北京版(四下)UNIT SEVEN WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FLOOR -Lesson 23-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级优课-(编号:05422).zip

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  • 北京2011课标版一年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_UNIT SEVEN WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FLOOR _Lesson 23_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_部级优课_(编号:05422)
    • 课件播放完整资源包
      • I'm sorry I broke toy car. I dropped it.mp3
      • I'm sure he won't. Never mind..mp3
      • It's all right. Don't worry. I can fix it..mp3
      • It's birthday gift. Will he be upset.mp3
      • L23.swf
      • L23课文音频.mp3
      • Lesson 23.pptx--点击预览
      • 产出的对话.mp4
      • 打碎杯子.mp3
      • 破坏王片段(短).mp4
    • Lesson 23.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案05422.doc--点击预览
    • 课后作业.docx--点击预览


U7 What happened to the floor?U7 What happened to the floor? Lesson 23Lesson 23 Ralph Felix Lets Lets fixfix them them togethertogether! What What What What do you want do you want do you want do you want to to to to knowknowknowknow? ? ? ? Listen and say Why Why does does he look worried?he look worried? Listen and say Why Why does does he look worried?he look worried? Im sorry I broke Maomaos toy car. I dropped it on the floor. Listen and say What What does does Maomaos father answer? answer? Listen and say What What does does Maomaos father answer?answer? Its all right. Dont worry. I can fix it. Read silently! l Open your books at P50 l Read Pic 1 silently Circle the words you dont know. How to read ? Whats the meaning of? Read silently! l Open your books at P50 l Read Pic 1 silently Circle the words you dont know. How to read ? Whats the meaning of? b d f nowpast breakbroke broke the window broke the hat broke the watch past dropdropped nowpast dropped the book dropped the ruler dropped the eraser past I can fix it! fix Listen and say Listen and Read Lets act! What What What What is Maomaos father doing?is Maomaos father doing?is Maomaos father doing?is Maomaos father doing? Listen and say What does What does Yangyang ask?ask? Listen and say What does What does Yangyang ask?ask? Its Maomaos birthday gift. Will he be upset? Listen and say What does What does Maomaos father answer?answer? Listen and say Im sure he wont. Never mind. What does What does Maomaos father answer?answer? Is Yangyang a good boy? Is Yangyang a good boy? Read silently! l Read Pic 2 silently Circle the words you dont know. How to read ? Whats the meaning of? b d n Never mind. never Thats OK. = Listen and say Listen and Read ? ? Lets guess Lets read I want to be ? ? Pic 2 Listen and retell Who ? Where ? What ? Im sorry I broke the cup. Its all right. / Never mind. /Thats OK. Im sorry I kicked the ball into the lake. ? Can you help them? Im sorry I your Its all right/We can fix it. I can help you. Pleasenext time. OK. I see/I got it. Hello, ! Why are you so worried? 2s: Im sorry! Its all right./ Never mind. Lets be good friends forever!Lets be good friends forever! 