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2021 届盐城市高三上期中考试 详细解析: A 篇 A 篇用生动的语言分板块分别讲述了饮茶的好处与某些坏处、茶树与茶的知识科普以及 有关茶的笑话。文本板块清晰,简明易懂,易于推理。 第 21 题 D 根据题目定位至茶的功效两个板块,在 “Benefits”部分中我们可得知 , “three or four cups of tea a day will reduce the chances of heart attacks and certain cancers.” “Other health benefits include bone strengthening and protection against bad teeth.”即饮茶有利于减少心脏问题的发生、增强骨质以及预防牙齿问题。而在 “negative side”板块中我们可以得知,贫血的人不适宜饮茶,故饮茶会增加缺铁的风险, 而不是预防。 第 22 题 C 根据上下文理解,人们害怕茶会有脱水的作用。而专家的解释中说明了茶 并不会起到脱水的作用,茶是一种健康的饮品。故此处的“dispel”应为与打消,消除 相近的含义。 第 23 题 D A 选项中“cure different diseases”并未在文中体现,文中只说明饮茶可以预 防一些疾病的发生。 B 选项中“cannot”与文意相悖,文中 Re-hydration 板块中的专家 提及即使喝了浓茶也会相当于摄入了人体所需的液体,所以浓茶也可以起到解渴的作用。 而 C 选项中的笑话则是并不饮茶的人也能理解的。故A、B、C 选项皆为错误选项。 D 选项可以定位至 Tea facts 中的第一条,即茶树会被砍短以方便采收。 B 篇 B 篇文章讲述了受到视觉障碍的作者在追求写作梦想道路上与视觉障碍搏斗的过程,以 及期间作者所寻找的解决方法。文章很有感染力,较为明晰。 第 24 题 B 定位至题干所指向的段落,根据上下文可知 , “I became unable to read or write for any considerable length of time” ,即作者因为视觉障碍而无法长时间地专注写 作或阅读。与 B 选项最为相符。 第 25 题 A 定位至第三段第四行处, “The greatest barrier seemed to be the automated voice.”困扰作者最多的就是自动语音声,即为本题答案,选A。 第 26 题 A 定位至第五自然段。当作者第一次听见VocaliD 制作的声音时,发现它 与作者自己的声音十分相像,几乎无法辨别出来。加之作者对其寄予的希望,都可以看 出当作者听见 VocaliD 制作的声音时心中的激动与喜悦。 第 27 题 C 本题为段落大意理解推断,但也需联系上文进行理解。通过最后一段及倒 数第二段我们可知,作者可能长时间无法摆脱视觉障碍的困扰,但是当有了新的设备后, 作者不再受到自动语音的干扰,而是拥有了新的、通向内在自我与想象的写作可能,能 够重新享受独自的写作过程。故此题选C。A、B 皆与文意不符, D 选项并非推测, 且科技已经得到了进步。 C 篇 C 篇阅读论述了危机对自身成长的帮助,呼吁大家微笑着面对它,和危机成为朋友。总 体考察大意理解,没有涉及到细节题,每段论述一个论点定位清晰,难度简单。 第 28 题 D 考察前后句子的逻辑关联。第一段them 所在句子的前一句 .these disasters can actually be good for you.无尽灾难事实上可以带来好处。故选 D。 第 29 题 B 考察段落大意的理解。第二段在说面对顾客更高的要求,团队在努力的过 程中提高了能力,加深了和顾客的关系,可见适当超出能力的挑战是有益的。故选 B。 第 30 题 B 考察手法。第三段在论述短时的失败是有好处的,接着举出了自己团队解 决电池问题造成的产能下降这个例子。 A、C、D 的意思分别为:对比、反驳假设、实 验,都不符合。故选 B。 第 31 题 D 文章主旨题。结合全文来看都围绕着危机这个命题进行论述,第一段也开 头点出了中心,要乐观看待危机,在其中成长;而不是随它去、用CEO 的方式做到、 思考深入。故选 D。 D 篇 D 篇文章论述一些真人电视节目输出的错误价值观和内容,对女性的刻板印象和强调外 在,忽视了女性内在美和独立奋斗的形象,会误导青春期少女。作者呼吁培养孩子面对 这类内容要进行独立思考,而不是被塑造影响。考察偏向于大意主旨,无细节题,定位 相对不容易,解答需要综合一些段落得出结论,难度中等 第 32 题 B 第三段.some reality TV shows can be every bit as damaging for teenage girls.真人秀电视节目对青少年女孩的危害很大,故选B。 第 33 题 C 考察段落大意。第六七两段集中论述真人秀的问题,内容充满了对女性的 刻板印象解读,展现的都是女性美丽的外表,而不是一个女性应该有的独立和上进心, 这种价值观是错误的,会误导女孩对于女性的认知。故选C。 第 34 题 A 第八段最后一句 .some shows feature women running their own successful business.一些节目展现的是成功的经营自己事业的女性,该段在说一些女孩对于这类节 目的思考,也举出了不同之前批判对象那样的节目。换句话说,这个人认为真人秀应该 展现的是女性和她们的事业,故选A。 第 35 题 B 段落大意题。作者在第九段中提到,女孩子面对这类节目需要独立批判地 进行思考,而不是被节目中对女性的刻板印象塑造改变自己;第十段总结,再次强调了 critical thinkers,批判思维,青少年处在不平衡的关键期,任何看待事物的思维习惯都 会造成很大影响。故选 B。 027 选 5 阅读 答案:36-40 BADFE 本文为读者推荐了在繁忙的日常生活中人们仍然可以采取的运动方式,以及对于运动过 程的建议。文章版块短小精炼,较为明晰,易于读者理解。 详细解析: 第 36 题 B 根据下文 Barbara 的陈述可知,每个人的生活都非常繁忙,可能会有孩子, 正在变老的父母,工作,伴侣等等需要处理的事情。可见能够抽出时间运动对于人们来 说是一项巨大的挑战。又结合上文运动的好处,可知此处为一句表转折的句子。故选 B。 第 37 题 A 此题只需关注标题即上下句内容即可选出答案。此段内容为对于走路以及 使用计步器的建议。从或简单或高级的计步器开始记录下行走的每一步,都会使人得到 很大的激励。这样才能越走越远。与此相关的选项有且仅有A,故此题选 A。 第 38 题 D 根据段意理解,此段讲的是久坐的危害。故选项中仅有D 选项提及站立 或久坐的问题,能够与上下文相连。此题无迷惑项,选D。 第 39 题 F 此题需关注上下文内容。本段讲述了对于跑步的建议及好处。根据后文 “then, go for longer distances gradually.”可知前面应该为慢慢循序渐进的建议。 F 选项 与文意相符。即为可自主选择从慢跑或是走路开始,慢慢一点点加速。 第 40 题 E 这题要抓好本段的主题词 make it a habit. habit 非常重要,因为 E 选项 的 brushing your teeth, build.into 都是论证 habit 的,相比 C 选项,更加能够呼应文章 主题词!所以抓好段落主题词是关键哦! 03 完形填空答案: 41-45 CABDA 46-50 BCDAC 51-55 DDCBA 这篇完型讲作者没有刮胡子,歪打正着,让过生日的孩子看到了带胡子的蝙蝠侠的 故事。这篇完型的固定搭配,逻辑链考察比较多,第42,45,47,51,55 题算难题。 详细解析: 第 41 题 我的身份认同有问题,即别人认为我是小丑,但是我觉得自己是电影制片人。 所以是 struggle. 第 42 题 我每次都需要演一个具体的角色,如果选B 那就可以选 C。 第 43 题 我不想剪胡子,言下之意, 是我不想改变我的容貌。 第 44 题 因为我不想改变容貌,所以,我没有选择剪胡子。 第 45 题 我(角色所创造)的这种惊喜感被射杀了,为什么呢?因为他们早就看到我 了。这个 surprise 与 surprise, Batmans here!形成呼应。 第 46 题 我现在很后悔没有剪自己的胡子,为什么呢?因为我所创造的惊喜感已经完 全没有了。 第 47 题 他们看到了我脸上的典型特征,即我的胡子(构成了我的典型特征)。 第 48 题 break out in/into laughter 应该属于固定搭配。 第 49 题 根据第 48 空,既然众人觉得我搞笑,应该是比较喜欢我的,所以是 applaud 这个褒义的动作。 