北京版二下-UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MY SHIRT -Lesson 14-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:5127b).zip

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Unit 4 Where is my shirt ? Lesson 14 jacket this jacket ?Is this your jacket ? ?No, it isnt. ?Yes, it is. this jacket a red scarf scarf a red scarf red scarf that this ? Is that your red scarf , Baobao? No, it isnt. Its in the schoolbag. df a df a Lets read . Is this your ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Lets act Is this your ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Thank you ! a dancing shoe a jacket Can you read the words? Homework: 1. Read the dialogues on p34 2.Make your classroom clean and tidy, put the things in the right place.1 教案教案 教学基本信息 课题Where is my shirt ? 学科小学英语学段:低段 年级二年级 教材书名: 英语(一年级起点) 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期:2013 教学目标 1.能听懂并能够在真实语境中使用“Is this/ that your .”, 询问某物是否是 对方的,并能用“Yes, it is.”,“No, it isnt.”准确回答,并在真实语境中运用。 2.能听懂 this、that 的区别,能认读和运用单词 jacket、 scarf、 watch、 schoolbag,并能在实际情境中运用这些词句。 3.能熟练朗读课文对话 4.培养学生有条理地放置物品,正确管理自己的物品,在公共场合捡到东西,拾金 不昧,乐于助人的良好品质。 教学重点 1. 能听懂并能够在真实语境中使用“Is this/ that your .”, 询问某物是否 是对方的,并能用“Yes, it is.”,“No, it isnt.”准确回答,并在真实语境中运 用。 2. 能熟练朗读课文。 教学难点 1. 能能听懂并能够在真实语境中使用“Is this/ that your .”, 询问某物是 否是对方的,并能用“Yes, it is.”,“No, it isnt.”准确回答,并在真实语境中 运用。 2. 能理解 this、that 的区别 3. 能在真实语境中,利用“Is this/ that your .”及其对应的回答帮助同学 找出自己的物品。 教具准备 多媒体电脑 人物头像 词汇和句型贴片 2 教学背景分析 教材分析:教材分析: 本课是小学英语实验教材北京版二年级下册第四单元第 14 课的相关内容,是这一单 元的第二课时。本单元主要是围绕衣物这一话题展开学习,询问衣物在哪里以及是否是 对方的。在前一个课时中,学生们在第 13 课已经学习了“Where is ?”询问衣物在 哪里,并会正确使用 in, on , under, behind 等方位介词做出正确应答。在接下来要 学习的第 15 课中即将学习 “Are these your ?”及其回答“Yes, they are./ No, they arent”和一些复数衣物的词汇。 本课安排的话题是询问某物是否是对方的,并对其进行应答。设计了在学校不同场 景下询问物品是否是对方的情景对话。学习内容基于学生的生活实际,都是学生们熟悉 的环境,已于学生理解对话内容。教师要引导学生注重观察场景,帮助学生在动作及情 境中体验、感知、理解和运用语言,在比较真实的情境中进行交际,培养学生的自信。 通过给对话配音、游戏环节的处理让学生们感受英语语言的韵律美,激发并保持学生对 英语的兴趣。我在教学中加入了实物和游戏来帮助学生理解记忆。 学情分析:学情分析: 学生在前一个课时中,已经学习了“Where is ?”和一些关于方位和衣服的词汇, 并且能够在真实语境中使用原来学过的词句,因此为本课学习打下了一定的语言基础。 本班的学生活泼好动,充满好奇心,模仿能力强,爱表现自己,主动性较强,对新 奇的事物有着浓厚的兴趣和强烈的探究欲望,乐于参与各种英语学习活动,但由于部分 学生课堂专注力较差,在英语的学习上有些吃力,所以我在教学中以激励为主,不轻易 抹煞学生学英语的兴趣。 3 教学流程 1. Warming up 2. Leading in 3. Presentation 4. Practice 5. Production Someone finds a . . Is it your.? Learn the sentence, words and dialogue Games Read in pairs Greetings Lost and found : Is this your .? 7. Summary Sing a song 4 教学过程(文字描述) 教学过程:教学过程: Step I Warming up: Greetings: T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you S:. 5 T: Before the class, do you want a song? Lets stand up and sing it together. 设计意图:设计意图:通过教师和学生互相热情地打招呼,让学生心情愉快地进入英语课堂,激发 积极向上的学习情感,做好上课的心理准备。利用歌曲调动学生的学习热情,使学生愉 悦地进入学习状态。 Step II Leading in T: In the song, what does the girl lost? S: . T: Yes, the girl lost her little dog. We also lost something. Look, where is it? S: . T: Yes, its the water room. Guoguo is going to wash hands. Look, whats this? S: . T: Yes, its a watch. Read after me “watch”.” a watch”.”Its a watch.”