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Unit 1 Whats the matter? 1. talk too much 2. drink enough water 3. have a cough/cold/fever/ stomachache/headache/toothache /sore throat/sore back. 4. cut oneself 5. lie down and rest 6. have a sore leg 7. drink hot tea with honey 8. see/go to a dentist/doctor 9. get an X-ray 10. take ones temperature 11. put some medicine on it 12. take some medicine 13. move my neck 14. take breaks away from. 15. sit in the same way for too long 16. get myself out of bed 17. at first 18. by oneself 19. enjoy oneself doing sth 20. help oneself to sth 21. it hurts a lot 22. take good care of sth 23. an all-you-can-eat meal 24. cut myself by accident 25. go along. 26. see/hear/watch sb doing sth 27. on the side of the road 28. shout for help 29. without thinking twice 30. get off (the bus) 31. get on (the bus) 32. have a heart problem 33. to ones surprise 34. disagree/agree to do sth 35. thanks to. 36. in time 37. Its sad that. 38. think about sth/ doing sth 39. right away 40. get into trouble (with sb) 41. hurt oneself doing sth 42. put a bandage on it 43. run it under water 44. rest for a few days 45. put your head back 46. feel sick 47. have a nosebleed 48. get hit on the head (with sth) 49. be interested in sth/doing sth 50. be/get used to doing sth 51. take risks=take a risk 52. find sb in a dangerous situation 53. have the same spirit as sb 54. fall down (from sth)=fall off sth 55. have trouble/problems doing sth 56. get hit by a ball 57. get sunburned 58. sth run out 59. sb run out of sth 60. cut off 61. lose too much blood 62. a book called Brave Dogs 63. make a decision to do sth=decide to do sth 64. be in control of sth 65. the importance of doing sth 66. get some sleep Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. 1. help (to)do sth 2. clean up 3. give out food at the food bank 4. after-school study/reading program 5. volunteer to do sth 6. a group of students 7. come up with 8. tell sb about sth 9. Clean-up Day 10. two weeks from now 11. put off doing sth 12. put up signs 13. hand out 14. call up 15. work in an old peoples home 16. help out with sth 17. used to do sth 18. care for 19. work outside 20. help homeless people 21. write down 22. give up doing sth 23. get his future dream job 24. learn about sth 25. a strong feeling of satisfaction 26. the look of joy 27. at the age of 4 28. try out 29. go on a different journey 30. at the same time 31. be busy doing sth/with sth 32. raise money for homeless people 33. travel/live alone 34. take after sb=be similar to sb 35. fix up 36. give away 37. not.any more 38. a broken bike 39. people in need/trouble/danger 40. be proud of sb 41. set up 42. disabled people 43. make it possible for sb to do sth 44. make a difference to sb 45. a friend of mine/kims 46. help out 47. be excited about sth 48. six months of training with a dog 49. at once 50. change sbs life 51. best wishes 52. volunteer as a guide 53. be strong in .=be good at. 54. a call-in center 中考易混淆动词短语中考易混淆动词短语 1.look for 寻找; 2.look after 照顾; 3.look over 检查; 4.look forward to 渴望,向往, 5.look at 看着; 6.look up 抬头看,在查找; 7.look like 看起来像; 8.look back 回顾,回想 9.look through 透过看 ,翻阅,浏览; 10. look into 调查; 11. look out 当心; 12. look out of 往外看 13. put off 推迟, 14. put on 穿上;上演; 15. put away 把暂时收起来,储存备 用; 16. put up 举起,建造,张贴; 17. put out 扑灭; 18. put down 写下;放下; 19. put aside 把搁在一边; 20. put back 放回 21. putinto 把放入 22. put ones heart into 全神贯注 23. turn down 把音量开小一点;拒绝; 24. turn up 把音量开大一点;出现; 25. turn back 折回,往回走 26. turn around 旋转,转过身来 27. turn on 打开(电灯等) 28. turn off 关(电灯等) 29. turn over (使)翻过来 30. turn over 翻开;翻转; 31. turn to 朝向;变成;求助于; 32. turninto把变成; 33. turn into 变成; 34. turn out 结果证明是 35. call at 拜访,后接地点; 36. call on 拜访,后接被拜访的对象;号召; 37. call back 回电话; 38. call in 叫来; 