第 50 题 我简直不敢相信,爸爸竟然点了一个有胡子的蝙蝠侠! 第 51 题 一开始,蛋糕被搬出来了,这对父母并没有承认事情搞糟了,他们为自己挽 回了面子,因为那个蛋糕的蝙蝠侠真的有胡子。这道题,如果我选,我会选finally. 因为举办生日 party,蛋糕一般是最后出场的。龚露老师见识有限,还请各位多多指点! 第 52 题 见上条解析 第 53 题 in a twist of fate 是固定搭配,表示命运(剧情)得到了扭转。 第 54 题 这对父母让孩子相信了, 我真的是蝙蝠侠。 第 55 题 虽然我不是他们料想的这个超级英雄,即一模一样的蜘蛛侠(即刮胡子的蜘 蛛侠),但是那天我是他们需要的那个超级英雄。此处的hero 应该不是男主角之意, 而是英雄之意。 04 语法填空答案: 56. whose 57. Hopefully 58. less 59. participants 60. efficiently 61. informed 62. called 63. and 64. is patterned 65. For 语法填空不难,是讲一个垃圾回收项目对人们消费意识,节约意识,环保意识的培养, 难点在于孩子们需要知道 be patterned after 这个短语是模仿之意。 详细解析:(因为语法填空比较简单,在此只附上难题的解析) 第 63 题 这里是毕业生能够做的事情,他们能够做A、B 而且 C 这件事情。所以是 and. 本人觉得 or 应该也可以。 第 64 题 be patterned after 表示模仿,这里属于固定搭配,全文用的是现在时,所以 是 is patterned after.05 作文 第一节 (满分 15 分) Sustainable Development Hello, everyone! Im privileged to have the chance to speak on behalf of my class here. As people are becoming more aware of the need to protect the environment, sustainable development has become an irreversible trend. While nearly everything we do in modern lives requires use of the Earths natural resources, they do have many disadvantages. They are non-renewable and burning fuels can be harmful to the environment. Thats why people are pushing for the use of alternative energy sources. Alternative energy sources, including solar energy, wind energy and hydroelectricity, can be used without running out. On top of this, they are environment-friendly and beneficial to the lives of our children and grandchildren. Thats all. Thank you. 第二节 (满分 25 分) He thought for a moment and then asked quietly: “Do you have a suspended coffee?” The cashier smiled and nodded, poured the man a cup of hot coffee and placed it in front of him. The man thanked him, took the glass and left. No one else seemed to take notice of this moment, which appeared to be ordinary in this caf, but I could not help but be moved by this little gesture. However, to my puzzlement, what does a suspended coffee mean on earth? When he saw my expression, my friend began to explain it to me. “Anyone can prepay for a cup of coffee for someone less fortunate without making them feel bad. The cup of coffee waits for anyone interested in it, and who knows better than us what a warm cup of coffee can do for a cold day.” When we got up to leave, I stopped for a moment and went back to the cash register. “I just wanted to buy another cup of coffee. Suspended.”盐城市 2021 届高三年级第一学期期中考试 英语试题 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.19.15. B.9.18. C.9.15. 答案是 C. 1.How was the weather last Saturday? A. Rainy. B.Sunny. C.Cloudy. 2.What will the man probably do next? A.Return to the party. B.Go home. C.Attend a meeting. 3. What is the man doing? A.Sending a text. B.Moving the furniture. C.Painting the walls. 4.Where will the speakers meet this evening? A.Outside a bookstore. B.In a cafe. C.In a concert hall. 5.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.A film. B.A song. C.An actor. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选 项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个 小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6.Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a hospital. B.At home. C.In a restaurant. 7.What did the man do today? A. He went to the dentists. B.He had his eyes examined. C.He made medical appointments. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 8.What did the woman think of the program last night? A.Boring. B.So-so. C.Satisfying. 9.What does the man like doing? A. Watching TV. B.Playing sports. C.Going to the movies. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10. What is the man dissatisfied with about the airport? A. The service. B. The parking lot. C.The location. 