北京版二下-UNIT THREE WELCOME TO MY HOUSE-Lesson 9-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:7018f).zip

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    • 北京版小学英语二下Welcome to my house音视频资源
      • 1分钟计时.wmv
      • L9nw.wmv
      • L9say.wav
      • say01.wav
      • say02.wav
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      • say04.wav
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      • say06.wav
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      • say08.wav
      • Welcomr to my home.wmv
      • what do you do after school_0.wmv
    • 北京版小学英语二下L9Welcome to my house.pptx
    • 教案7018f.doc--点击预览


1 教学目标 教学目标:教学目标: 1 学生能在情景中听懂、认读、会用Would you like to?礼貌地询问对方的意愿,邀请对方做某事,并作出肯定回答Yes, I/wed love to. 能理解、认读本课的词汇room, bed, chair, sit, come to my house, read my books, ride my bike, play with my toys。并运用这些短语进行交流。 2学生能够利用图片、视频等学习资源,积极思考、大胆交流,培养和发展交际策略。 3学生在学习过程中感受与朋友相处,一起玩的乐趣。学会热情待客,礼貌做客。知道 赞美他人及感谢,做客时不能随便动主人的物品。 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 运用Would you like to?礼貌地询问对方的意愿,并运用Yes, I/wed love to. 做出正确回应。 2. 认读并在情境中使用come to my room, read my books, ride my bike, play with my toys。 教学难点:教学难点: 1. 在恰当的情景中正确运用Would you like to? Yes, I/wed love to.询问意愿,进行语言的综合运用。 2. Yes, wed love to.中d 的读音。 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 Warming up 歌曲激趣,引入主题歌曲激趣,引入主题 T: Class begins. Today we are going to learn Lesson 9. First, would you like to sing a song ? S: sing the song. Welcome to my home. 演唱歌曲,激发 兴趣,揭示主题 ,同时为后面预 测语言做铺垫。 Presentation Listen and say Step 1 谈话导入,整体观看视频谈话导入,整体观看视频 T: What day is today? T: What do you do after school? T: We have a lot of interesting things to do after school or on weekends. Lets watch and S: Today is Tuesday. S: I read books. I S: Watch and say out. 谈论学生的课余 生活,复习以往 学过的活动短语 ,为后面的语言 操练和产出做铺 垫。同时引出本 4 say.(学过的一些活动短语) T: Oh! How interesting they are! Look, Maomao and Guoguo are coming. Can you guess, what do they do after school? T: What exactly do they do? Lets watch the video. T: What do they do? T: Yes, they go to Linglings house and play with her. Step 2 丰富图片信息,学习图丰富图片信息,学习图1 T: 呈现第一幅图:Is Lingling happy? T: Yes, shes very happy that her friends come to her house. So do you think what she will say? T: 板贴标题并带读。 T: Then, they come into the living room. What do you see in the living room? T: So how will Lingling welcome her friends? What will she probably say next? T: Look. This is Linglings bedroom. She wants Maomao and Guoguo to come to see it. What will she say? S: Maybe . S: Watch the video. S: They go to Linglings home. S: Yes. S: Welcome to my home. S: Learn to say “Welcome to my house. ” S: Sofa. table, water and some fruits. S: Sit down, please. S: This is my room. Please come in. 课人物,猜测他 们的活动,带着 问题观看课文视 频,整体感知语 言。 创设情景,丰富 图片内容,启发 学生思维,引导 学生在情境下运 用学过的语言, 并在情景中理解 、学习新语言。 5 T: Lets listen, what does Lingling say? T: 板书重点句型并带读:Would you like to come to my room? T: They want to see it? How do they answer? Listen T: 板书答语并带读Yes,wed love to. 讲解wed means we would.(补充单数人称回答Yes, Id love to.) T: 分别询问个人和全班学生:Woul d you like to come to Linglings room? T: Im Lingling. Who would like to be Maomao and Guoguo? Step 3 关注细节,启发学生,学习图关注细节,启发学生,学习图2 T: Then they come into the room. What do you see in the room? What do you think of it? T: maomao and Guoguo have the same idea. Listen. T: Can they sit or lie on the bed? S: Listen and say “Would you like to come to my room?” S: Learn to say“Would you like to come to my room?” S: Listen and say “Yes, wed love to.” S: Learn to say “Yes, I/wed love to.” S: Yes, Id love to. Yes, wed love to. S: Role play角色体验 S: bed、chair Its big/nice S: Listen and say “Your bed is big. You have a nice chair.” S: No. Its not good. 讲解wed缩写及 含义,补充单数 人称的答语,并 在情境中检测反 馈学生是否理解 并运用。 通过角色体验加 深对语言的理解 。 继续看图说话, 挖掘图片信息。 引导学生在情景 中理解和初步运 用图1中已经学过 的重点语言。 6 T: Lingling has a nice chair. She invites Maomao to sit on it. What does she say to Maomao? 引导学生用所学句型进行问答。 T: Does Maomao want to do it? What does he say? T: 出示一把真椅子让生体验: Look, heres a chair? Would you like to sit on it? What do you think of it? T: Would you like to ask your friend to sit on it? (补充否定回答 No, thank you.) S: Do you want to sit my chair? /Would you like to sit on my chair? S: Yes, Id love to. S: Yes, Id love to. Its nice/ beautiful. S: Role play 角色体验 运用实物教具椅 子,补充否定回 答,并在真实的 语境中加深理解 和体验重点语言 。 Practice 1. Listen and repeat. 2. Read and act 3. Lets act T: After seeing the bedroom. Lingling wants them to see her study. This is her study. What will she say?( 再次引导学生使用本课的新语言 ) T: Whats in the study? What can they do/ play? Listen and repeat Read and act S: Welcome to my study ./Would you like to come to my room? S: many books, bike, toys They can read books, ride a bike, play with toys. 认读短语:read my books, ride my bike, play with my toys. S: Practise in pairs: 通过朗读和表演 对话巩固对话内 容,内化语言。 通过为Lingling, Maomao他们提建 议,玩什么的方式 ,在情景中操练 重点语言,更加 真实有意义,有 利于学生理解和 恰当运用所学语 言。 7 T: What would they like to play? If you were Lingling, Maomao and Guoguo, Do you have any good ideas? Talk about it with your partner. 4. Guessing game T: Thank you for your ideas. They can play in the house or outside. Would you like to give them more ideas? Would you like to ? Yes, I/wed love to. No, thank you. S: Girls VS Boys: Someone do actions to show what they would like to do , and the others guess by asking “Would you like to?” 用游戏活动扩充 活动短语,进一 步进行语言操练 。同时兼顾了趣 味性、情景性和 实效性。 Production T: Its really interesting to play with friends. Would you like to invite your friends to your house and play with you? (出示三幅情景图)How will you welcome your friends? Would you like to show your room? Would you like to play together? Can you act it out? Do it in three. S: Make a new dialogue and act in three. 联系学生的生活 实际,创设真实 的语用环境,创 编表演如何邀请 朋友到家里来玩 ,综合运用本课 所学语言。 Ending 1. Summary: T: Today, we learned How do you ask if someone wants to do sth. The answer is 2. Homework: (1). Listen and recite L9. (2). Invite friends to play with you. S: Would you like to? Yes, I/wed love to. No, thank you. 总结、梳理本课 的学习重点,布 置基础作业和语 言实践活动。 板书设计 7
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