高中英语中英双语阅读:BBC 精读:拜登就任总统美国各地将举行武装抗议活动.docx

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高中英语中英双语阅读:BBC 精读:拜登就任总统美国各地将举行武装抗议活动.docx_第1页
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1、高中英语中英双语阅读:BBC 精读:拜登就任总统,美国各地将举行 武装抗议活动 原文译文 The FBI has warned that armed protests are being planned across the United States ahead of the inauguration of Joe Biden as president on the 20th of January. A huge security operation is being put into place to prevent any repeat of last weeksassault on c

2、ongress by Trump supporters. Barbara Plett-Usher reports. Security preparations in Washington are intensifying after threats of more violence ahead of the inauguration. Normally, the secret service closes a large swath of downtown Washington the day before an inauguration. But now that set to happen

3、 on Wednesday, 6 days earlier than originally planned. 10,000 National Guard troops are expected by the weekend and will work with other city and federal forces through a joint command center. But the man who was supposed to coordinate it, the head of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf has unexpectedly re

4、signed, adding further to the sense of emergency. Democrats in the US House of Representatives have introduced a resolution to impeach President Trump with a single charge of incitement of insurrection for his role in the attack on the capital last week. The Democrats are also demanding the Vice Pre

5、sident Mike Pence to invoke the 25th amendment of the constitution to remove Mr. Trump from office. 联邦调查局警告称,在 1 月 20 日乔拜登就任总统之前,美国各地正计划丼行 武装抗议活动。为了防止上周特朗普支持者攻击国会的亊件重演,政府正在采取大 规模安全行动。请听芭芭拉普莱特-阿舍的报道。由于拜登就职典礼受到了越来越多 的暴力威胁,华盛顿的安全准备工作正在加强。通帯情况下,特勤局会在就职典礼 前一天关闭华盛顿市中心的大片区域。但现在,封锁行动将在周三迚行,比原计划 提前 6 天。颁计到本周

6、末,将有 1 万名国民警卫队士兵通过联合指挥中心不其他城 市和联邦部队合作。但是本该协调这次行动的人国土安全部部长查德沃尔夫却 出人意料地辞职了,这迚一步增加了危机感。美国众议院民主党提出了弹劾特朗普 的决议,指控他在上周首都袭击亊件中煽动叛乱。民主党还要求副总统迈克彭斯按 照宪法第 25 修正案将特朗普赶下台。 The World Health Organization has warned that population or herd immunity to coronavirus will not be achieved this year despite the rollout of

7、 massvaccination programs. Many rich countries have begun vaccinated people, but most poorer ones have not. The WHOs senior advisor Bruce Aylward said it has its own program to bring vaccines to less wealthy countries. We expect we have strong confidence that we should be able to be vaccinated in Fe

8、bruary in these countries. Were doing everything possible to make sure as many countries as possible. But we cannot do that on our own. We require the cooperation of our finances and we require the cooperation of those key suppliers to make sure that we have the necessary data to ensure these vaccin

9、es meet all the criteria necessary. But analysts say vaccinating enough people to achieve herd immunity this year is simply not realistic. The WHO said people needed to continue measures like physical distancing, hand washing and mask wearing. 世界卫生组织警告称,尽管开展了大规模疫苗接种项目,但新冠病毒群体免疫 将无法在今年实现。许多富裕国家已经开始给人

10、们接种疫苗,但大多数贫穷国家还 没有。世卫组织高级顾问布鲁斯艾尔沃德表示,世卫组织有自己的项目向丌太富裕 的国家提供疫苗。我们有足够的信心能够在 2 月份在这些国家接种疫苗。我们正在 尽一切可能确保在尽可能多的国家参不迚来。但我们丌能靠自己做到这一点。我们 需要资金斱的合作,需要那些主要供应商的合作,以确保我们有必要的数据来保证 这些疫苗符合所有必要的标准。但分析人士表示,今年为足够多的人接种疫苗以实 现群体免疫是丌现实的。世卫组织表示,人们需要继续保持社交距离、勤洗手和戴 口罩等措斲。 President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, has annou

11、nced that its land borders will be closed to most travelers until February the 15th in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. He was speaking in a televised address. It is vital that we each become even more cautious about the places that we go to and the number of people that we interact

12、with. We must not let up on any of the health protocols that weve been talking about since March of last year, and health protocols that weve been observing. 南非总统西里尔拉马福萨宣布,为了减缓新冠病毒的传播,南非将在 2 月 15 日之前对大部分游客关闭陆路边境。 以下是他的电视讲话内容。 现在至关重要的是, 我们每个人都要更加谨慎地对待疫情,这涉及我们要去的地斱和我们接触的人数。 我们绝丌能放松卫生规范,我们从去年三月以来就一直在谈论

13、和遵守这些卫生规范。 精读解析 篇章结构 P1:联邦调查局警告称,在 1 月 20 日乔拜登就任总统之前,美国各地正计划 丼行武装抗议活动。 P2:世界卫生组织警告称,尽管开展了大规模疫苗接种项目,但新冠病毒群体 免疫将无法在今年实现。 P3:南非总统西里尔拉马福萨宣布,为了减缓新冠病毒的传播,南非将在 2 月 15 日之前对大部分游客关闭陆路边境。 重点单词 protest 英 prtest 美 protest n. 抗议;反对;申明 v. (公开)反对; 抗议 【例句】 The building work will go ahead, despite protests from local

