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2017 年春季学期期中教学质量检测试卷年春季学期期中教学质量检测试卷 八年级英语参考答案及听力材料八年级英语参考答案及听力材料 参考答案参考答案来源来源:学学|科科|网网 一、1-4 DACB 6-10 BABCAB 11-15 BCCBA 16-20 BBBAC 21-25 CBABA 2 6-30 ACBBC 二、31-35 ABCDA 36-40 CDBAC 41-45 CDAAC 三、46-50 DBACC 51-55 DABCD 四、56-60 DBCBC 61-65 DACDB 66-70 BCBDA 71-75 CCCCA 五、76-80 CEABD 六、81. twent ieth 82. except 83. southern 84. Canadians 85. unable 86. anyway 87. speed 88. famous 89. free/ spare 90. knowledge 91. alone 92. direct 93. receive 94. tourists/ travellers 95. copy 七、七、One possible version: Sunday, April 23rd Windy This morning I got up at 8:00. After I did morning exercises, I had breakfast, my mother made dumplings for breakfast. They were delicious. After breakfast, I did my homework. Then I helped my mother do housework. Before lunch, I phoned my friend Li Mei. I asked her to go to the cinema with me at 2 oclock this afternoon. The name of the film was Titanic. I went to the cinema by bus. I arrived there at 1:50 p.m. Li Mei was waiting for me at that moment. The film was very interesting. We had a good time. 听力材料听力材料 一、听力理一、听力理解(共解(共 30 分)分) (一)听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片,并将其标号填在下面题号后的横线上。每个句子 仅读一遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 4 分) 1. I used to go to school by bike, but now Im used to walking. 2. I went to Sydney last year, it is the largest city in Australia. 3. My sister usually uses the computer to search for information. 4. Look at the book and its a good read. (二)听句子,选择正确的答案。每个句子仅读一遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 6 分) 5. Good afternoon, Jenny! 6. Thank you for your help. 7. How long have you studied in the school? 8. Welcome to my school!来源:Zxxk.Com 9. How many times have you been to Beijing?来源:Zxxk.Com 10. Im going to Beihai for a holiday. (三)听对话,选择正确的答案。 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分) A)你将听到五段对话及五个问题。每段对话及问题读两遍。 11. M: Lucy, how are you going to Xiamen for the summer holiday? W: By plane, I think. Q: How is Lucy going to Xiamen?来源:Z+xx+k.Com 12. W: Where would you like to go on holiday, Sam? London or Paris? M: Neither, Id like to go to HongKong. Q: Where would Sam like to go? 13.W: How long have you been in China, Tom? M: I have been here for nearly five years. Q: How long has Tom been in China?来源:Z&xx&k.Com 14. W: I want to have a picnic next Sunday. What will the weather be like? M: Its cloudy. Its a fine day for a picnic.来源:Z*xx*k.Com Q: What will the weather be like next Sunday?来源:学科网 15. M: Kate, what are you doing? W: My computer is broken. I cant repair it, so Im asking Tony for help. Q: What is Kate doing? B)你将听到两段对话,请根据对话内容,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段短话,回答 1617 小题。 W: Excuse me. May I ask you some questions, Mr Baker? M: Yes, please. W: How long have you taught English? M: Oh, for nine years. W: How many students are you teaching now? M: More than 120. 来源:学|科|网 Z|X|X|K W: Thank you! 听第二段对话,回答第 1820 小题。 W: Hi, Peter! What day is it tomorrow? M: Its Saturday. We arent going to have any classes. 来源:学科网 W: Shall we go boating in Laibin Park? M: Thats a good idea. W: What time are we going to meet? 来源:学科网 ZXXK M: What about half past eight? W: Thats OK. See you then. (四)听短文,请根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分) Hello, boys and girls. Heres some information about our trip to the town of Chester. Its a long trip, over three hours if the traffic isnt heavy. So we have to start early. The bus will wait for you at the school gate, and wont leave until eight oclock. Well take sandwiches for lunch with us and we will eat together in a park. After that we will walk around the old market. You will be able to buy all your presents there. We will meet at the place where our bus stops. My mobile phone number is 13736986520. OK. See you tomorrow. (五)听短文,请根据短文内容,选择正确的答案,补全以下信息。短文读两遍。 (每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) Alice is my pen friend from New York, America. At school, she studies many subjects, including Chinese. She is good at science. Every summer she travels with her parents. This July, her family are coming to China. Im very happy to know that they will come to my city first. I will show them around the city. Im sure they will have a good time in China. And then they will go to London. They will stay there for five days. Of all the places she has visited, she likes London best.2017 年春季学期期中教学质量检测试卷年春季学期期中教学质量检测试卷 八年级八年级 英语英语 题号一二来源:学科网三四五六七总分 得分 评卷来 源:学科网 (考试时间:120 分钟 总分:120 分) 第第卷卷 (选择题,共选择题,共 95 分分) 一、听力理解(共一、听力理解(共 30 分)分) (一)听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片,并将其标号填在下面题号后的横线上。每个 句 子仅读一遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 4 分) ABCD 1.____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ (二)听句子,选择正确的答案。每个句子仅读一遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 6 分) ( )5. A. Good morning!B. Good afternoon!C. Good evening! ( )6. A. My pleasure.B. Thank you.C. No thanks. ( )7. A. Last year. B. For two years. C. In 2017. ( )8. A. Youre welcome. B. Thats OK.C. Thank you. ( )9. A. Twice. B. Second.C. Two days. ( )10. A. No problem. B. Have a good time.C. Yes, you can.来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,K (三)听对话,选择正确的答案。 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分) A)你将听到五段对话及五个问题。每段对话及问题读两遍。 ( )11. A. By train.B. By plane.C. By bus. ( )12. A. Paris.B. London.C. Hongkong. ( )13. A. Five weeks.B. Five months.C. Five years. ( )14. A. Sunny.B. Cloudy.C. Snowy. ( )15. A. Asking Tony for help.B. Helping Tony.C. Repairing the computer. B)你将听到两段对话,请根据对话内容,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段短话,回答 1617 小题。 ( )16. How long has Mr Baker taught English? A. 8 years. B. 9 years. C.10 years. ( )17. How many students are there? A. Less than 100. B. Over 120. C. About 210. 听第二段对话,回答第 1820 小题。 ( )18. What day is it tomorrow? A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday. ( )19. What are they going to do? A. Go boating. B. Go swimming. C. Go fishing. ( )20. When are they going to meet? A. 6:30. B. 7:30. C. 8:30. (四)听短文,请根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分)来源:学 科网 ZXXK来源:Z.xx.k.Com ( )21. Where will the students go? A. A school.B. A park.C. A town. ( )22. When will the bus leave? A. At 8:30 am.B. At 8:00 am.C. At 3:00 pm. ( )23. How will the students go? A. By bus.B. By train.C. By subway. ( )24. What will the students have for lunch? A. Mooncakes.B. Sandwiches.C. Hamburgers. ( )25. Whats the teachers phone number? A. 13736986520.B. 13963896520.C. 13336988550. (五)听短文,请根据短文内容,选择正确的答案,补全以下信息。短文读两遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分) My Pen Friend Who?_26_______ is my pen friend. Where?She comes from _27_______. What?She is a(n) _28_______ in a school. She is good at _29_______. How long?They will stay in London for _30_______ days. ( )26. A. Alice B. KateC. Mike ( )27. A. EnglandB. FranceC. America ( )28. A. doctor B. studentC. teacher ( )29. A. ChineseB. scienceC. P.E.来源:Zxxk.Com ( )30. A. fourB. threeC. five 二、单项选择(每小题二、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共分,共 15 分)分) 从下列各题所给出的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )31. -Have you ever seen ________ one-eyed elephant? -No, never. And you? A. a B. an C. / D. some ( )32. The price of the iphone is more than 800________. A. dollar B. dollarsC. yuans D. pound ( )33. Your iPad is quite nice. Where did you buy ________? I want to buy ________, too.