1. 17zuoyeL23 Think about one of your mistakes and fill in the form. Try to write a letter to say sorry. Dear , Im sorry I . I in/at . I will be careful next time! Im sorry! Yours,1 指导思想与理论依 据 2 教学背景分析 2- 4 教学目 标 5 教学流程示意 图 6 教学过程 7- 12 学习效果评价设计 12- 13 教学设计特 点 14 教材复印页 15- 16 指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准 (2011 版)指出,英语具有工具性与人文性的双重性质,只有学 生能够学以致用,运用语言进行交流,英语教学才真正有意义。就工具性而言,英语 课程不仅承担着培养学生基本英语素质的任务,还注重发展学生的思维能力发展学生的思维能力,形成有 效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力发展自主学习能力。 基础教育课程改革纲要(试行) 中指出:“教 2 师要注重培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力及交流与合作的能力。 ”这也是英语学科核心英语学科核心 素养素养所提倡的,即注重培养学生的思维品质。 本课基于英语学科核心素养的培养,从传统的语言知识传授提升到培养学生的学本课基于英语学科核心素养的培养,从传统的语言知识传授提升到培养学生的学 习能力,语言能力和思维能力。习能力,语言能力和思维能力。 基于上述理论依据,本课以电影无敌破坏王引入,介绍破坏王 Ralph 把很多 东西破成碎片需要修复的情境,激发学习兴趣并建立小组评价;对话学习中,让学生 发散思维自主识图;之后启发学生用自己的语言进行复述,并续写对话、补充结局; 最终鼓励学生开动脑筋,为避免类似的意外而提出合理建议,并能在情境中与同伴交流, 培养学生的自主学习能力和思维品质,并培养学生的语言综合运用能力。培养学生的自主学习能力和思维品质,并培养学生的语言综合运用能力。 教学背景分析 1、教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课是北京版义务教育教科书四年级下册第七单元第一课时的教学内容。本单元 内容主要围绕“询问发生了什么事情及其回答”展开。 单元教学内容分析:单元教学内容分析: 在本单元中,三个新授课所涉及的场景、功能句及词汇详见下表: 场景(Scene)功能句(Language)词汇(Vocabulary) Lesson 23Yangyang 弄坏了 Maomao 的玩具车, 他去 Maomao 家道 歉,Maomao 爸爸说 没关系而且能修好。 学会表达歉意并原谅学会表达歉意并原谅 对方。对方。 -Im sorry I broke -Its all right. / Never mind. 对话:broke, dropped, fix, never, kicked 拓展:break, drop, kick Lesson 24Baobao 和妈妈边吃 饭边讨论自己弄丢了 书包和钥匙,妈妈提 醒 Baobao 下次注意。 学会询问怎么了并向学会询问怎么了并向 -Whats the matter? -I lost 对话:lost, key, left, cap, next, spilled, playground 拓展:lose, leave, spill 3 对方描述自己发生的对方描述自己发生的 事情。事情。 Lesson 25妈妈回家询问发生了 什么,原来是 Maomao 和 Lala 在 家“闯祸”,弄湿地毯, 弄碎花瓶。 学会询问发生了什么学会询问发生了什么 事,并描述是谁做了事,并描述是谁做了 什么。什么。 -What happened to the floor? -Im sorry Lala wet it. 对话:happened, wet, forgot, vase, naughty 拓展:happen, forget 三个课时的内在联系分析:三个课时的内在联系分析: 通过分析本单元前三课时知识点的联系,教师发现:这三课时的内容都涉及描述 在过去发生的事情,其中 Lesson 23 是主动向别人道歉并求得原谅,而 Lesson 24、Lesson 25 是别人询问发生了什么事情并回答自己或他人做了什么,Lesson 23 为 后两课的学习做了铺垫。 本课时教学内容分析:本课时教学内容分析: 本课以电影无敌破坏王引入,介绍破坏王 Ralph 把很多东西破成碎片需要修 复的情境,在激发学生学习兴趣的同时也建立了小组评价机制;对话学习中,让学生 发散思维自主识图;组织学生通过体验、参与、自主学习的方式理解对话;之后启发 学生用自己的语言进行复述,并续写对话、补充结局;最终鼓励学生开动脑筋,为了 避免发生类似的意外,提出合理建议并能在情境中与同伴交流。 2、学生情况分析、学生情况分析 学生学习心理方面:学生学习心理方面:由于我校是五四学制,所以现在三年级第二学期的学生使用 四年级下册的教材。本班学生依然保持着积极的英语学习兴趣,愿意以同伴互助学习 的形式完成学习任务,并乐于用英语来表达自己的想法,体验用语言做事情的快乐。 语言学习能力方面:语言学习能力方面:本班学生能够听懂篇幅较短的对话,理解大意;能够用所学 过的功能句型对话,并能够贯彻景山学校一直以来由学生做课前 duty report 的传统, 这学期本人尝试以小老师上课的形式带着所有同学复习巩固前一节课学过的内容;学 生能够阅读对话,并能够拼写所学过的重点词汇及功能句型。本学期重点培养学生复 4 述对话的能力。 内在知识储备方面:内在知识储备方面:本班学生能够运用 Im sorry 或 Sorry 简单表达歉意;在本册 书 Unit 6 已学过 Be careful! Please dont表建议的语句;本课涉及的时态过去 式也在 Unit 6 Lesson 21 中出现过:Sorry. I stepped on your foot.所以学生在学习本 课时对于过去式的意义已有初步了解。但更多的动词过去式仍是学习的重难点,而且 因为自己在过去做的某件事而致歉,学生还是不能用英语准确表达,所以对话中 Im sorry I broke/dropped是本课学习操练的重点。Thats OK.是学生已经学过表“没关 系”的交际用语,但 Its all right. / Never mind.还是第一次学习。 因此,教师设计多个环节,激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生借助所学词句自然交 际,突破重难点,促进学生自主学习能力和思维品质的提高,培养学生的语言综合运 用能力。 