北师大版(三起)五下Unit 11 Weather-Lesson 4 Have a try.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)(编号:418a1).zip

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Unit 11 Weather Lesson4 Who are they? Lets listen to the chant. Sandy What is she going to do? She is going to __________.watch a film What is he going to do? He is going to __________.play footballPeter A: Hi, ___. What are you going to do on Sunday? B: Im going to _______. A: ___ . He/She is going to_______. 2. Ask and answer. 相互问答 visit a friend 3. Write the sentence. 写句子写句子 What am I going to do on Sunday? Im going to have a trip. 旅行旅行 2月月10日日 - 2月月11日日 weather reporter What information can you see in this picture? 从图中你能看到那些从图中你能看到那些信息信息? Can you ask any questions? Whats the weather like in Beijing? snowy and cold snowy and cold Check in your groups(2 mins): 小组内小组内相互相互问答问答并并检查检查 1. 碰撞答案碰撞答案 2. 检查拼写检查拼写 3. 评价书写评价书写 Lets read. G1 G2 G3 Lets be a weather reporter! How to do a weather report? 怎样播报怎样播报一则天气预报呢一则天气预报呢? Work in groups 1. 讨论并确定小组天气预报的播报讨论并确定小组天气预报的播报风格风格和出场和出场顺序顺序。 2. 根据查阅的天气情况,小组合作根据查阅的天气情况,小组合作播报一则天气预报播报一则天气预报 。 3. 时间时间:5分钟分钟。 (注意语音语调,表情,姿态等。)(注意语音语调,表情,姿态等。) 评分标准评分标准 1.语言流利,声音洪亮,发音标准语言流利,声音洪亮,发音标准 +1 2.能利用提供的物品当道具能利用提供的物品当道具 +1 3.能记住台词播报天气能记住台词播报天气 +2 4.播报员播报生动,有创意播报员播报生动,有创意 +3 Homework: Do a weather report for your parents. 为你的父母播报一则天气预报。为你的父母播报一则天气预报。课题课题 北师大版小学英语五年级下册北师大版小学英语五年级下册 Unit11 Weather Lesson4 Have a Try 教材教材 分析分析 本课时是北师大版小学英语(三年级起点)五年级下册 Unit 11 Weather 的第四课时。内容涉及询问或说明将要做什么、打算做什么 表达法的运用。Lets Chant 通过歌谣进行激情热身并唤醒学生旧知。 Lets Find Out 的小组调查活动,要求学生能够在与实际相结合的情境 中,运用表达法了解同学的周末安排或打算,并能转换人称和正确记 录。Lets Read 中设计了播报员播报天气预报的情景,提供了一些世 界主要城市的天气情况。这个活动需要学生阅读预报内容,把文字信 息转换成图示信息,根据提示在图上标注城市的天气。 学情学情 分析分析 通过将近五年的英语学习,学生已有一定的基础,能听懂基本 的课堂用语和课堂活动要求,养成了较好的倾听与思考的习惯,乐于 观察图片、猜测图片,敢于交流与表达。通过一段时间的小组建设, 学生现已具有基本的合作意识、合作习惯。但是在教学中教师还应精 心营造情景,让学生在贴近真实的情境中进行听说练习、对话交流, 以促使学生学会运用核心语言结构。 教学教学 目标目标 一、知识目标: 1.能在理解的基础上有节奏地演唱歌谣; 2.能在小组调查中询问别人或说明自己周末打算做什么; 3.能读懂天气预报的内容,在图示中写出天气情况、画出图标; 二、技能目标: 1.能正确、规范地书写词语和句子; 2.能通过阅读,捕捉关键信息,并将文字转换为图示; 3.能具有一定的将知识灵活运用的迁移能力。 三、情感、态度目标: 1.在小组合作中培养学生的合作意识,增强小组凝聚力; 2.培养学生敢于表达、创新的能力。 教学教学 重点重点 1. 引导学生运用句型完成小组调查并记录; 2. 引导学生理解文本内容,培养阅读能力。 教学教学 难点难点 引导学生读懂天气预报的内容,培养学生图文解码的能力。 教学准备教学准备 多媒体课件,配套教学光盘等、句型卡片、投影仪、道具等。 教学环节教学环节 Steps 教师活动教师活动 Teachers activities 学生活动学生活动 Students activities 课前复背课前复背 激情热身激情热身 Step1. Get Ready 情景呈现情景呈现 Step2. Lets Find Out 境中应用境中应用 情景呈现情景呈现(二二) Step3. Lets Read 1. Greetings 2. Groups division and brain storm:Have Ss say the weather words they learned. T: What weather do you know? 3.Evaluation method introduction. 4. Lets Chant: A. Have Ss listen. B. Have Ss listen and repeat. C. Have Ss chant together. 1.Lead-in: T: What is she going to do? What is he going to do? 2. Show the picture in part2. T: Look. Whos she? What is she going to do? Lets read a dialogue. 3.Have Ss read and find out the answer 4.Demonstration between T and S A.T: Hi, ____. (同时板书名字) What are you going to do on Sunday?