来源:学科网 A. one; one B. it; itC. it; oneD. one; it ( )34. ________ people went out to see what happened. A. Three hundreds B. Three hundred of C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of ( )35. The news was so ________ that the boys were too ________ to say a word. A. exciting; excited B. excited; excited C. exciting; exciting D. excited; exciting ( )36. You dont like the picture. I dont like it, ________. A. too B. also C. either D. as well as ( )37. Dont get on or off the bus ________ it stops. A. when B. ifC. as soon asD. until ( )38. Those foreign friends have studied in Guangxi University ________. A. since three years B. for three years C. three years ago D. in three years ( )39. I lost my mobile phone. I dont know ________. A. what to do B. what to do itC. how to doD. how do ( )40. -________ I answer this question in English? -No, you ________. You may answer it in Chinese. A. Must; mustnt B. May; mustntC. Must; needntD. May; neednt ( )41. My grandma used to ________ TV at home after supper. But now she is used to ________ out for a walk. A. watching; goingB. watching; goC. watch; goingD. watch; go ( )42. Mike has already ________ doing his homework. A. finish B. finishesC. finishing D. finished ( )43. Kitty and her parents ________ Beijing since last Saturday. A. have been in B. have been toC. have gone toD. has been in ( )44. I ________ my computer for almost ten years. It still works OK. A. have hadB. boughtC. have boughtD. have ( )45. -I am leaving for Canada for a trip next week. -________ A. Thats all right.B. Its a pleasure.C. Enjoy yourself! D. Youre welcome. 三、完型填空(每小题三、完型填空(每小题 1 分,共分,共 10 分)分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给出的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Mrs. Andrews had a young cat, and it was the cats first winter. One evening it was 46 when it began to snow heavily. Mrs. Andrews looked 47 it everywhere and shouted its name, but she did not find it, 48 she telephoned the police and said, “ I have 49 a small black cat. Has 50 found one?” “No, madam,” said the policeman at the other end, “But cats are really very 51 animals. They sometimes live for days in the snow, and when it melts(融化) or somebody finds them, they are quite 52 .” Mrs. Andrews felt 53 when she heard this “And”, she said, “Our cat is very 54 . She almost talks.” The policeman was getting rather tired. “Well then,” he said, “Why dont you put your 55 down? Maybe she is trying to telephone you now.” ( )46. A. here B. there C. inside D. outside ( )47. A. at B. for C. after D. around ( )48. A. so B. or C. if D. because ( )49. A. got B. sold C. lost D. bought ( )50. A. he B. she C. anybody D. everybody ( )51. A. bad B. good C. weak D. strong ( )52. A. well B. ill C. careful D. worried ( )53. A. worse B. happier C. colder D. younger来源:Zxxk.Com ( )54. A. busy B. clean C. clever D. angry ( )55. A. cat B. book C. hands D. telephone 四、阅读理解(第四、阅读理解(第 5660 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分;第分;第 6175 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 分,共分,共 35 分)分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A The Blacks are American tourists(游客). They visit now in Beijing. This is their first visit to China. They are going to stay in China for three months. They want to visit some big cities and villages. They hope to learn some Chinese, too. Mr Black is a taxi driver. He likes to drive in Beijing. Mrs Black is a school teacher. She is visiting a city school today and a village school tomorrow. Their daughter is a middle school student. She is going to meet some Chinese students. They are taking a lot of pictures in China. When they return(归还) to America, they are going to show the pictures to their friends. They want the American people to know more about China. ( )56. The Blacks are from ______. A. China B. England C. Canada D. the USA ( )57. The Blacks are staying in ______ now. A. England B. Beijing C. Shanghai D. New York ( )58. Mr Black is ______. A. a teacher B. a doctor C. a taxi driverD. a worker ( )59. There are ______ people in Mr Blacks family. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( )60. Why are they going to show the pictures to their friends when they go back to America? ______ A. Because the pictures are very beautiful. B. Because they like China. C. Because they want the American people to know more about China. D. Because they want the American people to come to China. B Sunny English Club For students 16:00-18:00 Every Saturday 2 00 yuan a month 9 Zhou Yu Street Tel: 3785290 Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more! Ocean Museum 9:00-17:00 From Thursday to Sunday Ticket: 50 yuan 132 Xue Yuan Street Tel:5439871 Show you a full picture of sea lives! Health Centre 9:00-17:30 16 Yong Le Street Tel: 3801451 Free examinations for those over 70 Give you good advice to keep healthy ! ( )61. Sunny English Club is for ________. A. nurses B. policemen C. businessmenD. students ( )62. You can visit Ocean Museum ________. A. on Saturday B. on Wednesday C. on MondayD. anytime ( )63. If you visit Ocean Museum with your parents next Sunday, you will pay ________ for the tickets. A. 50 yuan B. 100 yuanC. 150 yuanD. 200 yuan ( )64. One can get free examinations in Health Centre if he is ________. A. 9 B. 17 C. 67 D.73 ( )65. Sunny English Club is on ________. A. Xue Yuan StreetB. Zhou Yu Street C. Yong Le Street D. Centre Street C One day Daddy and I went out for a walk. On the way we saw a lot of people. We went up and had a look. Oh dear! What did we see? There was a donkey(驴) in the middle of the road. It would not move(动). The cars and buses could not get past. Then a policeman came. “Whose donkey is this?” he asked. “Its mine,”said a farmer, “but I cant move it.” The policeman and the farmer did their best to move donkey, but it would not move. We laughed, but the drivers of cars and buses were worried. “We cant move the donkey, ” the farmer and the policeman said. “What shall we do?” “Give him a carrot(胡萝卜)!” my father said. “Thats a good idea!” said the farmer. Soon he found a carrot and showed it to the donkey. When the donkey saw the carrot, it jumped up and walked after the farmer. All the cars and buses could get past at last! ( )66. I went out for a walk ________. A. with my grandma B. with my father C. by myself D. with my friend ( )67. The donkey was ________. A. on the way to work B. the strongest animal C. in the middle of the road D. pleased to see so many cars and buses ( )68. Daddy and I ________. A. helped to move away the donkeyB. went up and saw a donkey there C. waited for the buses pass first D. saw the donkey was ill ( )69. The farmer and the policeman ________. A. loved the donkey B. were very good friends C. were worried about the donkeyD. wanted to move the donkey ( )70. The donkey wouldnt move itself because ________. A. it was hungryB. it was too lateC. it has a restD. he liked the cars D Mr. Lewis was a dance teacher. He was a nice man and always had a lot of students. One year he moved to a new town, and was soon teaching many students in the dance school there, but he decided to move again to a big city. He would have more work there. When one of his students heard that he was going to leave, she said to him, “The new teacher wont be as good as you are.” Mr. Lewis was happy when he heard this, but he said, “Oh no. Im sure hell be as good as I am - or even better.” The student said, “No. Five teachers have come and gone while Ive been here, and each new one was worse than the last.” ( )71. ________ came to learn dancing from Mr. Lewis. A. A few students B. Few students C. Many students D. No students ( )72. Mr. Lewis wanted to move to a big city because _________. A. he hated the small town B. he couldnt make a living in the small town C. it would be easy for him to have more work in the city D. it made him spend more money in the town ( )73. The student thought that _________. A. Mr. Lewis was a good teacher B. Mr. Lewis was the best teacher C. Mr. Lewis was worse than the last D. Mr. Lewis was the first teacher ( )74. Before Mr. Lewis, ________ teachers came to the town to teach dancing. A. three B. four C. five D. six ( )75. From the story we can conclude(推论) that the student wished ________. A. to have a better teacher B. to have a worse teacher C. to become a dance teacher D. to see the sixth teacher 五、情景交际:补全对话(每小题五、情景交际:补全对话(每小题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 根据对话内容,从方框中选出 5 个最佳选项补全对话,并将其字母标号填写
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