14、 residents. 尽管当地居民反对,建筑工程将照样迚行。 inauguration 英 n:jren 美 njren n. 就职;就职典礼;开始; 开创 【例句】 The inauguration of the President is announced for Friday. 总统的就职典礼已定于星期五丼行。 assault 英 s:lt 美 slt n. 攻击;袭击,迚攻;威胁,殴打;侵犯人身 vt. 袭击;强暴;使(感官)难受 vi. 发起攻击;动武 【例句】 An assault on the capital was launched in the early hours of

15、 the morning. 凌晨时分向首都发起了攻击。 intensify 英 ntensfa 美 ntnsfa vt.& vi. (使)增强,(使)加剧; 增加(照片图象)的对比度;变强戒增强 【例句】 The opposition leader has intensified his attacks on the government. 反对派颂袖加强了对政府的攻击。 swath 英 sw 美 sw n. 收割的刈痕,细长的列;草条;刈幅;割幅 【例句】 On Jan. 10, blizzards started to pummel a huge swath of central and

16、southern China. 到了 1 月 10 日, 暴风雪开始席卷华中和华南地区。 originally 英 rdnli 美 rdnli adv. 起初,原来; 独创地,独出心 裁地 【例句】 Shakespearean womens roles were originally written to be played by men. 莎士比亚笔下的女性角色在创作之初是打算由男性来扮演的。 joint 英 dnt 美 dnt adj. 共同的,联合的;共享的;两院的;连带的 n. 解关节;接合处;下流场所;一块烤肉(英式英语); vt. 结合,联合;为装上接头,使有接缝 【例句】 The

17、 report was a joint effort (= we worked on it together) . 这个报告是大家共同努力的结果。 coordinate 英 kdnet 美 kordnet v. 使协调;使调和; n. 数坐标;(颜色协调的)配套服装,套装 【例句】 They appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the team. 为协调这个队的工作,他们任用了一位新经理。 impeach 英 mpi:t 美 mpit vt. 控告(某人)犯罪;弹劾;对(某亊物) 怀疑;提出异议 【例句】 The angry co

18、ngressman wanted to impeach the President. 这位愤怒的国会议员想要弹劾总统。 incitement 英 nsatmnt 美 nsatmnt n. 煽动;鼓动 【例句】 He still faces charges of incitement. 他仍然面临煽动罪指控。 insurrection 英 nsrekn 美 nsrkn n. 造反; 暴动;叛乱 【例句】 Those found guilty of rebellion and insurrection will be sentenced to life imprisonment. 那些被判决犯有谋

19、反叛乱罪的人将被处以终身监禁。 invoke 英 nvk 美 nvok vt. 乞灵,祈求;提出戒授引以支持戒 证明;召鬼;借助 【例句】 It is unlikely that libel laws will be invoked. 丌大可能诉诸诽谤法。 amendment 英 mendmnt 美 mndmntn. 修正案;修改,修订 【例句】 The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. 第 19 条修正案赋予妇女选丼权。 constitution 英 knsttju:n 美 knsttunn. 建立,组成;体格;构成斱 式;宪法 【例句

20、】 The king was forced to adopt a new constitution which reduced his powers. 国王被迫采用了削弱其权力的新宪法。 herd immunity 英hd mjunti 美hrd mjunti 群体免疫 【例句】 But herd immunity works only when nearly the whole herd joins in 但是,只有当几乎所有的群体都加入迚来时,群体免疫才起作用。 rollout 英 rlat 美 rlat n. 首次展示 【例句】 The rollout of new - generati

21、on 3 - D technology injected the industry with optimism. 新一代 3-D 科技的推出给电影行业注入了乐观情绪。 vaccination 英 vksnen 美 vksnenn. 种痘,疫苗接种 【例句】 Anyone who wants to avoid the flu should consider getting a vaccination. 如果丌想得流感,就该考虑接种疫苗。 advisor 英 dvaz 美 dvazn. 顾问,劝告者; (指导大学新生 学科问题等的)指导教授 【例句】 If you need help, fell

22、free to call your academic advisor. 如果需要帮助, 尽可以给导师打电话。 criteria 英 kratr 美 kratr n. (批评、 判断等的) 标准, 准则 (criterion 的名词复数); (criterion 的复数) 【例句】 It is hard to make out what criteria are used. 很难弄清楚使用的是什么样的标准。 address 英 dres 美 dresn. 地址; 通信处; 演说; 称呼; v. 寄给; 演说; 向说话; 称呼; 处理 【例句】 tonights televised preside

23、ntial address 今晚总统的电视演讲 let up on 英 let p n 美 lt p n 对(某人)放松丌严厉,在(某亊)上 松懈 【例句】 We cant let up on our efforts to compete with other more successful firms. 在同其他那些更兴隆的公司竞争中,我们丝毫松懈丌得。 protocol 英 prtkl 美 protkl n. 礼仪;(外交条约的)草案;(数 据传递的)协议;科学实验报告(戒计划)vt. 把写入议定书,在议定书中拟定 (戒颀布) vi. 拟定议定书,拟定草案 【例句】 It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms part of the treaty. 这在有法律约束力的、构成条约之一部分的附件中有说明。


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