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I can describe the beginning, middle and end of a story. Who are the characters? What are their problems? What happens to the characters? Whats the ending北京市宣武师范学校附属第一小学北京市宣武师范学校附属第一小学 崔嵬崔嵬 By L. Frank Baum the writer the title the main characters By L. Frank Baum By L. Frank Baum Dorothy lived in a small house with her uncle and aunt. One day, a terrible cyclone blew Dorothy to Oz. Dorothy was lost. She wanted to go back home. Dorothy met a straw man. He didnt have brains. Dorothy decided to help him. Then Dorothy met an iron man. He decided to go with them because he didnt have a heart. They went on and met a lion. The lion didnt have courage. Dorothy decided to help him. They were on their way to meet the Wizard of Oz What are their problems? 1. Read your storybooks from Page 3 to Page 6. 2. Match on your worksheets. Dorothy was lost. First Dorothy met a . I dont know anything, because I have no brains. straw man I have no heart. So I cant love or feel. Why do you ask for a heart? Then they met an . iron man I have no heart. So I cant love or feel. Why do you ask for a heart? Then they met an . iron man Im not brave at all. If elephants and tigers fight me, I will run away. They went on and met a . lion They went to see the Wizard of Oz They met a river on their way. No, no. I cant. Im so scared. I got it! Lets make a raft. No. How are we going to cross this? A raft? They met a river on their way. I got it. Lets make a raft. Lets act! Read clearly and emotionally. No, no. I cant. Im so scared. I got it! Lets make a raft. No. How are we going to cross this? A raft? They came to the edge of the cliff. They went back. They jumped across the cliff. This is really scary. But get on my back, everyone. Come on. Hurry up! If you climb on my back, I can jump across. What? It is really scary. But get on my back! Now theyre in the field. Oh, no, Dorothy! You have to wake up! Oh, Dorothy! You are all right. After the long journey, they found that the Wizard of Oz was actually Do they need the Wizards help? Dorothy also got back home. The End feeling? feeling? Know more about Know more about “the Wizard of Ozthe Wizard of Oz”1 “The Wizard of Oz”教学设计 教学设计理念教学设计理念 课程标准明确指出:要积极开发并利用校内外各种资源,让学生通过实践, 增强探究和创新意识。 北京市英语学科教学改进意见中进一步强调:要切实转变 学科教与学的方式。加强英语学习的开放性和实践性,用好英语学习资源,广泛开展 讲故事、课本剧等活动。 英语教学不仅仅是让学生获得特定知识掌握基本技能,还要在理解和表达的语言 实践活动中,融合知识学习和技能发展,通过多种思维活动,建构结构化知识,在分 析问题和解决问题的过程中,发展思维品质,形成文化理解,学会学习,树立正确人 生观和价值观,促进英语学科核心素养的形成与发展。英语教育的价值在于促进人的 心智发展,塑造健康的品格,培养思维能力。 英美经典儿童文学作品以它的趣味性及其故事情节的吸引力引发学生学习英语的 兴趣,感受英语学习的乐趣,带领他们走进英语学习的世界。本课基于教材内容进行 拓展延伸,开展对于 The Wizard of Oz(绿野仙踪)这一颗英美儿童文学名珠的“经 典故事”的学习实践,旨在丰富学生的语言输入,初步感受经典作品的魅力,引发学 生对角色产生情感共鸣,潜移默化中引导学生掌握学习方法、了解感悟经典,提高文 学素养,并在问题驱动下努力提升思维深度。 