3、教学方式、手段及技术准备、教学方式、手段及技术准备 教学方式:集情景教学法、Task-based language teaching(任务型教学)与 Communicative teaching(交际性教学)为一体的课堂教学。 教学手段:把信息技术手段与传统教学手段相结合,课堂展示课件,视频,信息 卡,实物道具(如手表,尺子等)等。 技术准备:动画、电影片段和 PPT。 4、教师特点分析、教师特点分析 本人英语语言素养较好,英语专业八级。任教三年来,一直饱含激情,坚持在教学 过程中创设语境、组织多种多样的教学活动,注重对学生思维能力的培养注重对学生思维能力的培养,努力落实 核心素养的要求。从而帮助学生学习英语、爱上学英语并在实际生活中应用英语进行 表达。 教学目标(含重、难点) 教学目标教学目标 (一一)知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标: 1. 学生能够认读并运用词汇“broke, dropped, fix, never, kicked”; 认读词汇”break, 5 drop, kick”。 2. 学生能够听懂、认读及表达做错事情向他人道歉的语句“Im sorry I broke/dropped ”,以及用“Its all right. / Never mind.”应答;并能够分角色朗 读及表演对话。 3. 学生通过学习能够尝试复述对话内容,并梳理做错事情道歉的语言和包容他人 的语言方式。 (二)过程与方法:过程与方法: 1. 学生通过看视频、跟读模仿、朗读等方式,理解和认读“broke”等本课重点词汇。 2. 学生在情境中,通过同伴分角色朗读及模仿等方式,运用及巩固功能句的使用。 3. 学生通过同伴合作的方式,操练关于为自己做错的事情致歉并应答,同时给出 合理的建议。 (三三)情感态度与价值观:情感态度与价值观: 学生能够树立做错事情及时道歉的意识。 教学重点教学重点 1. 学生能够认读并运用词汇“broke, dropped, fix, never, kicked”。 2. 学生能够听懂、认读及表达做错事情向他人道歉的语句“Im sorry I broke/dropped”,以及用“Its all right. / Never mind.”应答;能够分角色朗读 及表演对话,并尝试复述对话内容。 教学难点教学难点 1. 学生能够掌握”fix it”的发音。 2. 学生能够运用本课所学语言知识,在不同的场景中准确使用做错事情向对方道歉 的语言和包容他人的语言表达。 教学流程示意图 6 教学过程 结束 谈论电影,引入破 坏王破坏东西的情 境 Wreck-It Ralph 建立评价机制 并导入课文 学习第一部分 学习第二部分 整听、复述对话 拓展学习、小 组表演 本课小结 布置作业 课前展示 复述 More accidents, 提建议 回顾所学 碎片体验感知 Ppt激发兴趣 Ppt,动 画,道具 学习课文 Ppt, 动画 续编对话 板书锻炼思维 Ppt, 道具拓展提高 板书, Ppt 复习巩固, 情感升华 识图、理解对话、 词汇学习、小组表 演 小组表演 理解对话、词汇学 习、补充对话 7 教学环节教学环节 时间安排时间安排 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Before class Welcome to my class! (Duty show) 一直坚持的 课前轮流展 示,锻炼学 生的语言表 达能力和综 合展示技能。 ILeading-in (4 min) 1. Free talk “What do you like to do after school?” “I like to watch movies. Here is an interesting one called Wreck-It Ralph.” 1) Tell more about Ralph and Felix 【ppt】 (show a part of the movie) 2) Show the broken things “Ralph broke many things in the building. Now theyre in pieces. If these are your things, how do you feel? Your heart is broken like this. (指板书)” “Now lets fix them together!” 3)Ask Ss feelings about the pieces: “Look at the pieces. Are you happy?” Show the worried Yangyang and say” Look! Yangyang looks worried, too.” Think and answer: I like to Look and listen Listen and watch Im angry/upset/sad! Listen and look No, Im worried/upset/sad 用电影无 敌破坏王 引入,主人 公把很多东 西破成碎片 需要修复的 情境既符合 本课内容, 又激发学生 的学习兴趣。 阐明小组评 价机制。 过渡到本课 对话。 10 IIPresentatio n (20 min) 1. Pic “What do you want to know?” 【ppt】 2.Watch and answer 1) Play the first part and ask “Why does he look worried? (What does he say?)” (repeat&板书) 2) Play it again and ask “What does Maomaos father answer? (repeat&板书) 3.Read silently and look for hard words: 【ppt】 1). broke 【ppt】 Think and answer: Who is the man? What are they talking about? . Im sorry I broke Maomaos toy car. I dropped it on the floor. Its all right. Dont worry. I can fix it. Read and ask questions Follow to read the words Look and say: broke the window / watch / hat 发散思维, 自主识图。 分两次看动 画,先理解 大意再提取 细节。由于 句子较长, 给出框架降 低难度。 学生自主学 习,发现问 题。 借助黑白照 片表过去, 易于让学生 理解。 学完词汇先 回归对话情 境中运用; 再替换不同 场景巩固训 11 “If you are Yangyang, what wil you say?” 2)dropped, fix(PPT 略) 4. Listen and read Now lets go to Maomaos home together. 