39. call up 打电话, 40. call off 取消 41. get on/along (well) with 与某人相处(融 洽) 42. get up 起床; 43. get on 上车(船、飞机、马) ; 44. get off 下车(船、飞机、马) ; 45. get through 通过,度过,完成 46. get into 进入,陷入; 47. get out (of) (从)出去; 48. get to 到达 49. get together 聚会; 50. get away 离开,逃脱; 51. get down 下来; 52. take off(飞机)起飞,脱掉(衣服) 53. take away 拿走; 54. take out 取出 55. take on 雇佣,呈现; 56. take down 取下; 57. take up 占据时间 58. take care of 照顾 59. take care 小心,当心 60. take ones temperature 量体温 61. take part in 参与,参加 62. take it easy 别着急,慢慢来 63. cut in 插嘴 64. cut down 砍到 65. cut out 停止使用 66. cut up 切碎 67. go over 温习, 68. go off 爆炸; 69. go out 出去,熄灭 70. go ahead 继续向前走; 71. go against 违背; 72. go away 走开; 73. go back 回去,回顾; 74. go by 时间流逝 75. go up 上升, 76. go through 经历 77. go down 下降, 78. go on(时间)过去,继续, 79. come in 进来 80. come out 出来,出版; 81. come down 倒塌,降下来; 82. come from 来自; 83. come back 回来; 84. come across 偶然遇到; 85. come over 过来 86. come true 实现 87. come up 走近 88. come up with 找到,解决,想到 89. come on(表示劝说、激动、不耐烦等) 快!得啦; 90. come along 一道来 91. come up 长出,发芽 92. give up 放弃; 93. give off 放出 94. give out 精疲力竭、累倒,耗尽、用完; 95. give away 泄露,赠送; 96. give back 归还 97. give in 屈服,让步,投降 98. break down 破坏,粉碎,出故障 99. break in 闯进,打断 100. break out 101. fall away 疏远 消失 102. fall off (数量)减少 103. fall over oneself 煞费苦心;不遗余力 104. fall in love with爱上(某人) 105. fall into 陷入,养成, 106. fall into a habit of 养成习惯 107. fall off 掉下,衰退, 108. fall behind 落在.后面 109. fall down 失败 110. fall for 迷恋 上. 111. set out 与 112. set off 同义, “动身、出发、启程 113. set up“创办、树立、搭起 114. set sail 扬帆起航 115. set down 写下,记下,放下 116. set about 着手,开始(做) 117. try on 试穿 118. try out 试验 119. work out 做出, 设计出, 制作出;算出, 得出. 120. work on 从事于, 致力于 121. work hard at 努力做 122. send down 使下降,使降低 向下发送; 吩 123. send up 使上升,使升高 讽刺性的模 仿;戏 124. send after 派人去追 125. send back 退还, 送还 126. send for 派人去叫 127. send away 解雇, 开除, 赶走 送出Unit10 I have had this bike for three years. key phrases from SA 1a to 1c 1. at a yard sale 2. have a yard sale 3. its hard for sb to do sth 4. bring back sweet memories memory 5. give sth away to people in need 6. notanymore 7. have sth for 70 cents 8. over the years 9. by the way key phrases from SA 2a to 2d 1. look through 2. decide what to give away 3. decide how to give away the book 4. have special meaning to sb 5. homemade bread 6. dont fit sb anymore 7. ice skating 8. Home of Children = Childrens Home 9. the story inside 10. a bit old 11. check out sth / to do sth 12. since I was a child 13. one last thing key phrases from SA 3a to 3c 1. be in junior high school 2. as they get bigger 3. seem to do sth 4. clear out sth 5. sb no longer use sth 6. at first 7. play with sth for a long time 8. own a train and railway set 9. feel sad to part with certain toys 10. as for sb 11. to be honest 12. for a while key phrases from SB 1a to 1d 1. a primary school 2. even though=even if 3. interesting places to see 4. wonderful things to do 5.It has been around for 时间段时间段 6. as long as sb can remember 7. miss sbs hometown a lot key phrases from SB 2a to2d 1. millions/billions/thousands/hun dreds of 2. search for sth 3. among these people 4. for the last 13 years 5. return home at least once a year 6. Its a shame. 7. regard with great interest regard A as B 8. send sb to do sth 9. notice sb do/doing sth 10. since the mid-20th century 11. stay the same 12. according to sb = in sbs opinion 13. a symble of sth 14. in sbs time 15. leave sweet memories in our hearts 16. hold sbs childhood memories 17. in close to 3 years1.Wash/do the dishes 2.Sweep the floor 3.Take out the trash 4.Make the bed 5.Fold the clothes 6.Clean the living room 7.Go out for dinner 8.Go to the movies 9.See the movies 10. Stay out late 11. Get sb a ride 12. Work on doing sth 13. Finish doing sth 14. Help out with sth 15. At least 16. Throw down 