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课教学内容选自北师大版三年级起六年级下册 Unit7 中的 Uncle Bookys Storytime the Wizard of Oz,该故事取材于“美国儿童文学之父”L.Frank.Baum 的同名原 著。该书是美国最著名的童话故事之一,受到不同国家读者们的广泛喜爱,是儿童文 学读物经典。教材中 Uncle Bookys storytime 较为简要地叙述了故事梗概:小女孩 Dorothy 来到了一个叫奥兹的神秘国度,在那里结识了没有头脑的稻草人,没有心的 铁皮人以及胆小的狮子。他们相互帮助,成为好朋友,历经重重困难,最终稻草人、铁 教师姓名:崔嵬职称:小学一级 教师单位:北京市宣武师范学校附属第一小学课型:故事教学 参考教材的名称、版次和页码: 教材名称:北师大出版社小学英语(三年级起点)出版日期:2014 年 12 月 页码: 16 2 皮人和狮子如愿以偿,Dorothy 也成功回到了家。为了让孩子更好地感受经典故事的 魅力,教师在教材故事的基础上,结合原著故事的发展部分进行了扩充。让孩子欣赏 到原著中的部分经典片段,并借助动画资源补充一些背景、人物介绍及故事情节,使 人物形象更加丰满立体,故事发展情节更加完整。通过扩展,学生能更好理解原作的 主旨,体会主人公的美好品质,感受故事中蕴含的真、善、美。整节课力求以两条主 线贯穿,一条是故事的发展线:What are their problems? How do they solve them? 另一 条是情感线:If you were the straw man/ the iron man/ the lion, how would you feel? How do you feel about them? 学情分析学情分析 本节课的授课对象为我校五(7)班的学生。因为我校从一年级开设英语课,根 据学生的实际英语水平,我将“三年级起点”教材中的六年级教材内容调整到我校五 年级进行实施。该班大多数学生都非常喜爱英语,大部分学生已具备一定语言知识积 累,喜爱阅读并已掌握一定的阅读策略。他们思维活跃,敢于用英语发表个人看法, 尤其喜欢英语配音、角色扮演等教学活动。 针对本课学习内容,教师针对文本知识与技能,以及对故事”the Wizard of Oz”的 阅读经历及了解情况进行了前测,调查结果如下: 1. 学习本课内容前,学生已具备知识: (1) 能借助自然拼读认读词汇;能阅读难易度相当的小语篇。 (2) 能进行小组学习并有角色扮演经历。 (3) 在学生的“语文经典阅读”活动中,学生已阅读过该故事的中文版 绿野仙踪 ,学生已知道故事的主要人物及大致情节。 2. 学习本课内容,学生可能欠缺的方面: (1)文本知识方面:学生对故事中出现的生词或短语在认读或理解上有困难,如 brains, courage, cross the river, jump across the cliff 等。 (2)思维方面:利用已有知识经验,预测故事的情节,分析故事的深刻内涵。 总体来说,该教材故事对于学生来讲并不算困难,学生可较为轻松地掌握。在这 种情况下,结合原著适当对教材故事进行拓展,可以让孩子增大语言输入量,从中更 好地体会语言的魅力,激发学生的兴趣,为他们的英语学习提供内驱力,有助于孩子 们了解并欣赏进而走进经典,提高文化素养及思维品质,成为更为积极的学习者。 教学目标教学目标 3 通过本节课学习,学生能够:通过本节课学习,学生能够: 1.正确理解、朗读故事。 2.找出故事主要信息,借助板书提示介绍故事。 3.通过预测、模仿、表演内化语言,理解体会故事角色情感 4.在回答问题的过程中,提升思维能力,运用英语大胆表达,分享学习体会。 5.通过阅读引发共鸣,体会故事主人公的内在美好品质。 教学重点:教学重点: 正确理解、朗读故事,体会故事中人物的 情感。 教学难点:教学难点: 在回答问题的过程中,提升思维能力,运 用英语大胆表达,分享学习体会。 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教学活动教学活动设计意图设计意图 I.Before story1. 自由谈话自由谈话 T: First, its our brainstorm time. Today lets talk about stories. S1: I like stories. S2: My favorite story is 2. 描述故书事封面描述故书事封面 T: See, do you know this story? Do you know the tile of it? S: Yes. / No. T: What is a wizard? What does it mean? 呈现 wizard 图片。 S: I can also see the writer. Write the writers name on the blackboard. S: I can see the lion T: You can talk about the main characters. 3.预测故事预测故事 T: What are they doing? What are they going to do? Can you guess? 通过 brainstorm 谈话激 发学生说的欲望,激活 思维;引出 story 这一 话题,为呈现本节课故 事做铺垫,并提前处理 了故事中的 brains 一词。 通过对封面进行观察、 描述,学生找出题目、 作者、主人公等信息。 通过观察封面主人公的 8 II. During story S: They are walking. Maybe they are going to T: Lets watch the story. 1学习学习 Beginning 部分部分 (1)T: Do you want to watch the story? 整体播放故事 Beginning 部分 T:They wanted to see the Wizard of Oz. Why? Please read your storybooks from Page3-Page6. Try to find their problems, match on your worksheets and share with your partners. S1: Dorothy was lost. S2: The straw man (2)T: Yes. In the beginning, Dorothy lost her way. Then she met three friends. Who did she met first? What was his problem? Lets listen to him. 