. (教师带读生词 watch,贴板书。 ) Who has a watch? Show me your watch. S: . T: “I have a watch.” Is this your watch ? (教师用照片中的手表向学生询问) S: . T: You can say “ No, it isnt.” We dont know who lost the watch. We can put it in the box. We can find the owner after class. Look, where is it? Guoguo comes into a classroom. Whats this? S: . 6 T: Its a jacket. You can see these are jackets. Its a jacket. Its a jacket. Its a . S: . T: Yes, you are right. Read after me “ jacket” . (教师带读生词 watch,贴板书。 ) You can see these are jackets. A jacket is not a school uniform. (教师可以利用 学生校服对 jacket 进行辨析) Guoguo finds a jacket. Its not Guoguos jacket. Is this your jacket ? (教师向学生询问) S: . T: Guess, whose jacket is this ? Its Maomaos ? Linglings ? Baobaos ? Yangyangs? We dont know. So Guoguo goes to Baobao and Yangyang. What will Guoguo say ? S: . 设计意图:设计意图:利用学生们熟悉的人物引出本课的话题,利用猜测是谁的夹克衫的预测来引 起学生的学习兴趣,从而引出本课对话内容。 7 Step III Presentation and Practice( Listen and say ) 1. Learn the dialogue 1 (1) T: Lets listen and find whose jacket it is and what Guoguo says. (教师播放第一段对话第一遍) S: . T: Yes, youre right. Is this Baobaos ? Is this Yangyangs? S: . T: Lets listen again and check. (教师播放第一段对话第二遍 ,分段暂停) What does Guoguo say ? S: . T: Yes, you are right. Lets read it . (教师带读果果的句型,贴板书) What does Yangyang say? S: . T: Yes, you are right. Lets read it . (教师带读阳阳的句型,贴板书) What does Baobao say? S: . T: Yes, you are right. Lets read it . (教师带读宝宝的句型,贴板书) Now, can you read the dialogue ? Lets say after them,ok? S: 跟读课文对话 1 2. Learn the dialogue 2 T: After reading the dialogue, do you know whose jacket it is ? S: . . T: Yes, youre right. Here comes Yangyang. He is playing the basketball. Look, what is that ? S: . T: Yes, that is a red scarf. Do you know what a red scarf is? We also use scarfs in our life. Look, Its a scarf. Its a scarf. Its a scarf. Its a . . 8 I think your mother has a scarf. So we call it “ a red scarf”. Do you have a red scarf? Show me your red scarf. You can say “ I have a red scarf.” Read after me “ a red scarf” (教师带读 red scarf,并贴板书) This is a red scarf. If this red scarf goes far away. We call “that red scarf”. Its not Yangyangs red scarf. He wants to find the owner. What will Yangyang say? S: . T: Is it right? Lets listen and check. (教师播放第二段对话一遍) S:. T: Yangyang says . ? Is that Baobaos red scarf ? S: . T: Where is Baobaos red scarf ? S: . T: Is it right? Lets listen and check. (教师播放第二段对话第二遍,分段暂停) Yes, you are right. Baobaos red scarf is in the schoolbag. What is a schoolbag? S: . T: Yes, lets read together: “schoolbag” (教师带读 schoolbag,并贴板书) Now can you read the dialogue ? Lets say after them. S 跟读对话 2 3. Now open your books. Lets read the dialogues together. Point at your books. (教师带读 两个对话) Do you have any questions? S: . 9 Step IV Practice 1. 游戏巩固: Is this your .( jacket, red scarf , schoolbag ) ? I know you can say the sentences very well. Now we can use them to play a game. The class is divided into 3 groups. You are group 1. You are group 2. You are group 3. One of your group members will find the owner of things from other groups, in 1 minute. You find one thing. Lets see which one is the fastest. You can use the sentences “ Is this your .