闽教版六年级下册-Unit 8 Farewell-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:b0c0e).zip

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  • 闽教2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 8 Farewell_Part A_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:b0c0e)
    • Farewell Cambridge 朗读.mp4
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闽教版小学英语第八册闽教版小学英语第八册 又名:又名:Saying goodbye to Cambridge again VeryquietlyItakemyleaveVeryquietlyItakemyleave 轻轻的我走了,轻轻的我走了, AsquietlyasIcamehere;AsquietlyasIcamehere; 正如我轻轻的来;正如我轻轻的来; QuietlyIwavegood-byeQuietlyIwavegood-bye 我轻轻的招手,我轻轻的招手, Totherosycloudsinthewesternsky.Totherosycloudsinthewesternsky. 作别西天的作别西天的云云彩。彩。 ThegoldenwillowsbytheriversideThegoldenwillowsbytheriverside 那河畔的金柳,那河畔的金柳, Areyoungbridesinthesettingsun;Areyoungbridesinthesettingsun; 是夕阳中的新娘。是夕阳中的新娘。 TheirreflectionsontheshimmeringwavesTheirreflectionsontheshimmeringwaves 波光里的艳影,波光里的艳影, Alwayslingerinthedepthofmyheart.Alwayslingerinthedepthofmyheart. 在我的心头荡漾。在我的心头荡漾。 ThefloatingheartgrowinginthesludgeThefloatingheartgrowinginthesludge 软泥上的清荇,软泥上的清荇, Swaysleisurelyunderthewater;Swaysleisurelyunderthewater; 油油的在水里招摇;油油的在水里招摇; InthegentlewaveofCambridgeInthegentlewaveofCambridge 在康河的柔波里,在康河的柔波里, Iwouldbeawaterplant!Iwouldbeawaterplant! 我甘心做一条水草。我甘心做一条水草。 ThatpoolundertheshadeofelmtreesThatpoolundertheshadeofelmtrees 那榆荫下的一潭,那榆荫下的一潭, Holdnotwaterbuttherainbowfromthesky;Holdnotwaterbuttherainbowfromthesky; 不是清泉,是天上虹不是清泉,是天上虹, ShatteredtopiecesamongtheduckweedsShatteredtopiecesamongtheduckweeds揉碎在浮藻间,揉碎在浮藻间, Isthesedimentofarainbow-likedream?Isthesedimentofarainbow-likedream? 沉淀着彩虹似的梦。沉淀着彩虹似的梦。 Toseekadream?JusttopoleaboatupstreamToseekadream?Justtopoleaboatupstream 寻梦?撑一支蒿,寻梦?撑一支蒿, Towherethegreengrassismoreverdant;Towherethegreengrassismoreverdant; 向青草更青处漫朔,向青草更青处漫朔, OrtohavetheboatfullyloadedwithstarlightOrtohavetheboatfullyloadedwithstarlight 满载一船星辉,满载一船星辉, Andsingaloudinthesplendorofstarlight.Andsingaloudinthesplendorofstarlight. 在星辉斑斓里放歌,在星辉斑斓里放歌, ButIcannotsingaloudButIcannotsingaloud 但我不能放歌,但我不能放歌, QuietnessismyQuietnessismyfarewellfarewellmusic;music; 悄悄是别离的笙萧;悄悄是别离的笙萧; EvensummerinsectsheapsilenceformeEvensummerinsectsheapsilenceforme夏虫也为我沉默,夏虫也为我沉默, SilenceisCambridgetonight!SilenceisCambridgetonight! 沉默是今晚的康桥!沉默是今晚的康桥! VeryquietlyItakemyleaveVeryquietlyItakemyleave 悄悄的我走了,悄悄的我走了, AsquietlyasIcamehere;AsquietlyasIcamehere; 正如我悄悄的来;正如我悄悄的来; GentlyIflickmysleeves,GentlyIflickmysleeves, 我挥一挥衣袖,我挥一挥衣袖, NotevenawispofcloudwillIbringaway.NotevenawispofcloudwillIbringaway. 不带走一片云彩。不带走一片云彩。 You will go to middle school (中学)中学) soon. Its time to say farewell to your classmates and teachers. farewell party farewell dinner farewell card farewell email Fuqing School Affiliated To Beijing Normal University 北京师范大学福清附属学校北京师范大学福清附属学校 Fuqing Wenguang Middle School 福清文光中学福清文光中学 Fuqing Hongbo Middle School 福清宏博中学福清宏博中学 Fuqing Jiangdou Huaqiao Middle School 福清江兜华侨中学福清江兜华侨中学 Sally will go to a middle school in the USA. Will they miss her? Yes, they will. miss n.