5. Role-play T makes an example with 1s first. 1. Pic “Now theyre sitting in the sofa. What is Maomaos father doing?” 2. Watch and answer 1) Play the second part and ask “What does Yangyang ask?” 2) Play it again and ask ”What does Maomaos father answer?” 3) Yangyang feels better now. He wants to say sorry. “What do you think of Yangyang? Is he a good boy?” 【ppt】 “Im sorry I broke” Listen and read after the video. Listen and look Work in pairs and act He is fixing the toy car. Its Maomaos birthday gift. Will he be upset? Im sure he wont. Never mind. He is a good boy, because he wants to say sorry. Read silently Follow to read and say 练。 跟读对话 借助道具表 演,在情境 中运用所学。 过渡到第二 段对话的学 习。 让学生评价 Yangyang, 表明情感态 度。 12 3. Read silently and teach the word never 4. Listen and read 5. Think about the ending “Then Maomao comes back. Guess. What will Yangyang say? What will Maomao answer?” 6. Role-reading 【ppt】 7.Listen and retell 【ppt】 Read after the video Im sorry I broke your toy car Its all right. / Never mind./ Thats OK. Work in groups of three and read the second part. Listen and retell the story. 猜测对话的 结尾,既锻 炼思维也巩 固重点句。 分角色朗读 对话,体验 语言的交际 性。 复述对话, 锻炼语言表 达能力和思 维能力。 IIIPractice and production (15 min) 1. More accidents Thats Yangyangs mistake. How about other friends? “Guess. What happened?” 【ppt】 Lingling broke the cup. 13 “What will Lingling say?” “If this is your cup, what can you answer?” “Where is the football? 【ppt】 (show what happened 1 minute ago) Teach “kicked into” 2. Give suggestions Ask the students to give some suggestions to avoid the accidents. “Can you help them? Do you have any suggestions?” 3. Make up a dialogue “Those are their mistakes. We often do the same thing(show 道具) Lets look at our friends. What did they do?” (Play the video.) 【ppt】 Im sorry I broke the cup. Its all right Its in the lake. follow to read Think and say: Be careful! Please dont Watch and listen Work in groups of three and practice 借助声音, 让学生丰富 体验,并拓 展所学。 让学生看到 发生了什么, 并灵活表达。 在所学内容 的基础上发 散思维,提 出合理建议 以避免类似 意外的发生。 学以致用, 小组合作借 助实物完成 表演。 14 4. Summary Lets learn from Yangyang. When we make mistakes, what should we say? Thats OK. We can be kind to others and answer? And remember we should be careful next time. Only in this way, we can be good friends forever. 【ppt】 Listen and say: Im sorry! Its all right. / Never mind. 再次巩固重 点句,且强 调本课的情 感态度。 .Homework (1 min) Tell the homework. 【ppt】 Listen to the teacher carefully. 15 板书设计板书设计 学习效果评价设计 1. 课堂效果评价设计(课内检测)课堂效果评价设计(课内检测) 英语课程标准 (2011 年版)指出:英语课程评价体系要通过采用多元优化的评 价方式,评价学生综合语言运用能力的发展水平,并通过评价激发学生的学习兴趣, 促进学生的自主学习能力、思维能力、跨文化意识的发展。评价体系应包括形成性评 价和终结性评价。日常教学中的评价以形成性评价为主,关注学生在学习过程中的表 现和进步。本节课堂教学中,在培养学生听说读等基本语言能力的同时,教师还积极 引导学生发展思维能力以及合作自主学习的能力。基于上述目标,教师在课堂教学中 设计了以下两种评价形式: (1)通过学生参与教学活动的积极性及反馈效果,教师采用体态语言、口头激励、小 贴画,对学生进行及时评价。 (2)教师还结合本课主题,给每个小组准备一个被弄坏的物品碎片,伴随课堂活动的 开展,以拼接物品得以修复对小组给予激励,以激发学生兴趣,树立自信心,以更饱 满的精神完成学习任务。 2. 学生自我评价设计(课后检测)学生自我评价设计(课后检测) I can read. I can answer. 16 broke, dropped, kicked 1. What do you say when you did something wrong? fix, never 2. What do you say when others say sorry? 