闽教版五年级下册-Unit 1 Winter Vacation-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--(编号:80d01).zip

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  • 闽教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 Winter Vacation_Part B_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)__(编号:80d01)
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    • 课文录音.mp3


Unit1 Winter Vacation PartB 讲述过去发生的事情,需要用到动词的过去 式。 am/is take are go visit watch do play was werewent took visited watched played did ( ) my homework 做家庭作业diddo ( ) TV 看电视watchwatched ( ) to Australia 去澳大利亚 wentgo ( ) the museum参观博物馆visitvisited ( ) a boat tour 乘船游览taketook ( ) chess下象棋playplayed A:How A:How the weather in Spring? the weather in Spring?wasis B: It warm.iswas A:How A:How waswas the weather in Summer? the weather in Summer? B: It was warm. A:How A:How is is the weather in Autumn? the weather in Autumn? B: It is warm. How was your winter vacation? 你的寒假过得怎样? is was It was wonderful. I visited the Great Wall. How about you, Sally? I visited the museum. How about you, Wang Tao? I went to Taiwan with my parents. 我和我的父母一起去台湾。 Where is Wang Taos Where is Wang Taos hometownhometown? ? hometown 故乡 / hmtan / 阿里山 Sun Moon Lake 日月潭 101大楼 台北101大楼,高509米,地上101层,地下5层,是世界第二高 楼。 take a boat tour 乘船游览 took a boat tour take took I took a bus tour of Fuzhou. 福州 西湖 I took a boat tour of West Lake. 我乘船游览西湖。 我乘公交车游览福州。 厦门 I took a bike tour of Xiamen. 我骑自行车游览厦门。 take a . tour G:How about you, Yang Ming? W: I played chess with my father. G1G2G3G4 A: How was your winter vacation? B: I ? G1G2G3G4 A: How was your winter vacation? B: I ? G1G2G3G4 A: How was your winter vacation? B: I ? GoodbyeGoodbyeUnit 1 Part B 教案 一、教学内容: 五年级下册 Unit 1 Part B. 二、教学目标: 1.能准确使用动词的过去式描述过去发生的事情。 2.能用英语说一说、写一写自己的家乡。 3.能用英语介绍自己与家人或朋友的寒假生活。 三、教学重点: 1.学习词汇:parents,hometown,took,tour,Sun Moon Lake 等。 2.学习词汇: How was your winter vacation? I went to Taiwan with my parents. I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake. 3.功能:谈论寒假生活。 四、教学难点: 1.掌握一般过去时和动词过去式的规则变化和不规则变化。 2.能够熟练地用英语谈论寒假生活。 五、教学准备: 1.有关本课的新单词和词组卡片。 2.动词及其过去式的单词卡片。 3.Peter、Lily、Wang Tao 和 Yang Ming 的图片和头饰。 4.台湾一些著名风景区的图片。 5.录音机。 六、教学方法:单元教学、同伴教学、合作学习法、练习法 七、 教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。 2. 教师播放录音,全班学生齐说韵律诗: How Was Your Vacation? 3.揭示课题并板书:Unit 1 Winter Vacation Part B Step 2 Review 1.教师出示 Lily 和 Peter 的图片问: “How was Lily?s winter vacation? How was Peter?s winter vacation? D o you remember?” 2.学生回答后,教师板书如下: visited the Great Wall went to Australia 3.教师说:“上节课,我 们学习了如何讲述过去发生的事情。讲述过去发生的事情,需要用 到动词的过去式,现在让我们来复习一些动词及其过去式。” (1)教师出示单词卡片 am,is,are,visit,go,do 等,请学 生在作业本上写出它们的过去式。 (2)教师简要介绍动词过去式的构成规则。 教师出示 amwas,arewere,gowent,dodid 等单词,告 诉学生这些动词的过去式的变化是没有规律的,需要记忆。而很多规 则动词的过去式,直接在动词词尾加即可,如: visited,played,watched,wanted 等。 4.游戏唱反调。 游戏规则:教师说动词原形,学生说出其过去式,教师说动词 的过去式,学生说出其原形。如: T:Go. S:Went. T:Were. S:Are. T:Watched. S:Watch. 教师提出问题并板书:How was your winter vacation?请学生根 据实际回答问题。 Step 3 Presentation (一)整体感知课文,学习本课新词与新句型 。 1.教师出示 Wang Tao 的图片,贴在句子 How was your winter vacation?的 your 下面, 提出问题。 2.教师播放课文录音,学生认真听。 3.教学单词 parents 和句子 I went to Taiwan with my parents. (1)教学单词 parents,告诉学生 mother and father 称为 parents,而 grandmother and grandfather 可以称为 grandparents。 (2)学习句子 I went to Taiwan with my parents.并在 Wang Tao 的图片下板书 went to Taiwan with his parents。请学生根据实际说出 几个类似的句子,如: I went to the park with my grandfather. I went to Beijing with my pa rents I went to the museum with my classmates. 4.教学单词 hometown 和句子 Is it your hometown? (1)教学单词 hometown,告诉学生 hometown 是合成词,由 单词 home(家)与 town(城镇)组成。请学生说一说还学过哪些 合成词,如:homework,blackboard,basketball 等。 (2)教学句子 Is it your hometown?Yes,it is. 教师问:“句子 中的 it 指的是哪儿?”根据学生的回答,教师说: “Yes,Taiwan is Wang Taos hometown.”边说边在黑板上的单词 Taiwan 下画条线,板书 Wang Taos hometown。 教师接着提问: “Where is your hometown?”请学生根据实际回答。 5.教学句子 I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake.及句子中的生词。 (1)教师出示词组 took some photos,took a train,请学生判 断一下 took 是哪个动词的过去式。 (2)教学 taketook 及词组。 (3)出示单词 tour,学习其发音,然后再出示单词 our,hour 和 tour,区别这三个单词的音、义和形。 (4)学习词组 take/took a boat tour,并请学生模仿说词组,如: take/took a bus tour take/took a bike tour take/took a ship tour (5)出示词组 Sun Moon Lake,再出示台湾的几处风景名胜的图 片,如:阿里山,日月潭,101 大楼等,请学生说一说 Sun Moon Lake 是哪一处风景名胜的英文名称。告诉学生 Sun Moon Lake 是专有名词,所以每个单词的第一个字母要大写。 (6)带领学生熟读句子 I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake.并在 Wang Tao 的图片下板书该句子。 (二)再读课文,学习有关描述 Yang Ming 寒假生活的句子 1. 教师指着黑板上 Lily 的图片问:“How was Lily s winter vacation?”学生根据黑板上的提示,说一说 Lily 的寒假生 活。 2. 同样提出问题:“How was Peter s winter vacation?How was Wang Taos winter vacation?”学生根 据黑板上的提示回答。 3.教师出示 Yang Ming 的图片问:“How was Lily s winter vacation? Please read the dialogue by yourselves.Then make a d ialogue with your parents.” (1)学生自读课文对话,找出答案。 (2)两人练习对话。 (3)请几位同学表演对话,教师在 Yang Ming 的图片下板书句 子:He played chess with his father.Very often his dad was the winner. 并教学。 (三)熟读对话,表演对话。 1.教师播放课文录音三次,学生模仿跟读。 2.学生自读对话三次,记住对话中每个人物的寒假活动。 3.教师出示 Lily,Peter,Wang Tao 和 Yang Ming 的头饰,请四位 学生上台,其他学生随机提出问题,如: How was your winter vacation,Wang Tao/Peter/? How about you,Peter/Lily/.? 被点到名字的学生要根据课文对话内容回答问题。 以同样的方式,完成课本第 5 页的 Lets talk.部分。 (四)巩固练习 1.完成课文第 7 页的 Listen.Tick or cross.部分。 (1)教师播放录音,学生独立完成练习。 (2)校对答案。 (3)出示录音材料,大家一起读一读。 听力材料: A:How was your winter vacation? B:It was wonderful.I went to Taiwan. A:Did you visit Sun Moon Lake? B:Yes,I did. A:How was your winter vacation? B:Great!I went to Beijing. A:Did you visit the Great Wall? B:No,I didn?t.It was snowing. A:Did you go to Shanghai in winter vacation? B:No,I didn?t.I was in Fuzhou. A:Did you go to the fair at the Spring Festival? B:Yes,I did.It was very interesting. A:Did you go to Hangzhou in the vacation? B:No,I didn t.I went to Xi?an. A:Did you visit the museum? B:Sure.It was very i nteresting. 2.完成课文第 6 页的 Learn to write.部分。 (1)学生独立完成练习,教师巡视,帮助学习有困难的学生。 (2)请三位学生在黑板上写出答案,教师带领全班学生一起校 对答案,注意书写规范。 Step 4 Extension 1.完成课本第 5 页的 Read.Tick or cross.部分。 请学生自读小短 文,独立完成练习。 (2)校对答案。 (3)教师播放短文录音,学生模仿跟读。 2.小练笔我的家乡。 (1)请学生模仿小短文,以 My Hometown 为题,写一段小短文。 (2)请个别学生读一读自己写的文章,教师可根据学生的短文 内容提出一些问题,考查一下其余学生是否听懂了。 Step 5 Homework 1.听课文录音,并模仿跟读。 2.完成课本第 8 页的自我评价部分。 八、教学反思:Unit 1 Part B练习 1.完成课本第 5 页的 Read.Tick or cross.部分。 请学生自读小短文,独 立完成练习。 (2)校对答案。 (3)教师播放短文录音,学生模仿跟读。 2.小练笔我的家乡。 (1)请学生模仿小短文,以 My Hometown 为题,写一段小短文。 (2)请个别学生读一读自己写的文章,教师可根据学生的短文内容 提出一些问题,考查一下其余学生是否听懂了。
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