11.How does the man usually go to the airport? A. By car. B. By subway. C.By bus. 12.What does the man say about the check-in? A.It is fast. B.It is slow. C.It is uncomfortable. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13. What is the womans problem? A.She cant connect her computer to the system. B.She cant remember her computer password. C. She cant use the system properly. 14.What has the woman done? A. She has talked with IT about her problem. B. She has sent her computer to the factory. C.She has made a phone call to IT. 15.What does the man suggest the woman do? A.Wait patiently. B.Break the meeting. C.Make long phone calls. 16. What can we learn about the woman? A.She knew about the meeting from Tom. B. She has waited for IT for three hours. C. She is unwilling to trouble others. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17.What is the speaker mainly discussing? A.The benefits of selling online. B.The potential risks of selling online. C.The dos and dont about selling online. 18.What is the disadvantage of the big platforms? A. They dont offer insurance to the seller. B.They charge a fee for advertising. C. They cant be accessed easily. 19.What should be avoided? A.Selling things of great value online. B.Meeting the buyer at a private place. C.Using a separate e-mail for selling online. 20. How will the seller be banned from the website? A. By providing false descriptions of products. B.By selling products at a high price. C.By offering personal information. 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Hot Science The Benefits Experts have found that there are clear health benefits of drinking tea. Research has led to the discovery that chemicals found in tea can help prevent cell damage. And there is clear evidence that drinking three to four cups of tea a day will reduce the chances of heart attacks and certain cancers. Other health benefits include bone strengthening and protection against bad teeth.Drinking tea is actually better for you than drinking water, said one doctor. Re-hydration There was also some interesting information on the qualities of tea. The research dispels the fear that tea is dehydrating(脱水)。Everyone assumes that caffeine-containing drinks such as tea dehydrate, a leading expert explained.But even if you had a really strong cup of tea,you would still have a gain of fluid (液体)。In terms of fluid intake,we recommend 1.5 to 2 litres per day,and that can include tea. Tea is not dehydrating. Its a healthy drink. The Negative Side There was only one bit of bad news about tea.Research suggests that tea can affect the bodys ability to absorb iron from food. This means that people at risk of anaemia(贫血)should avoid drinking tea around mealtimes. Tea Jokes Why was the teacher angry with the Teapot? Because he was naughtea. What did the teapot wear to bed? Anightea. Tea Facts Here are some truly amazing tea facts. Teacomes from the.leaves of atree called camellia sinensis.The tree can grow over 10 metres tall. However, it is cut short so that the leaves can be taken easily. Tea is grown in India, Sri Lanka, China, Indonesia, Argentina, Kenya; Japan, ,Bangladesh,Uganda, Malawi, Turkey, Iran, Brazil and Tanzania.India is the worlds largest tea producer. Eighty percent of the caffeine in tea can be removed by pouring hot water over the leaves. 21. Tea is unable to help prevent A.heart attacks B.bad teeth C.weak bones D.iron shortage 22.The underlined word dispel in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to A.confirm B.convey C.remove D.raise 23.