17. Come over to sb 18. Walk the dog 19. Take the dog to a walk 20. All the time 21. Help around the house 22. Work all day 23. As tired as you are 24. Me, nieither 25. Ask in surprise 26. As soon as 27. Neither of us 28. Hang out with sb 29. Pass sth to sb 30. Borrow sth from sb 31. Lend sth to sb 32. Hate to do sth 33. Buy some drinks and snacks 34. Invite sb to sth 35. What for? 36. Be careful with sth 37. Help sb with sth 38. Stress from school 39. A waste of time 40. In order to do sth 41. Spend time doing sth/on sth 42. Get into a good university 43. There is no need for sb to do sth 44. Provide sth for sb 45. Mind doing sth 46. Its not enough to do sth 47. Depend on parents too much 48. Develop childrens independence 49. Understand the idea of fairness 50. Have no idea 51. As a result 52. Fall ill 53. The early the better 54. It is unfair for sb to do sthUnit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Key phrases from 1a-1c 1. be on the street 2. wait for sb 3. walk home 4. so far 5. yesterdays rainstorm 6. hear the heavy rain against the window 7. sb get (all) wet 8. at the time of the rainstrom 9. at this/that time yesterday 10. at 10:00 am yeaterday Key phrases from 2a-2d 1. be busy doing sth/ with sth 2. go off 3. wake up late 4. look for 5. take a (hot) shower 6. (v.)rain heavily/hard a heavy rain(n.) 7. miss the bus 8. be at school by eight 9. all of a sudden = suddenly 10. keep trying to do sth 11. all over . 12. pick up 13. at that/this time Key phrases in 3a 1. bring sb closer together 2. outside his home 3. with no light outside 4. feel like sth 5. be in the area 6. in the neighborhood 7. pieces of wood 8. make sure 从句/to do sth/of sth 9. beat against the window 10. at first /last 11. fall asleep 12. die down 13. find sth in a mess 14. fallen trees 15. broken windows 16. break sth apart 17. help each other 18. in times of difficulty 19. begin/ start doing/ to do sth 20. with a serious storm happening outside key phrases from GF to 4c 1. take photos of sb 2. buy a drink 3. take the car to the car wash 4. a car accident near our home 5. right away 6. have a look (at sth) 7. the place of the accident 8. be in bad shape from doing 9. the night before = last night 10. youre kidding. key phrases from SB1a to 1d 1. Animal Helpline 2. miss the event 3. school basketball competition 4. call sb so many times 5. make ones way to sp = be on ones way to sp 6. run back home 7. by the side of the road 8. walk by 9. no wonder+从句 key phrases from SB2a to 2e 1. the news of important events 2. in American/Chinese history 3. be at home with sb 4. be (completely) shocked to do sth 5. the rest of our dinner 6. in silence 7. more recently 8. sth have meaning to sb = sth mean something to sb 9. remember doing/ to do sth 10. have trouble/problems doing sth 11. tell the truth about sth key phrases in Self Check 1. point out sth to sb 2. go away 3. do sth as well 4. be in the first/second.grade 5. the big day 6. sit still 7. play the song without any mistakes 8. call out the winner 9. sbs heart beat so quickly 10. stop breathing姓名:_______________ Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? key phrases from SA 1a-1c 1. geographical facts 2. the highest mountain 3. .than any other mountain 4. the biggest of all the salt lakes 5. the second longest river in the world 6. the longest river in the world 7. the answer to the question 8. square kilometers in size 9. 