北京版六下UNIT FOUR WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE -Lesson 13-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)(编号:0276c).zip

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Lesson13 Unit4Unit4 WhatsWhats thethe weatherweather like?like? # # Who? Where? What?. ? # # 1.Whats the weather like in Beijing? 2.When is Jim coming? How long is Jim going to stay in China? 3.Why is Jim coming to Beijing? # 1.Whats the weather like in Beijing? # The weather in Beijing _______ _someti mes well get _________ _ in July and August sunnyit doesnt _______ much now windy rain a lot of rain # spend most of the summer 2.When is Jim coming? How long is Jim going to stay in China? # 3.Why is Jim coming to Beijing? # Which places do you want Jim to see in China? # Mike feels happy, What can they do together? # hiking the activity of going for long walks in the country for pleasure # # Where do you know the weather? # # Harbin - 19.7 Beijin g - 4.7 Haiko u 17.1 Chongqin g 5.6 胡佑祺胡佑祺 房嘉轩房嘉轩 郑雨笛郑雨笛 齐智涵齐智涵 # 1.Read the dialogue 3 times. 2.Find the weather in different places. Homework ThankThank you!you!1 教学设计个人信息 准考证号(请务必填写) 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 教学基本信息 课题Unit4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 13 学科英语学段: 高段年级六年级 相关 领域 教材书名:义务教育教科书 英语六年级 上册 出版社:北京出版社 出版 日期:2106.7 1.指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准中明确指出,英语课程要强调学习过程,强调语言学习的实践性和应 用性,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。 使学生在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力。 2.教学背景分析 教材分析:教材分析:1.本课是北京版小学英语(一年级起点)六年级上册第四单元 Whats the weather like?,第 13 课。 2.在北京版小学英语(一年级起点)三年级上册中涉及到天气情况的学习,呈现了 sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy, snow, rain 等词语,以及“Whats the weather like today?”“Its sunny.”等的问答方式;本课以谈论旅游目的地天气和出游计划为话题的对 话内容,复现了打电话,天气,旅游等话题,丰富了学生的口语交际内容。 学情分析:学情分析:六年级的学生属于小学英语学习的高段时期,有一定的知识和口语积累。 能询问和回答天气状况,乐于表达,善于思考,在课堂中能进行有序的小组活动。学 生在三年级时已经学过天气的描述及表达,在学习本课时更加容易理解重点句型,并 积极参与学习。 3.教学目标(含重、难点) 教学目标:教学目标:1.学生能够在打电话的情景中运用“Whats the weather like there? ” “Its sunny and windy” “.It doesnt rain much .” “We will get a lot of rain .”等语句,围绕出行 目的地的天气进行询问和回答,复习天气话题用语,复习一般现在时。 2.学生能够在打电话的情景中正确运用“I am going to visit./stay. . ” “Well/Youll. ”等 语句,谈论即将出行的计划,复习一般将来时。 3.学生能够理解课文对话,朗读课文,并尝试表演或转述主课文。 2 教学重点:教学重点:1. 谈论出行目的地天气的询问和回答:“Whats the weather like there? ” “Its sunny and windy” “.It doesnt rain much .” “We will get a lot of rain .” 2. 复习要求掌握的词汇:speak, visit, sunny, windy, rain, summer, sometimes, see. 3.复习要求认读理解的短语:doesnt rain much, get a lot of rain, early next month, stay in China about six month, spend most of your summer, go hiking together. 教学难点:教学难点:1. 复习天气表达方式:“.It doesnt rain much .” “We will get a lot of rain .” 2. 复习时间表达方式:early next month, most of your summer. 问题框架(可选项) 教学流程示意(可选项) 4.教学过程 一、一、Warming-up 1.Greeting. T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? 2.Lead in (1) Free talk and review the weather. Q: Look outside, whats the weather like today? What can you do on day? Show pictures of weather words and read. (2) The weather in Beijing 设计意图:设计意图:通过复习表示天气的词汇,和关于天气的话题。吸引学生的注意力,激活 学生原有认知。 二、二、Presentation Teacher show picture of the text. Let students observe the picture and think: Qs: Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? Guess: Who is calling with Mike? Watch the video and give the questions for students. 1.Whats the weather like in Beijing? 2.When is Jim coming? How long is Jim going to stay in China? 3.Why is Jim coming to Beijing? Mike feels happy, what can they do together? 3 Find the answer on the book and underline it. Show pictures about the weather in Beijing and different places in China. 设计意图:设计意图:问题导向,通过非文本信息的读取和阅读技巧的渗透,引出新知,深度挖 掘对话,利用动作、图片和游戏帮助理解对话内容。 三、三、Practice 1.Watch the whole flash and follow to read. Focus on some new words. 2. Read by self first. 3.Pair-work and role play. 设计意图:设计意图:多种方式朗读练习对话,体会语言。在读好的基础上小组进行表演,使学 生把学到的语句融入到生活中。读的好的小组进行激励性评价。 4.Weather in life. Where do you know the weather? 四、四、Production Show map of China and the temperature of the city. Different places and different weather. 1. Share time: 34 students introduce their holidays and the weather there. 2. Discuss in group about your trip and weather. 设计意图:设计意图:通过几名本班学生用英语介绍自己旅游的经历,并描述那里的天气,从实 际生活中感受天气的变化,使学生在真实情景中学习英语。 五、五、Homework: 1.Read the text 3 times. 2.Find the weather in different places. 六、板书设计六、板书设计 Unit4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 13 sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy foggy hiking 5.学习效果评价设计 评价方式 1、学生课堂练习的参与度提高,每个人都能充分“动”起来; 2、学生通过练习,对所学技术掌握水平提高,动作较连贯; 3、师生间、生生间互动交流良好,课堂气氛活跃。 6.本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 这节课以谈论天气话题为主,通过过人物对话,探究各个地区天气的知识。在贴近 生活的活动中了解不同地方的天气。 4 本节课教学设计与以往教学设计相比有如下几个特点: 1.对现代课程理念有了更深的认识,强调教育过程中学生的体验和感悟。课堂上学生 思考和主动参与的机会较多,有意识进行自主学习。学生们兴趣也很高涨,能够深刻 了解有关不同地区的天气情况。 2.活动设计方面。通过让学生用英语介绍自己实际生活中真实感受到的天气。
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