北京版二下-UNIT THREE WELCOME TO MY HOUSE-Lesson 11-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:30535).zip

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Unit 3 Welcome to my house Lesson 11 FuXueFuXue School School Tina WangTina Wang House A hamster Linglings hamster the bedroom the bedroom the kitchen The living room The living room phone I want to call my mum. Can I use your phone, please? Yes, go ahead. I want to call my mum. Can I use your phone, please? Yes, go ahead. the bathroom Can I use the bathroom,please? Sure. Its over there. the soap the shampoo the towel the toothpaste tooth paste the toothbrush Listen and repeat Read in three P27 Act in roles Wake up, Kate! Get up, Kate! Wake up, Kate! Get up, Kate! Get up, Kate. Wake up, Kate. Awake or not. Get up, Kate. Can I use the soap, please? Sure, sure, here you are. Can I use the towel, please? Sorry, sorry, you cant. Can I use? Sorry, you cant. Can I use? Sure. Hamster on the run Its Sunday today. Guoguo and Maomao go to Linglings house. 1 2 Welcome! Would you like to ? Yes, the Living room 3 Hamster is not in here. Where is the hamster? the bedroom 4 Hamster is on the run. Here you are. Id like to Im . the kitchen Would you like to play with ? Yes, 5 Hamster is in here. the Living room Yes, go ahead. Can I use? 6 They have a nice day. the Living room Can I use? Sure. Its over there. Can I ? 7 Its time to say goodbye. The End Hamster on the run Homework 1. Share the story with parents. 2. Please design your own room with your pictures.一、教学背景分析:一、教学背景分析: 1、单元整体分析、单元整体分析 本节课是北京版小学英语二年级下册第 3 单元 welcome to my house 第 11 课,本单元是本册教材的第 3 单元,主题为 Welcome to my house. 单元话题为 living environment 里面的 rooms in home 和 household items。北京版教材第一 次出现 living environment 的话题。本单元中分别呈现了三个不同的会话情景, 即卧室,厨房和客厅,功能句型是关于表达意愿的功能句型 would you like to?Yes, I d love to. / No, thank you.和请求允许的功能句型 Can I use your? Sure. / Yes, go ahead. / Sorry you cant. 本单元共有 4 课时,其中第 9,10,11 课 为学习课,第 12 课为复习课。本课是本单元的第 3 课时。 本单元是以“lingling 邀请她的好朋友 maomao 和 guoguo 到家里”为故事情 景主线进行单元整体教学设计的。第 9 课的会话情景是 lingling 邀请 maomao 和 guoguo 到家里来玩,lingling 介绍自己的卧室。第 10 课的会话情景是 lingling,maomao 和 guoguo 在玩耍之余,有些口渴,所以一起来到厨房的大冰 箱前,大家打算喝点果汁。第 11 课的会话情景是 lingling 邀请 maomao 和 guoguo 吃些水果(此时的背景是 guoguo 的妈妈正在家里等待她回来) ,而 maomao 想要使用 lingling 家的卫生间去洗洗手和 guoguo 想要使用 lingling 家的 电话给妈妈打电话说一下。第 12 课时本单元的整体知识梳理和复习,同时有语 音教学部分。 2、本课时分析、本课时分析 本节课是单元中的第 3 课时,本节课主要学习在情境中表达请求允许的 功能句型 Can I use your? Sure. / Yes, go ahead. / Sorry you cant.在第一课时 和第二课时中学习表达意愿的功能句型 would you like to?Yes, I d love to. / No, thank you.而本节课延续本单元的情景继续学习,使学生更恰当地表达语 言。 本课为学习课,一共有 3 个板块的内容: 第一个板块 Listen and say,共有两幅图片,分别是 Lingling、 Maomao、Guoguo 在 Lingling 的家里谈论表达请求允许的情景。学生以此来 学习句型:Can I use your? Sure. / Yes, go ahead. / Sorry you cant. 在第二板块 Lets act 环节中,主要是运用本课所学的功能句型和同伴就 Can I use your? Sure. / Yes, go ahead. /Sorry you cant. 询问请求允许进行交 流。 第三板块 Lets say 学习小韵文。学生能够在说唱韵文的过程中,体会西 方的文化意识,在说唱韵文中体会韵律和节奏。 在 listen and say 环节中,主句型 Can I use your? Sure. / Yes, go ahead. /Sorry you cant. 是询问和表达请求允许。