3. 评价量规评价量规 评价项目评价项目自我评价自我评价学习伙伴评价学习伙伴评价教师评价教师评价 认真听讲、积极思考 踊跃举手、表达见解 善于质疑、勇于提问 乐于倾听他人 积极投入课堂活动, 充分调动口、眼、耳 积极参与小组合作学 习,能给别人指点帮 助; 学生的语言表达流畅 有条理、思路清晰 我这样评价我自己: 伙伴眼中的我: 老师的话: 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点 1.1.培养学生思维能力,注重培养核心素养。培养学生思维能力,注重培养核心素养。 首先,本课在对话文本的教学过程中,让学生发散思维自主识图;其次,学完对话 启发学生用自己的语言进行复述,并续写对话、补充结局;最后,鼓励学生开动脑筋, 为避免类似的意外而提出合理建议,并能在情境中与同伴交流,整个过程培养学生的 思维能力,努力提升思维品质,最终达到培养学生核心素养的目的。 2.2.注重对学生自我发现问题的培养,引导学生进行自主性学习。注重对学生自我发现问题的培养,引导学生进行自主性学习。 17 本课在讲授重点词汇时,让学生通过默读对话发现疑难词汇,向老师提问进而再学 习,整个过程是在学生主动发现问题再逐步解决问题的基础之上,而非学生被动接受。 对学生自主学习能力的培养也为日后的学习打下良好的基础。 10 10LetterSorry WhoWhere Didbroke/dropped/kicked/stepped onWhatU7 What happened to the floor?U7 What happened to the floor? Lesson 23Lesson 23 Ralph Felix Lets Lets fixfix them them togethertogether! What What What What do you want do you want do you want do you want to to to to knowknowknowknow? ? ? ? Listen and say Why Why does does he look worried?he look worried? Listen and say Why Why does does he look worried?he look worried? Im sorry I broke Maomaos toy car. I dropped it on the floor. Listen and say What What does does Maomaos father answer? answer? Listen and say What What does does Maomaos father answer?answer? Its all right. Dont worry. I can fix it. Read silently! l Open your books at P50 l Read Pic 1 silently Circle the words you dont know. How to read ? Whats the meaning of? Read silently! l Open your books at P50 l Read Pic 1 silently Circle the words you dont know. How to read ? Whats the meaning of? b d f nowpast breakbroke broke the window broke the hat broke the watch past dropdropped nowpast dropped the book dropped the ruler dropped the eraser past I can fix it! fix Listen and say Listen and Read Lets act! What What What What is Maomaos father doing?is Maomaos father doing?is Maomaos father doing?is Maomaos father doing? Listen and say What does What does Yangyang ask?ask? Listen and say What does What does Yangyang ask?ask? Its Maomaos birthday gift. Will he be upset? Listen and say What does What does Maomaos father answer?answer? Listen and say Im sure he wont. Never mind. What does What does Maomaos father answer?answer? Is Yangyang a good boy? Is Yangyang a good boy? Read silently! l Read Pic 2 silently Circle the words you dont know. How to read ? Whats the meaning of? b d n Never mind. never Thats OK. = Listen and say Listen and Read ? ? Lets guess Lets read I want to be ? ? Pic 2 Listen and retell Who ? Where ? What ? Im sorry I broke the cup. Its all right. / Never mind. /Thats OK. Im sorry I kicked the ball into the lake. ? Can you help them? Im sorry I your Its all right/We can fix it. I can help you. Pleasenext time. OK. I see/I got it. Hello, ! Why are you so worried? 2s: Im sorry! Its all right./ Never mind. Lets be good friends forever!Lets be good friends forever! 1. 17zuoyeL23 Think about one of your mistakes and fill in the form. Try to write a letter to say sorry.
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