确定词性;2. 观察包含 有该词的句子;3. 观察句与句、句与段的关系;4. 猜测及验证。 教学过程: Step 1 Determine the part of speech of the word. Task 1 Thinking and discussing: What are the parts of speech of the unde

4、rlined words? Task 2 Fill in the blanks after discussing. (参考二轮复习资料) Identify the parts of speech according to the 4 choices, and pay attention to the word formation. 【说明】在这个步骤中,笔者精选了 18 道历年高考的词义猜测题,让学生完成两 个任务:第一个任务是培养学生独立探究和合作学习的能力;第二个任务需要学生观 察单词本身和四个选项就猜出词性。学生基本能够正确回答。回答完毕后,笔者引导 学生一起总结。 Step 2 Obs

5、erve the sentences containing the words. Task 1 Thinking and Discussing: a. If the word is a noun, which words are used to modify it? b. If it is a verb, what noun does it go with? Is there an adverb that modifies it? c. If it is an adverb, what verb does it modify? Task 2 Circle the words that can

6、help you identify the meanings of the underlined words. Do you find some similarities? 【说明】第二个步骤是观察句内的小语境。任务一给了学生一些提示性问题,任务 二让学生划出能够帮助他们猜词的单词或短语。学生一般能观察到名词的附近一般会 出现冠词、动词的附近一般有副词等。在完成这两个任务之后,笔者把一些常见的语 言结构呈现给学生。 Step 3 Observe the relations between the sentence containing the word and other sentences

7、or paragraphs. Thinking and Discussing: The possible relations between them are _. a. example or generalization b. coordinating relation c. progressive relation d. adversative relation e. causal relation 【说明】第三个步骤是观察句与句、句与段之间的关系,帮助学生归纳主要的关系 类型,例如抽象和具体的关系、并列关系、递进关系、转折关系、因果关系等。 Step 4 Guess the word a

8、nd check the guess. Analyze the questions according to the students top mistakes. 【说明】 笔者在这个步骤中对错误类型进行了分析, 选择了 8 道较难的词义猜测题, 和学生一起按照前面三个步骤进行了分析。学生在这个过程中综合运用了猜词策略, 在教师的分析和自己的反思中重新进行了思考回答。 Step 5 Consolidation: Guessing game. Provide an example of a new word in context for your classmates to guess the meanings (by making sentences or a dialogue). You can consult a dictionary. 【说明】 在猜词游戏环节中, 笔者布置了两个任务: 第一个是给出了一些单词语境, 让学生选择相应的图片,属于学法的指导;第二个任务是希望学生能够通过查词典的 方式,从出题人的角度懂得怎样设置语境。 Step 6 Homework (略)


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