播放稻草人的独白。 S: First Dorothy met a straw man. He had no brains. T: Yes, he had no brains, no ideas. He cant S: Think, remember T: If you were the straw man without brains, how would you feel? S: Sad, unhappy T: Can you say like the sad straw man? (3)T: Then who did Dorothy meet? What was his problem? 动作,鼓励学生激活思 维预测故事。 整体观看故事 Beginning 部分,了解主要情节, 激活已有的中文阅读经 历,鼓励学生尝试用英 文进行表达。 学习、理解稻草人部分。 通过猜测这是谁说的话, 激活学生思维,从而深 入理解稻草人的苦恼。 补充的独白帮助学生理 解人物情感,并通过模 仿稻草人的语气,体悟 人物情感。 学习、理解铁皮人部分。 通过猜测这是谁说的话, 9 S: Dorothy met an iron man. He had no heart. T: With our heart, we can have different feelings, such as S: Happy, sad, excited T: We can also feel love. But the iron man has no heart. How sad he is! T: Can you say like the sad iron man? (4)T: After that, Dorothy met a lion. What was his problem? S: Dorothy met a lion. He had no courage. T: Usually when we talk about lions, what words will he use to describe them? S: Big, strong T: But look at this lion. Does he look brave? S: No. T: Can you say like a timid lion? You can use some body language. (5)T: So they went to see the Wizard of Oz to get the things they wanted. Thats the beginning of the story. Lets read and retell this part. 2学习学习 Middle 部分部分 (1)Scene 1: At the river T: Now it comes to the middle part. Imagine. Is it easy for them to meet the Great Wizard? S: No. Lets see where they were first. T: Lets see where they were first. S: They were at the river. T: Can you think of an idea to help them? 激活学生思维,从而深 入理解铁皮人的苦恼。 补充的独白帮助学生理 解人物情感,并通过模 仿铁皮人的语气,体悟 人物情感。 学习、理解狮子部分。 通过猜测这是谁说的话, 激活学生思维,从而深 入理解狮子的苦恼。补 充的独白帮助学生理解 人物情感,并通过模仿 狮子的语气,体悟人物 情感。 完成故事开端部分的学 习,这一部分是教材原 文本的主要呈现,给学 生充足时间朗读,并进 行复述。 在场景一的学习中,通 过动画片资源补充稻草 人想出好主意过河的情 节,通过表演帮助学生 体悟人物情感。Think- 10 Please think about it, talk and share your ideas with your partners. S1: Maybe they can swim. S2: Maybe they can make a boat. T: Do you want to watch this part? Lets enjoy! 视频播放 T: Who got a good idea? S: The straw man. He made a raft. T: Lets act in groups. Try to read clearly and emotionally. 小组展示 T: This time can you use your body language? 小组展示 (2)Scene 2: At the cliff T: Then they came to the cliff. Look at the cliff. How would you feel if you were them? What would you say? S1: I feel scared. S2: Its very dangerous. T: What would they do? Lets choose. A.They went back. B.They jumped across the cliff. S: I think 学生观看动画片段。 T: Who jumped across the cliff carrying his friends on his back? T: If you were Dorothy, the straw man or the iron man, What would you say to your friends? talk-share 的讨论模式, 提升学生思维。 在场景二的学习中,通 过动画片资源补充狮子 鼓足勇气越过悬崖的情 节,帮助学生体悟人物 的变化。 