(名词)女士,小姐(名词)女士,小姐 Miss He Miss Wang V.(动词)想念动词)想念 I will miss her. They will have a party to say goodbye to Sally. What are their ideas ? NameNameIdeasIdeas JuliaJulia YangYang MingMing LilyLily WangWang TaoTao Julia Yang Ming Lily Wang Tao take some photos make a DVD make a year book invite her parents to the party DVDmake a 你还能想到哪些关于你还能想到哪些关于makemake的词组呢的词组呢 ? make dumplings rice cakes paper flowers a card Easter eggs the bed Name 姓名姓名 Age 年年龄 Birthday 生日生日 Phone number 龄龄 号号龄 Address 地址地址 E-mail 龄 子子龄 件件 Favorite sport 最喜最喜龄 的运的运 龄 Favorite color 最喜最喜龄 的的龄 色色 Hobby 龄 好好 Dream job 理想理想龄龄 Parting words 离离龄龄 言言 Year book dressaddress E-mail address home address school address addresses 还有其他什么地址吗?还有其他什么地址吗? 福清市福清市 新厝新厝龄 棉亭村棉亭村 6666 号号 福清市福清市 新厝新厝 龄 培元小学培元小学 Chinese addressEnglish address 中国 福建 福清 向高街15号 15 Xianggao Street, Fuqing, Fujian, China 英文地址的写法和中文的相反,从小写到大英文地址的写法和中文的相反,从小写到大 。 福建福建 福清福清 小桥街小桥街2626号号 A. 26, Xiaoqiao Street, Fuqing, Fujian B. Fujian, Fuqing, Xiaoqiao Street, 26 福建福建 福清福清 新厝镇新厝镇 棉亭村棉亭村3737号号 A. Fujian, Fuqing, Xincuo Town , 37 B. 37, Xincuo Town, Fuqing, Fujian take some photos. make a DVD. make a year book. invite her parents to the party. 为什么不为什么不. Lets / We can/ Why not Why not + 动词原形动词原形 Well go to a middle school soon. Were going to have a farewell party, too. What can we do? 1、 、Why not _____________________ to the party? 2、 、 Why not _____________________ for our class? 3、 、 Why not _____________________ of our class? 4、 、 Why not _____________________ for our class? 5、 、 Why not _____________________ ? 6、 、____________________________________ . 7、 、____________________________________ . Sally will go to a middle school in _________. Her classmates will_____________ to __________ to her. Julia thinks they can ___________________of their class . Yang Ming thinks they can _____________for their class. Lily thinks they can __________________. Wang Tao thinks they can ______________________________.It will be a wonderful farewell party. the USA have a party say goodbye take some photos make a DVD make a year book invite Sallys parents to the party Group work 小组合作,选择一幅图,提出你们的建议吧!小组合作,选择一幅图,提出你们的建议吧! Group work A: Hi, boys and girls. _______________. What can we do? B: Why not_____________________? C:Why not______________________? D: Why not _______________? A: Good idea. Teachers Day is coming give them some flowers make a card for teachers draw a picture 小组合作,选择一幅图,提出你们的建议吧!小组合作,选择一幅图,提出你们的建议吧! School is out, memories are past. But dont ever doubt, our friendship will last. 龄龄 了,曾了,曾龄 的点滴的点滴龄 成了回成了回龄 。但是。但是龄 相信,我相信,我龄 的友的友龄 将将 龄 存。存。 Let my parting words be an umbrella, to keep out the wind and the rain in your journey. 龄 我的离我的离龄龄 言言龄 成一把雨成一把雨龄 ,在你的旅程中遮,在你的旅程中遮龄龄 雨。雨。 