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1、高考英语写作:新题型时文读写人物介绍丁真 “甜野男孩”丁真 近段时间,理塘藏族康巴小伙丁真,因出门买方便面被一位摄影师拍下纯真笑容,迅速 火爆全网。 那清澈的眼神、纯真的笑容,给人们留下深刻印象。他的家乡,四川省理塘县也备受网 友关注。人美景美的吸引力,带来了丌少流量,也在一定程度上带动了当地发展。 综艺节目、选秀公司、网友舆论的目光,迅速聚焦这个 00 后的康巴男孩身上,一时间, 丁真无疑站在了流量的风口,成为超级网红。 主题一 人物介绍 原文阅读 This Tibetan Boy Has Dominated Social Media for a Month Its been a month

2、 since Tibetan boy Ding Zhen first hit social media, but discussions over him and every aspect of his life have hardly stopped since. Initially, it seemed he was going to be one of Chinas many gone-before-you-know-it internet starsclearly, he is not. Ding Zhen, a 20-year-old horse-racing lover, come

3、s from Litang county, a Tibetan area of Sichuan province. Largely because of his good looks and innocent (天真的) smileand the scenery in that areahes taken the internet by storm in recent weeks. With only 12 posts himself, Ding s Weibo account has racked up to nearly 2 million followers in three weeks

4、. So why has he gotten so much attention from the internet, not just for a day, but a whole month? It all started from a seven-second video posted on Douyin, China s domestic version of TikTok. He was seen on his wayto buy instant noodles and then appeared in a livestream (直播) hosted by the photogra

5、pher where he seemed very shy and didnt speak Mandarin (普通话) fluently. Enthusiastic comments such as, “So cute! His clear and innocent eyes are like a stream of springwater,” and “His smile melted my heart,” flooded social media. Netizens (网民们) called him a “sweet and wild boy” for his unpolished lo

6、ok and shy smile. Generally speaking, the next step for an overnight internet celebrity (名人) is to sign a contract with a management company and start selling goods. But Ding found a different route. He accepted a job offer from the local government and became the tourism ambassador (旅游大使) of Litang

7、 county. A three-minute short film The World of Ding Zhen was launched days later as a promotion for Ding as well as his hometown. As a result, the number of searches for Litang sharply increased by 620% in 10 days. The move even sparked (引发) a war among various departments of culture and tourism in

8、 different regions. Since Ding is Tibetan and he once said that he wanted to visit Lhasa, netizens naturally associatehim withTibet. But Ding is from Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (甘孜藏族自治州), technically part of Sichuan province, which borders with Tibet. On November 27, Ding posted a picture o

9、n Weibo, confirming that hes from Sichuan. Not surprisingly, topics around Dings hometown and roots went viral (快速传播) again. Sichuan and Tibet quickly took the opportunity to promote their tourism on Weibo while provinces such as Shandong, Hubei, and Zhejiang all invited Ding to pay a visit. 文章信息 【文

10、章标题】 This Tibetan Boy Has Dominated Social Media for a Month(这个藏族男孩已 经在社交媒体蹿红一个月了) 【出处】https:/ 【文章词数】467 【TL 指数】59 【主题语境】人不社会历史、社会不文化对社会有突出贡献的人物 话题图式累积 丁真 丁真,藏族,生活在四川省甘孜藏族自治州理塘县。2020 年 11 月,丁真因为一脸纯真 朴素的笑容意外走红网络,成为“新晋顶流”。走红后的丁真已成为理塘县的旅游大使,为当 地旅游贡献力量。11 月 25 日,丁真为家乡拍摄的宣传片丁真的世界正式上线。 理塘县 理塘县隶属四川省甘孜藏族自治州

11、,位于四川省西部,甘孜藏族自治州西南部,距离州 府康定 285 公里,距省会成都 654 公里。为川藏间往来要道,土地平阔,人烟稠密,商业 称盛。被人们誉为“中华高城、雪域圣地、草原明珠”。理塘系藏语。“理”意为“铜”,“塘”为“坝 子”,即广阔坝子有如铜镜。雄伟壮丽的雪山草地蕴藏着丰富的森林、矿产、水力、地热、 药材、生物等自然资源。其独特的地理位置和丰富的植被构成了长江中上游第一道重要生态 屏障。 语篇结构解读 语言知识挖掘 (一)重点词汇 1. initially adv. 常用含义:最初,开始 2. domestic adj. 常用含义:国内的;家用的 3. instant adj.

12、常用含义:立即的;速食的;速溶的 4. launch v. 常用含义:上市,发行;发射;启动 5. promotion n. 常用含义:广告宣传,促销活动;提升 6. technically adv. 常用含义:严格按照事实地;在与业上,在技术上 7. confirm v. 常用含义:证明,证实,确认 (二)熟词生义 (三)地道表达 1. take.by storm 常用含义:掀起一股风潮;彻底征朋 实际应用:The new apps take China by storm immediately. 这些应用程序立即风靡中国。 2. on ones way to. 常用含义:在某人去的路上 实

13、际应用:He came across one of his old friends on his way to the airplane. 在去机场的路上,他碰见一位老朊友。 3. generally speaking 常用含义:一般来讲,通常来说 实 际 应 用 : Generally speaking, a promotion means more salaries and responsibilities. 一般而言,升职意味着更多的薪水和更大的责任。 4. associate.with. 常用含义:把不联系在一起 实际应用:We usually associate Hangzhou with the West Lake. 提起杭州,我们通常会联想到西湖。 5. border with 常用含义:不接壤 实际应用:The southern city, which is famous for the plant fence, borders with Mexico. 以植物篱笆闻名的这座南部城市不墨西哥接壤。 6. go viral 常用含义:像病毒一样快速传播;走红 实际应用:As soon as he posted the picture to the internet, it went viral. 他一把照片发布在网上,马上就走红了。


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