对于学生在本节课内要学习 Can I use your? Sure. / Yes, go ahead. /Sorry you cant.有一定难度,我将通过预测 语言、情景感知、角色体验、情景表演来帮助学生理解和恰当表达。 而在 Lets act 的环节中,词汇 the bathroom, the towel 和 the soap 的含 义和读音学生比较熟悉,但 the shampoo, the toothpaste 的发音比较陌生, 同时补充词汇 the toothbrush,发音也需要注意。我将通过观察图片、听音模 仿、联系生活、调动已知等方式帮助学生掌握词汇。 二、本课教学目标:二、本课教学目标: 学生能够听懂、会说词汇 the bathroom, the towel, the soap, the shampoo, the toothpaste,并能用其正确表达卫生间的物品。 学生能够会说有关询问表达请求的交际用语 Can I use ?及作答 Sure. / Yes, go ahead. / Sorry, you cant.并尝试在正确的情景中运用。 学生能够正确理解并尝试表演韵文,体会韵文的节奏和韵律。 学生能在积极的情感体验中,抒发自己热情好客,礼貌待客之情。 学生能够了解个人私密物品切勿公用。 三、本课教学重、难点:三、本课教学重、难点: 教学重点: 学生能够在真实情景中运用询问和应答“请求允许”的用语 Can I use ?及 Sure. / Yes, go ahead. / Sorry, you cant. 教学难点: 学生能够正确朗读词汇 the bathroom, the towel, the shampoo, the toothpaste. 学生能够在正确情景中运用询问“请求允许”句型 Can I use ?及作答 Sure. / Yes, go ahead. / Sorry, you cant.并进行相互交流。 四、评价方式:四、评价方式: 本单元相关房间的物品图片,以本单元复习课中 Lets do 的任务为设计, 让孩子们用得到的用品图片设计自己的房间并能够进行正确的介绍。 五、本课教学过程:五、本课教学过程: 一一. Warming up 1. Greeting. T: Would you like to begin our class? S: Yes, wed love to. T: Class begins. Stand up. Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Tina. 2. Sing a song. 二二. Presentation 1. Story time T: This story is about Linglings hamster. 2. 学习情景图学习情景图 (Guoguo and lingling): T: Its time to have lunch. What do Guoguo and Maomao want to do? S: Go home. / Have lunch. T: Lets listen. S: Guoguo wants to call her mum. Maomao wants to go to the bathroom. T: What does she say to lingling? Listen! I want to call my mum. Can I use your phone, please? T: who would like to try? S: I want to call my mum. Can I use your phone, please? T: And Lingling says Listens ! S: Yes, go ahead. T: Yes, go ahead. T: Can I use your phone, please? S:Yes, go ahead. T: Im Lingling, whod like to be Guoguo? 3. 学习情景图学习情景图 (Maomao and Lingling): T: Guoguo wants to use the phone, Maomao wants to do you remember? S: Use the bathroom T: Yes, listen! Can I use the bathroom, please? S: Can I use the bathroom, please? T: Lingling: Sure. Its over there. S: Sure. Its over there. 4. 学习词汇学习词汇 T:Maomao wants to use the bathroom. Would you like to have a look at Linglings hamster? S: Yes, wed love to. T: Look, so many things. Whats this? S: The soap. T: Can I use the soap, please? S: Sure. T: The shampoo. The towel. Can I use the towel, please? S: Sure. / No. / Sorry. T: The towel is personal item. We should say: Sorry, you cant. T: The toothpaste. T: Boys and girls, lets watch the whole dialogue again. 三三. Practise 1. 多种方式认读多种方式认读. 1) Listen and repeat. 2) Read in groups. 3) Act in roles. 2. Chant. 3. Pair work to ask and answer A: Can I use, please? B: Sure. / Sorry, you cant. 四四. Production 1. Read the story. 2. Act the storybook. 3. Show the storybook. 五五.Ending T:Do you like this story? Would you like to tell the story for your parents? S: Yes, wed love to. T: And show me your pictures. Please design your own room with the pictures. These are the homework for today. So much for today. Goodbye, boys and girls. S: Goodbye, Tina. 六、板书设计六、板书设计
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