Name 姓名姓名: Age 年年龄 : : Birthday 生日:生日: Phone number 龄龄 号号龄 : Address 地址地址: E-mail 龄 子子龄 件件: Favorite sport 最喜最喜龄 的运的运龄 : Favorite color 最喜最喜龄 的的龄 色色: Dream job 理想理想龄龄 : Parting words 离离龄龄 言言 Year book Name 姓名姓名: Age 年年龄 : : Birthday 生日:生日: Phone number 龄龄 号号龄 : Address 地址地址: E-mail 龄 子子龄 件件: Favorite sport 最喜最喜龄 的运的运龄 : Favorite color 最喜最喜龄 的的龄 色色: Dream job 理想理想龄龄 : Parting words 离离龄龄 言言 Year book 魏魏龄 萍萍 WeiWei LepingLeping 2828 AprilApril 2nd2nd 1526098217915260982179 166166 HongluHonglu StreetStreet , , Fuqing,Fuqing, FujianFujian badmintonbadminton 羽毛球羽毛球 pinkpink teacherteacher Wish you have a bright future(未来)(未来)! Im very happy to be your friend! Best wishes for you! Hope you happy forever! Farewell, my friends! Good luck, ,my friends! HomeworkHomework 1.Listen and read Part A for 3 times. 2.Activity Book : Part A. 3.Make your own year book.闽教版小学英语第八册 Unit 8 Farewell Part A 教学设计 Step 1 Warming up 1. Greeting 2. Enjoy a poem: Farewell Cambridge 3. 揭示课题: T:You will go to middle school soon. Its time to say farewell to your classmates and teachers. 教师揭题并板书:Unit 8 Farewell Part A 4. 教学 farewell,拓展:farewell party/ dinner/ card/ email (设计意图:以一首优美的诗歌“再别康桥”导入课题,创设了一 种分别的意境,渲染课堂气氛) Step 2 Presentation 1. 教师出示几所初中的图片, 引出句子 Sally will go to a middle school in the USA. 2. 展示一些美国中学的图片,导出 miss 教学。 T: Will they miss her? S: Yes, they will. 复习 miss 的其他意思,miss 女士,小姐 Task 1 Listen and answer They are going to have a farewell party. What are their ideas? Name Ideas Julia Yang Ming Lily Wang Tao 1. Listen and answer 2. 由答案 make a DVD 复习 make 的其他词组。 3. 由答案 make a year book 引出 year book 的教学。 (1)出示一些 year book 的图片。 (2)从 year book 的信息中教学 address。 (dress- address) 对比中英地址表达法不同 4. 根据表格内容,复述这四个人的建议,可用上 Lets/We can/Why not 5. Pair work: We are going to have a farewell party ,too. Whats your idea? 用 Why not 来表达你的建议。 Task 2 Listen and imitate 听录音,模仿对话,注意语音语调。 Task 3 Retell the text 根据教师出示的短文,填空,复述课文。 (设计意图:看着关键词复述课文是高年级学生必须掌握的能力, 由词到句,句到篇,环环相扣) Step 3 Consolidation Group work: 教师出示几个情景,小组合作,自选一个情景,用 Why not提 出自己的建议。 如:A:Hi, boys and girls. _________. What can we do? B: Why not____________? C: Why not____________? D: Why not____________? A: Good idea. (设计意图:创设情境,小组合作,提高口头表达能力以及语言综 合运用能力,学中用,用中学) Step 4 Extension 1. 情感教育: School is out, memories are past. But dont ever doubt, our friendship will last. Let my parting words be an umbrella, to keep out the wind and the rain in your journey. Time is not old, and we dont get away. (设计意图:从学生自己的照片进行情感教育,更能渲染气氛,触 动人心,从而形成要珍惜当下生活的意识) 2. Make a year book 并根据你的 year book,来进行自我介绍 3. 绘本教学 The Goodbye Book Step 5 Summary Words: miss, year book, address Sentences: Why not Step 6 Homework 1. Listen and read the text 5 times. 2. Write the new words 4 times and finish the work book. 3. Finish and color your year book. 板书设计 Unit 8 Farewell Part A NameIdeas Juliatake some photos Yang Mingmake a DVD Lilymake a year book Wang Tao Lets/We can /Why not invite her parents to the party
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