4 meters long/deep/high 10. Qomolangma 11. the Nile 12. the Caspian Sea 13. the Sahara key phrases from SA 2a-2c 1. the Yangtze River 2. the Yellow River 3. .have the biggest/smallest population 4. the population of China 5. as .as. 6. not so/as.as 7. one of the oldest countries in the world 8. much/a lot/a little/even/far older 9. A is the same size as B 10. .have a much longer history than. key phrases in SA 2d 1.feel free to do sth 2. the Ming Dynasty 3. make it the longest wall 4. the ancient emperor 5. the main reason 6. protect their part of the county 7. as you can see 8. as far as I know 9. man-made object 10. the Ming Great Wall key phrases from SA 3a to 3c 1. one of the worlds most dangerous sports 2. mountain climbing 3. run along the southwestern part of China 4. of all(= among) the mountains/ oceans/rivers. 5. rise the highest 6. be dangerous to climb 7. thick clouds cover the top 8. freezing weather conditions 9. heavy storm 10. take in air 11. get near the top 12. the first person to reach the top 13. the first woman to succeed succeed in doing sth 14. risk their lives (life) 15. one of the main reasons 16. challenge themselves 17. in the face of difficulties (difficulty) 18. give up doing sth 19. sb achieve ones dream = sb make ones dream come true 20. the forces of nature 姓名:_______________ 21. spirit of climbers 22. achievements of climbers 23. facts and dangers 24. How high 25. even though = even if key phrases from SB 1a to 1d 1.stand/walk on two legs 2. much/a lot taller 3. much more/less beautiful 4. be born 5. weigh about(=around) 7 kilos 6. the size of a baby panda 7. at birth 8. live up to 20 to 30 years 9. 200 cm shorter than sth 10. weigh/eat much more than sth 11. weigh/eat much less than sth 12. weigh/eat many times more than sth 13. 100 kilos of food key phrases from SA 1a to 2e 1. at Chengdu Research Base 2. the other panda keepers 3. prepare sth for sb 4. be awake 5. run over (to sb) with excitement 6. walk into sth 7. fall over 8. sth be special to sb 9. every two years 10. die from/of illness 11. live very long live for a short time 12. baby/adult pandas 13. 12 hours a day 14. there be . doing sth 15. fewer than 2,000 pandas 16. in the remaining forests 17. another 200 or so 18. research centers 19. an education program 20. teach sb about sth 21. endangered anomals = animals in danger 22. make artwork about pandas 23. other wild animals 24. the Chinese government 25. more forests for pandas to live in 26. fewer and fewer pandas 27. teach sb how to save pandas 28. make more homes for pandas key phrases from SB 3a to Self Check 1. kill/catch sth for sth 2. sea life 3. jump high out of the water 4. rules on whale protection 5. water pollution 6. put rubbish into sea 7. one/another interesting fact is. 8. protect sb from sth 9. more/less crowdedUnit 8 Have you read Treasure Island? key phrases from SA 1a to 1c 1. Ive=I have 2. Alice in Wonderland 3. Robinson Crusoe 4. Little Women 5. Oliver Twist 6. Tom Sowyer 7. a book called Treasure Island 8. Whats it like?= How is it? key phrases from SA 2a to 2d 1. an island full of treasure 2. live in the United Kindom 3. go out to sea 4. both of them 5. be about sth 6. which book to write about 7. grow up 8. put sth down 9. on page 25 10. read the back of the book 11. hurry up 12. be due in two weeks key phrases from SA 3a to 3c 1. arrive at=get to =reach 2. make a boat 3. bring back sth to sb 4. wait for 5. cut down trees 6. build a house 7. kill sth for food 8. grow vegetables 9. some marks of ones feet 10. on the sand 11. who/what/something/anyone. else 12. lose ones life 13. not long after that 14. see sb doing sth 15. try to(not) do sth 16. one. the other. 17. walk/run towards sb 18. name sb 19. teach sb sth 20. shoot things 21. travel in the sea 22. a piece of land 23. in the middle of the sea key phrases from SA GF to 4c 1. Ive=I have youve=you have 2. hes done=he has done shes done=she has done its done= it has done 3. something to drink 4. science fiction 5. write a book report for French class 6. every time+从句 7. cant wait to do
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