9 S1: You are great! S2: Well done, lion! (3)Scene 3: In the poppy field T: They went on and met a beautiful place. What can you see from the picture? S: Therere many beautiful flowers. T: But look here, whats the matter with Dorothy? S: She was sleeping. T: Lets see what happened. 视频播放 T: Who helped Dorothy? 呈现铁皮人关心 Dorothy 的图片, 展现流泪 及高兴的表情。 (4)T: What do you think of their trip? S: Difficult 3.学习学习 Ending 部分部分 (1)T: At last, when they finally saw the Wizard of Oz. What does the wizard look like? Lets take a look. 视频播放 T: Is he a real wizard? S: No. (2)T: But do they need the wizard to help them get the things they want? S: No. T: Why? Please think about it, talk and share your ideas with your partner. S: Because T: Great! At last, Dorothy also got back home. Thats the end of the story. 在场景三的学习中,通 过动画片资源补充铁皮 人关心帮助朋友的情节, 帮助学生体悟人物变化。 学生能够感受到主人公 在旅途的过程中,历经 千辛万苦,为下文的情 感变化做对比。 Ending 部分的学习,揭 示其实 the Wizard of Oz 本不存在。 Think-talk-share 的讨论 模式,提升学生思维。 学生明白主人公已经得 到了想要的东西,并不 需要大法师的帮助。 学生能够感受到主人公 经历的旅程同样是快乐 9 III. After story IV. Summing-up & Homework-setting T: What do you think of their trip now? S: Happy T: We have learned the whole story. How do you feel? Look at them. What do they say? 视频播放 T: Can you talk about your feelings like them? Think, talk and share. Work in groups. T: If you want to make your dream come true, what will you do? T: Everyone is a “wizard”. Do you want to share the story with your friends after class? You can also know more about the story. 幸福的,体现学生的思 维变化。 学生展示并分享学完故 事后的感受。提高学生 的语言组织能力和表达 能力,提升学生对故事 主旨的认识。 培养学生开发、利用图 书或网络等资源、拓展 学习渠道的意识,并保 持学习英语的兴趣。 板书设计板书设计 TheThe WizardWizard ofof OzOz BeginningBeginning MiddleMiddle EndEnd 教学效果、特色及反思教学效果、特色及反思 本课为 2016 年“北京市小学英语教学观摩研讨活动”的一节现场展示课。本课 既是故事教学,也是基于教材内容进行拓展的经典导读,力求在短短一节课内,根据 学生的现有知识水平,在能够理解教材故事的基础上,适当地补充语言素材,使学生 对经典故事有更多的了解,尝试走进经典,了解经典,感受其魅力。具体来说,本节 主人公名字 词条及需要 解决的问题 三个场景图片 奥兹法师 图片 主人公 头像 主人公 头像 主人公 头像 主人公 头像 9 课在以下几个方面体现得比较充分: 1、凸显了英语学科核心素养的培养与渗透 本节课在教学设计与实施时凸显了学科核心素养,即:语言能力、思维品质、文 化意识、学习能力等都渗透在教学设计与实施之中。英语教学不仅仅是让学生获得特 定知识掌握基本技能,还要在理解和表达的语言实践活动中,融合知识学习和技能发 展,通过多种思维活动,建构结构化知识,在分析问题和解决问题的过程中,发展思 维品质,形成文化理解,学会学习,树立正确人生观和价值观,促进英语学科核心素 养的形成与发展。在课堂实施中始终以“问题导入、任务驱动”的方式贯穿,本课多次 运用 Think-talk-share 的讨论模式,启发、引导学生思考,将学生真正融入课堂,使教 与学融于一体,有助于学生核心素养的培养和发展。 2、丰富语言素材,图画与文字并重,为学生提供立体语言体验 教材的故事语言与情节相对简单,没有对具体细节的描述和人物的对话独白。为 了让孩子更好地感受到经典故事的魅力,我在教材故事的基础上,从原著中甄选了一 些片段(考虑到学生的实际英语水平,其中部分片段摘自牛津大学出版社的“书虫”系 列简化版)进行了扩充,让孩子欣赏到一些原著中的经典片段,体会地道的语言,在 潜移默化中带给学生美的享受和文化的熏陶。除了文本部分,根据故事内容,我深挖 教学资源,选用了卡通片“the Wizard of Oz”中的精彩片段有效地补充一些故事情节、 人物对白,使人物形象更加丰满立体,故事情节更加完整,语言更加丰富。通过本节 课,学生切实感受到了地道的语言,领略了经典的魅力。 3、丰富阅读经验为学生提供多角度的情感体验 儿童在阅读过程中只有具有了一定的阅读经验才能更好地欣赏和理解故事内涵。 本节课通过对故事的挖掘,为学生设置合作表演、角色配音、读后表达等活动,使学 生能更好理解原著的主旨,体会主人公的美好品质,思考故事中蕴含的智慧、爱、勇 气、友谊等主题,并把自己的所想、所思尝试用英语进行表达。 “儿童文学作品对人的审美引导是不容忽视的,它始于人类的童年,不知成就 了多少颗伟大的心灵。它可能不会马上化为钞票,但它在人类文明发展史上的作用却 是显而易见的。 ” 促进人的心智发展,塑造健康的品格是各学科追求的目标。儿童文 学的主题更贴近学生的生活,当学生们在生活中感到困惑的时候,作品中的主人公的 经历也许会告诉他们如何去做,从中受到启迪,教会他们如何处理方方面面的难题。 我相信这会让学生受益终生。 9