( jacket, red scarf , schoolbag ) ?“ You can answer “Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. “ Are you clear ? Who want to have a try? 设计意图:设计意图:将学生们分成三个大组,分别从每个小组里找一个同学,在一分钟之内找出 其他组同学的物品,一分钟之内找出的东西越多,小组加分越多。通过游戏学习新单词 和句型,可以活跃气氛,充分调动了学生的情感参与和行为参与。 Step V Production 1. T: Look! I find something in your classroom. What are these ? (教师从盒子里拿出 提前准备好的 15 个物品,询问学生) Can you find the owner? Lets see whose they are ? 教师课前先向同学们收集一些物品,挑出五个放在实物展台上,先拿起一个做示 范 Is this your eraser? Here you are. To be polite, you have to say “thank you”. (教师 用句型做示范) I will give you 2 minutes. If you find the owner, you have to say “ bingo”, and come to the front. If you cant find the owner, put the things in the box. Who want to help me? ( 教师找 10 个学生,每人选一个物品,利用实物询问物 品的主人。 ) 设计意图:设计意图:通过真实的语境是学生体会句式的用法,通过操练帮助学生理解和掌握所学 语音。通过这样的游戏能够激发学生的好奇心与学习兴趣,促进学生在课堂的情感参与。 通过呈现较为真实的语言环境,让学生对所学内容产生熟悉感。 2. T: Great! You did very well! You are all kind to help others. Look!I have many things of you. Lets see what they are. 教师展示学生们丢失物品的照片。 10 Some students lost their things. Look, we can find a . in the dancing room. S: . T: We can also find a . in the dancing room S: . T: We can pick them up and put them in a place of “Lost and Found” like this. You can put the water bottles together, the umbrellas together, the jackets together and the red scarfs together. Or we can have a box like this.We put the things we found in the box.If you lost something, you can find it in the box in your classroom. Step V Summary Today , We talk about how to help our friends find things. If you find something, you can ask “Is this your . ?”. To be polite, we have to say” thank you” . If you lost something, you can find it in the Lost and Found box. Try to be kind and careful. Dont lose things. 带领学生齐声说出黑板上的重点句型和词汇 Step VI Homework 1. Read the dialogues on p34 2. Make your classroom clean and tidy, and put the things in the right place. 板书设计:板书设计: UnitUnit 4 4 WhereWhere isis mymy shirtshirt ? ? LessonLesson 1414 Is this your . ? Yes, it is. . jacket Thank you watch 1 2 3 red scarf No, it isnt. schoolbag 教学特色 11 在这次的教学中,我的教学设计有以下特点: 一、对教材内容进行了恰当的舍取,让教学内容更加真实,让语言内容围绕主题 情境。因为本课主要是讲课文的对话和在真实语境下询问物品的位置,并利用生活中 的实例寻找物品的主人,所以,本课可以结合学生们的实际生活,将生词 watch,cap,red scarf,schoolbag 等融入本课学习。但是在实际校园生活中,很少有捡 到足球后寻找失主的事例,生词 football 在本课的内容上在本课中较为孤立,不能更好 地突出本课重点,所以我将生词 football 放在下一节课处理,使整节课的教学活动围绕 主题。 二、基于语言创设活动语境,激发学生积极参与。通过各种游戏创设情境,使学 生在游戏中帮助同学寻找丢失物品,体验在学校捡到别人丢失的物品后应该如何去处 理,帮助学生们建立班级失物招领处,提示学生们如何合理放置物品。在失物招领的 游戏中,学生们能够 运用本课的重点句型“Is it your. ?”,“Yes, it is.”,“No, it isn t.” ,使学生在真实的语境中去运用本课的重点句型。 在游戏中,为了增加学生们的团队意识和激发学生们参与的热情,我设计了小组竞赛 的游戏模式,要求学生们在限定的时间内为丢失的物品找到主人,充分调动学生参与 的积极性。 三、基于教学内容创新奖励机制,让课堂教学与教学评价浑然一体。在奖励和评 价机制这一环节中,我将评价方式改成用贴红领巾给小组加分的评分方式。将本课生 词 red scarf 与奖励机制相结合,既复现了生词,又激励了学生积极参与到课堂活动中, 一举多得,而且,新颖的加分方式对孩子的视觉也是一种刺激。
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