(同时板书答句) T: He / She is going to_____. B. Have Ss ask one S together (让一生在黑板记录,其余生在书上记录) 5.Have Ss work in two. Requests clarification: Step1: Write the name. Step2: Ask and answer. Step3: Write the sentence. Step4: Check with each other. 6.Check: T: Do you want to know What is going to do on Sunday? Lets ask (her/his partner). 1.Lead-in: A. Do you want to know “what am I going to do on Sunday”. B. Im going to______. 2. Show the picture on P67(cover 1. Greetings 2. Listen and brainstorm 3.Listen 4.Chant together 1.Look and say Ss: She / He is going to _____. 2.Look, guess and read 3.Read the dialogue 4.Listen S1: Im going to____. (用手指书空) B. Hi,____. What are you going to do on Sunday? 5.Work in two 6.Ask and listen 1. Guess and listen 2. Look 境中探究境中探究 情景拓展情景拓展 Step4. Im the weather reporter. 境中应用境中应用(二二) the title: Weather Report, and date) A. Lead Ss observe the picture. T: What information can you see in this picture? I can see Beijing here. (提问题,引导学生观察图片并找出信息) Teach the cities if necessary. B. Tell Ss that this is a weather report. C. T: Look at the woman. What does she do? Teach“weather reporter”. D. Show another picture of a weather reporter and ask: What does she do? E.T: Can you ask any questions? Whats the weather like in Beijing? Have Ss skim the weather report by themselves and underline the key words. F. Check the answer and have a S underline key words on the PPT. G. T: Whats the weather like in other cities? Have Ss read, write and draw. H. Demonstrate how to check in groups. Have Ss check in their groups. I. Check together. J. Have Ss read the weather report. 1.Show the map of China T: Now, lets be a weather reporter! But how to do a weather report? 2.T: You can choose from the two styles. Play the exemplary video. 3.Work in groups: Have Ss read the requests. Explain the evaluation standard. Have Ss take out their maps. 4. Group-work. 5.Invite a group to do the weather report. Then have Ss evaluate. A.Observe and find out the information B. Look and guess C. Look and say D. Look and say E.Think and ask Skim and underline F. Answer and look G. Read, write and draw. H. Check in groups I. Check together J. Read 1.Look and think 2.Listen and watch 3. Read and listen 4.Work in groups 5. Watch and evaluate 作业作业 设计设计 Homework: Do a weather report for your parents in English. 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit11 Weather Lesson4 A: What are you going to do on Sunday? B: Im going to . Name Things to do _____ G1 G2 G3 教学教学 反思反思 Step1:Lets Chant 承前启后,激情热身。达到了唤醒思维,复习旧知,为后续教学 进行铺垫的目的。 但在听说转入下一环节问答并书写之前或考虑加入一个 Freetalk 的环节。 Step2:Lets Find Out 教学目标的达成较好。但在小组合作之后的核对环节形式比较单 一,可以丰富核对的形式,把更多的机会交给学生。如:师-生、多生 -生、多组-组等形式。这样更能激发学生的参与度,练习转述的面更 广。 在过渡到下一个阅读部分时稍显突兀,可以将“打算做什么”与 “天气情况(预报) ”有机结合起来,这样逻辑更连贯,过渡更自然。 Step3:Lets Read 任务步骤明确、细致;小组合作的形式有效。 在镜中探究,提出问题环节:应该因势利导地及时处理学生提 出的问题,如学生先提出“Whats the weather like in London?”那么 教师就应先引导学生扫读并找到伦敦的天气情况并示范在地图上书写、 画。 示范可以更到位,并在示范后及时核实学生是否听懂。 评价: 过程性评价真实有效,评价形式与课题内容结合,调动了学生的 积极性。但同时应注意,评价语可以更丰富多样,或更多地把评价权 交给学生,是他们真正成为课堂的主体,学习的“主人翁” 。
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