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Tea is used to cure different diseases. B.Strong tea cannot relieve human thirst. C.Tea jokes only work for the tea lovers. D.Tea bushes are cut short for easy harvest. B Ive been writing since before I could write. As a kid, I dictated stories to my parents.About 12 years ago,I was living in New York City and pursuing a master in creative writing. For years Id been suffering vision disorder,but in New York my symptoms worsened. I became unable to read or write for any considerable length of time. I tried vision therapy(疗法), an overhead projector,a special pair of glasses-all in vain. Eventually,I discovered a computer program for the visually challenged. As I typed,my words were read aloud by an automated voice. With my screen dimmed to black,I relied entirely on audio feedback to know what I had written. Facing the blank page is worrying,but facing the black page is worse. The dark screen is a sinkhole that swallows creative hope. Sentences disappear into it like an astronaut into a black hole. I managed to complete my master degree, but it took me years to adapt to my new reality. The greatest barrier seemed to be the automated voice, which was like a robot parrot on my shoulder, and I wanted nothing more than to drive it away. If a pianist were forced to practice on an untuned piano,would it corrupt his ear over time? Of course,I could have quit writing and stopped making myself suffer.But it honestly never occurred to me-and Im glad it didnt. Last year, after I told my story on the radio,I was contacted by VocaliD,a Massachusetts-based company that created a voice modeled on my own. The first time I heard the voice they created, it is so close to my own that the two are nearly indistinguishable. Ive only just begun using this new voice. My hope is that this will restore a sense of solitude(孤独) to my writing process,allowing me easier access to that inner space where the imagination can take over, and I can forget myself, and the real work can begin. The black screen still exists-it always will-but the robot parrot has taken wing. 24.What happened to the author when pursuing a master degree in New York? A.His sight started to fail due to much reading. B.His eyes couldnt sustain long hours of reading. C.He had to drop out due to his vision disorder. D.He successfully overcame his vision problem. 25.What still bothered the author after he got his master degree? A. The untuned automated voice. B.The pet parrot on his shoulder. C.The computer with a dark screen. D.The noise from a neighboring pianist. 26.How did the author feel when first hearing the voice created by VocaliD? A. Excited. B.Annoyed.C.Unmoved. D.Relaxed. 27.What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. The automated voice is too annoying to bear. B.The author can restore his sight to normal. C.The author starts to enjoy his writing again. D.It is likely that the technology will improve. C As a CEO of a startup, you get used to hearingno.You also face an endless continuation of what feels like shocking crises, like nearly running out of cash, losing a key customer,discovering a widespread product failure, or having to shut down operations because of a global pandemic. But it tums out that these disasters can actually be good for you. In fact,Im not sure whether you can innovate without them. Heres what all our crises have taught me. Its good to be uncomfortable. We once had a key customer request-a battery capability that wed never developed before. The customer made it clear that if we couldnt develop this capability, theyd be less confident in our product. We wrestled with the risks, not least of which was the potential embarrassment if we couldnt meet the customers needs. We knew wed face many technical problems if we tried to go into operation. Yet we decided to try to satisfy the customer, even if it
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